
Hope everyone had a great day! I got out for a while with a friend. Kroger and a low rent piddler mall. Ate a meal deal at Arby's.

I've got the gingerbread bundt cake in the oven with about 30 minutes to go. Still have to make the icing but I'll do that after the cake cools.

Made this cake from scratch but I've talked her into letting me use cake mix for the Smith's Island cake. Cake mixes are just better. All the ingredients are mixed perfectly and they also have ingredients that I don't have and can't get. They will both taste good.

Cake looks and smells delicious. I won't get to eat any of it until tomorrow when she gets home. I've been burned on those deals before. Glad I didn't read the reviews prior to making this. Seems like an awful lot of people had their cakes stick to the pan. I always use nonstick baking pans and I always butter them up really well.

On to the ingredients. If you have the dibeetus then you might not want to read the next sentence. There is 320 grams or 2 1/2 packed cups of dark brown sugar and 1/2 cup of molasses in this cake. That seems like too much to me but I'm not a big sweet eater.
Cake looks and smells delicious. I won't get to eat any of it until tomorrow when she gets home. I've been burned on those deals before. Glad I didn't read the reviews prior to making this. Seems like an awful lot of people had their cakes stick to the pan. I always use nonstick baking pans and I always butter them up really well.

On to the ingredients. If you have the dibeetus then you might not want to read the next sentence. There is 320 grams or 2 1/2 packed cups of dark brown sugar and 1/2 cup of molasses in this cake. That seems like too much to me but I'm not a big sweet eater.
Making me hungry. But, 3 months ago, was diagnosed as diabetic. So, onto meds, off sugar. Three weeks ago, non diabetic, eat whatever you want. Didn’t tell them, but I eat what I please when I please. Makes no difference. I feel the same. Insurance sucks. Lack of does too. Been on both sides.
Making me hungry. But, 3 months ago, was diagnosed as diabetic. So, onto meds, off sugar. Three weeks ago, non diabetic, eat whatever you want. Didn’t tell them, but I eat what I please when I please. Makes no difference. I feel the same. Insurance sucks. Lack of does too. Been on both sides.
Be careful and take care of yourSelf.
Cordmaker sent me a picture of a working draft of his Gold Star.

Dumb Bert forgot all about it until now.

Sorry Cord.

So you guys let Cord know what you think and how it can be improved.

Thanks Bert, I just finished it, now I have to put a coat of wax on it and I am done. I told my sister yesterday , I work on glass all the time, but this one piece has been different, I get emotional every time I touch this GOLD STAR, don't know what I will do when I actually hand it to her! They say art should stir your emotions, this one has used a mixer on me!!! The reason I have pieces in between each point is because, the points are not very stable without something to attach them to. I may try another pattern soon.
Looks good. I'm unsure which, if any, improvements are possible.
Good morning D League

We have a cool 46° with winds gusting to 24 mph. Our weather is coming off of the Gulf and will be clearing out today. Currently we have a cloud cover but the wind will blow that out of here and the forecast is sunny skies for the next few days and Christmas which is what the folks coming to see us from up North requested. I hope it is that way for the Bowl Game. I expect it will be. We will climb to 68°.

Bertfan31 is a super cook and baker. I get hungry reading his posts. He would have a very successful business if he had chosen to open a bakery. The man has it all together.

The wife is going to do a lot of baking today and I am headed down to the Aripeka Stone Crab market to get my order in for our Christmas Eve. I wil pick it up Friday afternoon We will have shrimp, oysters and stone crabs with all of the trimmings. So the grills are clean and the drinks arre on ice. We be ready.

Take care everbody and keep it between the lines.
Good morning! Got a full day ahead of me which should be chock full of shopping, baking, and jammin to Christmas tunes. Turned down the golf!

Time to pay vehicle taxes again. What a rip off that is.

Looking forward to the game tonight. It will be like playing Louisville by proxy since WKU just beat them a few days ago. Win by 30 tonight and we can call it by 40 over the dirty birds.

I hope Chris Mack was bullied as a child.

It's the hap happiest season of all!
And............................ in other breaking news today. Water is indeed wet!!! WoW a news-worthy day! 😁 😇
This reminded me of something.......about two weeks ago I went to Tractor Supply for dog food......the cashier was coughing and sneezing.....she told the guy in front of me that, "all this rain had her allergies acting up"...........she must be allergic to rain water.........also I started sneezing and getting ill the next day..........I have had this crap for about two weeks.........the Director is down with it now............why can't people stay home if they are sick?
And........I had a mask on.......
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Good morning D League

. . . .

Bertfan31 is a super cook and baker. I get hungry reading his posts. He would have a very successful business if he had chosen to open a bakery. The man has it all together.

The wife is going to do a lot of baking today and I am headed down to the Aripeka Stone Crab market to get my order in for our Christmas Eve. I wil pick it up Friday afternoon We will have shrimp, oysters and stone crabs with all of the trimmings. So the grills are clean and the drinks arre on ice. We be ready.

Take care everbody and keep it between the lines.
He actually enjoys it. He came down once with corned beef that he made from scratch, home made mayo, his preferred bread and made us rubins.

So I will bring him down and you furnish the stone crabs and shrimp! I will judge on how good the quality of it all is! :)
This reminded me of something.......about two weeks ago I went to Tractor Supply for dog food......the cashier was coughing and sneezing.....she told the guy in front of me that, "all this rain had her allergies acting up"...........she must be allergic to rain water.........also I started sneezing and getting ill the next day..........I have had this crap for about two weeks.........the Director is down with it now............why can't people stay home if they are sick?
And........I had a mask on.......
A mask to a virus is like a chain link fence keeping out a fly.

I hope you all get better.
This reminded me of something.......about two weeks ago I went to Tractor Supply for dog food......the cashier was coughing and sneezing.....she told the guy in front of me that, "all this rain had her allergies acting up"...........she must be allergic to rain water.........also I started sneezing and getting ill the next day..........I have had this crap for about two weeks.........the Director is down with it now............why can't people stay home if they are sick?
And........I had a mask on.......

I hope you and your Director get better soon brother awf. I received it yesterday thank you and God Bless you and your family.
Hello all,
Moving slow these days...until I get up. We will have friends over Christmas day for supper and festivities. I actually hired this guy a little over a year ago with my organization. He lived in Colorado but got a job here and started this past pay period. We hit it off well in person too.

My Darling and I went to the commissary Monday and was going to get a roast beef slab to bake but the ones they had weren't as large as we wanted.

I asked one of the butcher's and he looked at his partner and said: "Oh, he needs a whole one..." Went in the back and brought out what I immediately anointed a Roast Beast. We will have a Roast Beast for Christmas supper, along with some spicy chicken my Darling will make along with some assorted side dishes.

God Bless you all ..
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I saw some nice bone in rib roasts at Kroger yesterday. If my wife didn't insist on having her steak ruined I would have bought one. They were USDA Choice but that's plenty good enough.

I had a shitload of icing left over last night after I put as much as was needed on the cake. Gonna make more gingerbread cookies today and throw some on those. I could just throw it away because there is only a $.25 worth of material in there, but I balk at throwing away food. Thanks Mom!

Leaving now to pick up a few things for my wife for Christmas. At least I have an idea this time before I go.
I saw some nice bone in rib roasts at Kroger yesterday. If my wife didn't insist on having her steak ruined I would have bought one. They were USDA Choice but that's plenty good enough.

I had a shitload of icing left over last night after I put as much as was needed on the cake. Gonna make more gingerbread cookies today and throw some on those. I could just throw it away because there is only a $.25 worth of material in there, but I balk at throwing away food. Thanks Mom!

Leaving now to pick up a few things for my wife for Christmas. At least I have an idea this time before I go.

Dang brother, use a SPOON on that icing. That's the best part. I'd sure be happy to demonstrate..... May go buy me a tub of icing just to keep in practice...
A mask to a virus is like a chain link fence keeping out a fly.

I hope you all get better.
The Director has requested that.........if I am not getting my DNA altered.......would I wear a mask.......she brought me both N-95 and surgical mask.........they really work good in the pigeon loft................otherwise.......happy wife.......happy life......
Dang brother, use a SPOON on that icing. That's the best part. I'd sure be happy to demonstrate..... May go buy me a tub of icing just to keep in practice...
I will be making Christmas cupcakes for the kids.......lots, and lots of icing........I want them to be bouncing off the walls when they leave here.............also brother have inspired me to learn to make biscuits.......had my third batch this morning........they ain't love but they ain't far from it...........I'll get there...........I cooked messy eggs this morning.........they help hide a barely adequate biscuit.........that and some of my home made apple grandpa told me when I first got to strap on a nail apron and's not about your's how you recover from them...........
I will be making Christmas cupcakes for the kids.......lots, and lots of icing........I want them to be bouncing off the walls when they leave here.............also brother have inspired me to learn to make biscuits.......had my third batch this morning........they ain't love but they ain't far from it...........I'll get there...........I cooked messy eggs this morning.........they help hide a barely adequate biscuit.........that and some of my home made apple grandpa told me when I first got to strap on a nail apron and's not about your's how you recover from them...........

Brother awf the key is Crisco vegetable shortening, buttermilk, butter, and White Lily self-rising flour. (I know you know but it has become a joy to me to make biscuits even my Darling will eat.) I use several variations of that "mixture". One can add a little garlic powder, parsley flakes, sharp cheddar cheese, and more butter to get biscuits something like the Red Lobster's but better.

My Aunt and her Mommy (Aunt Mildred and Aunt Bess.) swore by White Lily flour and they could put a pan of biscuits from start to on the table in thirty minutes. (My biscuits are hog slop compared to the memory and factual account of their biscuits.)

White Lily flour should be easily available there. It is real hard to get here. I use a mason jar lid to cut my biscuits. My Aunt and her mommy used their hands and they were MUCH better shaped than I will ever have...

I really love putting shredded sharp cheddar cheese in my biscuits. That comes out very well for even my morning biscuits.



That is my Aunt Bess on the right and my Mom on the left. I am not sure who that baby is but it is not me.
Back in my drinking days, I fought a bear once to my ill fortune, but it didn't kill me. Then I realized it was just some sober guy after I'd drank a fifth of whisky.


(Had a guy ask me what rotflcgu meant. I told him the same thing as; Rolling on the floor laughing (rotfl)...BUT the Senior version... rotflCGU (Can't Get Up)...