
in 1963 John F Kennedy was shot in Dallas on this day, November 22. I was a Sophomore at UK and in class when we were notified. A young coed burst into our room and screamed "Kennedy has been shot". We had no idea what she was talking about but minutes later everything changed

Good morning from Nolin Lake Anneta, KY. Currently 31°F and partly cloudy. Should see a high of 41°F.

Other cousin would not answer phone last night, so I'll drive out to I-65. Middlesboro-bound around 9 am-10 am. Looking at a 4-hour ride through Glasgow, Somerset, London, Corbin. I'll definitely listen to Tom Leach call tonight's game. May walk over to relatives place and stream it on my laptop.

Been a great visit so far. Plan on returning to Anneta next Saturday.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Austin, I finally got ESPN+ working on my TV. So I will see the game tonight.

I can't stand smart tv, Iphones, computers

I have had a Ring on the garage door for a year and a half. Yesterday it quit working and we are jumping through hoops to get the damned thing back on line.
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Good morning D. read Luke 17 this morning.

Trying to stay busy, made 4 CHRISTMAS bulbs this morning and one THIN BLUE LINE for a good friend of ours who's a deputy in Hopkins Co.

Been lurking around, my heart is just not into posting a lot right now, but love my friends in the D!!! Saw yawl talking about sammmmmaches, my favorite one is a large fresh sausage patty with pickle, mustard and a slice of onion!!!

Being a DAD and GRANDDAD it seems as though the world has landed on my shoulders and I am not handling things very good right now. Please keep us in your Prayers PLEASE!!!! I know GOD is right here with us!

Have a great day D!!!!
in 1963 John F Kennedy was shot in Dallas on this day, November 22. I was a Sophomore at UK and in class when we were notified. A young coed burst into our room and screamed "Kennedy has been shot". We had no idea what she was talking about but minutes later everything changed

I was taking my SAT's at UK that day and we were on our way home when it came across the radio that he had been shot and was at the hospital. Bad day.
Good morning! I've only been awake for 20 minutes and haven't even had my coffee or constitutional yet. Sounds like I'll be listening to the game on the radio tonight.

I didn't hit send and went off down a rabbit hole reading about the ANIMAL who drove his SUV through the Christmas parade.

I am not in a good mood.
Good morning! I've only been awake for 20 minutes and haven't even had my coffee or constitutional yet. Sounds like I'll be listening to the game on the radio tonight.

I didn't hit send and went off down a rabbit hole reading about the ANIMAL who drove his SUV through the Christmas parade.

I am not in a good mood.
I am not either. What burns me up is how the media and left wingers will sugar coat this animals behavior and turn him into a victim.

One thing he proved is a gun is not the only weapon you can use to commit mass murder. Any motor vehicle can do the trick as we have seen over the years. A murderer is a murderer and his choice of weapons can be many things. Being run over by a motor vehicle is a horrible way to die.

I hope the local law enforcement agents have the guts to charge him with 5 counts of first degree murder and 40 counts of attempted murder. And keep the FBI and DOJ out of this. They are the government agencies that just screw things up and spend all of the investigation trying to pin it on a "White Supremacist" The driver is a black man who identifies with the Black Lives Matter crowd. We know BLM can do no wrong. They will justify this because white people are so mean and Christmas parades must be racist.
Listening to the Jones Show this morning and can't get over them wringing their hands about Stoops leaving for LSU or UF. LOL! He gets a 1 year extension to his contract each year he gets 7 or more wins here. He makes about 5 million per year. Regardless of what you think of Stoops you have to, at the very least, think he hasn't lost his damn mind.

Go to LSU where they fire you just 2 years removed from a Natty? Or stay here where you are not only rewarded for being half-assed, but you get rewarded handsomely for being 7/12ths assed. No brainer.
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I am not either. What burns me up is how the media and left wingers will sugar coat this animals behavior and turn him into a victim.

One thing he proved is a gun is not the only weapon you can use to commit mass murder. Any motor vehicle can do the trick as we have seen over the years. A murderer is a murderer and his choice of weapons can be many things. Being run over by a motor vehicle is a horrible way to die.

I hope the local law enforcement agents have the guts to charge him with 5 counts of first degree murder and 40 counts of attempted murder. And keep the FBI and DOJ out of this. They are the government agencies that just screw things up and spend all of the investigation trying to pin it on a "White Supremacist" The driver is a black man who identifies with the Black Lives Matter crowd. We know BLM can do no wrong. They will justify this because white people are so mean and Christmas parades must be racist.
He is a REPEAT felon and was just released 2 days earlier on a felony charge for, get this, $1000 bail!

We're going to find out that he was involved in a stabbing not too far from the parade and was trying to escape.

I've read the twitter chatter up there and other blacks are coming to his rescue already saying he feared for his life and that he was trying to help those people.

From what I've read, most of the people killed and injured are children and elderly
He is a REPEAT felon and was just released 2 days earlier on a felony charge for, get this, $1000 bail!

We're going to find out that he was involved in a stabbing not too far from the parade and was trying to escape.

I've read the twitter chatter up there and other blacks are coming to his rescue already saying he feared for his life and that he was trying to help those people.

From what I've read, most of the people killed and injured are children and elderly
I wasted an hour of you time this afternoon on the phone. I am glad you gave me the time.

I agree totally with you.

Why run over kids and the elderly?
Listening to the Jones Show this morning and can't get over them wringing their hands about Stoops leaving for LSU or UF. LOL! He gets a 1 year extension to his contract each year he gets 7 or more wins here. He makes about 5 million per year. Regardless of what you think of Stoops you have to, at the very least, think he hasn't lost his damn mind.

Go to LSU where they fire you just 2 years removed from a Natty? Or stay here where you are not rewarded for being half-assed, but you get rewarded handsomely for being 7/12ths assed. No brainer.
Neither Florida or LSU want Stoops. Their fan base would go ballistic if they go after him. I think Stoops agent is throwing that out in hopes he will get another raise by "turning them down".

Stoops would bore that fan base to death. Stoops has reached his ceiling in football and makes over $5 million doing it. If he wins 7 he gets an automatic extension No way UF or LSU would agree to that.
I wasted an hour of you time this afternoon on the phone. I am glad you gave me the time.

I agree totally with you.

Why run over kids and the elderly?
Bert you are never a waste of time, more like just the opposite.

Hate to say it but, kids and elderly are slower to react. They were easier targets for that POS.
Neither Florida or LSU want Stoops. Their fan base would go ballistic if they go after him. I think Stoops agent is throwing that out in hopes he will get another raise by "turning them down".

Stoops would bore that fan base to death. Stoops has reached his ceiling in football and makes over $5 million doing it. If he wins 7 he gets an automatic extension No way UF or LSU would agree to that.
He's a big fish in a small pond here.

As the great Philosopher Pink Floyd would ask Stoops - "did you exchange a walk on part in a war for a lead role in a cage"?

A man's got to know his limitations and I think Stoops knows if he leaves here and strikes out, his next stop would be Div II.
Also Jones information...Levis and Rodriguez are very likely to return next year and Wan'dale is about fitty fitty. I was thinking we might have a tough row to hoe next year but if you think about, 2 of the teams we usually have trouble with are in a turmoil right now and will have first year coaches next year. Plus, don't forget about the transfer portal. Those boys have seen other guys transfer in here and immediately play and excel. Kentucky? Why not?
Good Tuesday morning D-League.

We have lots of sunshine this morning, clear skies and a temperature of 51° . The high may get up to 62° if we are lucky. It will be breezy and we have a small craft advisory out in the Gulf. Humidity is dropping by the hour and will be about 39% by 3:00 PM. That is very pleasant for us.

Not much going on today other than my annual doctor's appointment. I have a good relationship with him as he is more of a traditional country doctor and speaks English.

I am listening to the radio and the state is going to eliminate the state taxes at the gasoline pump. Gas is as high as it was when Obama was president and removing the state taxes for awhile will help. Thanks Gov

Trust all had a good night's rest and a good day is ahead. I plead guilty, I only wear short britches except to church


Morning Legionnaires!

Low 70's on tap for today and for the next week or so. Only cooler day is suppose to be this Thursday (thank God). I like the colder days when it is holiday time.

Last nights game shows me again that we need another big for when Oscar gets into foul trouble. When we start playing the higher talented teams it will get rough for us. As for next year it looks to be more of the same. We are guard heavy with only a 6'7" player being the biggest we have so far. Let's hope that Cal somehow can find us a couple of serviceable big men.
Good Tuesday morning D-League.

We have lots of sunshine this morning, clear skies and a temperature of 51° . The high may get up to 62° if we are lucky. It will be breezy and we have a small craft advisory out in the Gulf. Humidity is dropping by the hour and will be about 39% by 3:00 PM. That is very pleasant for us.

Not much going on today other than my annual doctor's appointment. I have a good relationship with him as he is more of a traditional country doctor and speaks English.

I am listening to the radio and the state is going to eliminate the state taxes at the gasoline pump. Gas is as high as it was when Obama was president and removing the state taxes for awhile will help. Thanks Gov

Trust all had a good night's rest and a good day is ahead. I plead guilty, I only wear short britches except to church

A very good friend of mine never wore a pair of long britches after he retired from the matter where you ran into him he had his army green shorts, green army socks, a pair of work boots......that were never laced and a button down collar, long sleeve, light blue Van Huesen dress shirt..............he was the most intelligent person I have ever known......
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Cold morning in Smiths Grove. It is 22.6°F and frosty on our way to 46°.

I enjoyed the game last night. I still don't like to have to use ESPN+. I am a grumpy old man.
Is that 22.6°F as in really 22.6°? That is cold I don't care who you are. Put another log on the fire and get out the Reserve and just relax.

Good morning! According to Alexa it is 24° here right now. That's 5 degrees lower than it was supposed to have been all night. That's OK though, I'm way sure that they are accurate with their long range projections for global warming to the tenth of a degree.

I was watching the game last night and about halfway through the first half I told my wife, "this is some boring shit right here". She thought, because she's a female born and bred, that I was talking about the me and her dynamic was boring.

I said "no, this ball game is about as boring as they get". And since she gave me the ally oop I told her that "the word you're looking for is TEDIOUS."
Good morning from Shawanee, TN. Currently 25°F and clear. Sunny and crisp. Today's high could reach 42°F.

Steamed last little bit of game on my phone last night, but got frustrated with quality. Went back to radio. Tom Leach and Mike Pratt paint a great picture. Sure miss Cawood though after all these years.

Staying with relative. He's remodeling his kitchen. No sink. Plan on grocery shopping either tonight or early tomorrow morning. Visited daughter yesterday. Get to see granddaughter this afternoon.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

No, sorry, not this trip. Returning to Nolin Lake area this coming Saturday. Plan on watching football game with cuz. He's a big UL fan. Ha ha, should be fun. Leaving Sunday morning for TX.
Is he the reason we ate across from the Yum Bucket? Speaking of hot browns, I was talking to Don yesterday and he suggested I make hot browns out of some of the turkey breast I'm cooking for Thanksgiving. Either that night or the next morning I'll be making my first hot brown ever. Should be good since they're so simple.
Good morning D-League. Good to see you all cooking along.

I'm back from a very enjoyable blitz trip to Kentucky - left Saturday morning, drove back Monday.

I was happy and grateful to see all of my family flourishing as well or better than expected from my 90-86 year old parents to my five siblings to all three of my children to my two grand kids. I give thanks for the fact that in my mid-60s all of my family is intact and healthy.

Settling in to do a lot of work before Thursday, then a relatively modest T-Day with my wife and one daughter and her parents. It feels like I had the Big Family Moment, so that'll be fine. I hope all is well with you all.
Is he the reason we ate across from the Yum Bucket? Speaking of hot browns, I was talking to Don yesterday and he suggested I make hot browns out of some of the turkey breast I'm cooking for Thanksgiving. Either that night or the next morning I'll be making my first hot brown ever. Should be good since they're so simple.
Yes, that's him. He's originally from Perry County, but lived in Louisville area for roughly 35 years.

Don still having problems connecting? I've not yet spoken with him since back this way.
Yes, that's him. He's originally from Perry County, but lived in Louisville area for roughly 35 years.

Don still having problems connecting? I've not yet spoken with him since back this way.
Yes he's still having problems. He's making the adjustment from Apple computers to Microsoft for one thing. His other problem was he couldn't sign in with his old name and information. It would only let him come back as a new member.

I'm going to call and walk him through but we'll need some assistance from Jerry or John to get him his old name and stats back. I told him that once we get on there we can set his default page to the D league so each time he turns on his computer it will start with the D. We can do that, right?