
If you want to insert a photograph or picture, pull up the picture and right clink on it. Select copy image address, then go back to the thread reply and go to the top of the page and find the little box on the right. Click on it and you will see insert image . Right click and hit paste. For a link there is an icon for insert link. Copy and past a link.
As i was typing this I used the picture below as a SAMPLE

You will get the hang of it in no time. Easy as pie.

LOL, I've posted a bunch of pictures here. I posted one yesterday somehow. I used to able to copy image and then just hit paste in the reply box. That's not working. I've copied image, copied image link and who knows what else. No picture. Prolly some computer setting I have jacked up.
LOL, I've posted a bunch of pictures here. I posted one yesterday somehow. I used to able to copy image and then just hit paste in the reply box. That's not working. I've copied image, copied image link and who knows what else. No picture. Prolly some computer setting I have jacked up.
This may be a question for Austin. It is out of my league.
The simple start is to do the below:


if that doesn't work, let me know.

Edit: You could try using Chrome and see if that doesn't help too...
I started to do that but I thought there were other changes I've made that I would have to do all over again. I can't use Chrome for this and won't discuss why.

Thanks though. It worked earlier so maybe is a sequence I can still do.
I started to do that but I thought there were other changes I've made that I would have to do all over again. I can't use Chrome for this and won't discuss why.

Thanks though. It worked earlier so maybe is a sequence I can still do.

I hope it works out. Another area if that doesn't work may be any anti-virus you are using if any. You can also reset those settings to their default. (I have had that become an issue in the past when I played with those settings in another era. ;))
Found out last night that along with a chocolate meringue pie, my wife wants me to make a Smith's Island Cake. I just said OK and went about not doing whatever I wasn't doing at the time. Looked it up later and just said "what the hell".

I bake, but I am not a baker. I've painted 3 barns, 2 houses, and a tractor with a rattle can. No one ever suggested I was an artist. No one asked me to paint their portrait.
I would as long as you don't want me to pose nude.
Good afternoon D, read John 14

I need help from the MILITARY VETS. I have been ask to make a GOLD STAR for a GOLD STAR MOTHER, her son was in the ARMY. I DO NOT want to dishonor this MOTHER or SON in any way. What I am thinking is using black in the center, then make all the points a gold colored glass or do I make the entire star out of gold? Just need your opinion. Thanks D!
There are several ways but the most popular is below which is also in my avatar but, there is nothing wrong with the second picture. Hope this helps, second would probably be easier to make.


Good afternoon D, read John 14

I need help from the MILITARY VETS. I have been ask to make a GOLD STAR for a GOLD STAR MOTHER, her son was in the ARMY. I DO NOT want to dishonor this MOTHER or SON in any way. What I am thinking is using black in the center, then make all the points a gold colored glass or do I make the entire star out of gold? Just need your opinion. Thanks D!
Form the entire star rather than just points out of gold.
Good morning

The local weather report shows a temperature of 63° and fog. We will reach 76° by midafternoon and have a 25% chance of rain.

I smell Purnell's Old Folks sausage frying which means today should be a good one. My wife has a little tweeking to do on the Christmas lights outside so I put that on my to do list. While I am out there I will take the hose and apply some lawn bug spray to keep down the noseeums. They are a pest.

I ordered some Maryland crab cakes for Christmas dinner appetizers. They do it as good as anybody. Take care all,


Morning Legionnaires! Make your way to your locker and get dressed for PT. (all of you that do that sort of thing).

78° on tap for the day and 70's until Sat.

Honey do list on tap after training my two students this afternoon. Wife has me picking up a lot of pre-Christmas needs for her. Was going to go fishing afterwards but... tomorrow more of the same weather so I will go then probably. Winds are supposed to be up around 25-30mph which makes it a little more difficult.

@AustinTXCat: Bouillabaisse huh? Well, when I told my wife she says that is soup/stew. I said: "I know that, I watched Under Seige" She then looked at me and laughed.

The other day at karate class the owner of the building and an old softball buddy of mine complained about the little plastic end of his shoelace being missing. I said: "You mean the Aglet" He said: "What?" I said: "The Aglet, that is what they are called". He asked: "How do you know that?" I told him I saw it on an episode of Phineas and Ferb. He had no clue of what I was talking about so I told him it was a cartoon I used to watch with my daughter. Very informational cartoon.

Prayers for those who are suffering and safe wishes for those traveling about today.

May God Bless.
If you want to insert a photograph or picture, pull up the picture and right clink on it. Select copy image address, then go back to the thread reply and go to the top of the page and find the little box on the right. Click on it and you will see insert image . Right click and hit paste. For a link there is an icon for insert link. Copy and past a link.
As i was typing this I used the picture below as a SAMPLE

You will get the hang of it in no time. Easy as pie.


How do we post pictures from our computer or phone that aren't online somewhere?
How do we post pictures from our computer or phone that aren't online somewhere?

The pictures have to be online somewhere unless it is your avatar and that is actually hosted too.

The easiest way I found is to create a picture album on Facebook and mark it for yourself only. Then, right-click the picture and use the option that stated copy image address, go to the picture box in the thread and right-click and choose paste. Then click ok.

Should work for you or find another hosting site but the free ones I am not familiar with.

Edit: I have a rough time posting pictures from my phone but the principle is the same...
Last edited:
Good morning folks.......The Director's last day at work was Saturday............yesterday she was telling me how great it was to get away from work........this morning the alarm goes off..........she has to go to work because............."Cardinal Uniforms was going to be at work and she needed some new scrubs", WTH..................I knew this retirement thing was going to be a ruse........
Found out last night that along with a chocolate meringue pie, my wife wants me to make a Smith's Island Cake. I just said OK and went about not doing whatever I wasn't doing at the time. Looked it up later and just said "what the hell".

I bake, but I am not a baker. I've painted 3 barns, 2 houses, and a tractor with a rattle can. No one ever suggested I was an artist. No one asked me to paint their portrait.
I looked up a Smith's Island Cake...........YOU CAN DO IT!
I had already cleared my history and reset some stuff. To get this picture to show up I right clicked on the pic and selected Save Image Link. Then I had to use Ctrl + V to insert into the Insert Image box. I'm pretty sure I used to just right click to save a pic and right click to post it. Very easy.
Good morning! All the links I had saved are now gone. I still have a favorites list that managed to evade the purge.

Listened to the Jones show this morning up until Andy was coming on to tell me about the tornado. I don't even want to hear his voice so I told Alexa to STOP.

Just got a phone call while typing. There is an emergency at the golf course I need to handle. They need another guy for a foursome and that is right in my wheelhouse.

Carry on...
Good morning D, read John 15.

Just got off the phone with Bert, he told me to tell yawl that he still doesn't have internet, but he told me to tell yawl also that when he gets back on you better beware, he's going to harass all of you!!!!!! He said that he misses you so much that he's starting to take two shots of whisky a day now!!!!

I want to tell you, yesterday I took a stained glass shield and 5 ornaments to my sister that I donated to the Kiwanis club in Owenboro for their auction they were having. She called me this morning and told me that those 6 pieces sold for $280!!! Made me feel good about my work that I do!!!

I hope the D, has a great day and Prayers for the D!!!! I will try to give yawl a warning before Bert gets back on here, but if I don't yawl are on your own!!!!!! He also said he has poor Uncle Ken hanging on his tree!!!! LOL!!!
Found out last night that along with a chocolate meringue pie, my wife wants me to make a Smith's Island Cake. I just said OK and went about not doing whatever I wasn't doing at the time. Looked it up later and just said "what the hell".

I bake, but I am not a baker. I've painted 3 barns, 2 houses, and a tractor with a rattle can. No one ever suggested I was an artist. No one asked me to paint their portrait.
lol. Bert, Smith Island cake, as you may know by now, is a multi-layered Maryland favorite, first baked on Smith Island, a small place in the Chesapeake. It can be incredibly delicious, though I find it varies greatly from place to place. We always stop at a place on the Eastern Shore of Maryland on our way back from beach trips where we know the Smith Island Cake is spectacular.

My wife has made a few over the years. IT's a hell of a lot of work.
lol. Bert, Smith Island cake, as you may know by now, is a multi-layered Maryland favorite, first baked on Smith Island, a small place in the Chesapeake. It can be incredibly delicious, though I find it varies greatly from place to place. We always stop at a place on the Eastern Shore of Maryland on our way back from beach trips where we know the Smith Island Cake is spectacular.

My wife has made a few over the years. IT's a hell of a lot of work.
Yep, I read all about them. I'll be making mine like the original with yellow cake and chocolate icing. The icing is supposed to harden up the way I understand it. Recipe I saw said to boil the chocolate mix for 6 minutes and then throw a stick of butter in there and let it melt, but do not stir.

Tempering chocolate to make it do what you want is touchy feely business. I prefer to have a temperature goal that I can measure. Not to mention that I'll have to bake 3 layers at 3 different times to get 9 layers.

Before I do that though I have to make some more gingerbread cookies and a gingerbread bundt cake for her to take to work.

Tis the slave in the kitchen.
Yep, I read all about them. I'll be making mine like the original with yellow cake and chocolate icing. The icing is supposed to harden up the way I understand it. Recipe I saw said to boil the chocolate mix for 6 minutes and then throw a stick of butter in there and let it melt, but do not stir.

Tempering chocolate to make it do what you want is touchy feely business. I prefer to have a temperature goal that I can measure. Not to mention that I'll have to bake 3 layers at 3 different times to get 9 layers.

Before I do that though I have to make some more gingerbread cookies and a gingerbread bundt cake for her to take to work.

Tis the slave in the kitchen.

Ta da...... Bundt ta da Bundt ta da Bundt Bundt Bundt ta da Bundt ta da Bundt ta da ...

I like a good Bundt....
Good morning! All the links I had saved are now gone. I still have a favorites list that managed to evade the purge.

Listened to the Jones show this morning up until Andy was coming on to tell me about the tornado. I don't even want to hear his voice so I told Alexa to STOP.

Just got a phone call while typing. There is an emergency at the golf course I need to handle. They need another guy for a foursome and that is right in my wheelhouse.

Carry on...

Sergeant Preston ... to the rescue!

Good morning D, read John 15.

Just got off the phone with Bert, he told me to tell yawl that he still doesn't have internet, but he told me to tell yawl also that when he gets back on you better beware, he's going to harass all of you!!!!!! He said that he misses you so much that he's starting to take two shots of whisky a day now!!!!

I want to tell you, yesterday I took a stained glass shield and 5 ornaments to my sister that I donated to the Kiwanis club in Owenboro for their auction they were having. She called me this morning and told me that those 6 pieces sold for $280!!! Made me feel good about my work that I do!!!

I hope the D, has a great day and Prayers for the D!!!! I will try to give yawl a warning before Bert gets back on here, but if I don't yawl are on your own!!!!!! He also said he has poor Uncle Ken hanging on his tree!!!! LOL!!!
Two shots of whiskey a day? Good to see him finally cutting back on that stuff
Yep, I read all about them. I'll be making mine like the original with yellow cake and chocolate icing. The icing is supposed to harden up the way I understand it. Recipe I saw said to boil the chocolate mix for 6 minutes and then throw a stick of butter in there and let it melt, but do not stir.

Tempering chocolate to make it do what you want is touchy feely business. I prefer to have a temperature goal that I can measure. Not to mention that I'll have to bake 3 layers at 3 different times to get 9 layers.

Before I do that though I have to make some more gingerbread cookies and a gingerbread bundt cake for her to take to work.

Tis the slave in the kitchen.
You are operating at a skill level well beyond my aspirations. And yes, the classic Smith Island cake is nine layers of yellow cake and chocolate icing. Damn terrific when done right.