
Good morning from ATX. Currently 46°F and clear. 79°F looks like our high for today.

Nice break yesterday. Back working today. Co-worker out again. Hope we're not too busy.

Robert Morris Colonels visit Rupp tonight. Game at 7 pm EST. Go Cats!

Happy Friday!

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

What kind of work do you do for yours to be working and his to be out again. I would quit that job. ;) 😁
Good Friday morning D-League

Trust all are well. We have 66° and partly cloudy skies. A very slim chance of rain as the temperature climbs to 73° this afternoon.

Austin's chicken soup looks appetizing this morning. I came down with a head cold and sinus "drip" and a hot chicken soup would do me good. I will have that today.

Not a lot to do today but something always comes up. Take care all
Thanks. My dad will be 90 in April good lord willing. So blessed to have had them this long. And I live less than half a mile away, so I can check on them daily. Worked beside them all my life on the family farm, truly blessed.
That is something that has faded away and very rare in today's society. You are blessed. When I went away to college I pretty much left home forever. It was college then to the army and then to work. I only see my son and his family a few days out of the year.

Growing up my family was large on both sides and my early childhood was full of experiences with aunts, cousins and grand parents. But it seems the decades after WWII people started to scatter and farms were busted up and lost for ever. Below is the house I grew up in my early childhood. No heat, no AC, no indoor plumbing. It is long gone and now residential homes, condominiums and shopping areas are on these 100 acres. No trace of citrus groves or cattle. I do yearn for a simple life again but that is a dream gone away.

You are blessed.

It's a sunny 38 in the Buckeye State. Heading up to the low 50s. Sounds like MdWildcat and BBUK might be getting some of the rain we had late yesterday afternoon and evening.

My mom turned 90 today.
Happy B'day to your mom.
Sadly we are going to a viewing this morning of a lady who was the mother of a good friend of ours. She was 92 (I think). Was in a car wreck last week...broke a bunch of ribs, bit thru her tongue, and something in her stomach was split from the sideways lurch of impact. Told the Mrs. at the time she wouldn't last...only lived a couple of days. Sad.

Was yesterday anything special for @UK82? Thought I heard a rumor...but guess not.

Y'all have a good day.
A few of you inquired about the health and status of "Winter" the prosthetic tail dolphin at Clearwater Aquarium. She died at 8:00 PM last night. She was 16.


Sorry to hear that. Hoped she'd pull through.

We were hoping to take our daughter there to visit last year, but the plandemic cancelled our trip. Rescheduled to this winter, but will still come too late to see Winter. Makes me a bit sad for my daughter.
Sorry to hear that. Hoped she'd pull through.

We were hoping to take our daughter there to visit last year, but the plandemic cancelled our trip. Rescheduled to this winter, but will still come too late to see Winter. Makes me a bit sad for my daughter.
It is amazing our young girls were so attracted to Winter. I had never heard of her until my 10 year old granddaughter, at the time, told us about her. She visited a few years ago and it was amazing the interaction kids had with the dolphin. One youngster had flow all the way from the west coast. The child had a severe disability and inspiration from the dolphin aided in her recovery.

There were many stories like this
That is something that has faded away and very rare in today's society. You are blessed. When I went away to college I pretty much left home forever. It was college then to the army and then to work. I only see my son and his family a few days out of the year.

Growing up my family was large on both sides and my early childhood was full of experiences with aunts, cousins and grand parents. But it seems the decades after WWII people started to scatter and farms were busted up and lost for ever. Below is the house I grew up in my early childhood. No heat, no AC, no indoor plumbing. It is long gone and now residential homes, condominiums and shopping areas are on these 100 acres. No trace of citrus groves or cattle. I do yearn for a simple life again but that is a dream gone away.

You are blessed.

Wow, what I would give to go back and spend some time in that house in that era.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 46°F and clear. 79°F looks like our high for today.

Nice break yesterday. Back working today. Co-worker out again. Hope we're not too busy.

Robert Morris Colonels visit Rupp tonight. Game at 7 pm EST. Go Cats!

Happy Friday!

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.


I had it yesterday in preparation for today. Or the day before.... My greats meals run together some times... ;)
Dudes making caddy shack 2 or is it 3?...
It would be 3, but if it's anything, at all, like 2 then you would be better served watching 1 while you sleep.

Speaking of golf, didn't happen today. Dude backed out on me after he got there and felt the cold wind. We ended up playing shuffleboard back in the bar. I tried to tell him last night that we play too much golf to play when the weather is this bad. I'll play when it's 35° as long as it's sunny and the wind isn't blowing. When it's 50 and overcast with the wind blowing 25mph, it's too cold.

Interesting note: we tied Duke while Oscar was in the game and they outscored us by 8 when he was on the bench with "foul trouble". He only played 11 minutes of the first half and then sat again when he picked up his 3rd "foul". He ended the game with those 3 fouls. Hmmmm...

Someone should have been keeping up with that fact during the game. I would rather lose with him fouled out than with him having 2 fouls left to give. Play to win! Don't play not to lose.
Speaking of children, there sure is a big deal being made of Youngkin's kid trying to vote. I just read the story for the first time even though I've seen numerous headlines in the last few days. Nothing happened here of local concern, let alone the national headlines.

I'm going to go study something now and leave the news alone.
These photos are all I need to know the young man up North should not be facing trial for murder. He wouldn't in some states including the one I live in. If BLM are going to run up and down the streets of America causing civil unrest, there will be much more of this.

If you live in a state that does not allow deadly force to protect your life and property, get your state legislature to do something about. it. Times are not going to get any better. Just the opposite



Good afternoon D, read Mark 6.

First I want to thank all the VETERANS for your service!!!! Sorry I am a day late!!

Next I want to say Happy Birthday to those who have had birthdays.

Next I want to thank all of the D who have been praying for my family and PLEASE continue to pray for us, especially my son, daughter-in-in-law and my granddaughter. I still cannot believe what has happened, it's like we are in a horrible dream and we just can't wake up! Bert, you are right!!!!!!

I continue to pray for the D! Cord and family!!!!
One good story from yesterday, we went to Owensboro yesterday to get a tree, we haven't had a tree in about 5 years. So we decided to go to O'Charley's to eat, I have never used my VETERAN status at a meal on VETERAN'S DAY but yesterday I decided to, they a free meal for us. So we ordered, had a great meal, before the waitress brought us our ticket I told Mrs. M what a great waitress the lady was and I had two ornaments I had taken with us to see which tree we wanted to get and to see which tree the ornaments looked best with the tree. I told Mrs. M I was going to give her one, we did and I thought the lady was going to cry. Then when she brought us our ticket we looked at it and it was or $2.97, we called her over and told her she had made a mistake and Mrs. M was not a service member, she just looked at us and said, as far as I am concerned you served with him!!! By now Mrs. M is crying she hugged us told us to have a great day! We left her a sizeable tip.

One funny thing with this is, Mrs. M always wants to stop at the Island Dairy freeze for an ice cream. So I get us two cones and they cost us more than our two dinners at O'Charley's!!!!
These photos are all I need to know the young man up North should not be facing trial for murder. He wouldn't in some states including the one I live in. If BLM are going to run up and down the streets of America causing civil unrest, there will be much more of this.

If you live in a state that does not allow deadly force to protect your life and property, get your state legislature to do something about. it. Times are not going to get any better. Just the opposite



Middle shot is a "hate crime" if one goes just by skin color. Assault by any other in each of these photos
One good story from yesterday, we went to Owensboro yesterday to get a tree, we haven't had a tree in about 5 years. So we decided to go to O'Charley's to eat, I have never used my VETERAN status at a meal on VETERAN'S DAY but yesterday I decided to, they a free meal for us. So we ordered, had a great meal, before the waitress brought us our ticket I told Mrs. M what a great waitress the lady was and I had two ornaments I had taken with us to see which tree we wanted to get and to see which tree the ornaments looked best with the tree. I told Mrs. M I was going to give her one, we did and I thought the lady was going to cry. Then when she brought us our ticket we looked at it and it was or $2.97, we called her over and told her she had made a mistake and Mrs. M was not a service member, she just looked at us and said, as far as I am concerned you served with him!!! By now Mrs. M is crying she hugged us told us to have a great day! We left her a sizeable tip.

One funny thing with this is, Mrs. M always wants to stop at the Island Dairy freeze for an ice cream. So I get us two cones and they cost us more than our two dinners at O'Charley's!!!!
Great story. Happy y'all enjoyed yourselves.
Speaking of golf, didn't happen today. Dude backed out on me after he got there and felt the cold wind. We ended up playing shuffleboard back in the bar. I tried to tell him last night that we play too much golf to play when the weather is this bad. I'll play when it's 35° as long as it's sunny and the wind isn't blowing. When it's 50 and overcast with the wind blowing 25mph, it's too cold.
Memories of when I was playing on my H.S. golf team. Can't remember exactly, but it seems that we would start the Spring session around March 1st. We would play/practice close to every day after school...and some Saturdays. Unless it got really, really bad...we would be out there playing. Just about turned me totally against the game. Not a lot of fun playing golf in the cold, sleet, snow, wind, etc. And we played many a time in weather like that.
One good story from yesterday, we went to Owensboro yesterday to get a tree, we haven't had a tree in about 5 years. So we decided to go to O'Charley's to eat, I have never used my VETERAN status at a meal on VETERAN'S DAY but yesterday I decided to, they a free meal for us. So we ordered, had a great meal, before the waitress brought us our ticket I told Mrs. M what a great waitress the lady was and I had two ornaments I had taken with us to see which tree we wanted to get and to see which tree the ornaments looked best with the tree. I told Mrs. M I was going to give her one, we did and I thought the lady was going to cry. Then when she brought us our ticket we looked at it and it was or $2.97, we called her over and told her she had made a mistake and Mrs. M was not a service member, she just looked at us and said, as far as I am concerned you served with him!!! By now Mrs. M is crying she hugged us told us to have a great day! We left her a sizeable tip.

One funny thing with this is, Mrs. M always wants to stop at the Island Dairy freeze for an ice cream. So I get us two cones and they cost us more than our two dinners at O'Charley's!!!!
I buy a bunch of O'Charley's gift cards every Christmas to pass out to people. Sam's Club has had a deal for a number of years now where you buy $100 of gift cards ( 4 $25 cards) for $75. Not bad.
Plus I think they have pretty good food. Don't know if they still have the free pie deal on Wed (?) that they used to have or not.
Memories of when I was playing on my H.S. golf team. Can't remember exactly, but it seems that we would start the Spring session around March 1st. We would play/practice close to every day after school...and some Saturdays. Unless it got really, really bad...we would be out there playing. Just about turned me totally against the game. Not a lot of fun playing golf in the cold, sleet, snow, wind, etc. And we played many a time in weather like that.

Good prep for the armed services or good blue collar work ethic, though!
Memories of when I was playing on my H.S. golf team. Can't remember exactly, but it seems that we would start the Spring session around March 1st. We would play/practice close to every day after school...and some Saturdays. Unless it got really, really bad...we would be out there playing. Just about turned me totally against the game. Not a lot of fun playing golf in the cold, sleet, snow, wind, etc. And we played many a time in weather like that.
I could have played baseball 365 days a year, no matter the weather, but of course none of the other kids were as weird as me. We had a house and garage with rock walls, so I took a golf ball and practiced catching ground balls in blocks of one hour while trying to make it aerobic by going fast and hard. I went three years without missing a day. When school was out, l might go as many as six one hour blocks a day. I figure I caught five million ground balls over those three years. There were days when I had to shovel snow to get my hour in. At 38 years old and playing with a bad leg and shoulder, a 25 year college coach told my teammates I was the best third baseman he had ever seen.
That is something that has faded away and very rare in today's society. You are blessed. When I went away to college I pretty much left home forever. It was college then to the army and then to work. I only see my son and his family a few days out of the year.

Growing up my family was large on both sides and my early childhood was full of experiences with aunts, cousins and grand parents. But it seems the decades after WWII people started to scatter and farms were busted up and lost for ever. Below is the house I grew up in my early childhood. No heat, no AC, no indoor plumbing. It is long gone and now residential homes, condominiums and shopping areas are on these 100 acres. No trace of citrus groves or cattle. I do yearn for a simple life again but that is a dream gone away.

You are blessed.

Just checked in for the first time today. You are so right Sawnee. I realize more and more as I get older, how lucky I have been. Not many people can live the life I have, and I’m so thankful. I often wonder about other people’s lives, traveling afar, working coast to coast, etc. I’ve never experienced it. But I’ve experienced my parents lives since mine. Wish everyone could. It’s indescribable, really.
Don’t mean to hijack, but why, when I click on the D league thread. does it take me to the first page? Only been doing that for a couple weeks. Covid?
Which browser are you using? Like @bertfan31 suggests, try clearing cache. Also attempt access using a different browser.