
Exactly right. Investments in the program are madatory if you want to compete in the SEC. Most all of the other SEC schools spend money and the benefits are higher profits. These investments pay for themselves.

A couple of heavy weights in the league are down now and are rebuilding. We should be able to hold our own against them and heck, I have already circled the Gators on my calendar for next season. The thought of getting better and better gets my adrenelin flowing. A Bowl Victory would be a wonderful way to start 2022. Why not?

I had given up on UK football for years. "Never gonna happen," sez I.

Then I heard that still, quiet voice. "Endeavor to persevere."

I just heard the Ohio State game may be cancelled due to COVID. What?
I just heard they are going to mess with the Super Bowl out in LA. They've already said masks will be mandatory in the stadium and they will probably restrict attendance as well. Not going to mean much to me because that's the only game I watch and mostly to see the commercials.
Hey D-League I am still alive. Sorry about that because you all can't be free now. I am now back on the D-League!

We were not touched. Parts of Bowling Green were blown down. Our utilities were wrecked. Some of the new metal transmission lines were blown to bits. Mother nature is powerful.

We were without power for 36 hours; without cell service for 24 hours and without land line, cable and internet for 6 days. All my friends in Smiths Grove showed up. One of my friends came over ever 12 hours to run my freezer and refrigerators, the churches cleaned debris and took care of all that they could without help from any governmental agency. Southern culture is remarkable and I am proud to be part of it.

Now I must figure out how to replay the kindness that has been shown to me.

This afternoon Sherry was "redecorating" the Christmas tree and our Cable DVR Box showed the time four hours and thirty minutes ahead of the real time. Then all of a sudden at 10:52 am the phone rang and it was Sawnee Cat. We knew then we have phone, cable and internet. What a wonderful sign. Sawnee did not know why I was so happy! I am now in touch with humanity.

My friends at the D-League are wonderful. Cordmaker, Bertfan, Sawnee, Austin, it does not get better than the D-League.

All you guys are first class.
Welcome back good sir! So glad to hear that you and your family are safe. The place hasn't been the same without you.
OK, I've covered alcohol and golf. What else is there Beftfan? I can hear each of you. Old Age Advice!

OAA from here on out. OAA of the day...Keep moving! Want to double the benefits of moving? Move while you're outdoors! The air in your house this time of year may not be "stale". But it sure as hell isn't "fresh".

Here's some more OAA. Quit buying products that are hard to open. My wife keeps some kind of bologna in the fridge that has little tabs to open it with. I can't do it. I have a fairly strong grip, physically speaking of course, but I can't open that stuff. Lucky for us all that I. B. Sharpe invented the knife.

Tesla wanted to improve upon the knife but initial interest dulled when a wedge was inserted between his hollow ground edge and Edison's single beveled right handed blade of destruction. Eat your turkey as you will. For me, give me a Tesla cut every day of the week.
Must be Fisher's Bologna.......hardest damn stuff in the world to open........and it is a one time can't even re-seal have to be one of those rock climbers that just hang on by their finger tips.......I'm not ........
it is the only bad thing about the product.......I spoke to Carl Fisher who was 1/2 owner of the company about it.......he said that decision was so far below his pay grade that it was probably best if I just cut it open with scissors like he did......
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Yep. Cancelled. Bummer but if they are the ones cancelling the game then I think we should win by forfeit.
The only reason that they cancelled it was because I could record it.


Last Saturday's game against ND was the first game that I had missed, live on radio or TV in 56 years! The last game that I missed before that was in December 1965 when I had a test that I could not lie out of!

Good morning from ATX. Currently 71°F and cloudy. Humid. Weather person says today's high reaches 79°F. We are unseasonably warm. Cooler temps coming.

I have not yet looked, but Cats still playing somebody tomorrow, perhaps UNC Tarheels? Stay tuned.

Happy Friday!

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Good Friday morning

As grandpa would say, we/ve made it thus far. We have 61° and will get to 81° by mid afternoon. Christmas times a coming so I hope all are ready. I finished up yestereday

I wish all of the D League good health and peace in your heart during this Christmas season. Let the world go into the ditch but for me and my house we will drive between the lines.

I smell bacon frying and pancakes will be served up in a matter of minutes. Trust all have a great day

Good morning folks. Heading out in a bit to catch an Amtrack train to Penn Station in Manhattan. My wife's family has their Christmas party tomorrow, and we go every few years when I'm feeling in the mood. Sometimes I feel in the mood when I say yes, then don't when it comes time to slog up the eastern seaboard to New York. But usually we manage to have a good time, and enjoy some of the Christmas trappings of that city.

I hope you all have a good weekend. Crazy to think this is the last one before Christmas.
Good morning folks. Heading out in a bit to catch an Amtrack train to Penn Station in Manhattan. My wife's family has their Christmas party tomorrow, and we go every few years when I'm feeling in the mood. Sometimes I feel in the mood when I say yes, then don't when it comes time to slog up the eastern seaboard to New York. But usually we manage to have a good time, and enjoy some of the Christmas trappings of that city.

I hope you all have a good weekend. Crazy to think this is the last one before Christmas.
I really enjoyed the train. I could get from Baltimore to New York a lot faster than flying and it was no bother. I could walk from Penn Station down to Madison Avenue or to the World Trade Center.

Plus they would serve you a good drink on the way home.
I really enjoyed the train. I could get from Baltimore to New York a lot faster than flying and it was no bother. I could walk from Penn Station down to Madison Avenue or to the World Trade Center.

Plus they would serve you a good drink on the way home.
Yeah, in my younger work days I took the Acela to NYC quite often. Much preferred it to the air shuttle.
Good morning! I had some tentative plans for the day with a friend who was going to come over and play "workshop" with me. I don't know where those plans stand now because my wife has taken off from work today to use up some time she had left over.

I was sitting here thinking about December 17th. I knew there was supposed to be something about that day but I couldn't put my finger on it. Then it hit me. It's our wedding anniversary today. It didn't actually hit me, I did call out to my wife in another room and ask her if it was and she confirmed.

I have to, I HAVE TO, go with her to some to do at her Attorney's house on Saturday. She knows the rule but she didn't choose the day. Dude says I can watch the game in his basement mancave and the other attorney is a big Cat fan. Not optimum conditions but I can make it work.

Have a great day!
Good morning! I had some tentative plans for the day with a friend who was going to come over and play "workshop" with me. I don't know where those plans stand now because my wife has taken off from work today to use up some time she had left over.

I was sitting here thinking about December 17th. I knew there was supposed to be something about that day but I couldn't put my finger on it. Then it hit me. It's our wedding anniversary today. It didn't actually hit me, I did call out to my wife in another room and ask her if it was and she confirmed.

I have to, I HAVE TO, go with her to some to do at her Attorney's house on Saturday. She knows the rule but she didn't choose the day. Dude says I can watch the game in his basement mancave and the other attorney is a big Cat fan. Not optimum conditions but I can make it work.

Have a great day!
Happy Anniversary
Good morning! I had some tentative plans for the day with a friend who was going to come over and play "workshop" with me. I don't know where those plans stand now because my wife has taken off from work today to use up some time she had left over.

I was sitting here thinking about December 17th. I knew there was supposed to be something about that day but I couldn't put my finger on it. Then it hit me. It's our wedding anniversary today. It didn't actually hit me, I did call out to my wife in another room and ask her if it was and she confirmed.

I have to, I HAVE TO, go with her to some to do at her Attorney's house on Saturday. She knows the rule but she didn't choose the day. Dude says I can watch the game in his basement mancave and the other attorney is a big Cat fan. Not optimum conditions but I can make it work.

Have a great day!
Happy anniversary

I really enjoyed the train. I could get from Baltimore to New York a lot faster than flying and it was no bother. I could walk from Penn Station down to Madison Avenue or to the World Trade Center.

Plus they would serve you a good drink on the way home.
I/we traveled by train a lot when we were at my daughter's in England.....we lived just a little over a mile and a half from Ely Train Station.....once you learn their systems........traveling by train and tube is the best.......I could see not owning a vehicle if I had those options............ironically........the financing for the original tube system in London came from American financiers.........also we are spread out compared to them.........
Good morning! I had some tentative plans for the day with a friend who was going to come over and play "workshop" with me. I don't know where those plans stand now because my wife has taken off from work today to use up some time she had left over.

I was sitting here thinking about December 17th. I knew there was supposed to be something about that day but I couldn't put my finger on it. Then it hit me. It's our wedding anniversary today. It didn't actually hit me, I did call out to my wife in another room and ask her if it was and she confirmed.

I have to, I HAVE TO, go with her to some to do at her Attorney's house on Saturday. She knows the rule but she didn't choose the day. Dude says I can watch the game in his basement mancave and the other attorney is a big Cat fan. Not optimum conditions but I can make it work.

Have a great day!
Happy Anniversary!
I/we traveled by train a lot when we were at my daughter's in England.....we lived just a little over a mile and a half from Ely Train Station.....once you learn their systems........traveling by train and tube is the best.......I could see not owning a vehicle if I had those options............ironically........the financing for the original tube system in London came from American financiers.........also we are spread out compared to them.........

I didn't mind the VRE ride between my home and DC (40 to 45 minute commute) nor the metro's at times the 3 plus years I did it. Now, not so much, I can easily do without it but I would like to take a good long trip on an Amtrak once to say I did it. Not much on flying though I have taken my share of flights. I'd rather drive now. Just too much bustle in the hustle....
I have a scar on my left shoulder that is about 55 years old. I was not only vaccinated, I was branded to prove it later. I say that to say this, we've been getting vaccinated for years because researchers have been creating vaccines for years. Surely no one would argue that vaccines have been a net negative for civilization.

These corona viruses have been studied for many years and more than 300 vaccines have been created. 2 have been OK'd for use. The entire world was working on this vaccine and there were literally thousands of volunteers from all around the world to test its efficacy and safety. Add in public demand for expediency that greased the wheels of a normally dormant beaurocracy, and you end up seeing what we do when we work together.

SARS and MERS are also Corona viruses have been studied extensively. Medical technology is more advanced than when we first started dealing with those and DNA is much more easily mapped now than it was just a decade ago.

Add it all up and you are taking a bigger chance each time you get in your car of dying or being impaired than you do from a vaccine. It's science and I stand behind it.

TlDr: a collective "you" was utilized at all times. my pronoun is Mr.
Good morning! I had some tentative plans for the day with a friend who was going to come over and play "workshop" with me. I don't know where those plans stand now because my wife has taken off from work today to use up some time she had left over.

I was sitting here thinking about December 17th. I knew there was supposed to be something about that day but I couldn't put my finger on it. Then it hit me. It's our wedding anniversary today. It didn't actually hit me, I did call out to my wife in another room and ask her if it was and she confirmed.

I have to, I HAVE TO, go with her to some to do at her Attorney's house on Saturday. She knows the rule but she didn't choose the day. Dude says I can watch the game in his basement mancave and the other attorney is a big Cat fan. Not optimum conditions but I can make it work.

Have a great day!
Happy Anniversary!!!!!!!!!