
Brother awf the key is Crisco vegetable shortening, buttermilk, butter, and White Lily self-rising flour. (I know you know but it has become a joy to me to make biscuits even my Darling will eat.) I use several variations of that "mixture". One can add a little garlic powder, parsley flakes, sharp cheddar cheese, and more butter to get biscuits something like the Red Lobster's but better.

My Aunt and her Mommy (Aunt Mildred and Aunt Bess.) swore by White Lily flour and they could put a pan of biscuits from start to on the table in thirty minutes. (My biscuits are hog slop compared to the memory and factual account of their biscuits.)

White Lily flour should be easily available there. It is real hard to get here. I use a mason jar lid to cut my biscuits. My Aunt and her mommy used their hands and they were MUCH better shaped than I will ever have...

I really love putting shredded sharp cheddar cheese in my biscuits. That comes out very well for even my morning biscuits.



That is my Aunt Bess on the right and my Mom on the left. I am not sure who that baby is but it is not me.
White Lily flour.....check......buttermilk.....check.......Crisco.........check......yes sir, I have been obeying those rules......just ain't as fluffy as MIL or Granny's were......same ingredients too......tomorrow I am going to use some whole milk that is just out of date......not clabbered yet but past the date........what I need is my MIL's wood stove.......
He actually enjoys it. He came down once with corned beef that he made from scratch, home made mayo, his preferred bread and made us rubins.

So I will bring him down and you furnish the stone crabs and shrimp! I will judge on how good the quality of it all is! :)
You got a deal. I am having a little stone crab appetizer by the pool this afternoon waiting on the Cats v Western. Here is what they look like. I graded them A+ and I am thankful the boys only took one claw.

It only takes about 5 minutes to cook these. Put them on ice the second they come out of the pot.


White Lily flour.....check......buttermilk.....check.......Crisco.........check......yes sir, I have been obeying those rules......just ain't as fluffy as MIL or Granny's were......same ingredients too......tomorrow I am going to use some whole milk that is just out of date......not clabbered yet but past the date........what I need is my MIL's wood stove.......

Add a teaspoon of vinegar to a cup of milk, stir it a little and wait about ten minutes. That makes a usable buttermilk substitute...
Back in my drinking days, I fought a bear once to my ill fortune, but it didn't kill me. Then I realized it was just some sober guy after I'd drank a fifth of whisky.
Hey, I think I fought that same bear!
White Lily flour.....check......buttermilk.....check.......Crisco.........check......yes sir, I have been obeying those rules......just ain't as fluffy as MIL or Granny's were......same ingredients too......tomorrow I am going to use some whole milk that is just out of date......not clabbered yet but past the date........what I need is my MIL's wood stove.......
Are you using self rising flour? Like he said, get some buttermilk or make your own like he said. Lemon juice will work as well. Edit: I mean lemon juice with the milk, not just lemon juice. That would be a ricochet biscuit.
Hey, I think I fought that same bear!

Are you using self rising flour? Like he said, get some buttermilk or make your own like he said. Lemon juice will work as well. Edit: I mean lemon juice with the milk, not just lemon juice. That would be a ricochet biscuit.
Me too but, I was bare when I did it. It was not pretty.

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