
It snowed in Bakersfield, CA in 1999. I lost a big limb in a big oak tree in my front yard.

I took this picture near Bakersfield, CA. My wife and i were headed down Interstate 5 when it started snowing real hard. We pulled off of the next Rest Area and started snowball fighting. We had not seen snow in about 10 years and thought it might be fun.

awf, I missed this BUT, I will send the two boxes I purchased plus I will piece together another box to get you three boxes (150 rounds) if that's okay? They are leaving in the morning. I have a couple other boxes of .380 but I will look to make sure they are whole boxes.

I will drive over tomorrow and pick myself up some more. IF I check and can send four boxes I will. I will post again in the morning letting you know what I can send.

I will buy what you send with very much appreciation.....
I was living in Jacksonville, FL at that time and we got snow. It was a big deal for the natives.
It got pretty damn cold in Northern Kentucky that year of 1977. I was a college sophomore on the hoops team at Northern Kentucky U. I can remember walking about half way across the Ohio River -- we could have walked all the way, but were already freezing. Then my crazy buddy actually drove his Volkswagen Beetle a little ways out on the river at a ferry ramp in Brent, before snapping out of it.

Here's a news account of those days. Dig Mayor Jerry Springer in his pre-prostitute bust days...
It got pretty damn cold in Northern Kentucky that year of 1977. I was a college sophomore on the hoops team at Northern Kentucky U. I can remember walking about half way across the Ohio River -- we could have walked all the way, but were already freezing. Then my crazy buddy actually drove his Volkswagen Beetle a little ways out on the river at a ferry ramp in Brent, before snapping out of it.

Here's a news account of those days. Dig Mayor Jerry Springer in his pre-prostitute bust days...
I had a friend around the same time, Woody Blackburn, who decided to land his private plane on the frozen Ohio river. He, and the plane, fell through. Woody has not been found yet.
As you can see it is Stone Crab season around here. I believe it is one of my favorite things out of the Gulf. When you take a stone crab you can not kill the crab and you can only take one claw. You break off one and throw the crab back in the water and it will regrow the missing claw. These claws are headed to Pelican Point Seafood in Tarpon

Good morning from ATX. Currently 67°F and cloudy. Our high should reach 85°F. We'll start enjoying fall again here in a few weeks.

Pup getting better. I let her out of the crate and she follows me here into the office. Can hardly wait until this is over. and she's again well.

Happy Hump Day!

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.


Hiccup...burp... Excuse me...
I had a friend around the same time, Woody Blackburn, who decided to land his private plane on the frozen Ohio river. He, and the plane, fell through. Woody has not been found yet.
Wow. I thought my buddy was nuts driving a 1,800 pound VW out on the river. I will never forget how cold it was that winter though. A good age to know lots of college girls in cheap apartments with poor heat. People would do about anything just to stay warm.
It got pretty damn cold in Northern Kentucky that year of 1977. I was a college sophomore on the hoops team at Northern Kentucky U. I can remember walking about half way across the Ohio River -- we could have walked all the way, but were already freezing. Then my crazy buddy actually drove his Volkswagen Beetle a little ways out on the river at a ferry ramp in Brent, before snapping out of it.

Here's a news account of those days. Dig Mayor Jerry Springer in his pre-prostitute bust days...
One of my great aunts died that year and the ground was so frozen they could not bury her for what seemed like weeks. She lived in Louisville.
It got pretty damn cold in Northern Kentucky that year of 1977. I was a college sophomore on the hoops team at Northern Kentucky U. I can remember walking about half way across the Ohio River -- we could have walked all the way, but were already freezing. Then my crazy buddy actually drove his Volkswagen Beetle a little ways out on the river at a ferry ramp in Brent, before snapping out of it.
Ah, the Brent Ferry. Perhaps I've mentioned before. Used to walk down the hill to it as a kid/teenager. There was a food truck using it this summer. Kept meaning to go & didn't:

It got pretty damn cold in Northern Kentucky that year of 1977. I was a college sophomore on the hoops team at Northern Kentucky U.
Did you happen to know Bill Aker, the baseball coach then? He & a cousin of mine wound up getting married. Great guy.

I recall that severe January cold front coming through and temperature dropping from 50's with heavy rain one morning to -20 the next morning. Rainwater literally froze running down the streets. Was a foot or more thick. City got backhoes to use their bucket forks to chip the ice off the streets. Cincy stopped for 3-4 days. I75 South closed at Florence to Lexington for several days. Worst I ever saw. And it snowed. We had drifts up to the garage doors' windows. Didn't get the one door open till March.
As you can see it is Stone Crab season around here. I believe it is one of my favorite things out of the Gulf. When you take a stone crab you can not kill the crab and you can only take one claw. You break off one and throw the crab back in the water and it will regrow the missing claw. These claws are headed to Pelican Point Seafood in Tarpon


  1. The refreezing of thawed ice cores would destroy the layer features of deposition over time and display physical structure indicative of refreezing that could be easily seen.​
  2. I assure you, native plant community associations and their distribution patterns are absolutely correlated to climatic conditions that create the suitable habitat conditions allowing them to exist. They're not particularly mobile i.e. they're transported in some form. That makes that information the definitive recorded evidence of climatic maximum/minimum temperatures and precipitation amounts during the periods in which they occured. It's not a WAG or a presumptive theory to promote a manipulative narrative of disinformation.​
  3. We were able not only to identify vegetative community associations but the associated zoological fauna associated with these botanical communities. There's what, some 5 or 6 billion years of earth history. The more recent event the more we generally know about it. Plant communities are products of the climate. The animals products of the biotic communities (biomes) that nourishes (supporting) them. Think free market economy. They function the same via competitive consumptive trophic levels.​
  4. There is no doubt of the localized impacts of urban heat islands. I share your suspicions of disinformation but there is biotic evidence that lend support a warming global narrative. For me, the claims that global climate fluctuations are result of human activities appears largely coincidental correlation with a subjective causation analysis without credibile sourced knowledge of historical evidence. I donot rule out fake news.​
  5. I'll bring the science rant to a close with this. Good to know I don't owe anyone nuttin', not a cotton pickin' thang. See, I don't pay much attention to opinions of people because they're generally poorly informed so they make crap up.​
  6. Oh, while I'm thinking about it. Book chapters concerning what topic(s)?​

I didn't mean the ice core itself had been melted. I was talking about the ice the core was taken from.

I didn't say climate has no effect on fauna. I believe I said you cannot ascertain the GLOBAL climate from studying one small geological region.

4.5 billion years, but who's counting? The first few billion weren't that interesting anyway. Point should be, the Earth has been changing since there has been an Earth. It will continue to do as it pleases long after any remains of humans are long gone.

Urban heat islands, and their associated temperatures, are a very minute representation of the planet. When you realize just how small an area they are taking measurements from, and how those measurements are utilized, climate change is a self defeating argument. I'm not a climate denier. I am climate pissed!

Talking about the book that MdWildcat55 is going to write.
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Were you good at it?
Yes I was. I played organized baseball from 8 to 18 and was offered a position pitching for Eastern Kentucky. Softball was easy for me.
I was living in Jacksonville, FL at that time and we got snow. It was a big deal for the natives.
Did you give them the day off? By the way "staff" would be a more acceptable nomenclature.
It snowed in Bakersfield, CA in 1999. I lost a big limb in a big oak tree in my front yard.

That's a humble brag right there. I was in Bakersfield in 1982 and I don't remember seeing any oak trees. Bet you had them imported to remind you of home. Did you know Randolph Hearst?
What is the old saying:

The coldest winter I ever spent was a summer in San Francisco.​

That's because you are a cisgendered heterosexual male. If you weren't, you would have no trouble staying warm wherever you pleased. In the park, on the subway, at the fish market. In fact you can live on the sidewalk and stay warm with your man of the hour to your hearts content. Just make sure neither of you sparks up a cigarette! SF is a civilized society and will not tolerate public smoking of tobacco! Medical marijuana is OK because the smoke is not toxic.
Now THAT'S a train!
As you can see it is Stone Crab season around here. I believe it is one of my favorite things out of the Gulf. When you take a stone crab you can not kill the crab and you can only take one claw. You break off one and throw the crab back in the water and it will regrow the missing claw. These claws are headed to Pelican Point Seafood in Tarpon

What kinda camera you using there? Makes you look 10 years younger!
Ah, the Brent Ferry. Perhaps I've mentioned before. Used to walk down the hill to it as a kid/teenager. There was a food truck using it this summer. Kept meaning to go & didn't:

Been there and done that a long long time ago. I would like to do stuff like that again. Just for old times sake.
I spoke with Don earlier and he wanted me tell everyone that he is fine. He's having computer problems. He's using an Apple computer and can read the thread but he cannot post. If anyone has an idea, let if fly.
Ask him to try clearing browser cache.

  1. In the Safari menu bar, click the Safari option.
  2. Click the Clear History link.
  3. In the Clear drop-down menu, select the time range where you want to clear browsing data.
  4. Click the Clear History button.
Even with your own observations above you also in an earlier post eluded to what I posted before and that is that recent trends in weather has it cooling in the last 10 years or so. As we all know from science the earth has gone through many periods of warming and cooling over the billions of years of existence and the assertion that man is the reason for global warming is really the basis for skepticism today. Given the fact that those who push the agenda don't even follow their own guidance lends to the suspicion of an ulterior motive behind the push.
Our rainfall events here have been about twice average and the while it's not like the late 70's when the reservoirs were full and rivers washing out freeway bridges. Still a noticable change. Wildife impacts are normaly observed the seconded year flowing drought. Population increases are expected year 2 with more flipping birds enjoying the increased productivity of marginal habitats. Another wet spring and summer monsoon something special. Will see if it happens.​

Yes I was. I played organized baseball from 8 to 18 and was offered a position pitching for Eastern Kentucky. Softball was easy for me.

Did you give them the day off? By the way "staff" would be a more acceptable nomenclature.

That's a humble brag right there. I was in Bakersfield in 1982 and I don't remember seeing any oak trees. Bet you had them imported to remind you of home. Did you know Randolph Hearst?

That's because you are a cisgendered heterosexual male. If you weren't, you would have no trouble staying warm wherever you pleased. In the park, on the subway, at the fish market. In fact you can live on the sidewalk and stay warm with your man of the hour to your hearts content. Just make sure neither of you sparks up a cigarette! SF is a civilized society and will not tolerate public smoking of tobacco! Medical marijuana is OK because the smoke is not toxic.

Now THAT'S a train!

What kinda camera you using there? Makes you look 10 years younger!

Been there and done that a long long time ago. I would like to do stuff like that again. Just for old times sake.

I knew Randolph Hearst (I called him Randy). He borrowed twenty bucks from me and wouldn't pay it back. So he went his way and I went mine.
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I spoke with Don earlier and he wanted me tell everyone that he is fine. He's having computer problems. He's using an Apple computer and can read the thread but he cannot post. If anyone has an idea, let if fly.

Start punching the keys. If a touch screen wash your hands and touch away... if that fails, reboot... (Oh, that's Windows...)
Ask him to try clearing browser cache.

  1. In the Safari menu bar, click the Safari option.
  2. Click the Clear History link.
  3. In the Clear drop-down menu, select the time range where you want to clear browsing data.
  4. Click the Clear History button.
I'm laughing because I've been posting with you long enough that the first thing I asked Don was if he had cleared his browser cache. We also discussed the possibility of Don running a Linux system on an older computer. Rooster mentioned something about it the last time we talked. Can we post on D with a Linux OS?
All this frozen cold ass sh... stuff had me thinking about my days in the mountains in Alaska during winter training. -40° sometimes with a wind chill factor of -100°. Quite cold but fun none the less for me. A couple of pictures from those days. The ten man tent with liner and Yukon stove and our guys on a road march at the base of one of the mountains.


All this frozen cold ass sh... stuff had me thinking about my days in the mountains in Alaska during winter training. -40° sometimes with a wind chill factor of -100°. Quite cold but fun none the less for me. A couple of pictures from those days. The ten man tent with liner and Yukon stove and our guys on a road march at the base of one of the mountains.



And hugging the snot out of each other...
I'm laughing because I've been posting with you long enough that the first thing I asked Don was if he had cleared his browser cache. We also discussed the possibility of Don running a Linux system on an older computer. Rooster mentioned something about it the last time we talked. Can we post on D with a Linux OS?
Sure can. I've done it. Too easy.
Yuse a lie... I'd hug an enemy at those temps. ;)
I did have a couple of my soldiers feet under my armpits a couple of times because they were very cold and we feared possible frost bite if we did not get them warmed back up. I have a picture of that somewhere but not sure where. Will try to find it and show it later. Have to take a picture from my cell phone off of the old Polaroids. We had a few soldiers get frostbite and one even lost a couple of fingers. Only thing that froze on me was my brain according to my wife. We were in the mountains for about a week during one training mission and when you had to take a dump you could not dig a hole (ground too frozen) so, you just did it (quickly for sure) and then had to pick it up afterwards and put it in these blue zip lock bags. Could not leave it on the ground. Any unit that did leave any had to go back up and pick it up.

Oh and yeah, fastest dumps you ever take in your life. You always waited until you could not wait anymore and then go. Could not afford to let the Johnson get frost bite.