
Never really been a contractor, but basically do all my own work...whether it be in our home or our rentals. Not rocket science...but you do have to know what you're doing. Guess I get it from my Dad who was the same way.
The only thing I don't like doing is plumbing. Always that fear of a leak popping open behind a wall somewhere and not knowing it until its too late. Even with that....I've remodeled our two baths and built one from scratch in one of our rentals. Been a number of years and no leaks...but... 🤞

Yes Sir,
We had several rentals at one time and still have a few but now I hire the work out. The homes we have now are newer types I I went in trying to cut down possible issues with the larger items. I did just finish and paint my garage walls. (threw out a lot too.)

My kids won't manage them. They'd just want the dough. Will probably sell all in another year or two.
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It was also posted: Beagles Lives Matter

E. Trump
This alone should get Fauci run out of town. The man is worse than the mad scientist creator of Frankenstein.
Good Monday afternoon. Here in Eastern Ky it has gone from rainy to sunshine, with a prediction of more rain later today. Been reading all the threads and I am not much into slasher movies either, especially the ones that have 10 sequels such as all the Halloween and Chucky movies. I do like a suspenseful horror movie like It, The Shining, and Poltergeist. Looking forward to a great week of UK sports. Big game against MSU, and another look at our basketball team when they play their 1st exhibition game. Everyone take care.
Never really been a contractor, but basically do all my own work...whether it be in our home or our rentals. Not rocket science...but you do have to know what you're doing. Guess I get it from my Dad who was the same way.
The only thing I don't like doing is plumbing. Always that fear of a leak popping open behind a wall somewhere and not knowing it until its too late. Even with that....I've remodeled our two baths and built one from scratch in one of our rentals. Been a number of years and no leaks...but... 🤞

I typically do all but major electrical and plumbing before sale. I'll remodel a bath or kitchen and do the cosmetic work, but I don't want my soldering skills being the reason the house doesn't resale well. I'm more comfortable doing electrical than (as you said well) warrantying my soldering in someone's walls.

I don't like to sell someone a house without knowing a repair will reasonably last.
Good Monday afternoon. Here in Eastern Ky it has gone from rainy to sunshine, with a prediction of more rain later today. Been reading all the threads and I am not much into slasher movies either, especially the ones that have 10 sequels such as all the Halloween and Chucky movies. I do like a suspenseful horror movie like It, The Shining, and Poltergeist. Looking forward to a great week of UK sports. Big game against MSU, and another look at our basketball team when they play their 1st exhibition game. Everyone take care.
Good to see your name Ben.

I had been married for about two months and my bride was getting settled in a new environment and becoming a house wife. It was 1967. One Friday night she wanted to stay up and watch the movie that in those days came on after the 11:00 PM news. This was the first time for that and the movie playing was Psycho and Alfred Hitchcock classic. I told her it would scare her to death and just go to bed and forget it. She would not listen and she stayed up through the whole thing. She screamed and turn as white as a ghost over the shower scene and also the mama in the chair.

For the next many months she would not take a shower unless I sit in a chair by the bathroom door. She would not turn out the light. She got in bed with the sheet over her head and I had to turn out the light and jump in bed. It got so bad I rigged up a sting to the light fixture and tied it to the bed post. She could pull the string and turn off the light. Those were the days when a light was in the middle of the room with a string dangling down. She never watched a horror film again to my knowledge. But British murder mysteries on Brit Box are her favorite programs.
Not a horror/slasher movie, but I remember the first time I watched The Godfather. Went to the theater with my fiance at the time. Had read about the horse head under the sheets scene. So when it was about to show that, I asked her if she wanted anything from the concession and got up and left the theater. Hardly could contain my laughter as I was ordering popcorn and a drink. When I got back and sat down she was like Sawnee's wife...white as a ghost. When I started laughing she knew what I had done. Never been hit so hard in my life.
Came across this picture.....

This is what I used to do in Radcliff.....


That one boy in front of me with the glasses, both his parents died from covid a few months ago. My son still stays in touch with several of those young men (now)... not a clunker in the bunch of those fellows... I am thankful.
I'm not really a slasher guy either but I do love the classics, bad acting and all. Plus I saw Halloween soon after it was released in 1978 so it has some special meaning to me. I much prefer horror flicks without the excessive gore. They leave something for the imagination.
I bet you watched it at the Showcase Cinema. Wasn't Carrie about that same time? Watched that there too.

I think I had to watch one of the Freddie movies but can't remember if it was the whole movie. Haven't seen any of the Halloweens except that first one.

I watched those slasher movies with the dude with a long white face but those were comedic in nature.
I typically do all but major electrical and plumbing before sale. I'll remodel a bath or kitchen and do the cosmetic work, but I don't want my soldering skills being the reason the house doesn't resale well. I'm more comfortable doing electrical than (as you said well) warrantying my soldering in someone's walls.

I don't like to sell someone a house without knowing a repair will reasonably last.
When I renovated I switched over to PECS (plastic) for all of my water lines in the house........much easier to work with......I am confident in my solder but the plastic is simpler.....
I was told that I couldn't even buy a water heater without the license to be able to hook it up. Is that true? I installed 2 water heaters at our old house. The trick to soldering is the trick with welding as well. Prep is just as important as technique if not more. Good technique can't overcome poor prep, but good prep will help hide poor technique.
I was told that I couldn't even buy a water heater without the license to be able to hook it up. Is that true? I installed 2 water heaters at our old house. The trick to soldering is the trick with welding as well. Prep is just as important as technique if not more. Good technique can't overcome poor prep, but good prep will help hide poor technique.

Silver Solder. Silver Solder... Like quicksilver...
I bet you watched it at the Showcase Cinema. Wasn't Carrie about that same time? Watched that there too.

I think I had to watch one of the Freddie movies but can't remember if it was the whole movie. Haven't seen any of the Halloweens except that first one.

I watched those slasher movies with the dude with a long white face but those were comedic in nature.
No actually I watched in Lexington, freshman year. Rowdy bunch of college kids mostly in the theater.
I pulled the rest of my tomatoes today and doing the ol' paper bag and apple trick to finish the ripening process. No frost warning in sight but it's supposed to get down in the 30s tomorrow night. It's time.
Pulled mine yesterday, along with the sweet peppers. We almost always have a killing frost here from October 20-25. Have dodged it so far this year though.
Came across this picture.....

This is what I used to do in Radcliff.....


That one boy in front of me with the glasses, both his parents died from covid a few months ago. My son still stays in touch with several of those young men (now)... not a clunker in the bunch of those fellows... I am thankful.
I tried very hard to be involved with my daughter's life. Coached her softball and basketball teams for several years.
I tried very hard to be involved with my daughter's life. Coached her softball and basketball teams for several years.

All you can do Sir is ...your best. I see my failures now with my children most every day. My only belief is that if you train up a child in the way he should go, when they are old, they will not depart from it. (I hold to that as God's promise.) (I failed many times but I always kept trying.)
I pulled the rest of my tomatoes today and doing the ol' paper bag and apple trick to finish the ripening process. No frost warning in sight but it's supposed to get down in the 30s tomorrow night. It's time.
We do the tomato in the paper bag thing....but apple? Never heard of that. What do you do put the tomatoes along with an apple in a paper bag?
I'm not an expert but supposedly an apple or banana releases ethylene which helps to speed up the ripening process. Take it for what it's worth but it has worked for me.
The Mrs does the bag trick all the time. Probably more so with peaches than tomatoes...probably because most tomatoes we eat are straight out of the garden. A lot of time she'll put tomatoes on the window sill. She doesn't like store bought tomatoes, which I kind of agree..many of them are not grown in dirt.
I'll have to tell her about the apple when she gets back from your old stomping grounds (still in Seattle).
All you can do Sir is ...your best. I see my failures now with my children most every day. My only belief is that if you train up a child in the way he should go, when they are old, they will not depart from it. (I hold to that as God's promise.) (I failed many times but I always kept trying.)
Anyone who has ever had children has had failures, don’t beat yourself up. I too, can see where I could have done better, but none of us are perfect. My kids are soon to be 26 and 31. And they, too, are seeing the mistakes THEY made, by not embracing our (their mom and I) parenting. That makes me feel better, because they are realizing we were doing it right. My parents, still alive and both 89, rolled their eyes at our raising of our kids. It’s a different world now, and changes from generation to generation. Parenting is hard, always has been.
It’s a different world now, and changes from generation to generation. Parenting is hard, always has been.
And getting harder by the day. Think it really became hard in the last 75 years or so. With the advent of radio, TV, Madison Ave (wall to wall advertising)....and now the internet/social media, etc. Has become an almost hopeless task. Like BBUK said ....
My only belief is that if you train up a child in the way he should go, when they are old, they will not depart from it.
All you can do Sir is ...your best. I see my failures now with my children most every day. My only belief is that if you train up a child in the way he should go, when they are old, they will not depart from it. (I hold to that as God's promise.) (I failed many times but I always kept trying.)
I may have told this story before, but a raising your daughter story. When she was a teenager, she was dating a guy I considered a punk. I had a customer who was a retired debt collector for Harrahs Casino and some said mafia connected. Word was he was laundering money in his new line of work. I had introduced him to people who could help with his new business and he felt indebted to me. We were talking one day while loading his truck. I casually mentioned I didn't like the guy my daughter was dating. He looked me straight in the eye and said, Say the word and you will never have another problem with the guy. He was not joking. I told him, thanks, but I will handle it myself. I think about what if I had been less emphatic.
I may have told this story before, but a raising your daughter story. When she was a teenager, she was dating a guy I considered a punk. I had a customer who was a retired debt collector for Harrahs Casino and some said mafia connected. Word was he was laundering money in his new line of work. I had introduced him to people who could help with his new business and he felt indebted to me. We were talking one day while loading his truck. I casually mentioned I didn't like the guy my daughter was dating. He looked me straight in the eye and said, Say the word and you will never have another problem with the guy. He was not joking. I told him, thanks, but I will handle it myself. I think about what if I had been less emphatic.
Similarly with my daughter, except I was the terminator so to speak. She was fascinated with a young man the wife and I really couldn’t stand. They dated off and on for a couple years, but we thought it ended. When she graduated college, the very day, she moved out and in with him. I was fit to be tied. Even went to the house they had rented, with the intent to stop it, whatever it took. But, luckily, they weren’t there. Long story short, they have been married for 5 years, and best I can tell, happily.And my son in law is a great young, hard working man, who I’m proud to call a son in law. So, turns out we were wrong, and she knew what she wanted and stuck with it. There’s no moral here, just saying, you never know.
The casino guy told me a story once about a federal judge from St Louis who had skipped town owing a bundle. He said it was his job to collect. He was a large imposing man. He said he knocked on the judges door and asked for the money. The judge said no. He said he was scared to death, but was not going to go back to Harrahs without the money, so he was persistent and the judge gave him the money. before he got to the airport, he was surrounded by police cars and he spent a couple of days in jail. The casino called a Supreme Court judge who called the federal judge. Charges were dropped, the casino got paid and they gave him a ten thousand dollar bonus for a job well done.
Not a horror/slasher movie, but I remember the first time I watched The Godfather. Went to the theater with my fiance at the time. Had read about the horse head under the sheets scene. So when it was about to show that, I asked her if she wanted anything from the concession and got up and left the theater. Hardly could contain my laughter as I was ordering popcorn and a drink. When I got back and sat down she was like Sawnee's wife...white as a ghost. When I started laughing she knew what I had done. Never been hit so hard in my life.

Friend from Illinois told me a story about going to see psycho 3 when it was released in the theater. He went to the movie with one girl (they were friends and used to go to movies together quite a bit) on a Thursday night. He was supposed to go see it with his buddies that weekend, but forgot and took a date to see it. He was sitting 4 rows in front of his guys and didn't know it...

Anyway, here's the rest cut and pasted-

"...the girl I was seeing was really into scary movies, so I had to go. Again. The first showing was boring, not like the first Psycho which was at least interesting and well filmed. To sit through it again, I needed to make it more interesting.

There was a scene with a clock at the end of a hallway, telegraphed so much that when the character bumped into it, I nudged the girl the first night and she jumped, but laughed about it pretty good.

The next viewing I waited until that moment, made sure there wasn't anyone I might scare TOO MUCH, and yelled a little. My girlfriend jumped out of her seat, my buddies jumped out of their seats, and about 8 rows up a woman screamed and popcorn went flying everywhere.

For the rest of the movie my buddies threw popcorn at my head, and the husband of the woman up front kept laughing and giggling through the entire film, with his wife threatening him every few minutes.

Almost the most fun I ever had at a movie."

I asked if his date with the girl was his last with her and he said he couldn't recall. I wonder why that is...
The Mrs does the bag trick all the time. Probably more so with peaches than tomatoes...probably because most tomatoes we eat are straight out of the garden. A lot of time she'll put tomatoes on the window sill. She doesn't like store bought tomatoes, which I kind of agree..many of them are not grown in dirt.
I'll have to tell her about the apple when she gets back from your old stomping grounds (still in Seattle).
That is a LONG time to spend in Seattle.
That is a LONG time to spend in Seattle.

This time of year is when the gloom hits Portland OR and doesn't let up until March. Rain and clouds for months on end. Don't know if Seattle is as bad, but I know the weather there can change like lightning. Took a trip there and the forecast was vastly wrong every day we were there.

Don't think I'll ever go back to Seattle unless God sends a whale to swallow me and spit me up on the beach.
This time of year is when the gloom hits Portland OR and doesn't let up until March. Rain and clouds for months on end. Don't know if Seattle is as bad, but I know the weather there can change like lightning. Took a trip there and the forecast was vastly wrong every day we were there.

Don't think I'll ever go back to Seattle unless God sends a whale to swallow me and spit me up on the beach.
The summers were beautiful. Overcast after that.