
The wife and I got back from Cumberland Falls today. We spent a couple of days there hiking. We got out of there before the rains came in...

I got this image yesterday.
Well, I got my wish for rain but it wasn't enough to stop us. Shot a 77 with two double bogies.

Nasty weather has been all around us today but we only got a downpour for about 15 minutes.

Stopped in to visit an old friend yesterday at his office to talk about UK and whatever else. We talked about football for about an hour and basketball never came up one time. Used to be the other way around.

I'm forgetting last year and looking at it as the anomaly it was. We weren't the only team affected but were one of the hardest hit due to the nature of our program and the youth involved. We'll come back strong this year.
We didn't get a drop. Dry as a bone.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 70°F and clear with 81% humidity. Expect our high reaching 94°F.

Great news about Livingston and Sharpe. Love it. Go Big Blue!

Volleyball lost to Louisville in 5 sets last night. Considering senior departures and one transfer, glad our ladies played the Cards so close.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Good morning D-League.

It's currently 74° and the sun is coming up strong. Today we will have sunny skies and a high of 82°. There will be a 50% chance of rain so it may be one of those "Devil is beating his wife days"

I enjoyed my sausage, eggs and biscuits this morning. Breakfast remains my favorite meal of the day. I trust all are well and stay safe. I read Zechariah 9.

Some things we see we can't unsee so I thought it may be nice to share this creature's image with my friends. Don't forget, don't ever forget
Good morning! Day didn't start quite right. Dude was knocking on my front door at 0800 to do an appraisal on the house. Lady on the phone told me last week he would be here between 9 and 10. Better early than never I guess.

We're going to start getting good players again because the usual suspects have had to tone down their payment plans to the top players. Bill Self is on tape telling dude to pay Zion Williamson $150,000 or whatever it takes to get him to Kansas and a week later he announces he's going to Duke. How much did they pay him?

If anyone here wants to pay me enough, I'll come and play basketball for you. Double that amount and I'll come play basketball WITH you! Good deal either way.

Barbeque with 82 today! Belly's will be topped off!

See ya on the flip side...
We're going to start getting good players again because the usual suspects have had to tone down their payment plans to the top players. Bill Self is on tape telling dude to pay Zion Williamson $150,000 or whatever it takes to get him to Kansas and a week later he announces he's going to Duke. How much did they pay him?
Zion Williamson, that is a name I have lost track of. The thing I remember about him is blowing out his Nike shoes and sitting on the floor. Bless his heart

Good morning D-League.

It's currently 74° and the sun is coming up strong. Today we will have sunny skies and a high of 82°. There will be a 50% chance of rain so it may be one of those "Devil is beating his wife days"

I enjoyed my sausage, eggs and biscuits this morning. Breakfast remains my favorite meal of the day. I trust all are well and stay safe. I read Zechariah 9.

Some things we see we can't unsee so I thought it may be nice to share this creature's image with my friends. Don't forget, don't ever forget
Ugh there goes my appetite. May have to reschedule my lunch with Bertfan after seeing this.
Good morning! Day didn't start quite right. Dude was knocking on my front door at 0800 to do an appraisal on the house. Lady on the phone told me last week he would be here between 9 and 10. Better early than never I guess.

We're going to start getting good players again because the usual suspects have had to tone down their payment plans to the top players. Bill Self is on tape telling dude to pay Zion Williamson $150,000 or whatever it takes to get him to Kansas and a week later he announces he's going to Duke. How much did they pay him?

If anyone here wants to pay me enough, I'll come and play basketball for you. Double that amount and I'll come play basketball WITH you! Good deal either way.

Barbeque with 82 today! Belly's will be topped off!

See ya on the flip side...
Looking forward to it!! 1 PM.
Morning folks. I had to do labs today and I am late getting on. It is 70.3°F and humid. On my way to Bowling Green this morning in one area the lights at one exit were in the clouds, so we had a ceiling of less than 50 feet. But supposedly we have zero chance of rain today even though the cloud cover is thick.

That Schwab man is revolting, geeze.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 70°F and clear with 81% humidity. Expect our high reaching 94°F.

Great news about Livingston and Sharpe. Love it. Go Big Blue!

Volleyball lost to Louisville in 5 sets last night. Considering senior departures and one transfer, glad our ladies played the Cards so close.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Disappointing loss, but agree that 5 sets is impressive considering
Having a discussion with my wife about pizza rolls.

Long story short, I bought some pizza rolls at the grocery today for lunch. Deli line was backed up so microwave fare was next in line.

She thinks they should be baked in a 400° oven to achieve the perfect level of crispiness. I think that if you are eating pizza rolls you have already given up and it just doesn't matter.

What do you say D? Female hypotheticals or pragmatism?

Nailed it.

I'm gonna guess that the majority of today's pizza roll eaters at the legal age voted for Biden... (have no idea really, but I'm not a pizza roll fan so I thought it was humorous)... clearly they had given up before they ever cast their vote
Good time at lunch today, always a pleasure 82!

Bert, hate to say it but I had already made plans for Friday. My wife reminded me last night and I got a phone call today. I told some friends I would play on their scramble team Friday afternoon. On Saturday I'm heading down early to go to Beech Bend, but I could stop by your house on the way home if it's going to be convenient for you.

You may remember this place. Founded in Miami Beach in 1956, there were 400 restaurants in 1971. Now there are none that I know of. I liked their hot dogs which were steamed in beer.

Used to be a Lum's over by the bowling alley near Taylor Blvd. and 3rd street. There was a train overpass near the parking lot and the Ralston Purina plant was across the street and operating as well. Up the street a ways was the J.B. Speed art museum. Seems like there was something else located in that vicinity but I can't remember what it was. Anyway, I don't think it ever amounted to much. Can anyone remember all that mess going on behind JBS museum?
Good time at lunch today, always a pleasure 82!

Bert, hate to say it but I had already made plans for Friday. My wife reminded me last night and I got a phone call today. I told some friends I would play on their scramble team Friday afternoon. On Saturday I'm heading down early to go to Beech Bend, but I could stop by your house on the way home if it's going to be convenient for you.

Used to be a Lum's over by the bowling alley near Taylor Blvd. and 3rd street. There was a train overpass near the parking lot and the Ralston Purina plant was across the street and operating as well. Up the street a ways was the J.B. Speed art museum. Seems like there was something else located in that vicinity but I can't remember what it was. Anyway, I don't think it ever amounted to much. Can anyone remember all that mess going on behind JBS museum?
Parkmoor Bowling was right next to them......
Good time at lunch today, always a pleasure 82!

Bert, hate to say it but I had already made plans for Friday. My wife reminded me last night and I got a phone call today. I told some friends I would play on their scramble team Friday afternoon. On Saturday I'm heading down early to go to Beech Bend, but I could stop by your house on the way home if it's going to be convenient for you.

Used to be a Lum's over by the bowling alley near Taylor Blvd. and 3rd street. There was a train overpass near the parking lot and the Ralston Purina plant was across the street and operating as well. Up the street a ways was the J.B. Speed art museum. Seems like there was something else located in that vicinity but I can't remember what it was. Anyway, I don't think it ever amounted to much. Can anyone remember all that mess going on behind JBS museum?
Also had a good time as always. Great company makes the meal.
So, I just got a call from the dermatologist's office with the welcome news that "the Biopsies were negative."

I would have been even more relieved if I had ever known I HAD a biopsy, much less plural ones.

I did go to the dermatologist a couple weeks ago. He looked over some suspicious moles and growths but said all could be determined to be benign on visual inspection. He was getting ready to leave when I told him one mole on my neck bugged me when I wore a tie, so he burned it off with what looked like a soldering iron.

He never mentioned a biopsy nor do I know where he would have gotten the tissue unless he pulled a tiny sample from my neck. I suspect he decided to send that material in after I left so he could ding my insurance for a heftier charge.
Good morning D-League.

It's currently 74° and the sun is coming up strong. Today we will have sunny skies and a high of 82°. There will be a 50% chance of rain so it may be one of those "Devil is beating his wife days"

I enjoyed my sausage, eggs and biscuits this morning. Breakfast remains my favorite meal of the day. I trust all are well and stay safe. I read Zechariah 9.

Some things we see we can't unsee so I thought it may be nice to share this creature's image with my friends. Don't forget, don't ever forget
Good morning D-League. This week is flying by, very busy at work.

Loving the more autumnal weather. Mid-September through Christmas Day is the best time of the year in my opinion. Looking forward to all that unfolds in the fall and the holiday season.

I hope it is a great day for everyone.
This is my favorite time of the year as well. The only thing that I hate, is what comes after the holidays. If I could fast forward to April, I'd be fine.
So, I just got a call from the dermatologist's office with the welcome news that "the Biopsies were negative."

I would have been even more relieved if I had ever known I HAD a biopsy, much less plural ones.

I did go to the dermatologist a couple weeks ago. He looked over some suspicious moles and growths but said all could be determined to be benign on visual inspection. He was getting ready to leave when I told him one mole on my neck bugged me when I wore a tie, so he burned it off with what looked like a soldering iron.

He never mentioned a biopsy nor do I know where he would have gotten the tissue unless he pulled a tiny sample from my neck. I suspect he decided to send that material in after I left so he could ding my insurance for a heftier charge.
Excellent news even it you didn't know it was coming.
@UK82 check out this review of the tube buffer you gave me...


My experience with the B-283 is a complicated one. Easiest to mention? Imaging -- the placement of instruments in a holographic plane of sound was better than ever. You can easily see instruments in the room and feel the space of the area that the recording happened in. In some cases if you were to close your eyes, your senses would deceive you into thinking that you were in a much larger place with a wider and deeper view of what was in front of you. To be transported to a music hall sonically is quite a feat. Air is something really hard to explain. It only happens at the highest frequencies; cymbals, chimes, strings and horns. The tubes added a naturalness to these sounds never heard before. It only added to the feeling that one was privy to a real live session. Tones of instrument became more soulful and carried a weight that really let emotion of the players jump out at you. Sound stage -- the width, height, depth and size of a sonic image. Let's just say this was the deepest and endless I've ever heard and most evenly cast around the room, like knocking down the walls to find echoes coming at you from a distant canyon. Not to say the echoes were added, but only reveled if they were in the recording. Details, details, details. I know the 1812 Overture like the roof of my mouth, but here again I heard new things in the music I had never heard before; the sound of sweaty palm being lifted from a kettle drum, making only the slightest sound of a tacky release, the subtle sliding sound of clacking the castanets, and finally the breath of a flutist finding relief during the rests in measure. Warm, very rich and firm bass was abundant in droves. Never bloated or overpowering, not louder but just richer and full of character that didn't muddle itself together. An upright bass with utter detail of it's action was astonishing. NOW THE CRAZY PART -- I think most people don't like classical music, because very few playback systems can achieve the separation and detail of each individual instrument, in point you end up with a smeared unified sound that sounds more like a belt-line traffic jam than a collection of beautiful sounds working in harmony to paint a picture, with great contrast to each other but in sublime orchestration. Classical music is all about textures, not a blunderbuss of dynamic blur. So what happened?? God appeared in front of me and with her omnipotent hand, she quickly removed the veil and laid out before me the millions of brush strokes that made up the orchestras passionate mission. For once I could see the conductors notes on the page in my mind, each section moving through the pages, as if I were hearing what braille sounded like. This is High End Audio.

...I think he liked it. Sure I will too! Thanks again!
@UK82 check out this review of the tube buffer you gave me...


My experience with the B-283 is a complicated one. Easiest to mention? Imaging -- the placement of instruments in a holographic plane of sound was better than ever. You can easily see instruments in the room and feel the space of the area that the recording happened in. In some cases if you were to close your eyes, your senses would deceive you into thinking that you were in a much larger place with a wider and deeper view of what was in front of you. To be transported to a music hall sonically is quite a feat. Air is something really hard to explain. It only happens at the highest frequencies; cymbals, chimes, strings and horns. The tubes added a naturalness to these sounds never heard before. It only added to the feeling that one was privy to a real live session. Tones of instrument became more soulful and carried a weight that really let emotion of the players jump out at you. Sound stage -- the width, height, depth and size of a sonic image. Let's just say this was the deepest and endless I've ever heard and most evenly cast around the room, like knocking down the walls to find echoes coming at you from a distant canyon. Not to say the echoes were added, but only reveled if they were in the recording. Details, details, details. I know the 1812 Overture like the roof of my mouth, but here again I heard new things in the music I had never heard before; the sound of sweaty palm being lifted from a kettle drum, making only the slightest sound of a tacky release, the subtle sliding sound of clacking the castanets, and finally the breath of a flutist finding relief during the rests in measure. Warm, very rich and firm bass was abundant in droves. Never bloated or overpowering, not louder but just richer and full of character that didn't muddle itself together. An upright bass with utter detail of it's action was astonishing. NOW THE CRAZY PART -- I think most people don't like classical music, because very few playback systems can achieve the separation and detail of each individual instrument, in point you end up with a smeared unified sound that sounds more like a belt-line traffic jam than a collection of beautiful sounds working in harmony to paint a picture, with great contrast to each other but in sublime orchestration. Classical music is all about textures, not a blunderbuss of dynamic blur. So what happened?? God appeared in front of me and with her omnipotent hand, she quickly removed the veil and laid out before me the millions of brush strokes that made up the orchestras passionate mission. For once I could see the conductors notes on the page in my mind, each section moving through the pages, as if I were hearing what braille sounded like. This is High End Audio.

...I think he liked it. Sure I will too! Thanks again!
OK, I want it back. Seriously though it does a good job. I'm not sure but it might even have a passthrough for when it's not turned on. I could be wrong. It does add gain/volume from what I remember. I enjoyed it. Well made. Also, you can do some tube rolling if you wanted to.