
OK, I've covered alcohol and golf. What else is there Beftfan? I can hear each of you. Old Age Advice!

OAA from here on out. OAA of the day...Keep moving! Want to double the benefits of moving? Move while you're outdoors! The air in your house this time of year may not be "stale". But it sure as hell isn't "fresh".

Here's some more OAA. Quit buying products that are hard to open. My wife keeps some kind of bologna in the fridge that has little tabs to open it with. I can't do it. I have a fairly strong grip, physically speaking of course, but I can't open that stuff. Lucky for us all that I. B. Sharpe invented the knife.

Tesla wanted to improve upon the knife but initial interest dulled when a wedge was inserted between his hollow ground edge and Edison's single beveled right handed blade of destruction. Eat your turkey as you will. For me, give me a Tesla cut every day of the week.

James Beam and coke talk? Talking?
Some DC irony for you.... figure out what it is.....


I used to work in that building.

Also to give you a hint, where is the walk path intended, and where are the lines to walk between drawn... Man if DC could ever connect the dots... much less the lines...
I played it cool at the course today and only drank one beer on the front and one on the back. No big deal. Had one in the parking lot for three beers in 4.5 to 5 hours. Stopped on the way home at the magice window and snatched a half pint of Jim Beam and a 20 oz Coke. Lumped together they make a perfect Beam and Coke.
My wife bought a package of York Peppermint Patties. I threw them in the freezer. Haven't had one in years. Refreshing just like the old commercials say.
My wife pissed me off. let's call it a win for you.
James Beam and coke talk? Talking?
I thought I made that clear. If you are teaming up with my wife then bring it on! Big ones get in line, little ones come in bunches! Don't care who you think you are, better bring your lunches!

Whooo hoooo!

Played 27 holes today with the same ball. Had a couple, or a few, inopportune holes with triples and doubles, but still shot a miserable 81 with the first 18.
Some DC irony for you.... figure out what it is.....


I used to work in that building.

Also to give you a hint, where is the walk path intended, and where are the lines to walk between drawn... Man if DC could ever connect the dots... much less the lines...
Probably should refrain here, but. BB was allowed, so! I forgot the topic. Where’s Bert?
OK, I've covered alcohol and golf. What else is there Beftfan? I can hear each of you. Old Age Advice!

OAA from here on out. OAA of the day...Keep moving! Want to double the benefits of moving? Move while you're outdoors! The air in your house this time of year may not be "stale". But it sure as hell isn't "fresh".

Here's some more OAA. Quit buying products that are hard to open. My wife keeps some kind of bologna in the fridge that has little tabs to open it with. I can't do it. I have a fairly strong grip, physically speaking of course, but I can't open that stuff. Lucky for us all that I. B. Sharpe invented the knife.

Tesla wanted to improve upon the knife but initial interest dulled when a wedge was inserted between his hollow ground edge and Edison's single beveled right handed blade of destruction. Eat your turkey as you will. For me, give me a Tesla cut every day of the week.
With the weather we are having here, I have the back door and the windows open and have for most of the day and the last few days. 71° right now with light winds. Winds hit gust today of 50mph.

There was a fire earlier down the street and across from us in the fields there. The wind was gusting hard and made it difficult for the fire department to handle. Several surrounding city fire departments were involved. We got an evacuation notice on our cell phones for a three mile radius which included us. I was up the road at the lake fishing when I saw the smoke and my daughter was at home. I quickly rushed home and the smoke was heavy but the wind was coming from behind us so it was moving away from us. Me and the neighbors kept a close eye for about 2 hours before the fire moved north and out of range. Eventually the fire departments got it under control and rescinded the evac order.
My wife pissed me off. let's call it a win for you.

I thought I made that clear. If you are teaming up with my wife then bring it on! Big ones get in line, little ones come in bunches! Don't care who you think you are, better bring your lunches!

Whooo hoooo!

Played 27 holes today with the same ball. Had a couple, or a few, inopportune holes with triples and doubles, but still shot a miserable 81 with the first 18.
Don't need a lunch, I eat fist but, I am not very hungry right now.
Weebulls wabble but they don't fall down!

They also eat things that they might not think they'll like, because they AIN'T SKEERED!
With the weather we are having here, I have the back door and the windows open and have for most of the day and the last few days. 71° right now with light winds. Winds hit gust today of 50mph.
I think we saw one today around 40mph. It moved a ball on the green Nothing to stop the wind where you are.
Weebulls wabble but they don't fall down!

They also eat things that they might not think they'll like, because they AIN'T SKEERED!

I think we saw one today around 40mph. It moved a ball on the green Nothing to stop the wind where you are.
It had the fire moving fast for a while but there where so many fire trucks and brush poppers that they got it under control.
Wow! He is so rich! That's just not right. He should give all his money to everyone else. That is $1000 apiece for every American who is an actual American. How would that change anything beyond a week or so? When you scale it up to the world, then if Musk gave away his fortune to everyone in the world, then it would be a windfall of about some amount of money.

Well I don't know about giving everybody else any of his money but it would be cool if he would at least send some of it my way. I'm not even suggesting tens of thousands or a million - just wet my beak.
Good morning from ATX. We've got 71°F and cloudy. Today's high projected at around 78°F. Cold front coming in Saturday night.

My laptop just upgraded to Windows 11. So far, so good.

Shopped a little for Christmas yesterday. Purchased a new Keurig K-cup coffee maker. Wife loves coffee. One cup per day is enough for me. Jury duty was an exception. Never doze off with a judge in the room. Drank 2-3 cups/day during that week.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Sad to see no one has posted all day. As a penalty, you may read the following story about Christmas for me.

In 1964 I was 4.5 years old that Christmas. I was reading the newspaper at that time because it was a natural progression from the funny pages. I had already picked up on the idea there was no Santa. One night close to Christmas, the family was riding through downtown Louisville and I saw a Santa on the corner and mentioned to my mother. Then I saw another, and another.

I said 1,2,3,4 Santa's! What the hey! Picked that up from grandpa who would never have cussed in front of me. I went into hardcore, industrial strength, inquisitive young kid mode until my mother told me would talk when we got home.

My little sister was only 1 at the time so my mother made it very clear to me that if I told her there was no Santa I would have hell to pay.

That Christmas eve I was up at 2 am helping my father put together a tricycle for my sister and a Huffy bicycle for me. It was sooo much cooler than any Christmas I could remember. Which was about 2. Every Christmas after that, until my sister was probably 22 and found out there was no Rudolf either, I would help wrap presents on Christmas Eve.

Anyway, despite my religious beliefs, I'm all into Christmas and what it stands for. I'll be giving a couple of gifts this year, just like every year, to random people at the golf course, or the lady at the bank, grocery store clerk, etc...people who have no idea I'm giving them a gift. I prefer that over exchanging gifts, which is just a barter if you are a cursed pragmatist such as myself..

Beware the Ides of December for there are only 10 days left til Christmas! Go out and look at the lights! Listen to Christmas music you've never heard! Eat food you only eat once a year and savor it!

Read Proverbs: chapter 21 verse 19 King James Version, and make an allowance. She wants Christmas to be cool just like you do. Make her happy and enjoy the football bowl games reward that you have coming.
I love this story. We appreciate you Bertfan31
I will copy and paste yesterday's local weather. It is the same. Still no snow in the forecast.

We have a pleasant 63° and skies will be mostly sunny as we head up to 78°. Our rain chances are 15% and in spite of climate change we should not have any snow or ice today

Yesterday was a banner day for football recruiting. Cats signed a Top 10 class and beat out some big boys for them. Alabama, Georgia, Michigan, Michigan State. Yes the Cats did good.

I am ready for some football.
Good morning, D-League!

57° and gusty outside this morning. Hoping to get the rest of the leaves into the composting area before the rain hits today. Plant a couple seedlings too, if I can.

Great NSD yesterday! Hoping we get a signature from KGoodwin this morning early to deter any freak outs and trolls here on the interwebs. 10th ranked class in the nation! 10th ranked class in the nation! 11 4 stars. 1 5 star. Still sounds like someone playing a sick Joke on us back about 11 or 12 years ago. UK isn't going to get those players, right?

My biggest concern today, as it was yesterday, is that people are already starting to let up in their thoughts for western Kentucky and all the assistance they will continue to need through the winter. My buddy and I had a difficult time finding a place to drop off items for the relief effort, as many had already sent their trucks out west and stopped taking more items. We all need to try to keep it on everyone's mind through winter and into spring wherever and however we can.

As soon as Christmas has passed, donating to food pantries lets up each year, and it needs to be a double effort in the opposite direction for the folks in Mayfield, Dawson Springs, etc.

Hope it's a great day for y'all today! Don't fail to thank God today for the time, blessings, and mercies we've all been given! Thankful for all of you!

Morning Legionnaires! Strike up those razors and blazers for those who are going out and be careful out there.

46° this morning with 60's as a high for today. Not much going on except the normal karate class for today and a honey do list from my wife while I am out.

Heard that Biden landed in Kentucky yesterday to survey the damage :rolleyes:. Kentuckians did not disappoint as he was greeted with some "Let's Go Brandon!" chants. Heh, heh, heh. Me like.

Morning Legionnaires! Strike up those razors and blazers for those who are going out and be careful out there.

46° this morning with 60's as a high for today. Not much going on except the normal karate class for today and a honey do list from my wife while I am out.

Heard that Biden landed in Kentucky yesterday to survey the damage :rolleyes:. Kentuckians did not disappoint as he was greeted with some "Let's Go Brandon!" chants. Heh, heh, heh. Me like.
They knew he was only there for the photo op. One woman went as far as to call him a pedophile. Sadly, he did little to disprove that claim.


Morning Legionnaires! Strike up those razors and blazers for those who are going out and be careful out there.

46° this morning with 60's as a high for today. Not much going on except the normal karate class for today and a honey do list from my wife while I am out.

Heard that Biden landed in Kentucky yesterday to survey the damage :rolleyes:. Kentuckians did not disappoint as he was greeted with some "Let's Go Brandon!" chants. Heh, heh, heh. Me like.
Jan has a house in town that has damage (nobody was living in it at the time). We've been going over daily trying to salvage what we can. Lots of church groups volunteering help. Had to cut up a bunch of downed trees just to get to where we could reach the house safely. All the streets were closed during bitem's visit and we were needing to get there to cover windows and spots on the roof before the rains hit. Cost us valuable daylight time. We would've added to the chant had we been close enough. They were giving out free generators and cell phones. Some were getting multiples and turning around and selling them.
Sitting here at 0200 seeing what these storms are going to do. Just made it through our first tornado warning of the night. My phone went off, Alexa went off, the tv went off, and the siren for the town went off. They said it was radar verified but counties are huge compared to a tornado. I went outside to see what was up and there were no tornadic clouds in my area.

We have another set coming through within the hour.

Good morning D Leaguers

Waiting on the sun to come up and have the smell of bacon frying on my outdoor grill. A couple of night ago a black bear came out of the wildlife preserve and scared a bunch of people. The whole community kept their outdoor lights on all night last night. LOL

I sure hope the tornadoes leave you folks alone. That is the last thing we need right before Christmas. of course they are never needed. Prayers your way.

Temperatures here are currently 65° with fog. The sun will take care of that this morning. Our high will shoot up to 79° by noon. Little to no chance of rain and pleasant, for us, humidity. A nice day for sure. Take care all,


Prayers for everyone in Southwestern Kentucky. A horrible night. I checked in on my son and he was down in Garrard County at the home of a girlfriend. Safe enough I suppose but the winds were howling and they kept getting Tornado Warnings on their phone. I know those things cover hundreds of miles but still unsettling.

I hope all your families are safe.

I turned on the news and it is not a pretty sight. God be with those who have lost loved ones and heavy property damage. They are reporting at least 50 dead in Kentucky. I have no words to explain my feelings, I just pray for those who experienced this.

I have never been in a tornado but I sure have seen the results of them during my working career.
Hey D-League I am still alive. Sorry about that because you all can't be free now. I am now back on the D-League!

We were not touched. Parts of Bowling Green were blown down. Our utilities were wrecked. Some of the new metal transmission lines were blown to bits. Mother nature is powerful.

We were without power for 36 hours; without cell service for 24 hours and without land line, cable and internet for 6 days. All my friends in Smiths Grove showed up. One of my friends came over ever 12 hours to run my freezer and refrigerators, the churches cleaned debris and took care of all that they could without help from any governmental agency. Southern culture is remarkable and I am proud to be part of it.

Now I must figure out how to replay the kindness that has been shown to me.

This afternoon Sherry was "redecorating" the Christmas tree and our Cable DVR Box showed the time four hours and thirty minutes ahead of the real time. Then all of a sudden at 10:52 am the phone rang and it was Sawnee Cat. We knew then we have phone, cable and internet. What a wonderful sign. Sawnee did not know why I was so happy! I am now in touch with humanity.

My friends at the D-League are wonderful. Cordmaker, Bertfan, Sawnee, Austin, it does not get better than the D-League.

All you guys are first class.
Good morning folks.......The Director's last day at work was Saturday............yesterday she was telling me how great it was to get away from work........this morning the alarm goes off..........she has to go to work because............."Cardinal Uniforms was going to be at work and she needed some new scrubs", WTH..................I knew this retirement thing was going to be a ruse........
Please wish the Director a good retirement.

I retired January 2000. I have worked my butt off since then!
I had already cleared my history and reset some stuff. To get this picture to show up I right clicked on the pic and selected Save Image Link. Then I had to use Ctrl + V to insert into the Insert Image box. I'm pretty sure I used to just right click to save a pic and right click to post it. Very easy.
This crap is above my pay grade!
I only have one more work day this year and I will have better time to make better decisions but I am going to error on the side of caution this go-round. Be cautious of the intended outcomes of some who I highly doubt have our (United States Citizens) best interests at heart. jmuo

Does that mean you will be in a good mood? :)
I just spoke with Bert H and he is doing well. He is back on the internet and TV is working. Bert is in good spirits and is thankful of friends in times like these.

They don't make them any better than Bert H. We should see him on the forum soon.,
Sawnee you are a fine person. I am glad you are my friend.

However, it takes a long time to go through the D-League to get up to date. I have been reading and liking and loving and laughing for a long time.

I think the world of you guys.
I've said it before, if you are winning at UK then you are winning in the SEC. Maybe all this could have happened sooner if we would have just taken the chance and made the investments. We'll never have the instate talent that some schools enjoy because we only have 4.5 million population. Now that we're recruiting nationally with the big dogs it's going to continue to steamroll.

Next order of business for our rise to the top is to beat Iowa. A curbstomping would go nicely with this new class.
I've said it before, if you are winning at UK then you are winning in the SEC. Maybe all this could have happened sooner if we would have just taken the chance and made the investments. We'll never have the instate talent that some schools enjoy because we only have 4.5 million population. Now that we're recruiting nationally with the big dogs it's going to continue to steamroll.

Next order of business for our rise to the top is to beat Iowa. A curbstomping would go nicely with this new class.
Exactly right. Investments in the program are madatory if you want to compete in the SEC. Most all of the other SEC schools spend money and the benefits are higher profits. These investments pay for themselves.

A couple of heavy weights in the league are down now and are rebuilding. We should be able to hold our own against them and heck, I have already circled the Gators on my calendar for next season. The thought of getting better and better gets my adrenelin flowing. A Bowl Victory would be a wonderful way to start 2022. Why not?
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Exactly right. Investments in the program are madatory if you want to compete in the SEC. Most alll of the other SEC schools spend money and the benefits are higher profits. These investments pay for themselves.

A couple of heavy weights in the league are down now and are rebuilding. We should be able to hold our own against them and heck, I have already circled the Gators on my calendar for next season. The thought of getting better and better gets my adrenelin flowing. A Bowl Victory was be a wonderful way to start 2022. Why not?
I remember well when I moved to Florida in 1976 that the Cats had more wins over Florida. The last 45 years have favored Florida.