
Howdy D-League. I’m here at my parents house in Kentucky with my parents, my three kids and my two grandkids, as siblings and nieces and nephews filter in and out.

Great to see my 90-year-old father with my eight-month old grandson. It’s a real blessing and a rarity to have everyone together.

Hope you all are having a great weekend.
Howdy D-League. I’m here at my parents house in Kentucky with my parents, my three kids and my two grandkids, as siblings and nieces and nephews filter in and out.

Great to see my 90-year-old father with my eight-month old grandson. It’s a real blessing and a rarity to have everyone together.

Hope you all are having a great weekend.
I am happy for you, you are so fortunate. It has been many years since our family could do that. My daddy died in 1990 and we kept things going until my mother passed away in 2007. Now we still get together but I am the old man on the top of the mountain now and my siblings celebrate with their family and younger generations. My brother lives 250 miles from me and my sister about 850. The cycle of life.

Enjoy every second you have with your father because when our fathers are gone you think about them every day. At least I do. Happy Thanksgiving to your father and family.
Supper or Dinner? I pissed a guy off here once when I ask what he was having for lunch. "We don't eat lunch here, it's called dinner" I said: "That's what I eat at night. He said that was wrong and that is called supper. Dinner is the midday meal. He really got mad at me for telling him that supper and dinner were one and the same.
We always called it morning meal, afternoon repast and evening feast.

I am happy for you, you are so fortunate. It has been many years since our family could do that. My daddy died in 1990 and we kept things going until my mother passed away in 2007. Now we still get together but I am the old man on the top of the mountain now and my siblings celebrate with their family and younger generations. My brother lives 250 miles from me and my sister about 850. The cycle of life.

Enjoy every second you have with your father because when our fathers are gone you think about them every day. At least I do. Happy Thanksgiving to your father and family.
Thanks Sawnee. Yes, my family has been blessed with the health of my parents. 67 years of marriage and counting.
Speaking of meals, my wife got me hooked on this and now anytime we have beans, we have to have some on hand.

The Director makes some really good Chow Chow..........and you can't mention Chow Chow without Corn Relish..........I could make a sandwich out of the two of them......maybe on some rye bread.......@Gassy would enjoy that............
Cornbread/buttermilk and lettuce and onions were two of dad's favorite things to eat. Now of all the things in the garden, onions was the one thing I never grew a fondness for. Now I can eat them cooked into things, but I can't stand them raw.
Most mornings my breakfast is cheese and onion. It is stupid but I love raw onions. Of course I love them cooked also.
I think I'm getting ready to have a grilled ham and cheese sammich. I won't know what meal it was until the day is over and I'm through grazing. So far I'm working on my second pint of coffee and I've had 2 cinnamon rolls fresh out the oven.
My wife calls it foraging when I go looking around to graze. I do a lot of foraging just before dinner/supper. She gets pissed if I eat too much before hand. She is afraid I will not eat dinner/supper. Sometimes I don't. One time close to lunch time at work one of my co workers caught me looking around for snacks and sent the picture to my wife who also worked on post. No caption just a picture and ask her did she know what I was doing. Her response was: "Looks like he is foraging for food". My co worker just laughed and then sent a email back asking her how she knew. She told him that was the normal look when I went foraging.
@Sawnee Cat I was just calling to let you know that I will be flying to the game. Whichever one it ends up being.
Sorry I missed your call. My phone was in my truck. I do that often.

Great news anyone else in the D League headed down? I have requested the Outback and Citrus to cover my bases. I might add the Gator to the list.

For those of you coming here is the historical averages for Tampa. You can leave your winter over coat at home and just have a thin wind breaker jacket. Probably will not even need that at the game.
Just saw where Florida fired Dan Mullen as coach.

I saw some rumblings about that last night. Wonder if it was just lucky speculation or if the word was out right after the game.
Dang, grilled ham and cheese sammich sounds good.
It was good but it didn't get grilled. I did fry the ham first though. I had 2 hot dog buns left so I used those. Mixed up some kind of hot sauce I found in the fridge with some mayo to dip the sammy in. Not bad. Very hot! Washed it down with a cold beer in a bottle.
Game time for the UK/UL game is 7:30 Saturday. Damn. I was hoping it would be earlier so I'd have a legitimate excuse to skip my niece's twins birthday party. Crabby ol' uncle.
I was hoping for earlier as well. Makes for a long day.
Egg sandwich with lettuce, cheese, mayo, mustard and lots of onion on toasted bread, jalapenos on the side.
I never thought of onion on an egg sandwich until i watched the movie Harvey. jesse white (the maytag repairman) in the movie asked for onion on his egg sandwich and i tried it and loved it. onions on my egg sandwich ever since. slightly scrambled, never browned.
Egg sandwich with lettuce, cheese, mayo, mustard and lots of onion on toasted bread, jalapenos on the side.
I never thought of onion on an egg sandwich until i watched the movie Harvey. jesse white (the maytag repairman) in the movie asked for onion on his egg sandwich and i tried it and loved it. onions on my egg sandwich ever since. slightly scrambled, never browned.
I love the movie Harvey.
Good morning from Nolin Lake Anneta, KY. Currently 31°F and partly cloudy. Should see a high of 41°F.

Other cousin would not answer phone last night, so I'll drive out to I-65. Middlesboro-bound around 9 am-10 am. Looking at a 4-hour ride through Glasgow, Somerset, London, Corbin. I'll definitely listen to Tom Leach call tonight's game. May walk over to relatives place and stream it on my laptop.

Been a great visit so far. Plan on returning to Anneta next Saturday.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Good Monday morning D-League.

Woke up to light rain and fog with a temperature of 64° . Clouds will hang around as the rain moves on and the high will get up to 72°.

Kyle Rittenhouse was spotted in Florida having a nice meal. The word is he may be moving down here, welcome son. I trust all have a nice week.

Hanging out with the beautiful people. Looks like things are going to be OK for Kyle. Wow!