
Good morning from ATX. Currently 73°F. 50% rain chance. Today's high may reach 89°F. Increased rain chances tomorrow before this next front moves in.

Pup woke me up twice last night. Took her out twice. Second time she just wanted attention and a drink of water. Made for a long night.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

You guys are wonderful. I think the world of all of you.

AWF is going to bring down some birds for me to see. I am really looking forward to that. I want to see them released and fly home. Raise those pigeons AWF.

Also, you people are in more danger than you may think; my daughter is in Shelby County and my son is in Spencer County. Beware!
I will be there when I start training in the soon as the hawks quit chasing...........part of the reason I haven't posted here as much as I was is.....I purchased a GPS system that tracks my wife says that I have become obsessed with the data I am gleaning from this project.....I have raised birds for..........many moons......I am learning some interesting things about these homing pigeons......
Good Tuesday morning D-League

We have a nice day ahead. It is 73° and the sun is coming up and we only have a 2% chance of rain. Our high should reach 84°.

I am selling a whole bunch of my gun collection to continue my down sizing. A couple of men are flying down from Ohio and will pick up two beautiful Henry Golden Boy rifles, one a .22 mag and the other a .45 caliber. And several other AR-15s and a few hand guns. Also 2,700 rounds of ammo. 1,200 rounds are Russian made 7.62 caliber which are getting nearly impossible to find. I am setting aside 11 rifles and pistols for home protection. I just don't have time to go to the range anymore or shoot in the woods.

I trust all are well and I read Matthew 19 and 20.
The fact you have to remember old guys don't fight fair.........I will kick, bite, pull hair and if necessary.....pull my gun out and shoot you......but I ain't going to lose........I hate losing at anything........
This is what you must do. My grandpa told me if a man has you down and is beating you to a pulp, just bite off his ear. There are no rules in street fighting or self protection. There just ain't
Good morning from ATX. Currently 73°F. 50% rain chance. Today's high may reach 89°F. Increased rain chances tomorrow before this next front moves in.

Pup woke me up twice last night. Took her out twice. Second time she just wanted attention and a drink of water. Made for a long night.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Not a big gumbo guy but, that looks good.
Good evening D, Read Matthew 19 this morning.

Saturday night was the first night sleep since this all started the first week in September!!!! Slept from 9-6 felt great!!! I go to see my hip doctor in the morning in Owensboro, I am feeling better but just want to make sure everything is ok with my replacements.

What a game Saturday night! I am Oh me of little faith! I got nervous when they scored and I thought, are we going to let them come back, NO!!!!

I hope yawlhave a great rest of the evening!!! Prayers for the D!!!!!
I am glad to hear you are getting better.......I wish that they could fix me but.........I spent my whole career thinking I had to work harder than anyone on the did get me to the top of he heap.......but the orthopedic surgeon told me I had abused myself and there wasn't anything he could do to help......
No gender issues here. Brother Sir just does it and let's others figure out his gender....clean, cook, and dis dat and the other thing....
I have been the domestic around here for the last 20 yrs......I told the Director to not say anything to the ladies at work about my domestic need having strange women knocking on my door.......
Good Tuesday morning D-League

We have a nice day ahead. It is 73° and the sun is coming up and we only have a 2% chance of rain. Our high should reach 84°.

I am selling a whole bunch of my gun collection to continue my down sizing. A couple of men are flying down from Ohio and will pick up two beautiful Henry Golden Boy rifles, one a .22 mag and the other a .45 caliber. And several other AR-15s and a few hand guns. Also 2,700 rounds of ammo. 1,200 rounds are Russian made 7.62 caliber which are getting nearly impossible to find. I am setting aside 11 rifles and pistols for home protection. I just don't have time to go to the range anymore or shoot in the woods.

I trust all are well and I read Matthew 19 and 20.
Do you have any .380 ammo......
Good Tuesday morning D-League

We have a nice day ahead. It is 73° and the sun is coming up and we only have a 2% chance of rain. Our high should reach 84°.

I am selling a whole bunch of my gun collection to continue my down sizing. A couple of men are flying down from Ohio and will pick up two beautiful Henry Golden Boy rifles, one a .22 mag and the other a .45 caliber. And several other AR-15s and a few hand guns. Also 2,700 rounds of ammo. 1,200 rounds are Russian made 7.62 caliber which are getting nearly impossible to find. I am setting aside 11 rifles and pistols for home protection. I just don't have time to go to the range anymore or shoot in the woods.

I trust all are well and I read Matthew 19 and 20.

I will IM you on the 7.62 later this morning. At the VA right now.
Evidently trash pick-up services are having a hard time finding people to work. This is the 3rd time in 5 weeks that Rumpke has failed to pick-up our yard waste. My Dad uses Waste Management and he's having the same problem. He called to complain and was told there's a labor shortage.
Evidently trash pick-up services are having a hard time finding people to work. This is the 3rd time in 5 weeks that Rumpke has failed to pick-up our yard waste. My Dad uses Waste Management and he's having the same problem. He called to complain and was told there's a labor shortage.
I read a blurb on WDRB a few days ago that said that, "43% of Kentuckians didn't want to go to work".......I used WMS for 40+ yrs......$147.50 every two months.......I called Hometown....same service $54 .........when I called WMS they said they could give me a senior discount.........yeah after charging me an exhorbant price for.........EVER.....
So why isn't this video available? It was running fine when I posted it.
The left is doing everyting in their power to make it look like Biden is doing a good job......even to the point of lying and hiding info that would make one think otherwise........they are not going to let the world see what kind of mess they created when they appointed him president......if they can help it....
Saturday night was the first night sleep since this all started the first week in September!!!! Slept from 9-6 felt great!!! I go to see my hip doctor in the morning in Owensboro, I am feeling better but just want to make sure everything is ok with my replacements.
Good news Cord.
Any of the D, on HOB? I saw a headline that said, out of surgery. One of our players?
A poster named bluejohnson. I assume he was talking about himself.
I will be there when I start training in the soon as the hawks quit chasing...........part of the reason I haven't posted here as much as I was is.....I purchased a GPS system that tracks my wife says that I have become obsessed with the data I am gleaning from this project.....I have raised birds for..........many moons......I am learning some interesting things about these homing pigeons......
Good. Sherry and I look forward to that.
So why isn't this video available? It was running fine when I posted it.
Big Brother/Cancel Culture/Snowflakes
It is 68.5°F here and we are supposed to get up to 78° with no chance of rain. Last night around bedtime (by bed time) we got .02" of rain in a couple minutes of downpour.

Yesterday afternoon I mowed the yard and the wind must have averaged 15 mph. Over half of my wild cherry leaves are down already and the hackberry is 25 percent off. I am trying to get my yard cut a little shorter as they are coming to pressure seed it Thursday. I have problems with bermuda grass and since August I have been killing it and now I need the holes reseeded. This will be the fifth time that I have done this. The last time three years ago, I killed the complete yard but the crap keeps coming back, probably because of wind driven seeds.

@bertfan31 check your person conversation for my phone numbers.
Man I am just a commoner again...


No HOB no more.... (NOW you're in for it...)
I did HOB for a year.......I don't have to be the first in line to get UK info......if it is worth knowing it will be on the internet or here for that matter...............I am at the age that I am eliminating anything that isn't TV......and not much contact with the outside world beyond here..........I am OK with it......our government is forcing me into being a hermit.........and as long as I have contact on here I am OK with being a hermit also.......
Well my wife is deep into redecorating the inside of the house and has asked to be left alone. I like that. So I am going to eat something then head outside and do some fall and winter planting. Life is good.
I try to explain to the Director......I don't have to be involved in her projects......nor her mine........she was back at the loft trying to tell me how to build my loft......50+ yrs of construction........I can point to buildings downtown that have my finger prints on them.......she just got interested in the racing pigeons this summer while riding along when I train my birds................I raised canaries for 20+ yrs....most of that time I was trying to develop a white canary with a black top knot.....think Beatles style hair cut........after about 10-12 yrs I started to get there......I finally raised two like I was trying for.......excellent singers too.....I came home one day and she was so excited and pleased with herself......she had sold two canaries that afternoon.........the guy gave her $100 ea for them.....$50 was the going price.........I cringed when she told me which two she had sold.............since that time she has mostly stayed out of my hobbies/projects till here lately................
They won't let me like your video BBUK.....the censor police are every where.........while I am not religious the left is totally against religions.........religion gives a lot of people hope.......and they want people to despair and not have will make it easier for them to make the changes to our country they want.........