
Everyone must have an Aunt Bess, that was my Aunt... A worldly treasure along side my Mom, who was a treasure in her own right....

Looks like you might have been a hand full.......both of them are hanging on and you have that look.........I've seen that look on a kids face.......
To all of the thankyou's and well wishes for Veterans Day I simply say it was truly an honor and a pleasure sincerely. I love this country and the time I spent in the military has been the highlight of my life thus far.

MDwildcat55 you were there and are a part of it as well. You have probably seen more action than most of us.
MD deserves special mention.
Today is my Birthday BUT I'm not looking for any "best wishes for your birthday" messages. Please don't. I just want everyone to know how cool it is to share this day with veterans. It's a privilege and an honor. Today is their day. Mom could not have picked a better day to bring my sorry ass in to this world. My sincerest thank-you veterans!
To all of you coffee aficionados who ground their own, is it worth it? My wife wants to get and old fashion type grinder and some coffee beans along with some wheat gains to make her own bread. Looks like I will be having arms like Popeye shortly.💪
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Today is my Birthday BUT I'm not looking for any "best wishes for your birthday" messages. Please don't. I just want everyone to know how cool it is to share this day with veterans. It's a privilege and an honor. Today is their day. Mom could not have picked a better day to bring my sorry ass in to this world. My sincerest thank-you veterans!
Too bad, Best wishes! Just had to do it man.

MD deserves special mention.
Thanks for the kind words Warrior and Bernie but I certainly don’t feel I deserve the honors rightly bestowed on veterans.

I always knew there was a basic difference - I could come and go when I wanted to. The guys who were there fulfilling their oath to defend the country didn’t have that option.

So, once again, thanks to all you veterans, your service to our country is very much appreciated.
Thanks for the kind words Warrior and Bernie but I certainly don’t feel I deserve the honors rightly bestowed on veterans.

I always knew there was a basic difference - I could come and go when I wanted to. The guys who were there fulfilling their oath to defend the country didn’t have that option.

So, once again, thanks to all you veterans, your service to our country is very much appreciated.
Life threatening dangers were still part of the job and the service you provided I bet was positive compared to the many others we have seen to the contrary.
Today is my Birthday BUT I'm not looking for any "best wishes for your birthday" messages. Please don't. I just want everyone to know how cool it is to share this day with veterans. It's a privilege and an honor. Today is their day. Mom could not have picked a better day to bring my sorry ass in to this world. My sincerest thank-you veterans!
My mom turned 90 today. Happy birthday 82!
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Thanks for the kind words Warrior and Bernie but I certainly don’t feel I deserve the honors rightly bestowed on veterans.

I always knew there was a basic difference - I could come and go when I wanted to. The guys who were there fulfilling their oath to defend the country didn’t have that option.

So, once again, thanks to all you veterans, your service to our country is very much appreciated.
You could come and go as you pleased, or you could have not gone at all. The key is you went of your own free will. Some soldiers went because they were made to go. I chose to go because it hurt my soul to know guys were being forced to go while I Was safe at home. In a way, I went for selfish reasons, to soothe my concious. Trust me, you deserve our appreciation.
Happy Birthday to @UK82 . Wishing you many more.

Watching MASH final episode now. Never saw the final, which aired in 1983. I'd just returned from peacekeeping duty in the desert and had other interests in mind back then -- i.e chasing ladies.

Listened to Buck Sexton and Clay Travis earlier today while driving back from BJs Brewhouse. Guest on the show reflected on his wounds in Iraq, loss of leg and recovery. After listening, I realized how lucky I am.

Ate some of the best Spaghetti and Jumbo meatballs at BJ's ever. Delicious.

Happy birthday to your Mom! My Mom turned 87 Sunday, Dad 86 Saturday. A lot of November babies in our family.
Thanks. My dad will be 90 in April good lord willing. So blessed to have had them this long. And I live less than half a mile away, so I can check on them daily. Worked beside them all my life on the family farm, truly blessed.
Today is my Birthday BUT I'm not looking for any "best wishes for your birthday" messages. Please don't. I just want everyone to know how cool it is to share this day with veterans. It's a privilege and an honor. Today is their day. Mom could not have picked a better day to bring my sorry ass in to this world. My sincerest thank-you veterans!

A non happy birthday to you.
Today is my Birthday BUT I'm not looking for any "best wishes for your birthday" messages. Please don't. I just want everyone to know how cool it is to share this day with veterans. It's a privilege and an honor. Today is their day. Mom could not have picked a better day to bring my sorry ass in to this world. My sincerest thank-you veterans!

Have a great other 364 days! Is this leap year coming up? If so have a great 365 other days! I cannot wish or pray you more than that and stay within your request. 😁
Good morning from ATX. Currently 46°F and clear. 79°F looks like our high for today.

Nice break yesterday. Back working today. Co-worker out again. Hope we're not too busy.

Robert Morris Colonels visit Rupp tonight. Game at 7 pm EST. Go Cats!

Happy Friday!

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.
