
Yeah, it pissed me off when it happened to my soldiers but me, I just chalked it up to me dodging a bullet (little war time humor there).

We had some it happened to who lost it and one particular soldier we all felt really bad for. We had a tent set up for movies and home messages on VHS tapes and if it was ok with the soldier we could watch others home messages on tape to have something to do. One time we were watching one and the wife came in to camera view wearing a nighty in the bed room and we all started walking out only to hear her say, "guess what I have been doing while you were gone?" Another man walked in to the picture in his underwear and she basically said it was over between them and she had a new man. We left the soldier in the tent trying to save him some embarrassment. I was so angry at that bitch I wanted to kill her for him. He was sent back and we never saw him again even when we got back. They let him out of the Army because he took it so hard. Now that was a cold bitch.
That is the type I was referring to. Thank God they are few and far between.
Never fooled around while/when I was married, although could have if I wanted to (thinking of 2-3 younger women back then). Always thought three things (and I'm no saint)...I couldn't look my wife in the face/eyes....couldn't look at myself in the mirror...but, mostly, couldn't look at my 3 young kids.

Yeah, All I can remember ever wanting was a family I could call my own. Even in my teen years. Darned if I will do anything to mess it up though my mouth is bad enough at times.
I owned and loved Nissan 300ZXs. Had to give them up for this reason exactly.

Had one just like that but mine was silver. Also had a 280Z and a 280ZX.
I read a statistic recently that said that only 3% of cheaters end up marrying the person they cheated with.
In my ex-wife's case there were 4 of them so, she had a few to pick from. I thought three but one of my sons said: "No dad, there were 4". Oh well. Since then I use the positive side to that. It took 4 men to replace me.
Had a lady that worked for me for a number of years. She followed me (I recruited her and she came) from when I was a Regional Mgr for one a company that I ran. Over the years she went from a loving, doting wife to one who was having an affair. Her affair was with my CFO who was married as well.
I pulled her into my office one day (as a friend and not a boss...probably couldn't do this today) and had a talk with her about this very thing. Made the point...if you're cheating on your husband...and he's cheating on his wife...what will you think when/if you two get married? One of you, or both, at some time will have all that in the back of your mind. Can't lead to marital bliss.

Yep. Both of them know absolutely that the other one has the willingness to cheat if the right person comes along - because they have both demonstrated that flaw already.
Speaking of cheating... I think the refs swallow their whistles tonight. Coach K can't go undefeated in his last season if he loses the first game.

Anyway, I got the Cats by 5.
I could care less what the piss ants do and hope they choke on them whistles watching UK jump shots sing.

Go Big Blue!
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Any chance Jones will get involved in the senate race against Rand Paul? I know his dream is to be a politician and he would love to get to Washington DC. Maybe Matt could even write another hit book like the one he did about Mitch.

Kentucky politics are fun to follow.
Didn't Jones run for the U.S. Senate once before?

Neither team played well. Duke has some talent and played to the their strengths. Our adjustments insufficient. Albeit, first game. and we played like it. Wheeler was on a island and surrounded by stars not shining too brightly, and in the end, trying too hard himself. TyTy was not ready for a game of this magnitude but not far away. Daimion obviously too immature. Toppin inconsistant. If the coachimg is as talented as our team we'll be fine. I have not been particularly impressed with Cal this past couple of seasons. Success this season, as usual will limited by team unity and cohesion. Ceiling is unlimiteted and could include #9. Personally, that's the entertaining part. Watching them mature, grow into young men and develop as a team. I'd sure like to see Cal be successful. All these fellows seem to be decent folk giving an honest effort and deserve his best.​
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Good morning from ATX. Currently 62°F and mostly cloudy. Front coming through late Thursday or early Friday. Today's high reaching 80°F.

Oscar really impressed me last night. He must stay out of foul trouble. Wheeler played a good game with 16 points and 10 assists, but turned it over 7 times. Cats held Duke to 1-12 from behind the arc. Unfortunately, Blue Devils still shot 50% from the field and hit 64% of their twos. Meh, much good, some bad.

Co-worker out today and Friday. Hope we're not too busy.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Good morning all. Can't say it's a beautiful sunny morning...because it's pitch black outside. Fewer and fewer minutes of sunshine this time of year. But it is supposed to be a nice day. It's low 40s right now in the Buckeye State...heading up to close to 60.

Like a lot done yesterday. Mowed the yard again and half of one of the fields. Field had grown so much during all the rain that mowing it last week was a mess....looks better now. Will this be the last mowing of the season? Shall see. Hope so.

Y'all have a good day.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 62°F and mostly cloudy. Front coming through late Thursday or early Friday. Today's high reaching 80°F.

Oscar really impressed me last night. He must stay out of foul trouble. Wheeler played a good game with 16 points and 10 assists, but turned it over 7 times. Cats held Duke to 1-12 from behind the arc. Unfortunately, Blue Devils still shot 50% from the field and hit 64% of their twos. Meh, much good, some bad.

Co-worker out today and Friday. Hope we're not too busy.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

No thanks Austin, I think we have enough cupcakes in this country as it is. What we need is more BEEF.
Not all woman are created equal. I had my share of misery too. I can tell you many many woman can be put on a pedestal and cherished.

I do agree woman can be some cold-hearted killers but not all and EVER is a long long time.

Some you might never suspect would be, however, can be.

Right up until the day she put the knife in his back, a friend's ex was the loving/doting bride and spoke glowingly of her husband on every front and to everyone. He worked 2 jobs so she could be the stay at home mom she wanted to be. After 25 years she started her affairs, stole money from their account, and buried HIM with debt and alimony payments. Christian woman who somehow thinks she's still one of God's children even after adultery, character assassination, and theft, none of which she's ever apologized for, corrected, or repaid.

All it can take sometimes is the unsolicited affection/flattery of a stranger to corrupt someone (though they have to already be deficient in self-image and certain moral values to consider and decide to commit such acts).

This woman played games with him before they were married and tho her husband didnt know, never stopped talking to the college bo who played games with her (wouldn't commit to her). There were signs, but they weren't easy for him to see.

As was well said earlier, serial cheaters rarely change enough to have a successful relationship with those they commit adultery.

On that bright note.... back to work for me.
In my ex-wife's case there were 4 of them so, she had a few to pick from. I thought three but one of my sons said: "No dad, there were 4". Oh well. Since then I use the positive side to that. It took 4 men to replace me.

They never can replace us. My first wife had 2, would have been 3 but 1 was after I stopped all physical interaction and kicked her out of the house. Tried to work things out because of the commitment before God, but abstained in the meantime. Found out all kinds of things about her after the separation that no one would tell me BEFORE we were married.

I booted everyone from my life that knew she was a cheater and refused to tell me beforehand, and continually booted people that were friends with her afterward knowing what she had done when we were together. People make all kinds of excuses for cheaters, maybe because they want to still have friends if they find the right person to cheat with themselves...

God protected me throughout it all, and He still does. I knew the hour she first cheated, and did my best to work through it. He kept her disposed to not take things to court where we lived back then, even tho she was house hunting with her boyfriend just before we finished the settlement. It still wasn't pleasant, but at least it's over and I don't have any lingering reminders of it. I ignored all of her attempts to woo me and contact me even years afterward. I moved on, moved away, and started over. Got a good wife and family now, all praise to God!
Good morning from ATX. Currently 62°F and mostly cloudy. Front coming through late Thursday or early Friday. Today's high reaching 80°F.

Oscar really impressed me last night. He must stay out of foul trouble. Wheeler played a good game with 16 points and 10 assists, but turned it over 7 times. Cats held Duke to 1-12 from behind the arc. Unfortunately, Blue Devils still shot 50% from the field and hit 64% of their twos. Meh, much good, some bad.

Co-worker out today and Friday. Hope we're not too busy.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.


Kinda creepy that I'm in sync with the "National _ _ Day" calendar. We're making cupcakes for a friend's birthday tonight.