
Mahi Mahi is certainly a correct answer now due to the name change. But old timers still refer to it as dolphin. Not to be confused with Flipper
That fish has had a long, complicated naming process. As Sawnee says, it used to be called dolphin. We used to catch them when I lived in Florida and worked for a guy who had a good-sized fishing boat. Terrific eating cooked fresh: firm, tender white meat. And a good fish to battle into the boat.

While I was in Florida - 1977-78 - the name changed to Dorado, to differentiate them from flipper and other bottle-nosed mammals. So, we called them dorado during my days in Florida. Later, on a return visit, I first heard them called Mahi Mahi, which is Hawaiian for "strong" denoting how well they fought when you hooked one.

By the way, that is a fetching young woman. But she seems to be holding about 70 pounds of fish straight out without flexing her muscles. I would handle any courtship with her very delicately.
That fish has had a long, complicated naming process. As Sawnee says, it used to be called dolphin. We used to catch them when I lived in Florida and worked for a guy who had a good-sized fishing boat. Terrific eating cooked fresh: firm, tender white meat. And a good fish to battle into the boat.

While I was in Florida - 1977-78 - the name changed to Dorado, to differentiate them from flipper and other bottle-nosed mammals. So, we called them dorado during my days in Florida. Later, on a return visit, I first heard them called Mahi Mahi, which is Hawaiian for "strong" denoting how well they fought when you hooked one.

By the way, that is a fetching young woman. But she seems to be holding about 70 pounds of fish straight out without flexing her muscles. I would handle any courtship with her very delicately.
I was thinking the very same thing earlier about how she was holding those fish. Not sure the picture is totally real.

Also thought about the earlier post about what kind of fish they were. Thought about commenting that it was Hooters and the Blow Fish. But, decided against it.
It’s 52 degrees as I type this. At 2:00 “real time”, as Bert says. Dug out my insulated coveralls, built a fire in the fireplace, and started a pot of soup. I’m preparing to hibernate. Weatherman says we may get frost tonight. But that’s the same weatherman that gave 0 percent chance of rain today and I woke up to rain this morning.
My wife just asked me if I would like some fried green tomatoes for supper. That was an easy answer. I doubt I have ever turned down fried green tomatoes.

Good afternoon! Picked up a few things for my wife. Watch was the most expensive thing because everything else is a decoy. Won't be long I'll have to go through this same deal again for Christmas. Maybe I'll get her a couple of watch batteries and call it a season.

I've got spaghetti sauce simmering for later. It's been on for about an hour and a half and the house smells Italian. Tomorrow I'll bake her a cake and I would say her requested meal will be a steak and tater. She likes yellow cake with chocolate icing out of the can. Pretty simple task. I'm capable of much more.

Had a minor accident today followed less than a minute later by almost a major accident. Driving along 2 lane highway and someone's plastic trash can blew out in the road right in front of me. Traffic was coming toward me so I couldn't swerve. Hit the brakes and the can at about the same time. It went flying across their front yard. I bet it leaks now.

Right after that I come around a blind curve and a car was just sitting there stopped behind a school bus. Locked the rear wheels up and had a hell of a ride. Get him woahed down though with a couple of feet to spare.

Garbage can left no visible damage to the front of the truck. All's well that ends well.
We always and I still do refer to this as a dolphin but some time back the name was changed to Mahi-Mahi. I once asked a seafood restaurant manager why dolphin was mahi-mahi and he gave me a simple answer. He said it was because out of town visitors would not order dolphin from the menu because they thought they were eating Flipper.

I guess that is as good an explanation as any
Mahi are fish. Dolphins are mammals.
Good afternoon! Picked up a few things for my wife. Watch was the most expensive thing because everything else is a decoy. Won't be long I'll have to go through this same deal again for Christmas. Maybe I'll get her a couple of watch batteries and call it a season.

I've got spaghetti sauce simmering for later. It's been on for about an hour and a half and the house smells Italian. Tomorrow I'll bake her a cake and I would say her requested meal will be a steak and tater. She likes yellow cake with chocolate icing out of the can. Pretty simple task. I'm capable of much more.

Had a minor accident today followed less than a minute later by almost a major accident. Driving along 2 lane highway and someone's plastic trash can blew out in the road right in front of me. Traffic was coming toward me so I couldn't swerve. Hit the brakes and the can at about the same time. It went flying across their front yard. I bet it leaks now.

Right after that I come around a blind curve and a car was just sitting there stopped behind a school bus. Locked the rear wheels up and had a hell of a ride. Get him woahed down though with a couple of feet to spare.

Garbage can left no visible damage to the front of the truck. All's well that ends well.
Happy Birthday to your good wife!
I actually pondered on that for supper tonight. My wife loves them, I eat them but don’t really crave them like she does. May cook some tomorrow night. I pulled what we had a couple days ago, saving from impending frost
if they are far enough along and started to star on the bottom you can wrap them in newspaper and they will keep for a few weeks......when you are ready to eat them take the paper off of them and sit them in a sunny window....they will ripen up........
The other day we were discussing global warming and CO2 levels. I found this chart which show simplistically that there is not a lot of facts to support the "science". We are not even close to the Medieval Warming, Roman Warming or Minoan Warming periods.

It is important to remember that during the Medieval Warming period the Vikings settle in Greenland. We are far far away from that period of warmth. Plus the world did not end because of those warming periods. We are being sold a bill of goods.

That's not the only inconvenient truth to their lies.
Happy Birthday to your good wife!
I've served 3 times.
Only once for me. I got called several times over the years but I was working in another state and was excused.
I've got jury duty on Monday, December 6 here in Austin. Just completed online impaneling. Trip back to KY still looks like a go.

Did jury duty earlier in the year, child abuse case. Mother had 5 children all from different fathers and none living with her because the states (3 different ones) had taken them away from her and she was pending trials in every state for child abuse. The one here was to all jurors (except one) an open and shut case. The evidence (pictures, and testimony) was horrendous for what she did to her son. His body front and back looked worse than Rambo's back in the first movie. The boy (now 7) came in and testified against his mother dressed in a full Spiderman suit to mask his face. His testimony matched the police report and the testimony he had told them and the foster parents. Even when cross examined he never changed his story. Well, when the time came to reach a verdict 11 of us said guilty while one man said not guilty because he was not there to see it happen. Plus he said that black people have been mistreated historically by the police and that she said they treated her poorly during the arrest. He being black he said that he could not in good conscience send a black woman to prison which basically was in direct violation in what he said under oath as to being able to convict if evidence was convincing enough. Well, he changed the mind of every juror except me and two others. We held out and some began to grumble as to being hungry and wanting to go home. I was not giving in. She was charged with 2 counts, child abuse and enabling child abuse because she blamed a boyfriend she had in Chicago (before moving here) even though a expert doctor in child injuries said the child had old and new injuries that were new enough to happen here. Hospital nurses and doctors here said he came in for treatment and one time for 11 stitches to the face.

Well, the juror who would not convict put his hoodie over his head in defiance to look menacing I guess and got all but us three to agree to not guilty on the first count. I told him that I would not waiver unless he would compromise for a guilty plea on the second charge which would get a lesser sentence other wise we have a hung jury and it would be 6 months to a year before a retrial would happen since covid had her waiting in jail for about a year already. He said no so, I said then she will stay in jail until some other jury would have the case. He got pissed but then gave in. She got 3 years with one served and will be taken to Chicago to face trial there upon her release from prison here. Did not get what I wanted but, was not about to let this child abuser go free without some punishment.
Joe only played two years at Murray. WW2 and the marines interrupted. He was later a prison guard at The Castle on the Cumberland (Eddyville). He was shot and killed by his girlfriends son in an argument over a gun.
Did jury duty earlier in the year, child abuse case. Mother had 5 children all from different fathers and none living with her because the states (3 different ones) had taken them away from her and she was pending trials in every state for child abuse. The one here was to all jurors (except one) an open and shut case. The evidence (pictures, and testimony) was horrendous for what she did to her son. His body front and back looked worse than Rambo's back in the first movie. The boy (now 7) came in and testified against his mother dressed in a full Spiderman suit to mask his face. His testimony matched the police report and the testimony he had told them and the foster parents. Even when cross examined he never changed his story. Well, when the time came to reach a verdict 11 of us said guilty while one man said not guilty because he was not there to see it happen. Plus he said that black people have been mistreated historically by the police and that she said they treated her poorly during the arrest. He being black he said that he could not in good conscience send a black woman to prison which basically was in direct violation in what he said under oath as to being able to convict if evidence was convincing enough. Well, he changed the mind of every juror except me and two others. We held out and some began to grumble as to being hungry and wanting to go home. I was not giving in. She was charged with 2 counts, child abuse and enabling child abuse because she blamed a boyfriend she had in Chicago (before moving here) even though a expert doctor in child injuries said the child had old and new injuries that were new enough to happen here. Hospital nurses and doctors here said he came in for treatment and one time for 11 stitches to the face.

Well, the juror who would not convict put his hoodie over his head in defiance to look menacing I guess and got all but us three to agree to not guilty on the first count. I told him that I would not waiver unless he would compromise for a guilty plea on the second charge which would get a lesser sentence other wise we have a hung jury and it would be 6 months to a year before a retrial would happen since covid had her waiting in jail for about a year already. He said no so, I said then she will stay in jail until some other jury would have the case. He got pissed but then gave in. She got 3 years with one served and will be taken to Chicago to face trial there upon her release from prison here. Did not get what I wanted but, was not about to let this child abuser go free without some punishment.
Have a similar story, but on a rape trial which I was a juror on. Watching Braves now, will elaborate tomorrow.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 74°F and cloudy. We're under severe thunderstorm watch. Front moving in. Stronger winds coming. Pup will start going crazy here in a few from all the booming and banging. Temperatures probably dipping down near lower 60s before climbing into upper 70s a bit later.

Braves beat Astros last night, 6-2. I watched first four innings. ATL looked good, but also lost starting pitcher, Charlie Morton, to a comebacker (right fibula fracture). Morton actually pitched really well the next inning.

Happy Hump Day.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Good morning from ATX. Currently 74°F and cloudy. We're under severe thunderstorm watch. Front moving in. Stronger winds coming. Pup will start going crazy here in a few from all the booming and banging. Temperatures probably dipping down near lower 60s before climbing into upper 70s a bit later.

Braves beat Astros last night, 6-2. I watched first four innings. ATL looked good, but also lost starting pitcher, Charlie Morton, to a comebacker (right fibula fracture). Morton actually pitched really well the next inning.

Happy Hump Day.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Good morning from ATX. Currently 74°F and cloudy. We're under severe thunderstorm watch. Front moving in. Stronger winds coming. Pup will start going crazy here in a few from all the booming and banging. Temperatures probably dipping down near lower 60s before climbing into upper 70s a bit later.

Braves beat Astros last night, 6-2. I watched first four innings. ATL looked good, but also lost starting pitcher, Charlie Morton, to a comebacker (right fibula fracture). Morton actually pitched really well the next inning.

Happy Hump Day.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.


I'll drink to that!
Good Wednesday Morning D League

Woke up to a little fog this morning and a temperature of 57° and partly cloudy skies. Our high will be 77°. Very pleasant with 0% chance of rain.

Not an awful lot on the agenda today. The next two weeks will be hectic with a lot of things happening including a few concerts to attend and a couple of day trips. My wife is making a list of all the things we need to do around the house such as minor repairs and adding some more exterior lighting in the back. Always something.

Read Mark 7
