
Anyone who has ever had children has had failures, don’t beat yourself up. I too, can see where I could have done better, but none of us are perfect. My kids are soon to be 26 and 31. And they, too, are seeing the mistakes THEY made, by not embracing our (their mom and I) parenting. That makes me feel better, because they are realizing we were doing it right. My parents, still alive and both 89, rolled their eyes at our raising of our kids. It’s a different world now, and changes from generation to generation. Parenting is hard, always has been.

Good parents sometimes end up with bad kids.

Bad parents sometimes end up with good kids.

All you can do is your best and hope and pray that they wise up before they do something disastrous to themselves and those who love them.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 73°F, cloudy and humid. Foggy. Today's high expected around 85°F. Cooler temperatures coming along with some rain.

Circuit of the Americas Formula One race was held this past Friday through Sunday here in Austin. Yesterday was our biggest travel day due to all the event spectators leaving town. This year's race drew over 140,000.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Good Morning from the Gulf Coast

Waking up to a nice morning with partly cloudy skies. We should have plenty of sunshine today. We have 74° at the moment and it will get up very close to 80°. Chance of rain is 2%.

My O' My do I love chicken fried steak. I mean i love, love, love it smothered in milk gravy and I cover the French fries in gravy too. That is what I do..

I trust all have a great day. Read Mark 6

Well, folks down here are working hard to target businesses and industries that love freedom and hate government mandates to relocate here. One of the targets is a California company In-N-Out Burger. When I worked in California I went often and it became my favorite burger joint. Come on down.

Speaking of California we are seeing more and more California license tags locally. Something we never saw in the past. I spoke to a lady yesterday who is from California and is looking for a place to relocate. She had never been to Florida in her life but saw on the news Florida was open and free so she wanted to check it out. People are desperate to get away from tyrant governors.

Well, folks down here are working hard to target businesses and industries that love freedom and hate government mandates to relocate here. One of the targets is a California company In-N-Out Burger. When I worked in California I went often and it became my favorite burger joint. Come on down.

Speaking of California we are seeing more and more California license tags locally. Something we never saw in the past. I spoke to a lady yesterday who is from California and is looking for a place to relocate. She had never been to Florida in her life but saw on the news Florida was open and free so she wanted to check it out. People are desperate to get away from tyrant governors.

In-N-Out makes good burgers, but their damn fries suck.
In-N-Out makes good burgers, but their damn fries suck.
I believe Texas is about as far East as they go so it would be a giant leap for the corporation to relocate. I doubt they do it and I doubt they would save much money as a corporation

Disney in California did move 2,000 of their highest paid employees to the Orlando area but that was an easy move. They already had the land so they just built a new city for them.

With more and more people working out of their homes they can work and live anywhere. All they need is a good internet connection. The woman I talked to from California works from home. She is selling out and leaving.
Did not know about the paper bag trick with ripening. Asked the wife moments ago and she seemed to know. I told her I thought paper bags were used for lunch and ugly dates.

On the daughter dating stories. Mine so far has been just one and she was 12 (15 now) as was the boy. We were over one of her friends house for Halloween picking up 4 other kids with one of the kids mother going as well for trick or treating. One boy was just jumping all over the house (not his) throwing kicks or so called (by him) Kung Fu moves eventually knocking over a lamp and breaking it. The man of the house was a retired Marine and was getting ready to fire him up when his wife got the kids out and calmed her husband down. As we were outside beginning walk for trick or treats the boy (Kung Fu guy) grabbed my daughters hand and said "Does he know?" She pulled her hand away so he came up to me and said: "We are dating" I said: "No you are not" He then said: "What do you call this?" I said: "Trick or Treating". My daughter was obviously embarrassed and tried to keep her distance as much as she could because she knew how I was about unruly children. Long story short, he was this way for a while until he did a jump kick into his friends groin area (son of mother with us) just missing the jewels when I stopped him. I told him that was enough and that he had no clue what he was doing. He then told me his dad taught him and he knew all about how to kill people and that his dad had a sword he taught him how to use and that he would slice me in the back with it and cut my spine in half where I would be paralyzed.

Enough is enough. I asked him where he lived and said he was going home or he can go alone the rest of the way for Halloween. We walked him home and when we get there, the lights were off. He rang the door bell and it was about 5 minutes or so before his parents came to open the door. They were asleep. Told me all I needed to know. Was not long after that that the boy was expelled from their school for bringing a large Rambo type knife in his back pack (not the first time we found out) threatening to stab some students. Found out my daughter might have been a target because she "broke up" with him after he would not let her speak to other boys and some girls there.

What I wanted to do was talk to his parents after that but, my wife talked me out of it.
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Speaking of Orlando, did you read about the teacher that tied a mask on a 7-year old special needs student? Evidently the student threw a tantrum about wearing a mask so they took matters into their own hands. Cruel and abusive treatment. The father had to cool down for 4 days before he reported it. Probably a mistake on his part. I would have reported it immediately. I'm sure the governor is livid.
Speaking of Orlando, did you read about the teacher that tied a mask on a 7-year old special needs student? Evidently the student threw a tantrum about wearing a mask so they took matters into their own hands. Cruel and abusive treatment. The father had to cool down for 4 days before he reported it. Probably a mistake on his part. I would have reported it immediately. I'm sure the governor is livid.
And the poor child was a special needs student. Downs Syndrome. Orlando is one of the liberal areas that ignored the no mask mandates and made them mandatory. I think 5 liberal counties did that. But it will turn out to be a big mistake because state funding will be withheld and they are going to have to set up a Go Fund Me page to meet expenses. Or beg to Joe Biden for some dollars to meet payroll.

The teacher and school district just invited law suits for acting that way. They will regret it.
Good morning all. Rain is finally over in this part of the Buckeye State....but cool...44 heading up to low 50s.
Speaking of California we are seeing more and more California license tags locally. Something we never saw in the past. I spoke to a lady yesterday who is from California and is looking for a place to relocate.
Was watching live on-line the other day a church outside Nashville and the pastor said the same thing. Mentioned before that my oldest son transferred to there back in Feb/March...and he says the same thing. He met a gal there, much like the one you met, who works out of her home and moved to N'ville from San Diego about a year ago. Didn't know anybody in N'ville...just wanted to get out of California.
Good Morning from the Gulf Coast

Waking up to a nice morning with partly cloudy skies. We should have plenty of sunshine today. We have 74° at the moment and it will get up very close to 80°. Chance of rain is 2%.

My O' My do I love chicken fried steak. I mean i love, love, love it smothered in milk gravy and I cover the French fries in gravy too. That is what I do..

I trust all have a great day. Read Mark 6

Those two pictures says it all doesn't it?
I believe Texas is about as far East as they go so it would be a giant leap for the corporation to relocate. I doubt they do it and I doubt they would save much money as a corporation

Disney in California did move 2,000 of their highest paid employees to the Orlando area but that was an easy move. They already had the land so they just built a new city for them.

With more and more people working out of their homes they can work and live anywhere. All they need is a good internet connection. The woman I talked to from California works from home. She is selling out and leaving.
At least two In-N-Out locations here in ATX. Usually grab take-out once every two months or so from Tech Ridge outlet. Fries are too thin, lack substance and under-cooked. Not just a CenTex phenomenon. Dined at In-N-Out San Diego while on company business back in 2005. Same skinny fries.

In-N-Out burgers are fantastic. Highly recommended. Their fries, however, can go to you know where.
Good Morning from the Gulf Coast

Waking up to a nice morning with partly cloudy skies. We should have plenty of sunshine today. We have 74° at the moment and it will get up very close to 80°. Chance of rain is 2%.

My O' My do I love chicken fried steak. I mean i love, love, love it smothered in milk gravy and I cover the French fries in gravy too. That is what I do..

I trust all have a great day. Read Mark 6


If that doesn't just illustrate it perfectly... cept the passenger needs a man bun
Good morning, D-League!

May you be blessed by God as you wade through the waste of watered-down and convoluted humanity. Keep your eyes on the prize, rather than this world, and give a lift to those who want to set themselves apart from this one to enter the world to come.

In the mortal words of Mr Mom-
"Bologna, abalone whatever it takes."
Good morning D-League. It's currently 59° and rainy here in Eastern Kentucky. This afternoon will bring party cloudy skies and a high of 56°.

Everyone stay safe out there today.

Lived in an area of Bad Krueznach Germany with similar type picturesque scenery. BK (as we called it) pictured below. Spent many hours on weekends at cafe's and shops there along with wineries and restaurants/bars.

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Seriously, though, is that some type of mahi?
We always and I still do refer to this as a dolphin but some time back the name was changed to Mahi-Mahi. I once asked a seafood restaurant manager why dolphin was mahi-mahi and he gave me a simple answer. He said it was because out of town visitors would not order dolphin from the menu because they thought they were eating Flipper.

I guess that is as good an explanation as any
Good morning D, read mark 6.

Another day, another step!!!

Our son and D-I-L wanted us to personally thank the D for the toast to JP! I was hesitant to take it beyond the D, but they are glad I did!!! When I told him we was going to toast JP at 7 that night, he wanted to know where he could go to watch us, just explained we were just a bunch of good old cyber friends that even though we don't know each other (well some do) we still care for each other and hurt when we hurt! There have been no telling how many toast to JP and numerous stories about him that has just made it wonderful!!! Thanks again D!!!!

Have a great day D and Prayers for the D!!!!
At least two In-N-Out locations here in ATX. Usually grab take-out once every two months or so from Tech Ridge outlet. Fries are too thin, lack substance and under-cooked. Not just a CenTex phenomenon. Dined at In-N-Out San Diego while on company business back in 2005. Same skinny fries.

In-N-Out burgers are fantastic. Highly recommended. Their fries, however, can go to you know where.
I am also very picky about fast food fries and I do agree. I will go out of my way to get Five Guys French fries because they are cooked in peanut oil. We cook all our Southern cooking in peanut oil and use olive oil for the healthy meals we eat, if you can call them that. I also like peanut oil because it does not smoke. That is nice for cooking indoors
We always and I still do refer to this as a dolphin but some time back the name was changed to Mahi-Mahi. I once asked a seafood restaurant manager why dolphin was mahi-mahi and he gave me a simple answer. He said it was because out of town visitors would not order dolphin from the menu because they thought they were eating Flipper.

I guess that is as good an explanation as any
Probably was "Sandy" to eat as well as finding little cartilage "Bud's" in it.
Good morning! Wife's birthday tomorrow and I haven't got her anything yet. I guess that's the plan for the day.

Volleyball, Football, and Basketball. UK has lost their last game this year! Buckle up!

High today 59° so I'm gonna say Fall has taken hold.
Good Morning from the Gulf Coast

Waking up to a nice morning with partly cloudy skies. We should have plenty of sunshine today. We have 74° at the moment and it will get up very close to 80°. Chance of rain is 2%.

My O' My do I love chicken fried steak. I mean i love, love, love it smothered in milk gravy and I cover the French fries in gravy too. That is what I do..

I trust all have a great day. Read Mark 6

I don't know whether to laugh or cry.
Did not know about the paper bag trick with ripening. Asked the wife moments ago and she seemed to know. I told her I thought paper bags were used for lunch and ugly dates.

On the daughter dating stories. Mine so far has been just one and she was 12 (15 now) as was the boy. We were over one of her friends house for Halloween picking up 4 other kids with one of the kids mother going as well for trick or treating. One boy was just jumping all over the house (not his) throwing kicks or so called (by him) Kung Fu moves eventually knocking over a lamp and breaking it. The man of the house was a retired Marine and was getting ready to fire him up when his wife got the kids out and calmed her husband down. As we were outside beginning walk for trick or treats the boy (Kung Fu guy) grabbed my daughters hand and said "Does he know?" She pulled her hand away so he came up to me and said: "We are dating" I said: "No you are not" He then said: "What do you call this?" I said: "Trick or Treating". My daughter was obviously embarrassed and tried to keep her distance as much as she could because she knew how I was about unruly children. Long story short, he was this way for a while until he did a jump kick into his friends groin area (son of mother with us) just missing the jewels when I stopped him. I told him that was enough and that he had no clue what he was doing. He then told me his dad taught him and he knew all about how to kill people and that his dad had a sword he taught him how to use and that he would slice me in the back with it and cut my spine in half where I would be paralyzed.

Enough is enough. I ask him where he lived and said he was going home or he can go alone the rest of the way for Halloween. We walked him home and when we get there, the lights were off. He rang the door bell and it was about 5 minutes or so before his parents came to open the door. They were asleep. Told me all I needed to know. Was not long after that that the boy was expelled from their school for bringing a large Rambo type knife in his back pack (not the first time we found out) threatening to stab some students. Found out my daughter might have been a target because she "broke up" with him after he would not let her speak to other boys and some girls there.

What I wanted to do was talk to his parents after that but, my wife talked me out of it.
Damn WC. That's some scary stuff for you and your family. I predict there'll be prison time in the future for that young man.
We always and I still do refer to this as a dolphin but some time back the name was changed to Mahi-Mahi. I once asked a seafood restaurant manager why dolphin was mahi-mahi and he gave me a simple answer. He said it was because out of town visitors would not order dolphin from the menu because they thought they were eating Flipper.

I guess that is as good an explanation as any

Dolphin was my first thought but I remember a friend who lived along the intercoastal had a picture with some and I thought called it mahi-mahi, which confused me.
Lived in an area of Bad Krueznach Germany with similar type picturesque scenery. BK (as we called it) pictured below. Spent many hours on weekends at cafe's and shops there along with wineries and restaurants/bars.

Enjoyed Bad Kreuznach for "Fackelschwimmen" (torch swimming) back in October, 1984. 2015 video below. Nahe River water is cold when wearing a wetsuit. Not so bad in a drysuit. Believe it or not, I spent 4 years at Baumholder (1992-1996) and visited BK perhaps just twice.

The other day we were discussing global warming and CO2 levels. I found this chart which show simplistically that there is not a lot of facts to support the "science". We are not even close to the Medieval Warming, Roman Warming or Minoan Warming periods.

It is important to remember that during the Medieval Warming period the Vikings settle in Greenland. We are far far away from that period of warmth. Plus the world did not end because of those warming periods. We are being sold a bill of goods.

Enjoyed Bad Kreuznach for "Fackelschwimmen" (torch swimming) back in October, 1984. 2015 video below. Nahe River water is cold when wearing a wetsuit. Not so bad in a drysuit. Believe it or not, I spent 4 years at Baumholder (1992-1996) and visited BK perhaps just twice.

Then we were there 2 years at the same time. I was with 1st AD G-3 training from Feb 93-Feb 95. Did a few warfighters in Baumholder working the DTAC/DTOC. Spent a lot of time in Hohenfels and Graf since our section kept an operations HQ there year round because we had to have it there whenever units were there training which was all year round given the number of units in a division.

When I was there in BK those two years, I participated in boat jousting which they had been doing for years (not sure how long) and the winner goes to the next level until reaching the European championships if they keep winning. The Kontact Club which I was a part of had a team every year with Germans and Americans together. Knew we would not win because we were always rookies going against organized jousting teams from local businesses but, it was just for fun for us. A lot of beer and wine was involved as well. The jousting staff looked like a giant Qtip or pugil stick. 8 men teams with one on the bow (the jouster) one on the stern (for balance) and 6 rowers. Single elimination. Your jouster falls off into the water and you lose.