
I did not eat guacamole today. I will not eat guacamole tomorrow. In fact, if you were to go back in time and ask, I would have told you over 22,000 times that I had not ate guacamole that day. 1 day I would have been lying.
No guacamole for me either, ever. My wife and daughter eat it and my wife has been trying to get me to eat avocados too and I just don't like them. She tells me just how good they are for me and I still just won't do it. Why is it that people think just because something is supposed to be good for you it will just automatically taste good to you too. When she starts on my diet I quickly tell her if she comes out and works out with me I might eat better. She hates working out so that just pisses her off and she says that that is not a good enough reason not to eat healthier and walks off. LOL, works every time. Man, I like to eat what I like and live.
So, I just got a call from the dermatologist's office with the welcome news that "the Biopsies were negative."

I would have been even more relieved if I had ever known I HAD a biopsy, much less plural ones.

I did go to the dermatologist a couple weeks ago. He looked over some suspicious moles and growths but said all could be determined to be benign on visual inspection. He was getting ready to leave when I told him one mole on my neck bugged me when I wore a tie, so he burned it off with what looked like a soldering iron.

He never mentioned a biopsy nor do I know where he would have gotten the tissue unless he pulled a tiny sample from my neck. I suspect he decided to send that material in after I left so he could ding my insurance for a heftier charge.
I had a skin biopsy done once. I got the bill and they charged me $50 for the tiny styrofoam box they used to take it to the lab. I went back and said I wanted that box if I paid $50 for it. Of course they said they didn't have it. They took it off the bill.
I did not eat guacamole today. I will not eat guacamole tomorrow. In fact, if you were to go back in time and ask, I would have told you over 22,000 times that I had not ate guacamole that day. 1 day I would have been lying.
Meh, I ate some guac a few months ago. It's okay. My wife loves the stuff.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 70°F, partly cloudy and dry. Humidity cranking up. Our high should top out at 96°F.

Eddie Gran, former OC, is back on Cats football staff in an off-field role. Interesting. Hope it works out.

Happy Friday!

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Good morning D-League. This week is flying by, very busy at work.

Loving the more autumnal weather. Mid-September through Christmas Day is the best time of the year in my opinion. Looking forward to all that unfolds in the fall and the holiday season.

I hope it is a great day for everyone.
This is my favorite time of the year as well. The only thing that I hate, is what comes after the holidays. If I could fast forward to April, I'd be fine.

Me three. Cooler weather. Holidays. Football and basketball.
Good morning, D-League!

Quote from a friend's Fb post this morning-

Today at sunset begins the biblical holy day the Day of Atonements or Day of Coverings. This day gave to Israel a picture of their future Atonement, achieved through God's only begotten son, that whosoever put their trust in it would be saved in a way that the earthly atonement sacrifice could not.

It is a day of reconciling accounts, or making an accounting of oneself to God. It is a day to humble ourselves and do works of charity. It is a day of rest in Him from our worldly work. It is on this day that servants were released from bondage and debts were forgiven. Shortly thereafter their land would be restored to them during the Feast of Booths/Tabernacles in the Year of Jubilee.

Fasting (as the Jewish people do this day) is not mentioned directly in the instructional text in Leviticus or elsewhere, and thus is not a commandment of the Father but a tradition of Judaism. If you choose to fast as a way of humbling yourself, of course do so, but not in obedience to their tradition. Rather, do it as something to bring your flesh into submission."

I will remember this as a day that Jesus kept as commanded by his Father, and which His plan perfected through His son.

May you all have a great day and an even better weekend! (I Hope the Cats get through the weekend without injury or incident)
Good morning from ATX. Currently 70°F, partly cloudy and dry. Humidity cranking up. Our high should top out at 96°F.

Eddie Gran, former OC, is back on Cats football staff in an off-field role. Interesting. Hope it works out.

Happy Friday!

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.


It is interesting. Speaking of reconciling accounts and such...

Could be a great role for him if he takes Berezowitz' place or something
Last edited:

Morning Legionnaires!

Temperature today will be a little better at 93° going back up for the weekend until we hit 100° for Monday. Will try however on Sunday to catch some more fish because the early morning will be in the 60's so...

@AustinTXCat: Monti Christo eh? Never eaten one but, loved the movie the Count of Monti Christo with Jim Caviezel and Guy Pierce.

Morning Legionnaires!

Temperature today will be a little better at 93° going back up for the weekend until we hit 100° for Monday. Will try however on Sunday to catch some more fish because the early morning will be in the 60's so...

@AustinTXCat: Monti Christo eh? Never eaten one but, loved the movie the Count of Monti Christo with Jim Caviezel and Guy Pierce.

Yes! One of my favorites. Can always watch that when it's available. They don't show that or Conspiracy Theory much anymore.
Good morning D League

I trust all are well this morning and looking forward to the weekend and some football. Current weather is 73° Wind is SSE at 7 mph. Our high will reach 81° and we should have plenty of rain. Last evening it blew in and was heavy for several hours.

In regard to avocados I am a big fan and have been eating them since I first took a bite of solid food. We always had an avocado tree or two around and they produced plenty of fruit. If you grow them it is best to have several because they produce better with cross pollination. My favorite way of eating is fresh off of the tree with a little salt and pepper and some lime or lemon juice. I also like to chill them a little before eating. Avocado is something I never refuse. But this year I will be buying because squirrels got into my tree and ate or destroyed every piece of fruit on the tree. They stripped it.

I read Zechariah 10.

Speaking of food, I have some collards and crowder peas cooking on the stove top with ham hocks. This will go good with some rice and pork chops for supper. And plenty of hot pepper sauce.

So, I just got a call from the dermatologist's office with the welcome news that "the Biopsies were negative."

I would have been even more relieved if I had ever known I HAD a biopsy, much less plural ones.

I did go to the dermatologist a couple weeks ago. He looked over some suspicious moles and growths but said all could be determined to be benign on visual inspection. He was getting ready to leave when I told him one mole on my neck bugged me when I wore a tie, so he burned it off with what looked like a soldering iron.

He never mentioned a biopsy nor do I know where he would have gotten the tissue unless he pulled a tiny sample from my neck. I suspect he decided to send that material in after I left so he could ding my insurance for a heftier charge.

Probably liquid nitrogen dewar. May have have that done with some skin tags and other such.

Yeah, would be nice to know when people are doing such procedures and tests... lol. Speaking of tests you didn't know were being done...

My buddy told me a story about when he was in college. True story (but I may be recalling it wrong) from what I remember and the article from the school newspaper. Weird story, too.

He was living off of his pizza delivery job while going to undergrad and waiting on financial aid. All he could eat was pizza, since he got a free lg pizza every time he worked. Ate so much he got a yeast infection. Went into the school health dept to get a refill on meds his personal doctor gave him previously, since the school nurse wanted to make him get an STD test (if you don't know how fun that is, maybe google it) before she'd fill it the first time.

This nurse ratchet type once again makes him see her before she'll fill the prescription. He goes into the exam room and she tells him the test (which he wouldn't let her perform) came back positive for an STD! He went off on her and left with his prescription.

On the way out he runs into a friend who's not feeling well and there to get an antibiotic because she thinks she has strep. She calls him later and tells him this long story... Nurse Ratchet it turns out mixed up her test with someone else's and screwed up her life for a while. She went in for a step test result and was told she was pregnant (and a whore among other things). After calling her boyfriend, friends, and family she gets a call as well. The girl who went in for the pregnancy test called to tell her they must have switched the tests. She's the one who's pregnant.

He tells her what happened to him with the phantom test. She decides to sue the university and the health services "head" nurse. Asks if she can use his story and if he will testify against her which he agrees to.

Then he sees this article come out later... Turns out she had been forcing people to get STD tests for years for no reason, calling almost all of them whores and sluts during their exams and results appointments, and they were all coming back positive regardless of circumstance (in his case without a test being done). Psycho Nurse got canned before it ever went to a trial and the story was in the school paper.

.... got to get back to work. That was too long
Good morning! Slept well last night, got 8 hours without a wake up that I can remember.

Tee time is at 1000 and I'll be hitting the door as soon as I hit post reply. Just 2 of us so it will only take about 3 hours to play. Head home and wash my truck and then back to the course by 1600. Gonna be a full day but at least there won't be any yard work involved, other than replacing divots and fixing ball marks on the greens.

Hope everyone enjoys the last weekend of Summer!
Good time at lunch today, always a pleasure 82!

Bert, hate to say it but I had already made plans for Friday. My wife reminded me last night and I got a phone call today. I told some friends I would play on their scramble team Friday afternoon. On Saturday I'm heading down early to go to Beech Bend, but I could stop by your house on the way home if it's going to be convenient for you.
We will be here and look forward to seeing you.
Good morning D League

I trust all are well this morning and looking forward to the weekend and some football. Current weather is 73° Wind is SSE at 7 mph. Our high will reach 81° and we should have plenty of rain. Last evening it blew in and was heavy for several hours.

In regard to avocados I am a big fan and have been eating them since I first took a bite of solid food. We always had an avocado tree or two around and they produced plenty of fruit. If you grow them it is best to have several because they produce better with cross pollination. My favorite way of eating is fresh off of the tree with a little salt and pepper and some lime or lemon juice. I also like to chill them a little before eating. Avocado is something I never refuse. But this year I will be buying because squirrels got into my tree and ate or destroyed every piece of fruit on the tree. They stripped it.

I read Zechariah 10.

Speaking of food, I have some collards and crowder peas cooking on the stove top with ham hocks. This will go good with some rice and pork chops for supper. And plenty of hot pepper sauce.

Now, that looks like a nearly perfect meal right there.
Morning folks. It is an even 72°F, sunny on our way to a warm 82° with a 100% chance of rain. I don't see how but that is what they say. I suppose that based on this I should start mowing earlier than planed.

I downloaded the ESPN app on my TV but did not get to the SEC Network part. I just gave up and will miss the game Saturday. I googled SEC Network + and got every bit of information that I did not need. So I gave up.

Maybe they will show it again later in the week.
D League,
Good morning to you all. It's a cloudy, warm, and very muggy start to the day, 72 degrees currently and maybe 82 later on if the clouds stick around. And, as always during the summer, our daily afternoon thunderstorms that build up around 3:00- 4:00pm. Yesterday, those afternoon storms nearly washed out my weekly tennis league matches, but we were able to dodge the rain.

This week, I did something that I haven't done in nearly three years. I watched a few segments of Paul Finebaum and enjoyed listening to many of the same callers that I remember from a few years ago. It's like time never moved forward and the topics discussed were much the same as I recall. I rarely ever watch TV, so this ended up being a little fun for me. I wonder if some of those callers are just actors, who come on there as a planned part of the show, with their "character" being presented when Paul takes phone callers.

I'll probably catch a few quarters of football this weekend as I clean up around the house. I also need to shop around for a new refridgerator. The one I have is over 20 years old and still kicking, but starting to give out. These new-fangled refridgerators are very expensive and huge in size, with all sorts new gadgets on them.

Have a nice weekend.
Morning folks. It is an even 72°F, sunny on our way to a warm 82° with a 100% chance of rain. I don't see how but that is what they say. I suppose that based on this I should start mowing earlier than planed.

I downloaded the ESPN app on my TV but did not get to the SEC Network part. I just gave up and will miss the game Saturday. I googled SEC Network + and got every bit of information that I did not need. So I gave up.

Maybe they will show it again later in the week.
Bert, SEC Network+ is through your cable provider.

Here is a direct link to the Chattanooga vs UK game via SEC Network +:

You will need your Spectrum account username and password. Login and should be good to go.
D League,
Good morning to you all. It's a cloudy, warm, and very muggy start to the day, 72 degrees currently and maybe 82 later on if the clouds stick around. And, as always during the summer, our daily afternoon thunderstorms that build up around 3:00- 4:00pm. Yesterday, those afternoon storms nearly washed out my weekly tennis league matches, but we were able to dodge the rain.

This week, I did something that I haven't done in nearly three years. I watched a few segments of Paul Finebaum and enjoyed listening to many of the same callers that I remember from a few years ago. It's like time never moved forward and the topics discussed were much the same as I recall. I rarely ever watch TV, so this ended up being a little fun for me. I wonder if some of those callers are just actors, who come on there as a planned part of the show, with their "character" being presented when Paul takes phone callers.

I'll probably catch a few quarters of football this weekend as I clean up around the house. I also need to shop around for a new refridgerator. The one I have is over 20 years old and still kicking, but starting to give out. These new-fangled refridgerators are very expensive and huge in size, with all sorts new gadgets on them.

Have a nice weekend.
Paul Finebaum, a program I forgot about. I have seen him on the SEC football preview show that comes on Saturday morning but forgot all about his talk show. I will check it out some time. I know a lot of the callers from the past have died. One was a huge Bama fan and she would fight anyone who said a negative word about her team.
Bert, SEC Network+ is through your cable provider.

Here is a direct link to the Chattanooga vs UK game via SEC Network +:

You will need your Spectrum account username and password. Login and should be good to go.
thanks, I will give it a go
Probably liquid nitrogen dewar. May have have that done with some skin tags and other such.

Yeah, would be nice to know when people are doing such procedures and tests... lol. Speaking of tests you didn't know were being done...

My buddy told me a story about when he was in college. True story (but I may be recalling it wrong) from what I remember and the article from the school newspaper. Weird story, too.

He was living off of his pizza delivery job while going to undergrad and waiting on financial aid. All he could eat was pizza, since he got a free lg pizza every time he worked. Ate so much he got a yeast infection. Went into the school health dept to get a refill on meds his personal doctor gave him previously, since the school nurse wanted to make him get an STD test (if you don't know how fun that is, maybe google it) before she'd fill it the first time.

This nurse ratchet type once again makes him see her before she'll fill the prescription. He goes into the exam room and she tells him the test (which he wouldn't let her perform) came back positive for an STD! He went off on her and left with his prescription.

On the way out he runs into a friend who's not feeling well and there to get an antibiotic because she thinks she has strep. She calls him later and tells him this long story... Nurse Ratchet it turns out mixed up her test with someone else's and screwed up her life for a while. She went in for a step test result and was told she was pregnant (and a whore among other things). After calling her boyfriend, friends, and family she gets a call as well. The girl who went in for the pregnancy test called to tell her they must have switched the tests. She's the one who's pregnant.

He tells her what happened to him with the phantom test. She decides to sue the university and the health services "head" nurse. Asks if she can use his story and if he will testify against her which he agrees to.

Then he sees this article come out later... Turns out she had been forcing people to get STD tests for years for no reason, calling almost all of them whores and sluts during their exams and results appointments, and they were all coming back positive regardless of circumstance (in his case without a test being done). Psycho Nurse got canned before it ever went to a trial and the story was in the school paper.

.... got to get back to work. That was too long

They charge a couple hundred dollars per squirt of this stuff. The dermatologist called out each squirt to an assistant so she could keep count Since the insurance pays, they'll squirt every bump on your body (and old folks get plenty) since it may be "pre-cancerous." Dermatology, while doing some good, has to be a major racket IMO.
Remember the King Fish that was in the same area?
Yes, sir I do........I was an aficionado of Kingfish......I met a doctor friend of mine at the one on River Rd for years for a Wed lunch........I circled around the one on the river in down town many nights cruising with my friends......there was one on Poplar Lever Rd that I ate at with the guys at the office.......The Director and myself would go to the one on Bardstown Rd when I was chauffeuring her around town.......they had the best whitefish sandwich in town back in the day...........
Good morning D League

I trust all are well this morning and looking forward to the weekend and some football. Current weather is 73° Wind is SSE at 7 mph. Our high will reach 81° and we should have plenty of rain. Last evening it blew in and was heavy for several hours.

In regard to avocados I am a big fan and have been eating them since I first took a bite of solid food. We always had an avocado tree or two around and they produced plenty of fruit. If you grow them it is best to have several because they produce better with cross pollination. My favorite way of eating is fresh off of the tree with a little salt and pepper and some lime or lemon juice. I also like to chill them a little before eating. Avocado is something I never refuse. But this year I will be buying because squirrels got into my tree and ate or destroyed every piece of fruit on the tree. They stripped it.

I read Zechariah 10.

Speaking of food, I have some collards and crowder peas cooking on the stove top with ham hocks. This will go good with some rice and pork chops for supper. And plenty of hot pepper sauce.

Are you going to be eating fried squirrel and gravy?
Yes, sir I do........I was an aficionado of Kingfish......I met a doctor friend of mine at the one on River Rd for years for a Wed lunch........I circled around the one on the river in down town many nights cruising with my friends......there was one on Poplar Lever Rd that I ate at with the guys at the office.......The Director and myself would go to the one on Bardstown Rd when I was chauffeuring her around town.......they had the best whitefish sandwich in town back in the day...........
The one on River Road was one of my favored spots when I lived in Louisville.
It is football season. I am getting my game face on and have some nice steaks for grilling out tomorrow on Game Day

I am anxious to see the Cats perform tomorrow but there are a some other great matchups involving the SEC. Thankfully we will have played before these games.

Alabama at Florida - Of course that is all of the talk down here and a lot of locals think the Gators might just pull it off. It should be a good one. Keep your eyes of the second string quarterback, Anthony Richardson, he may have a break out game. Bama is Bama.

Also Auburn goes to Penn State. SEC vs Big Ten. This should be entertaining.

Oh for the Dirty Birds, UCF outclasses them and it is not close. Central Florida brings home a win.
Afternoon D, read Zechariah 12, little bit ahead of you.

Haven't been on lately, left leg has been killing me, the latest I have slept since Labor Day was 1:00am!!!! So yesterday I called the doctors office, explained to them what had happened and ask if they could send orders over to my friend's PT office for therapy? About an hour later the doctor's office called me back and told me you have to go to the hospital and do your therapy, because I have been here 4 years and YOUR friend don't accept Medicare, which made no sense whatsoever to me, but I said ok and got an appointment set up at the hospital for SEPT 30TH!!!!! In the meantime I call my friend and told them what the doctor's office said and the receptionist said WAIT a minute we do take Medicare and said I will call you right back!!! About an hour later the lady from the doctor's office called me back and said I am the lady that has been here 4 years and we just sent PT orders to your friend so you can go to him!!!! Short story long, I got in to see him this morning, he pushed on my hip twice and hit the magic spot and said you have a pinched sciatic nerve! He did acupuncture, put the electrodes to me and did some ultrasound on me and man does it feel better!!!!! When he said we would do the acupuncture first I started sweating bullets, but it wasn't too bad. I do have some relief, now if I can just get some rest. Been running my TENS device for a while, we'll see!!! My friend thanked me and said, I wonder how many other patients they have took away from him?

Trip to Arkansas T-6 days, but I am not counting!!!

I hope the D, has a great rest of the day and Prayers for the D!!!! WC I may be closer to you than my home!!!!

Thursday morning when we leave, it is supposed to be 49 degrees here in the Berg!!!!!
Amazing how car prices have increased over the years. These big boys would probably bring $75 to $80,000 at auction. I will take the Plum Crazy with the Hemi and four speed.

I was born during a time that the automobile was King and I never outgrew my love of high performance cars. I don't drive as fast as my wife but i don't mess around.

Gum Drop grapes are now in season. The absolute sweetest grapes on the planet. Like eating candy.
Speaking of candy.......I have to make a run to Rural King.....Taffy....2/$3.00.......I am taking my such thing as too much taffy.......I am personally getting ready for the apocalypse.........why try to hang on if there is no salt water taffy.............
They charge a couple hundred dollars per squirt of this stuff. The dermatologist called out each squirt to an assistant so she could keep count Since the insurance pays, they'll squirt every bump on your body (and old folks get plenty) since it may be "pre-cancerous." Dermatology, while doing some good, has to be a major racket IMO.

Liquid nitrogen isn't cheap to store or apply. One of the dewars I was looking at was $ 700 empty. If you want one that is more economical long term, it escalates from there.
Yes, sir I do........I was an aficionado of Kingfish......I met a doctor friend of mine at the one on River Rd for years for a Wed lunch........I circled around the one on the river in down town many nights cruising with my friends......there was one on Poplar Lever Rd that I ate at with the guys at the office.......The Director and myself would go to the one on Bardstown Rd when I was chauffeuring her around town.......they had the best whitefish sandwich in town back in the day...........
For a river city Louisville didn't (and still doesn't) have many restaurants on the Ohio. Captains Quarters, Mike Linnig's and Kingfish were about it for awhile until a few others came on the scene.
Bert, SEC Network+ is through your cable provider.

Here is a direct link to the Chattanooga vs UK game via SEC Network +:

You will need your Spectrum account username and password. Login and should be good to go.
I was listening to Tom Leach today, and he was saying the deal with ESPN allows for one football game and 2 basketball games to be streamed every season. Said ESPN wants to build up their streaming audience.
We will be here and look forward to seeing you.
OK, good deal. I might stop by for breakfast. Then I might come by for lunch. Prolly have supper there too. Thank you so much Bert! I'm a fan!

I ought to bring you a gift for your unwavering hospitality. LOL

I can't have a bourbon collection like you because I drink it as soon as it gets to my lair.