
Archbishop Willie of Luckenbach wishes y'all a Merry Christmas.

Christmas Eve Eve is drawing to a close. Tomorrow I have to wrap some gifts and bake a Smith's Island Cake. I need to wash some dishes too because someone cleaned out the refrigerator today when I wasn't paying attention.

Hope the sugar plum fairies dancing in my head do an old soft shoe tonight and not a flamenco.
Christmas Eve Eve is drawing to a close. Tomorrow I have to wrap some gifts and bake a Smith's Island Cake. I need to wash some dishes too because someone cleaned out the refrigerator today when I wasn't paying attention.

Hope the sugar plum fairies dancing in my head do an old soft shoe tonight and not a flamenco.

I am still ensuring I figure out the best way to bake the roast beast. (I have made them before and tenderly.) It is always a concern but I think I have the plan...(have onion's, carrots, and potato's too.). My darling has the chicken planned to make her spicy chicken (Gizzard-less mind you. ;)) and the garnish along with some desserts.

I am also planning to make some biscuits in the morning. I may even make a little gravy if the Lord doesn't take me home...

God Bless you all and your families. May your Christmas be joyous...
Good Christmas Eve Morning

We have a pleasant cool 46° and the day will be full of bright sunshine as we climb to 72° with no rain in the forecast. A steady breeze off of the Gulf will give a healthy breath of fresh anti-COVID air.

The family is flying into Tampa this morning so I am headed out to go down there with a couple of cars to pick them up.

I had a couple of extra tickets to the Bowl Game in Orlando but my wife's cousin came down with COVID this week and cancelled. He lives in Madisonville, KY So I am going to put them on Ticketmaster and keep two for my wife and I.

I am really getting pumped for some football. The next couple of weeks will be my favorite sports time of the year.

Take care all,


Good Christmas Eve Morning

We have a pleasant cool 46° and the day will be full of bright sunshine as we climb to 72° with no rain in the forecast. A steady breeze off of the Gulf will give a healthy breath of fresh anti-COVID air.

The family is flying into Tampa this morning so I am headed out to go down there with a couple of cars to pick them up.

I had a couple of extra tickets to the Bowl Game in Orlando but my wife's cousin came down with COVID this week and cancelled. He lives in Madisonville, KY So I am going to put them on Ticketmaster and keep two for my wife and I.

I am really getting pumped for some football. The next couple of weeks will be my favorite sports time of the year.

Take care all,


SC we are at 53 here this morning!!!! Madisonville, 32 miles from here!
SC we are at 53 here this morning!!!! Madisonville, 32 miles from here!
Wow, a heat wave. Today is going to be a fantastic day and evening for an oyster roast at my house. My son and family live in Kentucky and oysters in the shell are not readily available..

When the grandkids get here I will take them down to a little fishing town nearby and grab a bushel of oysters (about 100 count) and throw them on the fire this evening. We will snake on some colossal shrimp and stone crabs too.

A special evening with clear skies and bright stars. Life is Good and God is great
Good morning, D, Acts read 3 this morning and we are at 53 here in the Berg this morning.

Mrs. M gets off at 12 today, which means by the time everyone rushes to the bank at 11:50, she will be home at 1:00!!

Kind of a busy day, after she gets off work, we are going to go eat at my twisted sista's house, then we are going to see JP. i have made some #bekind and JP's story on them. Someone has put a tree on his grave and we are going over to hang one of them on his tree. REALLY MISS HIM!!!!!

I hope the D has a great day and Prayers for the D!!!!!
Wow, a heat wave. Today is going to be a fantastic day and evening for an oyster roast at my house. My son and family live in Kentucky and oysters in the shell are not readily available.

When the grandkids get here I will take them down to a little fishing town nearby and grab a bushel of oysters (about 100 count) and throw them on the fire this evening. We will snake on some colossal shrimp and stone crabs too.

A special evening with clear skies and bright stars. Life is Good and God is great
SC, hug them grandkids and tell them you love them!!!!! Talk to them about bulling and being bullied!!!!!! Actions have consequences!!! We never know if it will be the last time, we see them!!!!
Good morning from ATX. Currently 61°F and cloudy. Clearing later. Our high expected around 79°F. Hottest December on record so far for Austin.

I slept in this morning. Plan on taking a walk here in a few. Start turkey and dressing prep this afternoon.

Merry Christmas Eve. Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Good morning from ATX. Currently 61°F and cloudy. Clearing later. Our high expected around 79°F. Hottest December on record so far for Austin.

I slept in this morning. Plan on taking a walk here in a few. Start turkey and dressing prep this afternoon.

Merry Christmas Eve. Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.


I have the last cup of Eggnog in the Fridge. I raise the glass to the D-League. God Bless you all ..
Ho Ho Ho

Actually I don't Ho no mo.

It is a warm start to Christmas Eve in South Central Kentucky. 54 and overcast.

We are going to have finger food this evening. That is what my son likes. No oysters but some smoked salmon. Shrimp, from the stores freezer section. Country ham & biscuits. Stuff like that, along with orange slice cake, cookies etc.

Merry Christmas to all.
  • Good Morning, D-Leaguenites and Lurkers.
  • 36f in Cumming. I could do without Winter.
  • Green Mountain Keurig Dark Magic going down.
  • Waiting on Lola to get up.
  • UCF beat Florida last night. Gus Malzone.
Mr. Don, how far are you from Savanah, My son and his family are there, they had to get away, they just couldn't stay at home for this holiday.
Good morning! Woke up to the smell of coffee and blueberry muffins, got up for the taste of coffee and blueberry muffins.

I read a bunch of stuff on the Cardinal Authority last night and those dysfunctional idiots actually seem to think that UK gets all the calls in Rupp. They are using that as an excuse for our destruction of WKU. Full disclosure, there seems to be about as many of them that understand they really suck as there are making excuses.

I need to go to the store for something I thought of last night. I should write things down at my age.

I am still ensuring I figure out the best way to bake the roast beast. (I have made them before and tenderly.) It is always a concern but I think I have the plan...(have onion's, carrots, and potato's too.).
The most important part is to sear it really well all over. Are you going to bake, or braise?
  • Good Morning, D-Leaguenites and Lurkers.
  • 36f in Cumming. I could do without Winter.
  • Green Mountain Keurig Dark Magic going down.
  • Waiting on Lola to get up.
  • UCF beat Florida last night. Gus Malzone.
Merry Christmas Eve Don! I enjoyed our chat yesterday. We should make that a regular thing for the day after a game if you'd like.
Ho Ho Ho

Actually I don't Ho no mo.

It is a warm start to Christmas Eve in South Central Kentucky. 54 and overcast.

We are going to have finger food this evening. That is what my son likes. No oysters but some smoked salmon. Shrimp, from the stores freezer section. Country ham & biscuits. Stuff like that, along with orange slice cake, cookies etc.

Merry Christmas to all.
Don't advertise too heavily........I am only an hour and a half away.........Merry Christmas to you also......First time in several years that all of the grand kids will be here.......and their numbers keep growing now that we are into the great grandchildren stage.......They also like to start feeding a herd of boys that are 6'-0" to 6'-5" and up to 275lbs.........they can go through some food......and as crazy as it sounds.......when they come in the first thing they clear off is the vegetable trays.........first bunch of kids....(1 1/2to26 yrs old).....I have seen to pass the sweets and stuff for vegetables......and I will probably break out the cotton candy machine and make all of them a cotton candy to eat on the ride back to Lexington.....
Good morning! Woke up to the smell of coffee and blueberry muffins, got up for the taste of coffee and blueberry muffins.

I read a bunch of stuff on the Cardinal Authority last night and those dysfunctional idiots actually seem to think that UK gets all the calls in Rupp. They are using that as an excuse for our destruction of WKU. Full disclosure, there seems to be about as many of them that understand they really suck as there are making excuses.

I need to go to the store for something I thought of last night. I should write things down at my age.

The most important part is to sear it really well all over. Are you going to bake, or braise?

Merry Christmas Eve Don! I enjoyed our chat yesterday. We should make that a regular thing for the day after a game if you'd like.

Merry Christmas Eve folks. Hope its a good day for all. We had tickets to a show about the "Temptations" at the Kennedy Center as a family outing, but Covid Cancellation. We're still going out to a nice dinner later.

Came across another ludicrous example of "Wokeness" today - this one which hits close to home with my wife's family.

The Army is apparently considering eliminating the Unit Patch of the famous 29th Division - the "Blue -Gray" division made up of former Northern and Southern National Guard units -- that stormed Omaha Beach on D-Day and has been celebrated in movies from "The Longest Day" to "Saving Private Ryan."

The Division was formed in 1917 - decades after the Civil War - to fight in WW1.

My wife's grandfather, an Irishman from Brooklyn, was in the division when it began in 1917, won medals in France, and for decades after the war served as the 29th Division Historian. It was the proudest association outside his family of his life.

The Unit's only ties to the Confederacy is that some of the Virginia National Guard units that joined it in 1917 had a tradition of celebrating their father and grandfather's service in the Confederacy, and named their units after Stonewall Jackson and rebel regiments.

To expunge the 29th, the "Blue-Gray Division" from Army roles, and American history, would be a damned disgrace.

Last edited:
Just made a command decision and a major revision to the SIC. Not gonna use a mix for this one. Going to make the cake and icing from scratch. I bought 2 boxes of mix because I didn't think I could get 9 layers out of 1 box. Found the original recipe and the cake recipe looks like it would make more cake than 1 box. 2 boxes would be too much cake.

Shew wee, what a complicated life I lead.

I have gained no weight since Thanksgiving. I don't know how, I don't know why.
Just made a command decision and a major revision to the SIC. Not gonna use a mix for this one. Going to make the cake and icing from scratch. I bought 2 boxes of mix because I didn't think I could get 9 layers out of 1 box. Found the original recipe and the cake recipe looks like it would make more cake than 1 box. 2 boxes would be too much cake.

Shew wee, what a complicated life I lead.

I have gained no weight since Thanksgiving. I don't know how, I don't know why.

That's plain stupid. talk... There is NEVER too much cake. NEVER!!!
That's plain stupid. talk... There is NEVER too much cake. NEVER!!!
I thought about that and had decided to make cupcakes with the leftover batter. Changed my mind and decided to go old school. I bought AP flour because all we had left was self rising. This cake doesn't lend itself to that substitution. Also bought new baking powder because it seems like that can has been up there for a long time. Now what could go wrong...

If anyone received all the presents in 12 days of christmas sone, they would receive 364 gifts. Go ahead and give them a pooper scooper to round up to 365.
First 3 cake layers are out. Next 3 are in. Gonna wait until all 9 layers are done before I start making the icing.

Whoops. Forget to hit send. All 8 layers are out. Used too much batter on a couple. Still within cake layer tolerances.

Icing is cooking now. I'll make an effort to post a pic when it's done and I come out of my sugar coma.
First 3 cake layers are out. Next 3 are in. Gonna wait until all 9 layers are done before I start making the icing.

Whoops. Forget to hit send. All 8 layers are out. Used too much batter on a couple. Still within cake layer tolerances.

Icing is cooking now. I'll make an effort to post a pic when it's done and I come out of my sugar coma.
When my group finished basic training, they made about two thirds of us cooks and the rest cops. I reckon they knew what they were doing with me. I can barely make a peanut butter sandwich, but I'd been hunting since I was a kid.
First 3 cake layers are out. Next 3 are in. Gonna wait until all 9 layers are done before I start making the icing.

Whoops. Forget to hit send. All 8 layers are out. Used too much batter on a couple. Still within cake layer tolerances.

Icing is cooking now. I'll make an effort to post a pic when it's done and I come out of my sugar coma.

Pics when finished or it didn't happen. ;)

Plus, that way I can think about what it would taste like... especially if I was able to eat a piece or six....
First 3 cake layers are out. Next 3 are in. Gonna wait until all 9 layers are done before I start making the icing.

Whoops. Forget to hit send. All 8 layers are out. Used too much batter on a couple. Still within cake layer tolerances.

Icing is cooking now. I'll make an effort to post a pic when it's done and I come out of my sugar coma.
Ahhhhmmmmmm Cake. Stop it!

Got up normal time this morning, drank my new drink (health mixer) and a cup of coffee.
Worked out and then started cleaning the house for tomorrow. Wife got up at 0900 and daughter at 10:00. I finished cleaning the house and ate lunch then cleaned up and went fishing. 83° today made me do it. After returning home a little while ago my daughter who had been helping my wife prepare food for tomorrow said she was tired. I started laughing and ask her what is she is going to do when she has to work 8hr days 5 or 6 days a week in about 3 years? She looked at me with a straight face and said: "I already do schoolwork every day". I about fell off of the couch laughing. She looked at me as if I were crazy. She is home schooled online now and wakes up every day about the same as today and starts her schoolwork about 11:00. It only takes her 3 to 4 hours to complete every day so, not much time is spent. Looks like I am going to have to start her on a part time job soon to get her adjusted.

@Sawnee Cat I just may go out fishing for most of the day tomorrow when the in-laws come over since tomorrow's weather will be about the same. We don't open presents until the evening anyway so, I will eat when I get back. Heh, heh, heh.
Pics when finished or it didn't happen. ;)

Plus, that way I can think about what it would taste like... especially if I was able to eat a piece or six....
I'll take a pic once we cut it. Not much to look at now from the outside. Looks like a stack of pancakes with chocolate icing. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

Headin' out soon to look at Christmas lights around the county. That's one thing we do every year.