
Bert, I can only speak for myself: I'd think less of you or any of the D-Leaguers who didn't speak their mind on their beliefs. All I'll ever do here by way of my job is correct things I know to be false. As we all know, thewre is lots of bad info floating around out there.
Yes because just about anyone can right a review these days on Google and other forums.
I tried to catch up this morning but I didn't want to be late for tee time. Now it has taken me a half hour to catch up with what I didn't catch up with earlier. I read the link about global warming. When are you people going to accept that humans influence the entire universe? it's like some of you refuse to accept that the Sun revolves around the Earth. Bottles my mine.

The link below from Sciencetimes seems to debunk the global warming people.

Was that article peer reviewed? Why would our government lie to us? Didn't think about that, did you?
I never stated that they supported Democratic candidates. My gripe is Obama care.
There is no O'bama care! It is the AFFFORDABLE CARE ACT! I estimate, based on government estimations, that it is saving each and every one of us about $2400 per year! It must be awesome!
Still miss you over on the nat’l board. I understand your stance, but I love how your presence sends people into overdrive.
Who are you by the way? Some Random UK fan?
Bert, I can only speak for myself: I'd think less of you or any of the D-Leaguers who didn't speak their mind on their beliefs. All I'll ever do here by way of my job is correct things I know to be false. As we all know, thewre is lots of bad info floating around out there.
You have got to write a book. Don't leave anecdotal evidence behind. The stories you have to tell need to be told. I need to read them because I know you have truth running out of your ears. I will donate my services as an editor and bring to the table my A+ in phonics I received in grade school.
My nephew turns 16 tomorrow and isn't all that excited about getting his driver's license. In fact he's putting it off until a date to be determined. What the hell? The day I got my license was one of the best days of my life. Kids these days. Thank God I grew up when I did.
My nephew turns 16 tomorrow and isn't all that excited about getting his driver's license. In fact he's putting it off until a date to be determined. What the hell? The day I got my license was one of the best days of my life. Kids these days. Thank God I grew up when I did.
My daughter will be 16 in December and she has not started studying for the test. I told her it is time the other day and she said she was not ready. I did not take that answer and told her that she needs to anyway.
My nephew turns 16 tomorrow and isn't all that excited about getting his driver's license. In fact he's putting it off until a date to be determined. What the hell? The day I got my license was one of the best days of my life. Kids these days. Thank God I grew up when I did.
When I turned 16 I was supposed to get my license on that Thursday. I had been driving since I was 10 on the road going to Grandma and Grandpa's house in the country. At 12, my father let me drive all the way home to Louisville and it was kinda hard because my mother was bitching the entire way. My father told her he drove at 12 and she said because your father was drunk and it was 1943.

Anyway, my father said something about me getting my license tomorrow and I told him it was a no go because I was going out of town to play softball. Wow! He lost his shit and told me if I didn't get my license the next day that he wouldn't sign for it and I wouldn't drive any of his vehicles until I was 18!

I got my license the next day.
When I turned 16 I was supposed to get my license on that Thursday. I had been driving since I was 10 on the road going to Grandma and Grandpa's house in the country. At 12, my father let me drive all the way home to Louisville and it was kinda hard because my mother was bitching the entire way. My father told her he drove at 12 and she said because your father was drunk and it was 1943.

Anyway, my father said something about me getting my license tomorrow and I told him it was a no go because I was going out of town to play softball. Wow! He lost his shit and told me if I didn't get my license the next day that he wouldn't sign for it and I wouldn't drive any of his vehicles until I was 18!

I got my license the next day.
Your father was a good man!
And they never address the increasing size of the Antarctic ice cap.

I am close to a global warming denier. We are 10,000 years out from an ice age. We got out of the "little" ice age at the end of the 18th Century after the Medieval Warming Period stopped and the cold moved in. Folks in Europe were starving because crops failed for decades. So I don't believe much of what I here and read.

Did I just say that I don't believe much of what I hear and read. The way that they extrapolate average temperatures from centuries before there was a way to even measure temperatures is questionable at best and simply stupid at worse. Then they measure carbon dioxide percentages from gas trapped in ice is questionable also. It would be good science to get an approximation; however, they break it down to ppm. It is a guess at best, but they tend to hang their hat on it being exact when they are estimates at best.

And now we are willing to wreck our economy and lives on what is at best assumptions.​
The ice cores are a source of evidence. So is biogeography. Our present plant distribution reflecting present zoonotic distributions of climating microhabitats. We've lost lots of info. Still our knowledge of western forests ecosystems contain amazing amounts of zoonotic inforamation of detailing climatic information for who care to investigate and make it their business to know the history. When combined with overlapping anthrplogical investigations we have some good stuff. Plant distribution migrations followed climate. Temporal and seastonal fluctuations somewhat irrelavent. We have strong evidence the climate has gotten warmer and drier for the last 10,000 years. The biomes of isolated Arizona's "Sky Islands" stand as millions of acres of evidence. There is some evidence of recent cooling. Whether it's significant remains to be seem.​


tied the knot with the missus 58 years ago today.
Obviously a terrific decision . . .
My nephew turns 16 tomorrow and isn't all that excited about getting his driver's license. In fact he's putting it off until a date to be determined. What the hell? The day I got my license was one of the best days of my life. Kids these days. Thank God I grew up when I did.
I received my restricted license at 14. A licensed driver had to be sitting in the front seat. I got my regular license at 16
My mother got hers at age 12 . There were no tests or age requirements
But that was 1924
The ice cores are a source of evidence. So is biogeography. Our present plant distribution reflecting present zoonotic distributions of climating microhabitats. We've lost lots of info. Still our knowledge of western forests ecosystems contain amazing amounts of zoonotic inforamation of detailing climatic information for who care to investigate and make it their business to know the history. When combined with overlapping anthrplogical investigations we have some good stuff. Plant distribution migrations followed climate. Temporal and seastonal fluctuations somewhat irrelavent. We have strong evidence the climate has gotten warmer and drier for the last 10,000 years. The biomes of isolated Arizona's "Sky Islands" stand as millions of acres of evidence. There is some evidence of recent cooling. Whether it's significant remains to be seem.​


Obviously a terrific decision . . .
Yes, the ice cores are a source of evidence. Evidence there has been ice for a long time. Let me know when the ice core tells you how many times that particular ice has been thawed and refrozen prior to the core being taken. By their own words we know that climate "scientists" disregard ice samples that fall outside the parameters they set prior to drilling. Read that to say, if it doesn't prove the narrative, it is disregarded.

No. The plant history of the western United States is not indicative of the global climate. It may give a rough idea of the prevailing weather patterns at the time the plants thrived, in the area they thrived.

All we can do is follow the real science and take it easy. There is no such thing as a global thermometer, but we have access to the closest thing there is. Satellites Satellites confirm that urban heat islands provide ALL the evidence of global warming.

Let's forget all the science. All you need to know to know man made climate change is bogus is to listen to the words they use. "might be", "could be", "may", "if". How many "point of no return"s have we been through already?

Truth is declarative. It doesn't have assumptions, variables, or convoluted definitions.

You owe it to the people to tell them the truth. I've got this guy who's going to write a book I'm editing. Why don't you let us throw in a few chapters written by you?

If it was real, we would see real, provable evidence and not circumstantial assumptions based on correlation.
If I am not too late.........I would like four boxes and I will meet him where he wants me to meet the cash in my pocket....

awf, I missed this BUT, I will send the two boxes I purchased plus I will piece together another box to get you three boxes (150 rounds) if that's okay? They are leaving in the morning. I have a couple other boxes of .380 but I will look to make sure they are whole boxes.

I will drive over tomorrow and pick myself up some more. IF I check and can send four boxes I will. I will post again in the morning letting you know what I can send.

Email me at:
Yes, the ice cores are a source of evidence. Evidence there has been ice for a long time. Let me know when the ice core tells you how many times that particular ice has been thawed and refrozen prior to the core being taken. By their own words we know that climate "scientists" disregard ice samples that fall outside the parameters they set prior to drilling. Read that to say, if it doesn't prove the narrative, it is disregarded.

No. The plant history of the western United States is not indicative of the global climate. It may give a rough idea of the prevailing weather patterns at the time the plants thrived, in the area they thrived.

All we can do is follow the real science and take it easy. There is no such thing as a global thermometer, but we have access to the closest thing there is. Satellites Satellites confirm that urban heat islands provide ALL the evidence of global warming.

Let's forget all the science. All you need to know to know man made climate change is bogus is to listen to the words they use. "might be", "could be", "may", "if". How many "point of no return"s have we been through already?

Truth is declarative. It doesn't have assumptions, variables, or convoluted definitions.

You owe it to the people to tell them the truth. I've got this guy who's going to write a book I'm editing. Why don't you let us throw in a few chapters written by you?

If it was real, we would see real, provable evidence and not circumstantial assumptions based on correlation.
  1. The refreezing of thawed ice cores would destroy the layer features of deposition over time and display physical structure indicative of refreezing that could be easily seen.​
  2. I assure you, native plant community associations and their distribution patterns are absolutely correlated to climatic conditions that create the suitable habitat conditions allowing them to exist. They're not particularly mobile i.e. they're transported in some form. That makes that information the definitive recorded evidence of climatic maximum/minimum temperatures and precipitation amounts during the periods in which they occured. It's not a WAG or a presumptive theory to promote a manipulative narrative of disinformation.​
  3. We were able not only to identify vegetative community associations but the associated zoological fauna associated with these botanical communities. There's what, some 5 or 6 billion years of earth history. The more recent event the more we generally know about it. Plant communities are products of the climate. The animals products of the biotic communities (biomes) that nourishes (supporting) them. Think free market economy. They function the same via competitive consumptive trophic levels.​
  4. There is no doubt of the localized impacts of urban heat islands. I share your suspicions of disinformation but there is biotic evidence that lend support a warming global narrative. For me, the claims that global climate fluctuations are result of human activities appears largely coincidental correlation with a subjective causation analysis without credibile sourced knowledge of historical evidence. I donot rule out fake news.​
  5. I'll bring the science rant to a close with this. Good to know I don't owe anyone nuttin', not a cotton pickin' thang. See, I don't pay much attention to opinions of people because they're generally poorly informed so they make crap up.​
  6. Oh, while I'm thinking about it. Book chapters concerning what topic(s)?​

Good morning from ATX. Currently 67°F and cloudy. Our high should reach 85°F. We'll start enjoying fall again here in a few weeks.

Pup getting better. I let her out of the crate and she follows me here into the office. Can hardly wait until this is over. and she's again well.

Happy Hump Day!

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

  1. The refreezing of thawed ice cores would destroy the layer features of deposition over time and display physical structure indicative of refreezing that could be easily seen.​
  2. I assure you, native plant community associations and their distribution patterns are absolutely correlated to climatic conditions that create the suitable habitat conditions allowing them to exist. They're not particularly mobile i.e. they're transported in some form. That makes that information the definitive recorded evidence of climatic maximum/minimum temperatures and precipitation amounts during the periods in which they occured. It's not a WAG or a presumptive theory to promote a manipulative narrative of disinformation.​
  3. We were able not only to identify vegetative community associations but the associated zoological fauna associated with these botanical communities. There's what, some 5 or 6 billion years of earth history. The more recent event the more we generally know about it. Plant communities are products of the climate. The animals products of the biotic communities (biomes) that nourishes (supporting) them. Think free market economy. They function the same via competitive consumptive trophic levels.​
  4. There is no doubt of the localized impacts of urban heat islands. I share your suspicions of disinformation but there is biotic evidence that lend support a warming global narrative. For me, the claims that global climate fluctuations are result of human activities appears largely coincidental correlation with a subjective causation analysis without credibile sourced knowledge of historical evidence. I donot rule out fake news.​
  5. I'll bring the science rant to a close with this. Good to know I don't owe anyone nuttin', not a cotton pickin' thang. See, I don't pay much attention to opinions of people because they're generally poorly informed so they make crap up.​
  6. Oh, while I'm thinking about it. Book chapters concerning what topic(s)?​

Even with your own observations above you also in an earlier post eluded to what I posted before and that is that recent trends in weather has it cooling in the last 10 years or so. As we all know from science the earth has gone through many periods of warming and cooling over the billions of years of existence and the assertion that man is the reason for global warming is really the basis for skepticism today. Given the fact that those who push the agenda don't even follow their own guidance lends to the suspicion of an ulterior motive behind the push.
Good Morning D League

LOOK AT THAT MOON OUTSIDE. It is spectacular this morning. The moon and stars seem to be getting brighter and more spectacular. Maybe it has something to do with this global warming thing. I tell you I would willing sacrifice a ,00000001 increase in our temperature over the next 1,000 years for a glimpse of that moon in the sky over my back yard.

Our temperature is 58° and clear and a high of 82° is forecast for this afternoon. . People are being fired all over the country for making a personal decision not to take the shot. Individual decisions are fast fading away. Do what the government says or you get fired. Amerika the Land of The Free. Trust all have a nice day and prayers for those in need. Big Brother Is Watching You.

This was a similar scene last night and this morning. The Weeki Wachee River making it's way to the Gulf of Mexico. Ah nature.


In 1977 I got up one January morning and went outside to get the paper. To my surprise a blanket of snow was in my front yard. 250 miles to the South of us in Miami they had snow. For the next months all the weather reporting was we are headed to an ice age that will paralyze the earth. Then summer came an old man sun came out. But it was fun being in an Ice Age for a few months.

Good Morning D League

LOOK AT THAT MOON OUTSIDE. It is spectacular this morning. The moon and stars seem to be getting brighter and more spectacular. Maybe it has something to do with this global warming thing. I tell you I would willing sacrifice a ,00000001 increase in our temperature over the next 1,000 years for a glimpse of that moon in the sky over my back yard.

Our temperature is 58° and clear and a high of 82° is forecast for this afternoon. . People are being fired all over the country for making a personal decision not to take the shot. Individual decisions are fast fading away. Do what the government says or you get fired. Amerika the Land of The Free. Trust all have a nice day and prayers for those in need. Big Brother Is Watching You.

My wife took the first and has experienced chest and stomach pains and has decided not to for go the second. She will lose her job Dec 9th. That will be $3800.00 less a month after taxes coming in to our household. Yes, it will hurt but, we can do it.
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My wife took the first and has experienced chest and stomach pains and has decided to for go the second. She will lose her job Dec 9th. That will be $3800.00 less a month after taxes coming in to our household. Yes, it will hurt but, we can do it.
The Director got her first shot on 12-28-20.........the second on has left her with a gimpy shoulder.........she says a pain shoots through it every time that she tries to raise her arm above shoulder height.....I am not going to get The Shot.............
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This was a similar scene last night and this morning. The Weeki Wachee River making it's way to the Gulf of Mexico. Ah nature.


In 1977 I got up one January morning and went outside to get the paper. To my surprise a blanket of snow was in my front yard. 250 miles to the South of us in Miami they had snow. For the next months all the weather reporting was we are headed to an ice age that will paralyze the earth. Then summer came an old man sun came out. But it was fun being in an Ice Age for a few months.

I was living in Jacksonville, FL at that time and we got snow. It was a big deal for the natives.