
Austin, sorry about the guy who got caught. I feared a similar outcome. I really had no way to smuggle an entire AK-47 in my personal gear. And yes, the Saudis did go over my bags quite a bit. So did US Customs on the other end. In the end, I was probably lucky to get $500 for it. I have gotten a few things back; a Republican Guard silk flag with Saddam's face on it, a Hutu warrior spear from Rwanda which I got on a military flight back to Dover, Delaware, stuff like that.
Are you going to write a book about your time abroad covering wars? I would definitely like to read it. A lot of guys here have interesting life stories, but I think yours seems to be the most fascinating.
Are you going to write a book about your time abroad covering wars? I would definitely like to read it. A lot of guys here have interesting life stories, but I think yours seems to be the most fascinating.
Thanks for those kind words Bert. It has crossed my mind, but as long as I'm still working I never seem to find the time to concentrate on it. A few of my colleagues have done it, some have been worthy efforts others not so much. Not sure how I'd do, but I would like to give it a try some day.


Like I told one of my old Manager's son. (I liked his Dad at the time. He was a flake but a decent human being and dealt with me honestly.) He was a bar hopper in his early twenties (I was in my early thirties) at the time and was a fighter. I told him then.. Some people won't take a whipping. He looked at me weird. I told him you have a new baby. Focus on your family and get out of that bar crap. Three or so weeks later he got his throat cut from ear to ear by a guy he was whipping on. Luckily he lived. When he got back to work some months later he came up to me and told me he understands now what I meant. His name is Kurt C. (I bet awf has run into him too.) @awf

Just me but I always seem to listen to people when they act like they care about me. Too many I have come in contact with just don't care until it happens to them.
Morning D-League. It is 64.8°F and cloudy. We are supposed to get to 81° and 20 percent chance of rain.

Thanks for those kind words Bert. It has crossed my mind, but as long as I'm still working I never seem to find the time to concentrate on it. A few of my colleagues have done it, some have been worthy efforts others not so much. Not sure how I'd do, but I would like to give it a try some day.
I think you should. Starting with the pipeline adventure.

On guns, I have my grandfathers .22 Winchester pump, a 1946 .30-30 Winchester lever action, a .22 stainless steal (don't know the brand) with a scope for varmints, a .44 mag pistol and a .22 mag pistol. The pistols are revolvers as I don't trust myself with an auto. I am thinking of getting a 9mm as the .44 mag is a little big. I don't need to have an elephant gun for a home invader.

I sold my old 12 gauge and 410 shotguns right after I got married. I have not been hunting since 1966. I have a bunch of friends that live to hunt and it never turned me on much.

I did not watch Pro night as I did not even know it was on. I will record BBM Friday, I usually enjoy it but it is not what it used to be.
Thanks for those kind words Bert. It has crossed my mind, but as long as I'm still working I never seem to find the time to concentrate on it. A few of my colleagues have done it, some have been worthy efforts others not so much. Not sure how I'd do, but I would like to give it a try some day.

If I may make a suggestion.(I know what I am suggesting is the business you're in...).. Start with an outline. An outline can be used as a fluid motion document I use religiously.
Like I told one of my old Manager's son. (I liked his Dad at the time. He was a flake but a decent human being and dealt with me honestly.) He was a bar hopper in his early twenties (I was in my early thirties) at the time and was a fighter. I told him then.. Some people won't take a whipping. He looked at me weird. I told him you have a new baby. Focus on your family and get out of that bar crap. Three or so weeks later he got his throat cut from ear to ear by a guy he was whipping on. Luckily he lived. When he got back to work some months later he came up to me and told me he understands now what I meant. His name is Kurt C. (I bet awf has run into him too.) @awf

Just me but I always seem to listen to people when they act like they care about me. Too many I have come in contact with just don't care until it happens to them.
Bobby Bare said it best. "Boy, I see you are a scrapper so just before you fall. I'm gonna tell you what it takes to be a winner"

If I may make a suggestion.(I know what I am suggesting is the business you're in...).. Start with an outline. An outline can be used as a fluid motion document I use religiously.
Thanks for that, BBUK. I actually do have a chapters outline. So, I have taken a couple small steps. Even in my journalistic writing days, when I did pieces over a few thousand words, I often laid down an outline as a foundation first.
Bobby Bare said it best. "Boy, I see you are a scrapper so just before you fall. I'm gonna tell you what it takes to be a winner"

Haha. Thanks for posting Sawnee. Somehow I've never heard that Bobby Bare song. It reminds me very much of my best friend from high school who was from deep in Greenup County, and was the epitome of a "win at all costs" brawler. The problem was, I never had any interest in fighting but he wasn't shy about starting something that dragged in anyone who felt the need to have his back.
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Thanks for that, BBUK. I actually do have a chapters outline. So, I have taken a couple small steps. Even in my journalistic writing days, when I did pieces over a few thousand words, I often laid down an outline as a foundation first.

I knew you knew and very probably much much more in your line of work than I could fathom. In my line when I talk it out it brings back the expertise I had anyway. ;) (Just a habit if mine to grab and pull.)
Good morning D, read 21.

Was told to start walking some, but don't push it.

I hope the D has a great day, mine are getting better. Got a good 8 hours of sleep last night! prayers for the D!!!!
You got this Cord. Prayers are still going strong for you down here. Keep up the good work and stay encouraged. You have a lot of good people pulling for you.
You got this Cord. Prayers are still going strong for you down here. Keep up the good work and stay encouraged. You have a lot of good people pulling for you.
Thanks SC, Prayer is the great healer!!!!! I was told one time, if someone ask you to Pray for them, Pray for them right then, because if you don't you will forget about them most of the time!
Ha ha. Well done. There were weapons all over the place. By the way, Cold War-era East German variants are the best AKs.

Good friend, who served with me over there, brought back a Makarov pistol he took off an Iraqi officer. He hid the pistol in a fuel tank. Heh, never get caught with captured weapons. One guy in our unit got a field grade Article-15 after he was caught up in Germany with an AK he brought back. He may have hid it in a conex.
Yeah, we had a couple of people caught before we left to come home and were also given Article 15's. Most saw what was going on and decided against it. I had heard some later saying they know people who did but... I don't know. I brought back some sand and rocks from each country we went through and that was about it.
We still have our raccoon. He comes up on the front porch and eats every night. Some rogue raccoons showed up a few months ago but we chased them off. Two I chased off in cages to the golf course.

This one lives under my workshop near as I can tell. She used to take him food out there when she would feed the cats but he would make his way to the front porch anyway. We give him table scraps since we don't have an actual dog.

I'm doing the best I can.
We still have our raccoon. He comes up on the front porch and eats every night. Some rogue raccoons showed up a few months ago but we chased them off. Two I chased off in cages to the golf course.

This one lives under my workshop near as I can tell. She used to take him food out there when she would feed the cats but he would make his way to the front porch anyway. We give him table scraps since we don't have an actual dog.

I'm doing the best I can.
I’m sure you are 🥴. Poor little raccoon. Bless you sir. Not an acorn or pawpaw to be found in recent years. Global warming and all.
Went in to see my heart doctor today for the first time in a couple of years.

This was his analysis, basically (in my words, not his)

It is like taking your 1918 Hupmobile in for service. It is still sputtering along but could use a new engine. But there ain't no new engines or parts available anymore. Just keep driving it until it won't drive any more.

He was bold enough to pencil me in for an appointment a year from now. I'll take it.
Went in to see my heart doctor today for the first time in a couple of years.

This was his analysis, basically (in my words, not his)

It is like taking your 1918 Hupmobile in for service. It is still sputtering along but could use a new engine. But there ain't no new engines or parts available anymore. Just keep driving it until it won't drive any more.

He was bold enough to pencil me in for an appointment a year from now. I'll take it.
Best of luck. Yeah, take what you can get. They don’t always know.
Good Morning D

I trust all are well and in good spirits. I am waking up with a good strong black cup of coffee and ready for the day. Life is good.

Our weather is a pleasant 72° and rain chances are 7%. The high will hit 83° with mostly sunny skies.

Well I got in late last night after attending the "Monkees Final Tour" concert and it was great. Watching a 75 year old Micky Dolenz and an 80 year old Michael Nesmith perform for 2 1/2 hours with the energy they have makes me want to hit the gym. It was a lot of fun and brought back some good times. The next concert I will be attending, Lord Willing, is Ricky Skaggs who comes in November. Now that is one I circled on my calendar over a year ago. I love me some Ricky Skaggs music.

So I will sign off with one more Monkees tune and bring down the curtain.


Morning Legionnaires!

Weather finally in the 50's during the night but will hit low 80's for a high. Going to go fishing later on today after playing Mr. Miyagi at 12:00-1:30. Need to catch some fish because the vegans are coming over on Saturday. Want to go fishing on Saturday afternoon to avoid being here but...The Game. May have to record it and go anyway. Wife and her mother generally get to arguing (many reasons) not long after she gets here these days and she (her mother) will then come into the living room and start talking to me about the game just to get away from her daughter. Wife and her brother stay in the dining room talking while her mother bothers the heck out of me while I am trying to watch the game. I don't know about you guys but, I hate it when some one tries to talk to me about the games while UK plays especially when I know this will be a hard one.

Morning Legionnaires!

Weather finally in the 50's during the night but will hit low 80's for a high. Going to go fishing later on today after playing Mr. Miyagi at 12:00-1:30. Need to catch some fish because the vegans are coming over on Saturday. Want to go fishing on Saturday afternoon to avoid being here but...The Game. May have to record it and go anyway. Wife and her mother generally get to arguing (many reasons) not long after she gets here these days and she (her mother) will then come into the living room and start talking to me about the game just to get away from her daughter. Wife and her brother stay in the dining room talking while her mother bothers the heck out of me while I am trying to watch the game. I don't know about you guys but, I hate it when some one tries to talk to me about the games while UK plays especially when I know this will be a hard one.
I am with you buddy. I don't want anybody messing with me during a game. I put my game face on and I ain't got time for that.

Good morning D-League. It's currently 64° and clear here in Eastern Kentucky. This afternoon will be mostly cloudy with a high of 83°.

Everyone stay safe out there today.

I have a friend who was born and raised near Petra. He now lives in Winston Salem, NC.

It is 67.6°F and sunny here on our way to 84%, no chance of rain.
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Good morning D-League. It's currently 64° and clear here in Eastern Kentucky. This afternoon will be mostly cloudy with a high of 83°.

Everyone stay safe out there today.

My wife and I visited Petra in 2011. It was one of the most fabulous trips of our lifetime. It was amazing to look at the carvings in those mountains and to see the "dwellings" carved out half way up a mountain of rock. Oh and the camel ride was nice too.

I would recommend you go if you have he opportunity.