
Good morning D, read Zechariah 13, beautiful day here in the Berg now, but we had 1.2" of rain since midnight!!!

Hope I get to see the game today.

Going to have to make a decision soon, go on the trip or not. I have therapy 3 days next week and by Tuesday I will know if I am going!!! Still can't sleep, what do you guys take when this happens? I am taking either Tylenol PM or Melatonin, neither is getting it done right now!!!!

Mrs. M working in Ohio Co. this morning, hate it when she has to work Saturdays. She got a text last night at 8 saying the ATM is not working, wanted her to go to the bank and take care of it, she said no, it can wait till tomorrow!!!!! People will be freaking out today because, they can't get money out of the ATM!!!!!!

I hope the D has a great day and Prayers for the D!!!!!

I dealt with insomnia for YEARS. Finally, when nothing else milder worked, my doctor prescribed Zolpidem 10mg. It has worked very well for me for almost two years now. It doesn't make me drowsy at all, allows me to sleep all night and I am not hungover next day. It literally changed my life. Just a suggestion for your consideration.

I dealt with insomnia for YEARS. Finally, when nothing else milder worked, my doctor prescribed Zolpidem 10mg. It has worked very well for me for almost two years now. It doesn't make me drowsy at all, allows me to sleep all night and I am not hungover next day. It literally changed my life. Just a suggestion for your consideration.

Friend was having trouble sleeping. Had him try cherries. Fresh are better, but cherry juice can help. Worked for him while he was eating them
My buddy has a working pair of Anatolian Shepherd.......I guess his male is 125 lbs or better.......they protect his Savannah goats......
Yeah, both breeds are guard dogs which is why three of my mutts are mixed with Pyrenees. One is part Pyrenees/Anatolian Shepherd (seen in earlier post) one is part Bernard, Aussie Shepherd, Boxer, Pyrenees mix and the other is Pyrenees/Tank pictured below. We really don't know what she is mixed with, just knew her mother was Pyrenees. The tank idea came to me as she got older because she is built like one, all muscle. Oh and by the way, she thinks she is a lap dog at close to 100lbs.

Well, just got home from another fabulous visit with Bert and Sherry. I highly recommend you meet these fine people in person if you're lucky enough to get the chance.

Not much to say about that slapdick ball game. They're gonna need to come bigger than that for the next few weeks or this season will be just like so many others we've endured over the years.

Talked to Don after the game. Always a pleasure to hear his voice! Bert and Don got to say a few words with each other as well.

MoParty was a no go today. Talked to Bert on the way down and he said they had gotten 1.63" of rain this morning. The last time I was there I was parked on a grassy hill. Didn't want to take my clean truck and new tennis shoes to a mud fest. Maybe next year.
Well, just got home from another fabulous visit with Bert and Sherry. I highly recommend you meet these fine people in person if you're lucky enough to get the chance.

Not much to say about that slapdick ball game. They're gonna need to come bigger than that for the next few weeks or this season will be just like so many others we've endured over the years.

Talked to Don after the game. Always a pleasure to hear his voice! Bert and Don got to say a few words with each other as well.

MoParty was a no go today. Talked to Bert on the way down and he said they had gotten 1.63" of rain this morning. The last time I was there I was parked on a grassy hill. Didn't want to take my clean truck and new tennis shoes to a mud fest. Maybe next year.
As always is it fun to seen bertfan31. He adds a lot to a ball game; although I am a lot louder, he stays under control.

Plus we got to see the game off the computer, thanks to @AustinTXCat .
I was shocked at how good the picture quality was. The only thing wrong was there was a 1 second dropout of sound ever 10 or 15 seconds. It got less later in the game or I got used to it.

bertfan1 forced me to cook him a steak. He is mean and big~! :)

The Cats sucked today on defense and offense. If they don't bring their game soon they will be killed in the SEC.
I decided to be a good husband and watch whatever my wife chose on TV. “Jane Eyre.” The 2011 version. It’s uh, a bit sloooooooooooow. I didn’t intend to be THIS good of a husband.

Weird. I was under the impression such fodder was not to be allowed in the house by a good husband. Guess I need to take down the signs and unrestrict the channels that play it.

I'm leaving up the "NO Bridget Jones EVER" and "grey's anatomy forbidden" signs. I don't care where that leaves me ranked on the GH scale.
Good Sunday Morning

Now for the weather. It is 71° and should reach a high of 81° this afternoon. Rain coming off of the Gulf will keep the temperature down. A typical September day.

Read Zechariah 14

A few comments about the game. It may be one of the worst performances I have seen at Commonwealth in years. At least since Stoops arrived. We have to get our special teams playing SEC quality football if we expect to move to the next level. Our Punt Returns were atrocious and Wan’ Dale has to be replaced. He showed me by failing to fair catch punts he was either scared or has not be coached as a punt returner. . Watching the ball roll and roll and roll adds up to loss of yards. You don't give up yards on the field watching the ball roll when you can fair catch. The Cats need to work on that.

Turnover killed us too. Quarterback play was unexpected. I did not see that coming. So we have a lot of work to do and practice should be more intense this week. From now on we better bring our A game.

Oh the cost of steaks is getting out of hand. I blame it on Biden and his Climate Control craziness. I might have to start raising my own beef.

D League,
Good Sunday morning to you all. It's very rainy start to the day around these parts. 69 degrees, muggy, and on/off rain that is continuing from yesterday.

Well, I expected UTC to play pretty well, but I didn't think it would as close as it was. As we know, however, when we're talking about UK football, nothing should come as a surprise. They better tighten up their game, quick, before we head into the SEC portion of the schedule. But, hats off to UTC for not backing down. I also checked out the Alabama/Florida game and parts of the UGA/USC game.

Later on, I'm going to pick up a couple pieces of "furniture" for the kitchen; a small island/bar stools and a small cabinet/buffet type of piece.

Well, take care, have a good day. I'm off to church soon and it's my week to be an usher at the 9:30 service.
Good Sunday Morning

Now for the weather. It is 71° and should reach a high of 81° this afternoon. Rain coming off of the Gulf will keep the temperature down. A typical September day.

Read Zechariah 14

A few comments about the game. It may be one of the worst performances I have seen at Commonwealth in years. At least since Stoops arrived. We have to get our special teams playing SEC quality football if we expect to move to the next level. Our Punt Returns were atrocious and Wan’ Dale has to be replaced. He showed me by failing to fair catch punts he was either scared or has not be coached as a punt returner. . Watching the ball roll and roll and roll adds up to loss of yards. You don't give up yards on the field watching the ball roll when you can fair catch. The Cats need to work on that.

Turnover killed us too. Quarterback play was unexpected. I did not see that coming. So we have a lot of work to do and practice should be more intense this week. From now on we better bring our A game.

Oh the cost of steaks is getting out of hand. I blame it on Biden and his Climate Control craziness. I might have to start raising my own beef.

The liberal whackos what us to reduce our "meat" consumption. It's part of their "Green" save the planet craze. A short while back, didn't Bill Gates say that he wants us to all transition to synthetic meat? Better stock up your freezer with real steaks.
The liberal whackos what us to reduce our "meat" consumption. It's part of their "Green" save the planet craze. A short while back, didn't Bill Gates say that he wants us to all transition to synthetic meat? Better stock up your freezer with real steaks.
Speaking of Bill Gates, he now owns 242,000 acres of farmland across several states. It's not a coincidence that he wants people to transition to synthetic meats while buying up all this acreage.

Good morning from ATX. Currently 74°F and partly cloudy. Today's high expected around 98°F. Summer just can't let go yet.

What a disappointing outing by our Cats yesterday. W is a W, but sloppy play is not. Beat them Gamecocks next Saturday!

Glad @Bert Higginbotha and Sherry and @bertfan31 and wife were able to watch the game.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Happy Sunday D-League. Beautiful day in the east.

I’m up on the edge of the Blue Ridge mountains where the Appalachian trail intersects the Civil War battlefield of Crampton’s Gap.

After the war a then-famous and highly eccentric journalist named George Alfred Townsend bought the land where the battle was fought and erected a monument to war correspondents. It’s an odd place and he’s an colorful enough character that some of you history buffs might want to look him up, and the site, now called Gathland.
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Morning D-League. It is 72.5°F and rainy. We have received 2.23 inches of rain yesterday and today.

I got a good bottle of whiskey yesterday from my friend. More company today, Mr. Curtis and then overnight folks. It is going to be fun. I will protect that good bottle of whiskey from wondering hands!

Florida impressed me yesterday. They look like a really good team.
Friend was having trouble sleeping. Had him try cherries. Fresh are better, but cherry juice can help. Worked for him while he was eating them

I drink tart cherry juice for my joints
Wow. I'd do that for a few weeks.
she worked 13 out of 14 days a pay period from 2003 till 2010.........they had a bonus most of that time....I think it was $150 the first overtime day and $100 a day after that.....the Director isn't scared of work........growing up on a small subsistence family farm will do that to you.........but.....I am sure I am preaching to the choir.......
  • Saw a little fawn yesterday. It was just a few days old. It did not mind its momma about the lying down part.
  • 2nd cup of Green Mountain going down
  • .I don't know how we are going to stop the other SEC teams.
  • We had some sprinkles a few minutes ago, but the have stopped.
  • I hope you guys are being careful.
  • Waiting to get my Physer Booster.
  • Protect yourself. Get a shot. That has been poorly handled to say the least.
  • As you were.
  • Take good care.
  • Saw a little fawn yesterday. It was just a few days old. It did not mind its momma about the lying down part.
  • 2nd cup of Green Mountain going down
  • .I don't know how we are going to stop the other SEC teams.
  • We had some sprinkles a few minutes ago, but the have stopped.
  • I hope you guys are being careful.
  • Waiting to get my Physer Booster.
  • Protect yourself. Get a shot. That has been poorly handled to say the least.
  • As you were.
  • Take good care..
Hey Don! I need to find out about my booster as well. 82 and I were discussing it over lunch. I don't understand why people don't want it. All of us have taken vaccines in the past and it didn't matter two shits who the President was.

I understand this vaccine is different than most traditional vaccines, but that is what we usually call "progress".