
I can't blame many on RR for being upset. As one noted, we are 16-18 since Cal singed a lifetime contract. last year was an anomaly but, we should never be 9-16 with a seasoned coach, not at Kentucky. Do you remember how you felt in Pitino's first year. 13-13 and I was thrilled with the attitude and energy the team played with. I was excited because I knew they wanted to win. I am not feeling that with Cal and these guys.
RR is a bit over the top though.
Good morning from ATX. Currently a crisp 34°F and clear. Today's high predicted at 63°F.

Tough loss yesterday. A win might have lifted many broken spirits across the Commonwealth. Next up: Ohio State Buckeyes in Las Vegas, Saturday, December 18 at 5:15 pm EST.

Got a couple chores scheduled later. Wife and I already planning Christmas dinner.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.


Mourning Legionnaires. Wake up and pray for those who lost loved ones and homes the last couple of days of weather. Wake being the operative word for ceremonial words of mourning. May God place his healing hands on those who have been affected with this horrible disaster.

The loss of a game loses it effect when dealing with the devastation others are suffering at this time. Watching some of the videos of the carnage this morning and knowing that along with the death toll, thousands will be affected and uprooted before the holidays.

Lastly, has anyone yet heard from Bert? I may have missed that last night.
Good morning D League

So thankful Cord is OK and he checked in. I am praying for Bert and Shirley and anxiously await word of their condition. From the looks of things it may be awhile before communications with their area is restored.

I am looking forward to the Ricky Skaggs concert tonight. I am sure he will say something about the devastation in his home state and ask the audience to remember Kentuckians in their thoughts and prayers.

Northing else going on or to mention. I trust all have a nice Sunday.
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Yes, group think will do that too coupled with knee jerk reacting and venting. I too am guilty of that on occasion. Been trying to curtail that in recent years.
Not too many years ago.......I would get nauseated and not be able to sleep after a loss.......I would lay and think about the game all night.......waiting for the morning paper to read every word that was printed about the game.........this was long before the internet....I finally grew out of it..........after the storms that have devastated our state......a win or loss should be one of the last things to worry thoughts are for the folks that have suffered losses......either family or property........
Good morning! Beautiful outside at my house. Clear blue sky overhead and a cover of frost on everything else. I'm going to rely on my memory and imagination for what it feels like. No need to go outside to confirm my feelings.

This too, shall pass.

I watched Stripes again last night. I was only going to watch the first part where they show Louisville in 1981 so I could show my wife how it looked back then. I ended up watching the whole show, she did not.

Lighten up Francis!
Good morning! Beautiful outside at my house. Clear blue sky overhead and a cover of frost on everything else. I'm going to rely on my memory and imagination for what it feels like. No need to go outside to confirm my feelings.

This too, shall pass.

I watched Stripes again last night. I was only going to watch the first part where they show Louisville in 1981 so I could show my wife how it looked back then. I ended up watching the whole show, she did not.

Lighten up Francis!
I haven't been to Louisville in about 50 years and that was to watch a UK vs Notre Dame basketball game in Freedom Hall. UK won by about 20. It was a different UK team back then. Notre Dame was a huge rival back then and the game was always played in Freedom Hall. Kentucky showed up ready to play and were confident of victory.

I did go to downtown Louisville when I was in the Army. I had to take a platoon of soldiers to a dance some church downtown sponsored. About 3/4 of the platoon left and started hitting the bars and the others stayed around the dance trying to pick up the girls.

When it came time to go back to Knox only a handful showed showed up at the bus. The others were still chasing women or drinking in bars. Three of them had got locked up by the police and the MP's had to take care of that problem. So my knowledge of Louisville is limited. A thing that sticks out in my mind about the city was a street named Market Street. This was off limits but the first place soldiers went when turned loose. All I know about Louisville now is what I see on TV and read on the internet.
I haven't been to Louisville in about 50 years and that was to watch a UK vs Notre Dame basketball game in Freedom Hall. UK won by about 20. It was a different UK team back then. Notre Dame was a huge rival back then and the game was always played in Freedom Hall. Kentucky showed up ready to play and were confident of victory.

I did go to downtown Louisville when I was in the Army. I had to take a platoon of soldiers to a dance some church downtown sponsored. About 3/4 of the platoon left and started hitting the bars and the others stayed around the dance trying to pick up the girls.

When it came time to go back to Knox only a handful showed showed up at the bus. The others were still chasing women or drinking in bars. Three of them had got locked up by the police and the MP's had to take care of that problem. So my knowledge of Louisville is limited. A thing that sticks out in my mind about the city was a street named Market Street. This was off limits but the first place soldiers went when turned loose. All I know about Louisville now is what I see on TV and read on the internet.
We used to send in every year to try to get tickets to the Freedom Hall game...........the last time we went was when Dwight Anderson was was laying on his back clapping his hands at mid court after a ND foul.......Digger had his boys hold the ball the whole damn I remember the score was in the twenties....
The girlie bars were mostly on Market St.
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Good morning! Beautiful outside at my house. Clear blue sky overhead and a cover of frost on everything else. I'm going to rely on my memory and imagination for what it feels like. No need to go outside to confirm my feelings.

This too, shall pass.

I watched Stripes again last night. I was only going to watch the first part where they show Louisville in 1981 so I could show my wife how it looked back then. I ended up watching the whole show, she did not.

Lighten up Francis!
Good morning! Beautiful outside at my house. Clear blue sky overhead and a cover of frost on everything else. I'm going to rely on my memory and imagination for what it feels like. No need to go outside to confirm my feelings.

This too, shall pass.

I watched Stripes again last night. I was only going to watch the first part where they show Louisville in 1981 so I could show my wife how it looked back then. I ended up watching the whole show, she did not.

Lighten up Francis!
I still love the scene where he was driving over the bridge to Indiana to get to the airport.
They show him going west on Main St. and then the interior shot shows them somewhere else entirely. They do the same thing in Goldfinger. I told my wife last night that no one knows except people who have been there and done that.
Supposedly Bill Murray hung out at Eddie Donaldson's Melting Pot after filming. He was a big DePaul fan and had some fun with the UL/UK fans.
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I just watched this video and sang along, but with a different color. Pretty sure John from Versailles KY sang this song a few times the same way. Blue colored glasses seem to hide the truth just as well, be it the good or the bad truth.

One of my favorite songs. I can't hit the high notes any longer but I take it down an octave. Just a classic good song. Thanks

All have a good day and my prayers and thoughts to those who've lost.
I haven't been to Louisville in about 50 years and that was to watch a UK vs Notre Dame basketball game in Freedom Hall. UK won by about 20. It was a different UK team back then. Notre Dame was a huge rival back then and the game was always played in Freedom Hall. Kentucky showed up ready to play and were confident of victory.

I did go to downtown Louisville when I was in the Army. I had to take a platoon of soldiers to a dance some church downtown sponsored. About 3/4 of the platoon left and started hitting the bars and the others stayed around the dance trying to pick up the girls.

When it came time to go back to Knox only a handful showed showed up at the bus. The others were still chasing women or drinking in bars. Three of them had got locked up by the police and the MP's had to take care of that problem. So my knowledge of Louisville is limited. A thing that sticks out in my mind about the city was a street named Market Street. This was off limits but the first place soldiers went when turned loose. All I know about Louisville now is what I see on TV and read on the internet.

From church to the bars??? Ain't that backwards?

The eagle flies on Friday ♫
Saturday I go out to play
Sunday I go to church, yeah
Gonna kneel down on my knees and pray ...
Lord have mercy, Lord have mercy on me
From church to the bars??? Ain't that backwards?

The eagle flies on Friday ♫
Saturday I go out to play
Sunday I go to church, yeah
Gonna kneel down on my knees and pray ...
Lord have mercy, Lord have mercy on me
These boys were 18-22 years old and in basic. I pleaded with my Company Commander to not allow them to go. But some big church downtown Louisville thought it would be a good idea to invite about 250 soldiers from Ft Knox to help with morale. America was rioting all over the country in 1966. There were 12 Cadre that escorted the Company to the dance. . All the church was doing was sacrificing the virginity of all of their young women. I knew it would turn into a disaster. But the "morale factor" overruled my concerns and reality of what was about to happen.

The recruits got off of the bus and we marched them into the church basement. Most marched in the front door of the basement and out the back door. There was a liquor store about two blocks away They hit this place first and scattered. It was the biggest nightmare one can imagine trying to round these boys up at 11:00 PM. The buses pulled out half empty and the names of those missing the bus were turned over to the MP's.

I am sure the church never did this again and any plans to use this event for an invitation to accept Jesus went out of the window. I know for sure none of the trainings of A-10-5 ever had that opportunity again. I always wondered how many of these young ladies became mothers 9 months later.
These boys were 18-22 years old and in basic. I pleaded with my Company Commander to not allow them to go. But some big church downtown Louisville thought it would be a good idea to invite about 250 soldiers from Ft Knox to help with morale. America was rioting all over the country in 1966. There were 12 Cadre that escorted the Company to the dance. . All the church was doing was sacrificing the virginity of all of their young women. I knew it would turn into a disaster. But the "morale factor" overruled my concerns and reality of what was about to happen.

The recruits got off of the bus and we marched them into the church basement. Most marched in the front door of the basement and out the back door. There was a liquor store about two blocks away They hit this place first and scattered. It was the biggest nightmare one can imagine trying to round these boys up at 11:00 PM. The buses pulled out half empty and the names of those missing the bus were turned over to the MP's.

I am sure the church never did this again and any plans to use this event for an invitation to accept Jesus went out of the window. I know for sure none of the trainings of A-10-5 ever had that opportunity again. I always wondered how many of these young ladies became mothers 9 months later.

And, thus, the war in Vietnam would go on to be lost.
Ravens lose so Cincy can take first in the division with a win at home against SF. They stop SF first 3 downs then get the ball, fumble after a run for a 2 yard loss and recover but drop the next 2 passes to punt. Stop SF again and then fumble the kick return to SF. Not the way to start the day.