
I was an Imagery Interpreter in the Army. I loved working with that imagery among other sources. It was just fascinating as can be imagined. When they need it to, ......they just fly it a little faster. Nothing beats it.
You were a squint? Mucho respect. Tedious cannot begin to explain the body of work involved, dedication not withstanding.
Sitting here at 0200 seeing what these storms are going to do. Just made it through our first tornado warning of the night. My phone went off, Alexa went off, the tv went off, and the siren for the town went off. They said it was radar verified but counties are huge compared to a tornado. I went outside to see what was up and there were no tornadic clouds in my area.

We have another set coming through within the hour.
Good morning D Leaguers

Waiting on the sun to come up and have the smell of bacon frying on my outdoor grill. A couple of night ago a black bear came out of the wildlife preserve and scared a bunch of people. The whole community kept their outdoor lights on all night last night. LOL

I sure hope the tornadoes leave you folks alone. That is the last thing we need right before Christmas. of course they are never needed. Prayers your way.

Temperatures here are currently 65° with fog. The sun will take care of that this morning. Our high will shoot up to 79° by noon. Little to no chance of rain and pleasant, for us, humidity. A nice day for sure. Take care all,

Prayers for everyone in Southwestern Kentucky. A horrible night. I checked in on my son and he was down in Garrard County at the home of a girlfriend. Safe enough I suppose but the winds were howling and they kept getting Tornado Warnings on their phone. I know those things cover hundreds of miles but still unsettling.

I hope all your families are safe.
I turned on the news and it is not a pretty sight. God be with those who have lost loved ones and heavy property damage. They are reporting at least 50 dead in Kentucky. I have no words to explain my feelings, I just pray for those who experienced this.

I have never been in a tornado but I sure have seen the results of them during my working career.
I turned on the news and it is not a pretty sight. God be with those who have lost loved ones and heavy property damage. They are reporting at least 50 dead in Kentucky. I have no words to explain my feelings, I just pray for those who experienced this.

I have never been in a tornado but I sure have seen the results of them during my working career.
Said the city of Mayfield, Kentucky was hit particularly hard. A candle manufacturing factory that was operating when the tornado hit, was nearly collapsed from it. That same tornado was on the ground for over 200 miles and was in parts of 4 states.

Thoughts and prayers to those affected by this tragic event.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 50°F and partly cloudy. Today's high may reach 58°F. Looking at a low of 35°F tomorrow morning.

Tragedy in KY and across three other states last night. Thoughts and prayers go out to those affected.

I must run a few errands this morning.

Cats vs Irish from South Bend. Tip off at 5:15 pm EST on ESPN. Go Cats!

Army-Navy game kicks off at 3 pm EST. May watch some.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Good morning! Got rowdy up here last night around 0300. Haven't heard the wind howl like that for quite a while.

I'm glad we didn't have any tornadoes where I am but I'm sad they told us one was on the ground here and it had been confirmed. Tornado sirens kept going off for 2 hours but there was no tornado. This is what causes people to become complacent. We were told to expect up to an inch of rain. We got 3.1 inches here.

Weathermen on the news are some of the most useless people walking at this time. Cell phones with weather apps have rendered them useless. Good to know these same people can guess the climate to the tenth of degree while looking 40 years out.

Bring at least our B game today and we win easily. 82-71
I'm worried about Bert and Sherry. I've been trying to call him but the cell towers must down. He had a tornado in his vicinity last night.
Not sure but my sister lives in Bowling Green and she has cell service. Brother also lives there but haven’t heard from him sister said his power is out so probably no cell service either.
Not sure but my sister lives in Bowling Green and she has cell service. Brother also lives there but haven’t heard from him sister said his power is out so probably no cell service either.
I've read everything I can find and there is no mention of Smith's Grove being hit.
Would have to be F5 if reported 300 plus mph winds is correct. That’s unreal.
I hadn't seen any actual wind speed numbers. I saw a "gate to gate" aggregate speed of 283. I'm sure we all know what THAT means.
I've read everything I can find and there is no mention of Smith's Grove being hit.

I hadn't seen any actual wind speed numbers. I saw a "gate to gate" aggregate speed of 283. I'm sure we all know what THAT means.

I have not read all this but thought I'd post it. Apparently it did hit Smith's Grove hard.

Tornado news

More Tornado news


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I'm worried about Bert and Sherry. I've been trying to call him but the cell towers must down. He had a tornado in his vicinity last night.
From the Courier-Journal:

By the early hours of the morning, towns on Interstate 65, like Smiths Grove and Park City had lost power, as had most of Bowling Green. Downed power lines on main roads interrupted travel patterns and stop lights weren’t working, creating traffic jams. Many businesses were out of power and closed, and the single Shell gas station that was open was packed with motorists.

Probably no way to get in touch with Bert until power is restored or cell towers are back up and operating.
From the Courier-Journal:

By the early hours of the morning, towns on Interstate 65, like Smiths Grove and Park City had lost power, as had most of Bowling Green. Downed power lines on main roads interrupted travel patterns and stop lights weren’t working, creating traffic jams. Many businesses were out of power and closed, and the single Shell gas station that was open was packed with motorists.

Probably no way to get in touch with Bert until power is restored or cell towers are back up and operating.
Thanks. I realized earlier that the number I have for Bert is his land line.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 50°F and partly cloudy. Today's high may reach 58°F. Looking at a low of 35°F tomorrow morning.

Tragedy in KY and across three other states last night. Thoughts and prayers go out to those affected.

I must run a few errands this morning.

Cats vs Irish from South Bend. Tip off at 5:15 pm EST on ESPN. Go Cats!

Army-Navy game kicks off at 3 pm EST. May watch some.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Army after using a couple of passes early to take the lead reverts back to using a running quarterback for the first and second downs and when that does not work bring in the passing quarterback to try to get the first. Has failed the last 7 or 8 sets of downs. Makes no sense.
I have a niece who lives in Bowling Green who has no power but does have cell service.
Brother said it’s a mess. Around a dozen dead and several missing in Warren County. Thankfully he and my sister both escaped without harm. Have another sister in Madisonville whose property also wasn’t damaged. She and her husband were in Nashville during the storms. Our family is fortunate. Also, my son lives in Hendersonville Tn. He drove around today and said biggest damage there was within a quarter mile of his apartment, but he was ok and no damage to his apartment complex. God blessed us all in my family. Feel terrible for the ones that weren’t so lucky.
Brother said it’s a mess. Around a dozen dead and several missing in Warren County. Thankfully he and my sister both escaped without harm. Have another sister in Madisonville whose property also wasn’t damaged. She and her husband were in Nashville during the storms. Our family is fortunate. Also, my son lives in Hendersonville Tn. He drove around today and said biggest damage there was within a quarter mile of his apartment, but he was ok and no damage to his apartment complex. God blessed us all in my family. Feel terrible for the ones that weren’t so lucky.
Thank God for your family's safety.
Has Cord posted? Believe he is in effected area also.
I thought he was in Western Jefferson County.
Army after using a couple of passes early to take the lead reverts back to using a running quarterback for the first and second downs and when that does not work bring in the passing quarterback to try to get the first. Has failed the last 7 or 8 sets of downs. Makes no sense.

You may have heard this before, but the military doesn't always make efficient decisions.