
Not all woman are created equal. I had my share of misery too. I can tell you many many woman can be put on a pedestal and cherished.

I do agree woman can be some cold-hearted killers but not all and EVER is a long long time.
Good for you and your darling BBUK. God must have put you together and God does not make mistakes. Some of us are very fortunate because I have a wife much like you . God is center in her life.

When I was a Drill Sgt in Basic Training I found out fickle many girls were when their man went off to war. I would image 35% in my company broke up with a girl friend after about 6 weeks. Of course I am talking about trainees who were 18, 19, 20 or 21 years old. By AIT it may have been 90% of the unmarried and a large number of married. The girl friend back home was not mature enough to begin with but it still stung the poor recruits.
Plus, Rand Paul is the smartest of all 100 U.S. Senators.

I will bet you that Rand Paul knows more about sports than Jones.

On August 8, 2010, Rand, Sherry, an old man from Rand’s family and me, along with the commercial director, had about 4 hours to kill between filming commercials for Rand’s first run at the Senate. All of that down time was spent talking about everything from politics to sports. Rand just regurgitates facts and trivia. I have met a bunch of smart folks in my life, but I don't know if I have met a smarter man and it is not just about medicine and politics but many, many subjects. Plus, Rand will keep you on your toes as he never forgets anything that is said. He truly engages you. Don’t believe me just ask Dr. Fauci. Rand can decimate the dude and most others if he so chooses.

The first speech he gave after announcing his Senate run, he got upon the stage at Western Kentucky University and introduced his positions. He had no notes just a microphone. After about 30 minutes he sat down on the edge of the stage and took questions from anyone that wanted to ask. He never covered the same subject twice unless ask to do so. The man is one of a kind and it is good that he fell in love with a Kentucky girl or we would not have him in my state.

Folks I am high on Rand Paul, and he has my vote for whatever office he runs for. Plus, I know his sweet wife. She is a good Kentucky farm girl who is equally smart.
I would cherish the opportunity to cast a vote for Rand Paul for President of the United States as his party's nominee. I think he is the smartest man in Washington DC and the has the most integrity. He is the one with the answers as to how to Make America Great Again.
Good for you and your darling BBUK. God must have put you together and God does not make mistakes. Some of us are very fortunate because I have a wife much like you . God is center in her life.

When I was a Drill Sgt in Basic Training I found out fickle many girls were when their man went off to war. I would image 35% in my company broke up with a girl friend after about 6 weeks. Of course I am talking about trainees who were 18, 19, 20 or 21 years old. By AIT it may have been 90% of the unmarried and a large number of married. The girl friend back home was not mature enough to begin with but it still stung the poor recruits.

Yes Sir,
I am fully aware. Not in War times but I have seen the snakes called women. Also seen a bunch of skank type men too. (I saw the men more as I lived with them.) My only observation was categorizing any group into the "all" category.

Only certain things scare me. Losing my wife and my family are first and foremost and using absolute words when it comes to people and categorizing "all" into anything. Very few circumstances dictate using that type of word.

Also, I know brother poster Kai did not mean it like that. It was more for me than him. (I like to get my reasoning visualized at times to keep me honest.)
I would cherish the opportunity to cast a vote for Rand Paul for President of the United States as his party's nominee. I think he is the smartest man in Washington DC and the has the most integrity. He is the one with the answers as to how to Make America Great Again.

Yeah that hurt me when President Trump got nasty with Rand during the debates but Rand also went rogue on then candidate Trump knowing full well the personal generosity of President Trump. (Citizen Trump fully funded one or some of Rand's donation trips for his medical services to foreign countries.)

I do think they made full amends as both are super human beings that this world needs.

Politics in general is nasty. I am glad they both raised themselves up out of that swamp mired attitude...
I'm assuming this is a no-sale?

I owned and loved Nissan 300ZXs. Had to give them up for this reason exactly.

I owned and loved Nissan 300ZXs. Had to give them up for this reason exactly.


That was my favorite car at one time Sir. (Never owned one but sure wanted to.) A sharp, sharp car... Still is... (Not sure I could imagine a better color than the one you also posted.) That baby rocks! (Even at my age now, I'd suffer and corkscrew my way into that baby and love it.)
Some good advice here and examples of why men should not EVER put a woman on a "pedestal" in any way.

You have to leave them guessing to some degree. Most women are on the lookout for a better deal or what they perceive to be a man of higher quality and it's in their nature to branch swing; meaning that they often times won't leave one relationship unless they have another man to go to. In many cases there is already another guy in the background that she is seeing. In most all cases, if the woman is the one to initiate the breakup......then she already has another guy to replace you. Yeah, it's cold-blooded, but this is the nature of many, many women out there and being a "nice guy" is often the victim.

I read a statistic recently that said that only 3% of cheaters end up marrying the person they cheated with.
Yes Sir,
I am fully aware. Not in War times but I have seen the snakes called women. Also seen a bunch of skank type men too. (I saw the men more as I lived with them.) My only observation was categorizing any group into the "all" category.

Only certain things scare me. Losing my wife and my family are first and foremost and using absolute words when it comes to people and categorizing "all" into anything. Very few circumstances dictate using that type of word.

Also, I know brother poster Kai did not mean it like that. It was more for me than him. (I like to get my reasoning visualized at times to keep me honest.)
Of course we are not going to "categorize" all women into one basket. In m comments I only had thoughts of the poor soldiers who got the word while serving their country.

The women and men in my life have been faithful, loyal and very loving. They have also been devoted Christians with a strong faith., I think only one of my many, many uncles and aunts got a divorce. And that was 100% the man's fault when he deserted his family.

But come to think of it. His wife did not grant him a divorce so he could not marry the woman he ran off with. My aunt, bless her wonderful heart. would not give him the satisfaction of a second wife. Not after he deserted the family. So technically none were legally divorced. In spirit yes but not in the eyes of the State .

Let me add I love women and I love motherhood
That was my favorite car at one time Sir. (Never owned one but sure wanted to.) A sharp, sharp car... Still is... (Not sure I could imagine a better color than the one you also posted.) That baby rocks! (Even at my age now, I'd suffer and corkscrew my way into that baby and love it.)

My wife saw that picture as I was posting it and said. "I want that car."

I bought that car in the early 90s for a thousand dollars. It had had an engine fire and had about 140K miles on it but was almost like new otherwise. I replaced the burned parts from junkyard cars for about a hundred bucks and it ran great. Drove that thing for another 150K miles and only had to replace the clutch once.
I had one exactly like this but a silver platinum color. I gave it to my son when he graduated from high school.

Ha. I gave my daughter a maroon one like this that I paid a couple of hundred dollars for and fixed it up. I have bought all my daughters and granddaughters their first car (used of course). I always give my hand-me-down cars to one of the kids.
I read a statistic recently that said that only 3% of cheaters end up marrying the person they cheated with.
Had a lady that worked for me for a number of years. She followed me (I recruited her and she came) from when I was a Regional Mgr for one a company that I ran. Over the years she went from a loving, doting wife to one who was having an affair. Her affair was with my CFO who was married as well.
I pulled her into my office one day (as a friend and not a boss...probably couldn't do this today) and had a talk with her about this very thing. Made the point...if you're cheating on your husband...and he's cheating on his wife...what will you think when/if you two get married? One of you, or both, at some time will have all that in the back of your mind. Can't lead to marital bliss.
6 months down the line he cheated on her and she called and ask If we could get back together. Lol. Nope.
(Thought I would highlight like Sawnee)

When my daughter was making plans for her marriage I had already moved to Ohio from Georgia. Had been divorced from her mother for close to 7 years. On a conversation on the phone with her about wedding plans, her mother was next to her...telling her to tell/ask me things, etc. During the conversation, the 'ex' asked her to ask me if I wanted to make it a dual wedding (neither her or I had remarried at the time). As warrior said...that's a big Nope.
Couple of years later I asked my daughter if she remembered that and she said 'of course'. Asked her if her mom was kidding or not, and she said no.
Ha. I gave my daughter a maroon one like this that I paid a couple of hundred dollars for and fixed it up. I have bought all my daughters and granddaughters their first car (used of course). I always give my hand-me-down cars to one of the kids.

I have had it worked different for me... I bought my kids mostly new cars and I get their hand me down cars. My commuter car I use now was the 2012 Mazda 3 (Skyactiv) I bought my youngest before we went to Korea in 2012. (I didn't want to worry about her breaking down.) Had a serious hail storm in SA just before we returned and it totaled the car. I still drive it as it has 77k miles on it and runs super. I do all the work. (Oil, brakes...) I'd drive it to Colorado (I don't do California) now after I cleaned the windows. It has a junk title BUT that costs me about $75 a year instead of the $300.00 or so this dastardly place charges for property tax.)

Once we find a place we can move out of this county. (Fairfax), I will buy a new car or truck. Had my eye on either an extended cab Chevy Colorado or an extended Toyota Highlander. (I bet it is the Highlander. My Darling likes them and I do too unless we find something similar we like.)
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Had a lady that worked for me for a number of years. She followed me (I recruited her and she came) from when I was a Regional Mgr for one a company that I ran. Over the years she went from a loving, doting wife to one who was having an affair. Her affair was with my CFO who was married as well.
I pulled her into my office one day (as a friend and not a boss...probably couldn't do this today) and had a talk with her about this very thing. Made the point...if you're cheating on your husband...and he's cheating on his wife...what will you think when/if you two get married? One of you, or both, at some time will have all that in the back of your mind. Can't lead to marital bliss.

I haven't told this to many people, not even my Darling but when we went to Korea she warned me about all those young Korean girls looking to get U.S. citizenship. I realized that but never brought it up again. I didn't mind discreetly looking and they are very beautiful. (I always stated to the people I hung around with if a pretty young girl tried to hit on me I'd think they were one of two things, a mental case or full blown AIDS infested. Yeah that was a mindset I had and wanted to keep.)

I was in Korea for about a year and this gorgeous girl (She stated she was 30). Just a knockout type person started flirting with me. (I didn't even realize it at first until another person told me she liked me.)(I never looked for that type stuff.)

Anyway she kept at it for a few weeks until we got alone. (Which I guarded against just as a habit.) She told me she was attracted to me. (I knew she must have a screw loose at that point.) I am a Rush guy from Realville. At the time I was probably at 240. At 5'11" that was beyond what I call svelte.)

She was gorgeous but what I told her was (I was praying hard because alone, she could have said or stated anything and it would be for me to prove I didn't do it.), she was a beautiful young lady but I married a beautiful young lady who is a beautiful older lady now and what keeps me loving that beautiful older lady was the 30 years she had already given me. If I was to hurt that angel I married it would take me another 30 years before I could do it. I thanked her and I guess I was sincere enough that she let it go. (I sweated bullets that day and a week or two after the fact but nothing ever came back up from it.) For that, I am thankful.

I am also thankful that my Darling and I never had that kind of hurt put on us though I did have to tell one guy in Korea that was hitting on my wife after the second time, "That is strike two on you." He asked me what I meant. I told him, (He did not know I was her husband and I didn't tell him.) The lady told you once she was not interested, you asked her again and she told you no again. You now have two strikes. You will strike out, I suggest you go about your business. He did...
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Some liberal friends were out with me, a buddy, and a (soon to be former) girlfriend one night, fairly large group of liberals and 2 guys, now that I think about it...

Anyway, that old cliche about "if there were no men there would be no wars" came up. He and I had already talked about this very thing.

He nipped that (manure) in the bud real quick. He said in everyone's hearing (the entire bar), "How many men in this bar think that all of us could get along fine if there were no women.... Think about it. ... Would there BE any wars if we had everything else we needed but there were no women?"

Then he ended his monologue with this, "Now imagine the entire world without men and it's just women... How many of you think the women would all get along just fine?"

The guys (with balls) were nodding in agreement and laughing. The girls were stunned at first before getting very pissy. Especially fun to see the glances between female rivals in attendance.

Just thought I'd share that
If I was to hurt that angel I married it would take me another 30 years before I could do it.
Never fooled around while/when I was married, although could have if I wanted to (thinking of 2-3 younger women back then). Always thought three things (and I'm no saint)...I couldn't look my wife in the face/eyes....couldn't look at myself in the mirror...but, mostly, couldn't look at my 3 young kids.
Bravo. Good for you. Any man worth his salt would do the same thing. A woman who dumps a soldier when he was overseas, especially in a combat zone, is not worth a plug nickel. Don't make a commitment to a soldier if you do not have the integrity to keep it.

Some women are stone cold evil. Before I entered the military I was friends with a young man whose brother was fighting in Vietnam. His "fiancee" back home sent him a Dear John letter and she would not marry him when he returned in 3 weeks. She found another man she loved more. Two weeks later he was KIA. When word got back home, she made some comment to one of her friends that his death solved a lot of issues for her. She acted like it was a good thing for her future. This comment got back to the family and that ended a friendship between the two families. My friend thought his brother probably died on purpose or made a terrible mistake because his mind was on his girl back home dumping him. Who knows but this happens many time to soldier. boys.
Yeah, it pissed me off when it happened to my soldiers but me, I just chalked it up to me dodging a bullet (little war time humor there).

We had some it happened to who lost it and one particular soldier we all felt really bad for. We had a tent set up for movies and home messages on VHS tapes and if it was ok with the soldier we could watch others home messages on tape to have something to do. One time we were watching one and the wife came in to camera view wearing a nighty in the bed room and we all started walking out only to hear her say, "guess what I have been doing while you were gone?" Another man walked in to the picture in his underwear and she basically said it was over between them and she had a new man. We left the soldier in the tent trying to save him some embarrassment. I was so angry at that bitch I wanted to kill her for him. He was sent back and we never saw him again even when we got back. They let him out of the Army because he took it so hard. Now that was a cold bitch.
Yeah, it pissed me off when it happened to my soldiers but me, I just chalked it up to me dodging a bullet (little war time humor there).

We had some it happened to who lost it and one particular soldier we all felt really bad for. We had a tent set up for movies and home messages on VHS tapes and if it was ok with the soldier we could watch others home messages on tape to have something to do. One time we were watching one and the wife came in to camera view wearing a nighty in the bed room and we all started walking out only to hear her say, "guess what I have been doing while you were gone?" Another man walked in to the picture in his underwear and she basically said it was over between them and she had a new man. We left the soldier in the tent trying to save him some embarrassment. I was so angry at that bitch I wanted to kill her for him. He was sent back and we never saw him again even when we got back. They let him out of the Army because he took it so hard. Now that was a cold bitch.
That is the type I was referring to. Thank God they are few and far between.
Never fooled around while/when I was married, although could have if I wanted to (thinking of 2-3 younger women back then). Always thought three things (and I'm no saint)...I couldn't look my wife in the face/eyes....couldn't look at myself in the mirror...but, mostly, couldn't look at my 3 young kids.

Yeah, All I can remember ever wanting was a family I could call my own. Even in my teen years. Darned if I will do anything to mess it up though my mouth is bad enough at times.
I read a statistic recently that said that only 3% of cheaters end up marrying the person they cheated with.
In my ex-wife's case there were 4 of them so, she had a few to pick from. I thought three but one of my sons said: "No dad, there were 4". Oh well. Since then I use the positive side to that. It took 4 men to replace me.
Had a lady that worked for me for a number of years. She followed me (I recruited her and she came) from when I was a Regional Mgr for one a company that I ran. Over the years she went from a loving, doting wife to one who was having an affair. Her affair was with my CFO who was married as well.
I pulled her into my office one day (as a friend and not a boss...probably couldn't do this today) and had a talk with her about this very thing. Made the point...if you're cheating on your husband...and he's cheating on his wife...what will you think when/if you two get married? One of you, or both, at some time will have all that in the back of your mind. Can't lead to marital bliss.

Yep. Both of them know absolutely that the other one has the willingness to cheat if the right person comes along - because they have both demonstrated that flaw already.
Speaking of cheating... I think the refs swallow their whistles tonight. Coach K can't go undefeated in his last season if he loses the first game.

Anyway, I got the Cats by 5.
I could care less what the piss ants do and hope they choke on them whistles watching UK jump shots sing.

Go Big Blue!
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Any chance Jones will get involved in the senate race against Rand Paul? I know his dream is to be a politician and he would love to get to Washington DC. Maybe Matt could even write another hit book like the one he did about Mitch.

Kentucky politics are fun to follow.
Didn't Jones run for the U.S. Senate once before?
