
No problem. We could have 90 pages and I still would not understand how this could happen. Only a liberal who is probably afraid or at least with no knowledge of fire arms could do something like this.

How is it they had live rounds on the movie set. And what kind of training does this clown Baldwin have with firearms. Probably none. If he was ever in the military I am sure he was a BOLO
I believe the amount of mistakes it would take to get to the point of firing a live round on the movie set during rehearsal, makes it seem more plausible, to me, that foul play is afoot.
No worries. That thread is just about 50 people with common sense, and Ed.
Poor Goofy Ed has been backed into the corner of defending Alec Baldwin, a woman beating, daughter abusing, arrogant, entitled bully who at a minimum was reckless in the death of a woman. He’s not carrying nearly enough firepower upstairs to pull that off.
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I had a brother and his wife who went on a jigsaw puzzle-working spree. They were hoarders and wouldn't get rid of any of them after they worked them. I had to clear out their house after they died. I had to get rid of two Ford vans full of them. No thrift store would take all of them. I ended up having to go to at least a half dozen different places to finally unload all of them. Had to be way more than 500 of them.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 71°F and cloudy. Today's high predicted at around 88°F.

Yeah, watched Braves close out Dodgers last night. They earned a spot in the World Series against Houston Astros. Love it. ATL been knocking on the door past four seasons. Fun fact: Current Astros manager Dusty Baker played 8 seasons for the Braves between 1968-1975. He was on-deck when Hank Aaron hit 715.

Also watched UK beat Hogs in volleyball 3-2 in another nail-biter last night. Go Cats!

Usual chores planned for this morning. Heading to Bill Miller's before my walk for some breakfast tacos.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Speaking of Dusty Baker, what would you have if you got, O J Simpson, Dusty Baker and the guy who built Candlestick Park together? A butcher, a Baker and a Candlestick maker.
Ed is a character all right. He popped into the D once to troll and I encouraged guys to ignore him. We did and I don't think he ever came back. We are so boring that I don't think we get all that many lurkers.
One would think when you are basically the only one in a 9 page thread, that has a differing opinion, something may be up I’m not privy to lol. There’s a couple other posters stumbling around like that. And, sadly, they are the ones that get good posters banned. Would love to be a mod for a day, but, I would be the only poster left at the end of the day most likely 😲
Ed is a character all right. He popped into the D once to troll and I encouraged guys to ignore him. We did and I don't think he ever came back. We are so boring that I don't think we get all that many lurkers.
I remember that. He use to follow me around where ever I posted and try to harass me. I have had him on ignore for a long, long time.
I had a brother and his wife who went on a jigsaw puzzle-working spree. They were hoarders and wouldn't get rid of any of them after they worked them. I had to clear out their house after they died. I had to get rid of two Ford vans full of them. No thrift store would take all of them. I ended up having to go to at least a half dozen different places to finally unload all of them. Had to be way more than 500 of them.

I was thinking of getting me and my Darling a puzzle to see if we liked it ... Hmmm... Maybe not ..
Speaking of the Alec Baldwin shooting:

This must be a very low budget movie to hire such a lightweight. Or the Actors Union demanded diversity in what is a very important job instead of finding an expert in firearms.

I hope she has deep pockets because she will be a big part of the lawsuit that is coming. Same for Baldwin he is going to under depositions that will make his head spin. He may not be able to cry his way out of this.
Speaking of the Alec Baldwin shooting:

A discount armorer? Who'd a thunk it... with all the movie-making Demosocialcommunist Liberals that abound there. They are the ones always wanting to up the minimum wage... (Oh, oh, oh...that is other peoples money. I totally forgot... How silly of me...)
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This must be a very low budget movie to hire such a lightweight. Or the Actors Union demanded diversity in what is a very important job instead of finding an expert in firearms.

I hope she has deep pockets because she will be a big part of the lawsuit that is coming. Same for Baldwin he is going to under depositions that will make his head spin. He may not be able to cry his way out of this.

No doubt she's finished in the film industry. This was her second mishap in as many movies.

I dealt with 3 way communication for most of my working life. Applying those standards here I would think going forward you cannot tell someone the gun is safe, you will have to show them it is safe, they will tell you the gun is safe, you will agree. Now you may transfer the weapon.
Does anybody else work MORE when the Mrs is gone? Or do you tend to back off/goof off? I work more obviously since I haven't been on here much. When she was working I was always busy...working in the yard, on the property, on the rentals, etc. As soon as she retired it was like flipping a switch...I started to do less. Never one to just lay around or take a nap, but I definitely backed off my work load.

Now that she's been gone for a month for an extended visit to her daughter' seems that I've barely sat down. Odd.

Anyway, its been pouring rain all day. Rain gauge says 2 inches today. I've got a bad spot on a back roof in one of the rentals so I've been kind of worried about that today. Have contacted my roofer 3 times in the last month and he still hasn't come out. Good guy, but it's really hard sometimes to get contractors on a timely basis.

Anyway, hope all are doing well.
Does anybody else work MORE when the Mrs is gone? Or do you tend to back off/goof off? I work more obviously since I haven't been on here much. When she was working I was always busy...working in the yard, on the property, on the rentals, etc. As soon as she retired it was like flipping a switch...I started to do less. Never one to just lay around or take a nap, but I definitely backed off my work load.

Now that she's been gone for a month for an extended visit to her daughter' seems that I've barely sat down. Odd.

Anyway, its been pouring rain all day. Rain gauge says 2 inches today. I've got a bad spot on a back roof in one of the rentals so I've been kind of worried about that today. Have contacted my roofer 3 times in the last month and he still hasn't come out. Good guy, but it's really hard sometimes to get contractors on a timely basis.

Anyway, hope all are doing well.
This a serious post? And, how did you get the wife out for a month? You’re now king, hands down. Kidding (maybe, maybe not)😐
No doubt she's finished in the film industry. This was her second mishap in as many movies.

You know what I notice about that report? Even the 11-year old, erroneously given a “hot” gun, had enough sense not to point it at someone and pull the trigger.

I made a post in the Baldwin thread about his defense being he was an emotional infant. More proof.
Does anybody else work MORE when the Mrs is gone? Or do you tend to back off/goof off? I work more obviously since I haven't been on here much. When she was working I was always busy...working in the yard, on the property, on the rentals, etc. As soon as she retired it was like flipping a switch...I started to do less. Never one to just lay around or take a nap, but I definitely backed off my work load.

Now that she's been gone for a month for an extended visit to her daughter' seems that I've barely sat down. Odd.

Anyway, its been pouring rain all day. Rain gauge says 2 inches today. I've got a bad spot on a back roof in one of the rentals so I've been kind of worried about that today. Have contacted my roofer 3 times in the last month and he still hasn't come out. Good guy, but it's really hard sometimes to get contractors on a timely basis.

Anyway, hope all are doing well.

A day in the life Sir, a day in the life. My BIL and SIL just visited. The BIL pitied me after seeing me two days. He gifted me an SKS he built himself. I had a real good time, we even got to fire about 200 rounds each at a shooting range he found 4 miles from my house.

I thought I had it good but I was kind of tiring.. He stated he heard about some men having multiple wives. He saw a man in me that was at the beck and call of three wives... He treated me very well telling me he now understands now my commitment(s) to my family. My Darling and my two daughters whom I love dearly are nearly killing me (Mostly my daughters). (Won't go farther but it has not been easy.) I am still very thankful.

I get to go to work tomorrow...............and rest.
A day in the life Sir, a day in the life. My BIL and SIL just visited. The BIL pitied me after seeing me two days. He gifted me an SKS he built himself. I had a real good time, we even got to fire about 200 rounds each at a shooting range he found 4 miles from my house.

I thought I had it good but I was kind of tiring.. He stated he heard about some men having multiple wives. He saw a man in me that was at the beck and call of three wives... He treated me very well telling me he now understands now my commitment(s) to my family. My Darling and my two daughters whom I love dearly are nearly killing me (Mostly my daughters). (Won't go farther but it has not been easy.) I am still very thankful.

I get to go to work tomorrow...............and rest.
Daughters are tough. Mine turned out great, but I have lots of scars. And wannabe feelings. Couldn’t go through it again. My son in law is great, but....., just, but.
This a serious post? And, how did you get the wife out for a month? You’re now king, hands down. Kidding (maybe, maybe not)😐
Ha....Her daughter's hubby is Reserve and was about to be deployed for close to a year. So she flew cross country for a week to be with him before he left. And then a few days after she got home she had lasik she wanted her Mom there for both things to watch the kids...two of the absolute worst little kids I've ever been around. I told the Mrs before she left that I could care less if she went for a week or complaints from me...but 5,6 weeks is a bit much. And now I think she pretty much agrees with me. Sounds like she's more than ready to get home.
One would think when you are basically the only one in a 9 page thread, that has a differing opinion, something may be up I’m not privy to lol. There’s a couple other posters stumbling around like that. And, sadly, they are the ones that get good posters banned. Would love to be a mod for a day, but, I would be the only poster left at the end of the day most likely 😲
If you walk down the street and meet an idiot, well ... you just happened to meet an idiot.

But if you walk down the street and everybody you meet is an idiot ... guess what? In all likelihood you are the idiot.

This is what describes several of those guys who post in the political thread.
Ha....Her daughter's hubby is Reserve and was about to be deployed for close to a year. So she flew cross country for a week to be with him before he left. And then a few days after she got home she had lasik she wanted her Mom there for both things to watch the kids...two of the absolute worst little kids I've ever been around. I told the Mrs before she left that I could care less if she went for a week or complaints from me...but 5,6 weeks is a bit much. And now I think she pretty much agrees with me. Sounds like she's more than ready to get home.
Hope you know I’m just shooting the breeze. But, I understand.
Hope you know I’m just shooting the breeze. But, I understand.

I wasn't, I was venting. (All I have,) I am still thankful, don't get me wrong. I thought I had it rough when the two daughters lived here with my grandchildren. Now they each have their own home.... I should have known to be thankful but I have no need for patience. Just hope I can hold out for my Darling. None of them seem to understand what they are doing to me. No man can keep up what I have been doing for pushing three years now. (And I am a rock. Nothing sways me...I am feeling the wear now though. I feel it.)
I don't know where @UK82 is but he's a guru for what you need. I know enough to know that for $1K you can put together a system that is probably better than your ears. ROI drops off very quickly for audio equipment because a lot of times you can't hear the difference you're paying for.

Gotta disagree with turning them upside down. Mom never did that. Think about what you're trying to do and inverting the contents of the jar seems counterintuitive. I can't think of any reason to do it that way because the lids should be sterilized along with the jars.
I just do it the way I was taught.....the only thing she turned upside down was things that she didn't put in the pressure the left over soup......I am not saying it is right or wrong..........
I wasn't, I was venting. (All I have,) I am still thankful, don't get me wrong. I thought I had it rough when the two daughters lived here with my grandchildren. Now they each have their own home.... I should have known to be thankful but I have no need for patience. Just hope I can hold out for my Darling. None of them seem to understand what they are doing to me. No man can keep up what I have been doing for pushing three years now. (And I am a rock. Nothing sways me...I am feeling the wear now though. I feel it.)
I have two kids. Don’t know how many you have, it’s really irrelevant. But the love we have for our kids knows no bounds. It’s never ending. I know, in a small way, what you are dealing with,, and I just got stuck. No I don’t. Every situation is different. Best of luck, I do mean that!
I wasn't, I was venting. (All I have,) I am still thankful, don't get me wrong. I thought I had it rough when the two daughters lived here with my grandchildren. Now they each have their own home.... I should have known to be thankful but I have no need for patience. Just hope I can hold out for my Darling. None of them seem to understand what they are doing to me. No man can keep up what I have been doing for pushing three years now. (And I am a rock. Nothing sways me...I am feeling the wear now though. I feel it.)
Vent all you want if it helps.
Does anybody else work MORE when the Mrs is gone? Or do you tend to back off/goof off? I work more obviously since I haven't been on here much. When she was working I was always busy...working in the yard, on the property, on the rentals, etc. As soon as she retired it was like flipping a switch...I started to do less. Never one to just lay around or take a nap, but I definitely backed off my work load.

Now that she's been gone for a month for an extended visit to her daughter' seems that I've barely sat down. Odd.

Anyway, its been pouring rain all day. Rain gauge says 2 inches today. I've got a bad spot on a back roof in one of the rentals so I've been kind of worried about that today. Have contacted my roofer 3 times in the last month and he still hasn't come out. Good guy, but it's really hard sometimes to get contractors on a timely basis.

Anyway, hope all are doing well.
Work? Explain, please.