
Just to let you fellers know...OEC is still functioning at a fairly medium level. Glad to see everyone else is also.
Went to the U P this summer, caught some beer, drank some fish. It was nice.
I'll be back.

Welcome back. Great seeing you again.
Doctor prescribed 800mg Ibuprofen for my back Friday. Helped enough that I went to the golf course yesterday and hit a few few pretty much pain free. Medication vs spinal fusion, I’ll take the medication.
I take an 800 every morning but that's it for the day. I am prescribed 3 of those per day. I told him that I thought 2400 was too much and he asked me why I thought that. I told him that I had a progressive disease and I would progress the medicine as I needed it. He said it sounded like I had a good handle on it and to let him know if he could help.

Love my doc! Been seeing him for about 25 years. He's my age is going to retire soon. He told me he has a guy who's expecting me someday.
Fix a man a drink and you've provided him a drink for a day. Teach a man how to build his own moonshine still, where to properly hide it, how to purchase the ingredients without drawing suspicion, and the process of properly converting those ingredients safely into alcohol and you've provided him drinks for a lifetime.

Something to think about.
I've had some damn good shine in my days down in Tennessee and Alabama. Also seen people who've tried to pass off pure grain or that Georgia Shine crap you see at the liquor store.

Fortunately, I've traveled the entire country and sampled homemade alcohol from all over. Some of the best beer I've ever had in my life came from a coworker in Louisiana.
  • Thanks, Warrior.
  • 75% of single mothers are unvaccinated. Hard to understand.
  • Both of my rotator cuffs are sore.
  • Unsteady on my get.
  • I'm only 78.
  • If all else fails, changer your bait to sand colored worms.
  • As you were.
  • Take good care.
Keep posting Don and you'll become more steady on your get. Find yourself a game to play on the computer. Solitare or Free Cell would be sufficient. Exercise your brain and just Keep on Keeping On!
First thing I do in the morning is take 600 mg of ibuprofen and about 45 mins later I take 400 more........I also use some homeopathic remedies.........Oh.......and don't forget the occasional shot of alcohol for break through pain.......I am supposed to be on Celibrex.......when I quit taking it it was running me $475 a month.
Alcohol? I've heard people talk about it, but you say it will help with pain?
I have thought about trying to build a small still.......number one to see if I can do it and have a snort or two of good moonshine around........
I've drawn up plans for a copper still. It's a column style so I can accomplish in one run what would take me several in a pot still. You can buy them on the interweb but I think they're too spendy.
Just to let you fellers know...OEC is still functioning at a fairly medium level. Glad to see everyone else is also.
Went to the U P this summer, caught some beer, drank some fish. It was nice.
I'll be back.
I've spent some days in the U P! Different world up there, I love it! If I hadn't came from Kentucky I think I would have made a good Michigan man.
Good choice but if you ever reach a point in your life where you must have spine surgery make sure you get the best you can find. I hit the internet and did some research. Last year (during covid) I had major spinal surgery and most of my spine was fused and the doc built me a new pelvis. Even at my age I would do it again a hundred times. The relief from pain was immediate but I did have to learn to walk again.

I had reached a point where I could not walk and my future was a wheelchair and unbearable pain. Two neurosurgeons told me they could not help me as it was too complicated and they were not sure of the results. They said they knew of two doctors who might attempt helping me but one was in New York City and the other in Tampa. I told them no way I go to New York for surgery in the middle of Covid-19 so I would try my luck with the doc in Tampa. He agreed to see me and told me it would be rough and was I up for it? I told him I would sharpen his knife, just cut me and relieve the pain. Surgery was about 10 hours and within a few days I was in rehab and on my way. Now I can walk without any kind of aid and have a normal lifestyle. At age 78 I am thankful.

I will share a few x-rays. The first is before surgery. This is an absolute train wreck with nerves and my spine all twisted together.


After surgery. Notice the spacing and the nerves are not pinched by bone

A side view. Again the doctor cleaned it up and minimized the stenosis. And I got back two inches of height I had lost. Now I am back to 6'2" the same as I was in the Army.

But as I said going through this is not a piece of cake and prayers from friends and family helped me push that extra step in rehab. But it was worth every effort.

So glad that surgery worked out for you. Lucky you got ahold of an old soul who said screw the odds, I think I can do this! Younger generation would give up before they started.
Good to see you OEC, was wondering if I was going to have to put an ABP out on you and come looking for you!!!
If you put out a ABP on him, then I don't you'll need to do anything else.
I used to be a maintenance mechanic for several years in a factory (made the Subway buns). They brought in a factory manager who was a know-it-all engineer (aren't they all?). He would insist we do things his way rather than how we knew how to do it. When his way didn't work, he would say, "Hmm, that shouldn't do that."
I inspected nuclear power plants for 35 years. If you knew how many times I heard, "well, that's the way we've always done it" as an excuse to cut corners, you would have a different view. Neither of us own the company. We are paid to do things the way they want it done. It's a very simple concept and it prevents you from having responsibility for any problems that arise.
Kind of sounds like what happened to us at Dyno Nobel making det cord, he comes in and says why don't we try doing it this way! Well because it won't work like that, this is explosives we are working with here! Well when do you want to try doing it your way? Next week, ok go ahead, I taking vacation next week!!!!
Follow the procedures. They worked in the past and they'll work in the future. Marshmellows or dynamite.
The orthapedic surgeon that I was seeing has designed many you devices for surgery like the halo for neck of the top surgeons in the country.........he was reccomended by my doctor friend and my uncle who was a doctor...........he told me that there was nothing he could do for my spondylosis or the spinal stenosis....I have lost 13/4" height since I signed up for the Navy in 1972...........
13/4" is a good argument for metric measurements. I read it as "3 and a quarter". 13/4 is more accurate.

Reminds me of something I read once about starting the country over but with the capital just a little farther west
Where do I find such lessons? Been wanting to make my own for 10 yrs
On the interweb my friend. There are forums chock full of knowledgeable shiners happy to share their craft secrets.
A little story for you moonshiners. After the ground war was over in the Gulf we moved through Kuwait and back to Saudi to sit and wait for our return home. As the date to go home got close we moved from the desert to Khobar Towers in March of 90 after loading our howitzers and equipment on to ships. While at Khobar towers we made friends with a few Saudi nationals who helped us get their version of that good ole white lightning. You would pay $20.00 for a small mason jar of their version so, I bought 2. Would go to the roof after dark with my walkman and easy listening music and just drink enough to feel it and relax looking at the stars.
We were supposed to have 2 ricks of firewood delivered today between 2 and 3 this afternoon. Left messages at 3:30, 4:15 and 5:00. Finally got in touch with them at 5:30. They had me down for October 14th delivery. Customer service in today's world really sucks.

I've never bought firewood. Always cut it myself. How much does that much wood cost and refresh my memory as to where you're located. I have several trees down and plenty of firewood on hand already. Would rather it went to someone I know.
I've never bought firewood. Always cut it myself. How much does that much wood cost and refresh my memory as to where you're located. I have several trees down and plenty of firewood on hand already. Would rather it went to someone I know.
That's awfully kind of you! I live in enemy territory, Louisville. I've rescheduled delivery for this Friday. Ricks sell for 70 to 120 bucks delivered. Cheaper if you pick it up yourself. Unfortunately I don't have the means. Stacking usually costs more. I'll be paying $100/rick delivered and dumped, not stacked. Good wood. Mostly oak, ash and hickory. Seasoned obviously. At least it better be.
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That's awfully kind of you! I live in enemy territory, Louisville. I've rescheduled delivery for this Friday. Ricks sell for 70 to 120 bucks delivered. Cheaper if you pick it up yourself. Unfortunately I don't have the means. Stacking usually costs more. I'll be paying $100/rick delivered and dumped, not stacked. Good wood. Mostly oak, ash and hickory. Seasoned obviously. At least it better be.

Ok. That's a bit far from me, but if they don't deliver let me know. I'd bring you what I have that's seasoned and cut up the trees to season here, just don't know if I could work it out.
Good Wednesday Morning D

I woke up to clear skies and a pleasant 72° and we expect to reach 84° by midafternoon when we have a 60% chance of thunderstorms. We had a nice rain as we were going to bed and it put me to sleep. I have not run my irrigation system this summer because there was no need to. We had plenty of rain. In a few weeks it will be on the rest of the winter until the rainy season gets here.

I am up early this morning to take a run down past Treasure Island to pick up a piece of furniture for my wife. It is about 70 miles and I am going to try to dodge any rain that may be coming off of the Gulf.

So I trust all are well and prayers to all.

The lake is full

A little story for you moonshiners. After the ground war was over in the Gulf we moved through Kuwait and back to Saudi to sit and wait for our return home. As the date to go home got close we moved from the desert to Khobar Towers in March of 90 after loading our howitzers and equipment on to ships. While at Khobar towers we made friends with a few Saudi nationals who helped us get their version of that good ole white lightning. You would pay $20.00 for a small mason jar of their version so, I bought 2. Would go to the roof after dark with my walkman and easy listening music and just drink enough to feel it and relax looking at the stars.
You guys knew the right connections. During Desert Storm, us poor grunts settled for rubbing alcohol strained through bread and injected into an orange with a syringe. Called 'em bombs.

During OIF, I ran into a old airframe contractor at Balad Air Base who brewed his own beer using a cooler. Not bad, actually.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 73°F and cloudy. We received a few sprinkles late yesterday afternoon left over from the hurricane to our east. Expect 93°F for today's high. Looking at low 90s until at least next week. Summer just can't let go.

Every morning, I hike around a local shopping center. Over past 3 Monday's or Tuesdays, some vandals have been busting out storefront glass windows of a liquor store. Yesterday, they also hit a Dollar General. Little twerps also turn water on and leave it running, creating a bigger mess. Wish that stuff would stop.

Happy Hump Day.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Good Wednesday Morning D

I woke up to clear skies and a pleasant 72° and we expect to reach 84° by midafternoon when we have a 60% chance of thunderstorms. We had a nice rain as we were going to bed and it put me to sleep. I have not run my irrigation system this summer because there was no need to. We had plenty of rain. In a few weeks it will be on the rest of the winter until the rainy season gets here.

I am up early this morning to take a run down past Treasure Island to pick up a piece of furniture for my wife. It is about 70 miles and I am going to try to dodge any rain that may be coming off of the Gulf.

So I trust all are well and prayers to all.

The lake is full


You really need to get out there for the sake of the environment and remove some of the fish from that lake, sir, or it's going to overflow. Also, people throw away too much bread on an international level, so you could do your part to put an end to that by having said fish breaded.

This is your public service announcement for the day
Good morning from ATX. Currently 73°F and cloudy. We received a few sprinkles late yesterday afternoon left over from the hurricane to our east. Expect 93°F for today's high. Looking at low 90s until at least next week. Summer just can't let go.

Every morning, I hike around a local shopping center. Over past 3 Monday's or Tuesdays, some vandals have been busting out storefront glass windows of a liquor store. Yesterday, they also hit a Dollar General. Little twerps also turn water on and leave it running, creating a bigger mess. Wish that stuff would stop.

Happy Hump Day.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.


Dang it, I ate one of those a day TOO EARLY!! I might need to get back on schedule this afternoon
Every morning, I hike around a local shopping center. Over past 3 Monday's or Tuesdays, some vandals have been busting out storefront glass windows of a liquor store. Yesterday, they also hit a Dollar General. Little twerps also turn water on and leave it running, creating a bigger mess. Wish that stuff would stop.

Seems to me it's time to do a little "prick" hunting. I heard of people takin a bbgun and a regular gun and they sit an wait (in a hoodie- perfect camouflage for prick hunting) for the pricks to show up, no bait needed, and then give em welts to remember their visit by. If they decide to get feisty, rubber bullets, and if they turn on the hunter, lead shot. Wonder if there's a local prick hunting group that you could contact for info?
Good morning to the fine people of the D-League!

Current count to the "impending release" of the audit counts from several states has now reached somewhere over 150 days. Any day now, we should officially get the recount numbers that are going to shock those Biden voters that are not already deceased pre-2020.

You won't see it on the news. You won't hear it on the radio. You won't see it in the papers or magazines. People in other countries will see, hear, or read about it, but no one in communist china will ever know. And you not knowing is how you'll know you live in lebron's china

May your day be bright and fruitful so you can please the party!
Seems to me it's time to do a little "prick" hunting. I heard of people takin a bbgun and a regular gun and they sit an wait (in a hoodie- perfect camouflage for prick hunting) for the pricks to show up, no bait needed, and then give em welts to remember their visit by. If they decide to get feisty, rubber bullets, and if they turn on the hunter, lead shot. Wonder if there's a local prick hunting group that you could contact for info?
Good advice. I have a pellet gun that will bring someone to their knees.

To many areas of the country are over looking this "petty crime" and turning their head. Some areas allow people to walk out of a store and take as much as 8 or 9 hundred dollars worth of merchandise without fear of prosecution.

That will not fly around here.
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Good advice. I have a pellet gun that will bring someone to their knees.

To many areas of the country are over looking this "petty crime" and turning their head. Some areas allow people to walk out of a store and take as much as 8 or 9 hundred dollars worth of merchandise without fear or prosecution.

That will not fly around here.

I need to get a better one for close contact.
I trust very little of what I see on the interweb, thank you. I will find someone local that knows. Thought maybe someone had knowledge of some folks here in KY I could learn from directly
Lots of good tutorials on youtube.

here's one to get you started...

Good morning from ATX. Currently 73°F and cloudy. We received a few sprinkles late yesterday afternoon left over from the hurricane to our east. Expect 93°F for today's high. Looking at low 90s until at least next week. Summer just can't let go.

Every morning, I hike around a local shopping center. Over past 3 Monday's or Tuesdays, some vandals have been busting out storefront glass windows of a liquor store. Yesterday, they also hit a Dollar General. Little twerps also turn water on and leave it running, creating a bigger mess. Wish that stuff would stop.

Happy Hump Day.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

I ate the double cheeseburger yesterday. For breakfast.

On my way to the golf course due to peer pressure. I hope it rains.
I suppose I will miss it live. Hopefully they will carry it as a re-run next week.

The deal with the SEC Network was that we would have all our game telecast as they replaced the UK Network that carried all the games the networks did not pick up. I hate them for this.
Well, hold the phone. According to this schedule, game is available on SECN+.

UK Football also says the same thing. Fingers crossed.

Good Wednesday Morning D

I woke up to clear skies and a pleasant 72° and we expect to reach 84° by midafternoon when we have a 60% chance of thunderstorms. We had a nice rain as we were going to bed and it put me to sleep. I have not run my irrigation system this summer because there was no need to. We had plenty of rain. In a few weeks it will be on the rest of the winter until the rainy season gets here.

I am up early this morning to take a run down past Treasure Island to pick up a piece of furniture for my wife. It is about 70 miles and I am going to try to dodge any rain that may be coming off of the Gulf.

So I trust all are well and prayers to all.

The lake is full

Nice....reminds me of when I would cruise that little lake in the Kayak. Good to see the water level nice and full.
Tomorrow starts the 100-day countdown to Christmas. The year is flying by. This Christmas has to better than last year. Covid, knee/ankle injury, bad basketball, etc.. The only Christmas that was worse for me was 1977 when we buried my Grandmother on Christmas Eve.
Good morning to the fine people of the D-League!

Current count to the "impending release" of the audit counts from several states has now reached somewhere over 150 days. Any day now, we should officially get the recount numbers that are going to shock those Biden voters that are not already deceased pre-2020.

You won't see it on the news. You won't hear it on the radio. You won't see it in the papers or magazines. People in other countries will see, hear, or read about it, but no one in communist china will ever know. And you not knowing is how you'll know you live in lebron's china

May your day be bright and fruitful so you can please the party!
Are they just re-counting the original votes (i.e. Georgia)? Because if they are it'll be useless. Hopefully they're verifying which votes are legitimate and which ones are not first. Then doing a re-count.
Hopefully they're verifying which votes are legitimate and which ones are not first. Then doing a re-count.


Just poking fun abit. Kept seeing a "reveal date" over months that just kept sliding through the year, and kept telling a friend he needed to be prepared for 2022 before the info actually came out, and that by the time it does get released the country will likely be too far gone for it to matter. That was back in May that we had that talk.

He hasn't lost his energy for it yet, though, I'll giv'em that. He watches probably 5 videos a day about the day it's all gonna turn around for the better. My optimism started to turn sour just before the midterms in 18 when the RINOs still hadn't done a dang thing while controlling both houses. They're all criminals as far as I'm concerned and quite a few of them treasonously so.

I'm thinking they should build the new capital somewhere close to where 64 and 75 intersect. Give em 20 acres of scrub brush and either strip mall, housing project, or penitentiary style living so they don't want to stay too long. Put congress and their housing all in one building, forbid foreign interference or financial interests to serve, pay em 60k plus free room and board (dorm style cafeteria food), and outlaw all lobbying, insider trading, and voting on issues that directly affect them as individuals (like raises). Go to referendum style voting on some issues, reduction in and balanced federal budgets, revisions to corporate laws, restrictions, and structure, and review all previous laws for both constitutionality and compliance. I'm not interested in half-measures at this point.

Need to nearly clean house and start over before they outlaw the constitution itself.
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Tomorrow starts the 100-day countdown to Christmas. The year is flying by. This Christmas has to better than last year. Covid, knee/ankle injury, bad basketball, etc.. The only Christmas that was worse for me was 1977 when we buried my Grandmother on Christmas Eve.

I hope it IS better for you. Very sorry to hear that. That time of the year hasn't been the same for me for many many years, just got hollowed out over time, and we lost a cherished family member during that time as well as during that time of year.

I hope it's better for everyone
A good quote:

“Some scientists claim that hydrogen, because it is so plentiful, is the basic building block of the universe. I dispute that. I say there is more stupidity than hydrogen, and that is the basic building block of the universe.”​

― Frank Zappa
I know one thing, common sense isn't very common nowadays.
Well, I got my wish for rain but it wasn't enough to stop us. Shot a 77 with two double bogies.

Nasty weather has been all around us today but we only got a downpour for about 15 minutes.

Stopped in to visit an old friend yesterday at his office to talk about UK and whatever else. We talked about football for about an hour and basketball never came up one time. Used to be the other way around.

I'm forgetting last year and looking at it as the anomaly it was. We weren't the only team affected but were one of the hardest hit due to the nature of our program and the youth involved. We'll come back strong this year.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 73°F and cloudy. We received a few sprinkles late yesterday afternoon left over from the hurricane to our east. Expect 93°F for today's high. Looking at low 90s until at least next week. Summer just can't let go.

Every morning, I hike around a local shopping center. Over past 3 Monday's or Tuesdays, some vandals have been busting out storefront glass windows of a liquor store. Yesterday, they also hit a Dollar General. Little twerps also turn water on and leave it running, creating a bigger mess. Wish that stuff would stop.

Happy Hump Day.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

If I ate that thing I would be telling Elizabeth I was coming as well.
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Lots of good tutorials on youtube.

here's one to get you started...

I ate the double cheeseburger yesterday. For breakfast.

On my way to the golf course due to peer pressure. I hope it rains.
Actually ate one for lunch today from Burger King. Had just finished fishing at Ft. Sill (did not plan to fish beyond morning) and was hungry so I ordered a double cheese burger and fries.
Fishing Report! Whoo Hoo! I got up this morning with the intent of just working out and then doing the couch potato thing but, as I walked outside, the weather was cool (64°) and there was cloud cover. I was midway through my workout when I had gone out with my wife to kiss her goodbye for work when I made the discovery. I immediately stopped the workout and ate breakfast and was on my way. Got to Ft. Sill about 0830 and got to work. Rattler pond (one of my go to ponds) yielded nothing in 2 hours. Not even a bite so, I went to Corn Planter (one of my other go to ponds) and within 30-45 minutes had some strikes. Turned out really good:

11 strikes, 7 Hooked and 5 landed. So---Warrior-Cat 5--Large Mouth Bass 2. Nothing of real size to note. The biggest was about 3 pounds.
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