
I turned on the news and it is not a pretty sight. God be with those who have lost loved ones and heavy property damage. They are reporting at least 50 dead in Kentucky. I have no words to explain my feelings, I just pray for those who experienced this.

I have never been in a tornado but I sure have seen the results of them during my working career.

Our family had one destroy our house in Georgia when my dad was stationed at Fort Benning. Had another one pass over our property in the 80s and knock trees down all around our vehicles and right next to the house, but did some damage to a barn and a lot of fencing where the trees fell on them. Took a day to figure out our beef cow was missing, but we got him back ok.

It threw shingles about 150 feet NW at minimim but our insurance agent said they wouldn't cover any of the losses because it was (and I quote) straight line winds.

Will never forget the sound and that I couldn't hear myself talk, yell, or even think it was so loud. Like being inside a train or jet engine. God was with us that day. No harm to a single vehicle or to the house. Livestock was all ok. Just 40 mature trees down- oaks and walnut mostly in a zip zag pattern through our 40 acres.
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Good morning D-League.

We have 63° and plenty of sunshine this morning. The sun will bring us a high of 78°. No rain in the forecast.

My wife and I had a wonderful evening at the Capitol Theater in Clearwater. This is a 100 year old structure that is the oldest continuous operating theater in Florida. It has been restored to it's 1921 appearance.

Ricky Skaggs entertained us and what a talent he and his Kentucky Thunder band have. I really respect him as he mentioned his love for his native state and we had prayers for the people who suffered from the tornadoes. He said he will be doing benefits for the people at the appropriate time and all money will go to the people.

I trust all who are suffering know we have them in our prayers. I pray Bert will be back soon and you know he will have a story to tell.

I noticed someone has already posted clips on YouTube of the concert last night. Here is his last number an instrumental.

This is about an hour away from me.

I was actually considering calling our insurance agent last week to check if we had earthquake coverage. Moved my expensive bourbon to lower shelves because I had some kind of irrational fear of an earthquake last week. Guess it wasn't so irrational.

Is it weird to have a 3.0 on the edge of a fault line and not have a follow up on down the line? I can't remember much about my earthquake studies from being out on the left coast in volcano country. Just remember the quakes themselves.
Cincy Fumbled away another punt. I am beginning to wonder if they want to go beyond the regular season. 3 more weeks after today and they can relax.

That was a very disappointing showing. Was out having lunch and got to watch the worst football I'd seen in some time. 3 games on 3 screens in front of me. Dropped passes, fumbled punts, missed tackles... Thought I was watching the mid 70s Bears and Packers.
My last post of this manner. I hope you will indulge. I found a story with all of the included stories and it was very interesting to me. I hope some enjoy the captions and pictures.

In fact, here is the link: (I guess I could have just shared the link.. in hindsight...)

An interesting read...

The Titanic's Anchor Chain
The Titanic was one of the biggest ships ever constructed, and its unique design required some unique and innovative solutions for even the most basic of its moving parts.

This photo shows the making of the Titanic's anchor change and Hingley and Sons. While anchor chains are generally massive, the Titanic's dwarfed any chance that ever came before it. Considering the Titanic's weight - 52,310 tons - nothing but the biggest, sturdiest chain would do to keep the ship anchored.


Of course, what we see here are just three links - while the chain undoubtedly had many, many more in its finished state.

Note: There are many, many more pictures and stories in this article... This should catch the interest of all in some way or another.
That fellow on the far left doesn't look like he is 15 yrs old.........

Morning Legionnaires! Get up and get at em! Keeping the victims of the harsh weather in my prayers.

Weather mild and 60's to 70's this week until the weekend for us here.

So much for the Bengals. Now let's get ready for Bowl season, hot Oatmeal, Cream-of-Wheat, Rice, Grits, or cold cereal as the breakfast bowl. Chime in. Oatmeal for me for hot breakfast and Raisin Bran for cold as the favs.

Be safe out there folks.
Coffee only.....strong and black.......
I'm watching a movie right now called..."Ad Astra".

It seems like a bad outer space play on Apocalypse Now. AN was a great movie...this one not so much...but I'll keep watching it though to see how much it copies AN.

Please update us. I was thinking about watching something one night this week. May consider it if it's decent.

I don't think I've watched a show of any kind in the last 5 years at least that isn't a direct rif off of something I've seen dozens of times. Tired of BS "heist movies" and crime family stuff, was done with police, fire, and lawyer shows over a decade ago. Now they're ruining sci fi for me with all of the propaganda woven into it.

Getting a lot more done at night and at week's end than I used to, because their just isn't squat to watch. I tried 6 different streaming services lately and so many shows were switched off in the first 5-10 minutes. I keep thinking "that looks/sounds interesting" and then realize I already rejected it the last time I tried that channel/service.

Far more interested in reading virology and other medical books right now. Have to wait until the next semester starts to see what nee text books I can pick up after add/drop concludes. Been slim pickins there for a few years now that there's just one book store on campus....

Glad everyone here appears to be safe so far after those storms. I'm going to check into some things. Friend out in the KY Lakes region made it through ok, but so many lost everything. Saw where one of the guys I know is getting a group together to head out to Mayfield and see if they can help cleanup and such. May do that myself.

I hope this isn't just the beginning of more disasters, but it feels like it
That fellow on the far left doesn't look like he is 15 yrs old.........

Coffee only.....strong and black.......

Probably isn't 15. Can't remember from history what their child labor laws were then, but I think teenagers over 14 could still work if it was voluntary or to support their family.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but Titanic was the 2nd of it's type, not the first, if the 2 ships of basically the same plan weren't built at the same time. Very interesting to read the circumstances surrounding the ship and its voyage. Passengers, politics, and influences...
Good morning from ATX. Currently 44°F and partly cloudy. Peak temperatures may reach 64°F today for Austin.

@cordmaker : Thanks for letting us know Bert checked in.

Monday, Monday.... Jury duty continues. Must report by 8:45 am CST this morning. Leaving for bus stop around 7 am.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.


Hope that business concludes for you soon!
60 miles from Maysville. In late-70's, a 4. something occurred around Maysville & I felt it. It was a summer Sunday afternoon & was watching Reds game & house rafters creaked for 10 seconds or so & I felt a very slight movement. WTH? Asked DW if she felt anything & said no. I told her I think we had an earthquake. She gave me the dumbest look (OK, she gives me a lot of dumb looks.). Went outside & neighbor was washing car & I asked if he felt anything. Nada. So went back to watching game & about 5 minutes later a stream went across bottom of screen saying there had been eq in Maysville area. Only one I've ever felt.

Felt 2 really good quakes on the left coast. One in KY and one in Illinois. One of the last 2 was barely noticeable.

First 2 were strong. One I was standing in between a kitchen and a living room and it felt like I was standing on a hay trailer/wagon between two trucks yanking it back and forth. Last 10-15 seconds but seemed much longer.

The other I felt as I was driving on a highway and made my tires feel splashy/underinflated as I was driving. I slowed down and it stopped after about 30 seconds. Got to work and found out there had been a big earthquake and quite a few people would be late arriving to work because of it. Trees down, power out, damage to homes. No deaths or large scale damage, but a lot of breakables didn't make it.
The First Selfie
Nowadays, we see hundreds of selfies all over our Facebook and Instagram feeds around the clock. Every now and then though, we stumble across something special.


This particular selfie is special because it was not taken in 2019 Starbucks but was taken in the mirror in 1938. To make the photo even more special, it has been taken by the legendary Frank Sinatra when he was just 17 years old. We can't see what kind of camera he is holding but we're pretty certain it's no iPhone 6…

3GS... I had that same phone but much later
Casually Posing In Front of a Tornado
In terms of impressive backdrops, you can't get much cooler than an actual tornado. This woman is not posing in front of a green screen, she is actually striking a pose in front of a real life, really dangerous tornado in 1989. The tornado may be in the distance but you can actually see her hair blowing dramatically in the strong winds. We hope that she managed to get away soon after this mad photo was taken even though the tornado is nowhere near as breezy as her pose.


Dolly Parton and Carl Dean
The stunning woman is a young Dolly Parton posing for a picture with her husband Carl Dean.

Parton and Dean married in 1966 and have been married ever since. Here, they are posing on their lawn in a glamorous 60s attire.


"My first thought was I'm gonna marry that girl," Dean recalled when the couple renewed their vows at their 50th wedding anniversary. "My second thought was, 'Lord she's good lookin.' And that was the day my life began."

Top pic looks photoshopped. Shadows don't match up between the objects in the photo. Maybe it isn't, but most likely it is.
Nikola Tesla In His Lab, 1890
Tesla was an electrical and mechanical engineer who is best known for his contributions to the modern electricity supply system. Tesla made dozens of scientific breakthroughs and was the former employee of Thomas Edison. Edison was his chief rival and rumor has it that it was actually Tesla who invented the lightbulb but Edison took the credit.


More than likely, Tesla did all of the inventing, but Edison had more money and influence.

Just like Edward Hopper and Martin Lewin(?), Picasso and Georges Braque, my buddy's grandfather and the chemical company he worked for... So many stories of one partner being more successful because of marketing/timing, or absolute dkheads ripping off others because they could. Like Lyndon Johnson said (and Illustrated by his political life) when he unknowingly quoted Balzac, "Behind every great fortune there is a crime."

It's not always true of course, but the scandal that would have cost him the VP spot never came to light, and so he entered the white house as President not long before it was about to be made public.

I really do wonder how many things like this happened in everyday life, and if we one day will get to see it when we stand before God.
Charlie Chaplin and Albert Einstein.... The gist of their conversation...

Einstein said to Chaplin: “What I most admire about your art, is your universality. You don’t say a word, yet the world understands you!”.

“It’s true”, replied Chaplin. “But your fame is even greater: the world admires you, when nobody understands what you say."


My take, be who you are and strive to be your best....(Not that my take matters...)

Both were actors on their own stages
Howdy D-League.

Just checking in. Cold again in the east, but apparently not for long. Glad everyone got through the tragic weekend with no direct tragedies.

Back to work after a busy weekend. Luckily I was too wrapped up in family to watch any sports because the only outcome in football or basketball to my liking was Washington losing. Ah well. Move on to the next one.
I would that immigrants (Legal immigrants) had this zeal toward country...

Following WWII, hundreds of Jewish refugees and Holocaust survivors were welcomes to the United States to give them the chance of starting a new and better life after the horrors they had endured. Here, a group of refugees are arriving in New York City. They are all pressed against the rails so that they can get a better look at the Statue of Liberty.


There are still a LOT of legal immigrants that feel that way about the US. Don't know about the illegal ones. Those immigrants from Cali, IL, and NY that are infiltrating the rest of the US need to be stopped, however, before they destroy the country.
Good morning! Knocked out another 10 hours of snooze last night. Didn't see it coming.

Jones show going because...I don't know.

I was actually considering calling our insurance agent last week to check if we had earthquake coverage. Moved my expensive bourbon to lower shelves because I had some kind of irrational fear of an earthquake last week. Guess it wasn't so irrational.

Is it weird to have a 3.0 on the edge of a fault line and not have a follow up on down the line? I can't remember much about my earthquake studies from being out on the left coast in volcano country. Just remember the quakes themselves.
3.0 earthquakes are usually not even noticed by most people and they occur every day in the US. I lived in Cali for a couple of years on the coast in Pismo Beach and most days you could feel the ground move. I remember feeling the Coalinga earthquake, that was a 6.2. I've felt a couple of them over the years here in Kentucky.
Top pic looks photoshopped. Shadows don't match up between the objects in the photo. Maybe it isn't, but most likely it is.
I was going to post that last night but it was late. The shadow doesn't match and if you look close you can see the edge of her original picture.
Neither Edison nor Tesla invented the light bulb. Edison bought the patent from some other bright dude. Tesla wanted to use Edison's light bulb for a world fair and Edison said no. Tesla just modified the bulb from a screw type base to a base with nibs on it to hold it in place.

Had this discussion in the office one night a long time ago.
Contrary to popular belief, the light bulb wasn’t actually Edison’s invention. Light bulbs had already been invented before he was even born; what he did was buy the patent and improve the design so that light bulbs could be brought to the masses. The incandescent light bulb would be revolutionary, but only if Edison could solve one giant problem — bringing electricity to the homes of America. No matter how revolutionary his design improvements to the light bulbs were, no one can use a light bulb if there is no way to plug it in.

As we all know, or should know, Edison was in favor of DC power for the masses. Now that we can see how civilization progressed, DC for the masses was indeed a stupid idea since we would have had to have power plants on every other block. Tesla is the reason we live a life of ease with AC electricity.

Extra Extra, read all about it!
Go read about radio. Marconi is in there but there were other people involved as well, and Marconi was not the first person to build a radio transmitter and receiver.

Read about the steam engine. James Watt did not invent that either.

You're safe to read about the cotton gin. Eli Whitney did invent that.

Lots of things we were taught in school just are not true. I bet they still teach the same things.
Go read about radio. Marconi is in there but there were other people involved as well, and Marconi was not the first person to build a radio transmitter and receiver.

Read about the steam engine. James Watt did not invent that either.

You're safe to read about the cotton gin. Eli Whitney did invent that.
OK, but they knew how to do something productive with the idea that the inventor hadn't figured out.
Go read about radio. Marconi is in there but there were other people involved as well, and Marconi was not the first person to build a radio transmitter and receiver.

Read about the steam engine. James Watt did not invent that either.

You're safe to read about the cotton gin. Eli Whitney did invent that.

Lots of things we were taught in school just are not true. I bet they still teach the same things.
3.0 earthquakes are usually not even noticed by most people and they occur every day in the US. I lived in Cali for a couple of years on the coast in Pismo Beach and most days you could feel the ground move. I remember feeling the Coalinga earthquake, that was a 6.2. I've felt a couple of them over the years here in Kentucky.

The ones I've felt were a good bit over 5.0. I lived near a quarry for 15 years. House shook all the time. I don't consider anything an actual earthquake until the bourbon bottles are ringing together.
Go read about radio. Marconi is in there but there were other people involved as well, and Marconi was not the first person to build a radio transmitter and receiver.

Read about the steam engine. James Watt did not invent that either.

You're safe to read about the cotton gin. Eli Whitney did invent that.

Lots of things we were taught in school just are not true. I bet they still teach the same things.

We're not commenting on the same aspect of things, but I have read about those. We actually studied all of that, as I had really good teachers in my history classes. Textbooks were just the basis for a lesson plan back then, not the bible of history as they are today
Good afternoon D, read John 14

I need help from the MILITARY VETS. I have been ask to make a GOLD STAR for a GOLD STAR MOTHER, her son was in the ARMY. I DO NOT want to dishonor this MOTHER or SON in any way. What I am thinking is using black in the center, then make all the points a gold colored glass or do I make the entire star out of gold? Just need your opinion. Thanks D!
Found out last night that along with a chocolate meringue pie, my wife wants me to make a Smith's Island Cake. I just said OK and went about not doing whatever I wasn't doing at the time. Looked it up later and just said "what the hell".

I bake, but I am not a baker. I've painted 3 barns, 2 houses, and a tractor with a rattle can. No one ever suggested I was an artist. No one asked me to paint their portrait.
The ones that I just saw were solid gold. I'm having trouble posting pictures. Why can't I just copy and paste like I used to?
If you want to insert a photograph or picture, pull up the picture and right clink on it. Select copy image address, then go back to the thread reply and go to the top of the page and find the little box on the right. Click on it and you will see insert image . Right click and hit paste. For a link there is an icon for insert link. Copy and past a link.
As i was typing this I used the picture below as a SAMPLE

You will get the hang of it in no time. Easy as pie.
