
Good morning, D-League!

I've been kicking back outside in the upper 30s this morning in just a tshirt at first. Then I picked up my nipples and went back inside for a long sleeve thermal. What happened to Fall? Lol

I'll envy you for a few months starting in December, Sawnee Cat. Probably spend a few days in Florida if the politicians don't close down the highways and put trolls under the bridges.

It's going to be a tough winter for a lot of people. We'll be trying to help the food pantry from here through next summer. These forced shortages are gonna be rough. They're trying to start a panic so they can bring the military into it, declare martian law, and force people into Area 51.

Gotta get back to work. Never know when a golf ball will be thrown at you and keep you from getting a job done.
yes, we are close to starting what is our best time of the year for weather. Our humidity drops and no more 90 degree days until May or June. We are near the end of the rainy season and hurricane alerts. Bright sunshine and mild temperatures will be the norm. I do like a few days where the temperature drops into the 30's because that makes the citrus fruit sweet.

I saw on the news this morning something I had not thought of and something that does not affect us most years. The cost of heating your home. I see where heating oils, gas and electricity is going through the roof in New England. They are talking 40 to 50% costs over last year. Add that to inflation and things could get rough for a lot of people.
RIP Colin Powell.

He died of COVID complications despite being fully vaccinated, for what that's worth.
On the local news this morning they had a COVID update and we are very low compared to the rest of America. A ratio of 40 cases out of 250,000 population state wide. And we did not lock down or close our schools for one day. And no mask mandates or state forced vaccinations.

Too bad COVID became political and was not treated with science and common sense. Instead a political party decided to use it to scare people and harvest votes. I am of the opinion deaths would have been much less and the U.S. economy would not be tanking had politics remained out of it.
Good morning! Cord, so sorry to hear about your loss. @Bert Higginbotha you too buddy. I know this brought up bad memories.

I've got some things to do today and will probably end up doing something. I don't know.

Got 2 texts this morning asking me to play golf today. Said no and I'm proud of it. I'll be playing tomorrow and Wednesday.

Later today I'm going to take a ride in the country and just look around.

This is a bye week. Take it easy!
Good morning! Cord, so sorry to hear about your loss. @Bert Higginbotha you too buddy. I know this brought up bad memories.

I've got some things to do today and will probably end up doing something. I don't know.

Got 2 texts this morning asking me to play golf today. Said no and I'm proud of it. I'll be playing tomorrow and Wednesday.

Later today I'm going to take a ride in the country and just look around.

This is a bye week. Take it easy!
Thanks bertfan. The pain simply stays there.

Cord sent me a message on the phone about this and said I could tell the folks on the D-League. I did not do it because I did not know what to say.
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About the football ratings:

#2 Cincinnati played Miami of Ohio, Murray, Indiana Notre Dame, Temple and Central Florida. Wow

#3 Oklahoma played Tulane, Western Carolina, Nebraska, West Virginia, Kansas State, Texas, and TCU. Texas nearly beat them and Arkansas beat the shit out of Texas. So I call bull shit on this as their schedule is as easy as Cincinnati’s.

#4 Alabama. They lost to Texas A&M; however, they beat Miami, Mercer, Florida, Southern Mississippi, Ole Miss and Mississippi State.

#5 Ohio State. Another whuss-ass schedule of Minn, Oregon, Tulsa, Akron, Rutgers and Maryland. They lost to Oregon who could not even beat Stanford.

# 6 Michigan. What a schedule. WMU (I had to look it up; it is Western Michigan), Washington, NIU (I had to look it up; it is Northern Illinois), Rutgers, Wisconsin and Nebraska. How in hell do they deserve that ranking?

# 7 the powerhouse Penn State Nittany Lions. They whipped Wisconsin, Ball State, Auburn, Villanova, Indiana and then lost to Iowa, who got whipped by a nobody Saturday. Based on that they should be in the top 15, not number 7.

# 8, Okla State. They are undefeated. Why not put them closer to the top? Missouri State?, Tulsa, Boise State (nearly got them), Kansas State, Baylor and Texas. Why are they behind Penn State and Ohio State?

#9 Michigan State. Undefeated after playing Northwestern, Youngstown State (had to look that up), Miami, Nebraska, Western Kentucky, Rutgers and Indiana. How in hell are they top ten?

How in hell are there 5 Big Ten teams in the top ten. Drop down to Iowa and there are 6 in the top 11. Pure stupidity.

The rankings suck.
Just like we thought, the loss to UK broke that camels back. Read where this happened midweek after the loss to UK. Might be a struggle to get a player to come to the school that got his coach fired.

Business is business though and we could use a couple of those receivers they've got.

Hire Coach O to coach "how not to pick up pregnant wives of administrators 101"
Our hearts are breaking . . .
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Good morning!

I told a friend on Friday that we would have to outplay Georgia by a wide enough margin that the refs couldn't take it away from us. The SEC was not going to let lowly Kentucky go down there and knock off the number 1 team in the country, especially since Bama lost the week before.

Sports are crooked across the board from high schools through the pros. How do you know this bertfan? Because HUMANS are involved, that's how. Anyone who believes that ONE referee in the NBA is the only ref to bet on the outcome of a game they are working, deserves to lose their money.

Even the announcers were favoring Georgia.

Not saying we were robbed of the game. Nope. Just saying a few calls went the wrong way at the wrong time. Not picking up the fumbled ball is a boneheaded decision that deserves to be ridiculed, but what if he HAD picked up the ball? No doubt in my mind it would have been ruled an incomplete pass and they would have still retained possession.

We didn't play well enough to win the game against a team that is bigger, stronger, faster, and more -disciplined. Can't deny that. But I have to believe if we would have taken a 17-14 lead into the 4th quarter we would have seen some screwy things happen to get the game where it needed to be.

Let's win out and see what happens.
I believe that about basketball. In football , it's the poorly understood nature of the ape (12 man tribal unity that rules). The tribal nature of the colleigiate atmosphere a blessing for us all.
Must have been nice to have that much free time.
Slaves were not free. practiced by ants. Likely where the idea came from
Thelma Lou down at the Duck Pond. What man could ask for more? Here's Barney teaching us not to screw up the bird in hand by pretending to chase one in the bush...
Nothing good going on at that Duck Pond.

Took a shower and got the dishes soaking in the sink. Other than that I've been down an interweb rabbit hole for the last hour or so. I'm not wasting time. I'm passing it along to others.
Is there anything good left in the city of Atlanta, GA? Can the people there do anything right?

In early September I received a bill for my truck insurance and a bill for my homeowners insurance. I paid both at the same time but the homeowners envelope was sent to their big regional office in Atlanta and the truck envelope was sent to the local agent. They were pre-addressed envelopes. The truck check cleared in a couple of days but the check sent to Atlanta. Nothing. Weeks go by and I finally call my agent who called Atlanta and was advised they were behind and everything was fine. Last week the check still had not cleared and I call the agent and he calls Atlanta and they say all is fine.

Today I get a cancellation letter from the insurance company for non payment of premium. Now I have been a customer with this company for 42 years. I have had 6 houses insured with them over those decades. And I get cancelled for doing the right thing. Paying my premium.

So I go to the agent this afternoon and give them a check to get reinstated. They apologize and tell me how sorry they were then told me this is very common in the Atlanta office. So Atlanta can not count votes correctly and they can not process insurance renewals. BUT THEY SURE KNOW HOW TO SEND OUT A CANCELLATION NOTICE.

OK I am venting but sometimes a boy just has to vent.
Sorry to hear about Thelma Lou. To my knowledge Ron Howard is the only living member left. Could be others but the major characters are gone. Kind of like the Mary Tyler Moore Show. Only the ageless Betty White remains.

In honor of the ol' Mayberry gang we'll be watching The Ghost And Mr. Chicken tonight. Kind of a Halloween flick.
Last week, when we had unseasonably warm temperatures I saw the weather channel blaming it on global warming. Then I noticed that our highs were just one degree higher than the previous record, which was set in 1896. Wonder if they called it global warming back then?
“Unusual heat wave, a multi century old phenomenon”. In the words of tree hugging softies, this never happened. Like cross breeding.
Sorry to hear about Thelma Lou. To my knowledge Ron Howard is the only living member left. Could be others but the major characters are gone. Kind of like the Mary Tyler Moore Show. Only the ageless Betty White remains.

In honor of the ol' Mayberry gang we'll be watching The Ghost And Mr. Chicken tonight. Kind of a Halloween flick.
Actually, Elinor Donahue, who played Ellie, the female pharmacist in the very first season of The Andy Griffith Show is still alive. She also played the oldest daughter on Father Knows Best. She was good friends with Betty Lynn.
Actually, Elinor Donahue, who played Ellie, the female pharmacist in the very first season of The Andy Griffith Show is still alive. She also played the oldest daughter on Father Knows Best. She was good friends with Betty Lynn.
She was the second prettiest of Andy's girlfriends IMO behind Joanna Moore, Ryan ONeal's wife and Tatum's Mom.
Sorry to hear about Thelma Lou. To my knowledge Ron Howard is the only living member left. Could be others but the major characters are gone. Kind of like the Mary Tyler Moore Show. Only the ageless Betty White remains.

In honor of the ol' Mayberry gang we'll be watching The Ghost And Mr. Chicken tonight. Kind of a Halloween flick.

Ron's younger brother Clint played in a few episodes. Definitely not a major character but sure did The Water Boy justice...
My BIL and SIL (My Darlings older sister) are visiting.. We are having such a fine time. Wasted 30 years but we are having a great time. I bought a 10 pound box of King Crab legs and a few pounds of Ribeyes. Been fighting my BIL all the way where I'M paying.

Went to the shooting range today. Me and the BIL. I am the proud owner of an SKS. (My BIL built it and gave it to me. Shot about 60 rounds today along with 20 rounds with one of his pistols and 20 with one of mine. What a find 4.5 or so miles from my house. I also bought two boxes of .380 ammo for $40.00 a box. (50 round boxes). Wish I could get awf some. @awf

The shooting range has more... awf if you see this they have more. My BIL lives in Radcliff. We are driving by there again in the morning. If interested let me know. Plus tax but I know my BIL wouldn't mind meeting you in Radcliff sometime after they return home in a day or two.
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Good morning from ATX. Currently 58°F and clear. Today's high expected at around 83°F.

Internet and TV outage lasted until roughly 2 pm yesterday. Cause: severed fiber-optic cable. Much of our area in North Austin had no service. Thank heavens for cell towers.

No Kentucky football this coming weekend. :(. Season has been really enjoyable so far.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.
