
When I was a boy this little thing was in my back pocket every where I went. I guess you could say it was my I phone without the phone. At that time in history this was as far as the human mind had advanced.

For the last four days I've been tackling various projects around the house and yard. I'm talking manual labor. I feel pretty good. Perhaps I had come to be too sedentary? Other than golf I don't really do anything that taxes my muscles to the point I have to give that little bit extra to accomplish my goal.

I was pulling vines out of trees that had to be 40 feet long and my body was at about a 60° angle while I pulled hand over hand. I have several different types of gloves that would be perfect for the work I was doing. I call them work gloves. I haven't worn any yet, but I've considered it.

Someday, in the not too distant future, I won't be able to do what I've been doing. At this point I can hit it hard for about an hour straight and then take a break. I've found 23 hours to be the optimum recovery time.

Word of the day - Ibuprofen
I can't do jack poopy do with my bad hip, ankle and knee. I was going to get them replaced and Covid 19 stopped our medical system. I am still pissed that they have not called me back yet (they stopped the procedure March 18, 2020). Now that it is September 2021 I don't know if I will have it done.
Having a discussion with my wife about pizza rolls.

Long story short, I bought some pizza rolls at the grocery today for lunch. Deli line was backed up so microwave fare was next in line.

She thinks they should be baked in a 400° oven to achieve the perfect level of crispiness. I think that if you are eating pizza rolls you have already given up and it just doesn't matter.

What do you say D? Female hypotheticals or pragmatism?
I have the Rich Brooks label of Makers Mark bottle. I knew a man who was the supervisor of the FT. Sill ammunitions point. His son was an artist that worked for a company that designs labels and other promotional work for companies that hire them. He designed that bottle label and his dad knowing that I was a UK fan had his son bring one back with him. He gave it to me with the promise not to open it until UK won a NC in football and that if he were still alive we would drink the first shots together. If he was not alive, I would toast the NC to his memory. He is an OU fan but likes UK basketball because of me. THE BOTTLE: (Just took the picture)

If you have seen Coach Brooks you have seen my father. They look exactly alike. It was spooky when he was UK's coach as he looked like Dad and moved like Dad.
I can't do jack poopy do with my bad hip, ankle and knee. I was going to get them replaced and Covid 19 stopped our medical system. I am still pissed that they have not called me back yet (they stopped the procedure March 18, 2020). Now that it is September 2021 I don't know if I will have it done.
Have you had any others done? If so, how does it work as far as range of motion and flexibility and is there still pain? I have a neighbor that had both hips replaced through the VA and he had a problem at first just using a riding lawnmower but is now doing good with it although he says his range of motion does not allow him to raise his knee higher than his hips. I am sure age is a factor but he is only 55.
@Bert Higginbotha : Saturday's upcoming game (Chattanooga vs UK) not showing up on SEC Network + schedule. It appears on ESPN+ schedule.

Wanna bet ESPN changed their mind and now plan on charging for viewing the game? Bastards.
I suppose I will miss it live. Hopefully they will carry it as a re-run next week.

The deal with the SEC Network was that we would have all our game telecast as they replaced the UK Network that carried all the games the networks did not pick up. I hate them for this.
It is a warm 74.1°F on our way to 86°, but a 20% chance of rain. They are replacing my upstairs air conditioner/heater/heatpump today (the backup heat is natural gas which is a lot cheaper most of the time than electricity). They started at 8:00 am and it was already 80° upstairs. Those boys are going to get hot.

I have never watched a full episode of Yellowstone. I watched about 30 minutes of the first one and it did not float my boat. A lot of folks like it. Maybe one day I will get into it. I sure loved Longmire, enough to watch it four times.

You all have a good day and if you are near Evansville wake OldEvansCat up and tell him to get back on. Plus we need Rooster more than one day a week.
Have you had any others done? If so, how does it work as far as range of motion and flexibility and is there still pain? I have a neighbor that had both hips replaced through the VA and he had a problem at first just using a riding lawnmower but is now doing good with it although he says his range of motion does not allow him to raise his knee higher than his hips. I am sure age is a factor but he is only 55.
I have an artificial hip and knee on my right leg. They are as good as new. My physical therapist is brutal, and she will not stop until the range of motion is basically back. She is wonderful.

The left hip and left knee is a challenge as they must remove the metal from my broken femur:

For the last four days I've been tackling various projects around the house and yard. I'm talking manual labor. I feel pretty good. Perhaps I had come to be too sedentary? Other than golf I don't really do anything that taxes my muscles to the point I have to give that little bit extra to accomplish my goal.

I was pulling vines out of trees that had to be 40 feet long and my body was at about a 60° angle while I pulled hand over hand. I have several different types of gloves that would be perfect for the work I was doing. I call them work gloves. I haven't worn any yet, but I've considered it.

Someday, in the not too distant future, I won't be able to do what I've been doing. At this point I can hit it hard for about an hour straight and then take a break. I've found 23 hours to be the optimum recovery time.

Word of the day - Ibuprofen
Doctor prescribed 800mg Ibuprofen for my back Friday. Helped enough that I went to the golf course yesterday and hit a few few pretty much pain free. Medication vs spinal fusion, I’ll take the medication.
Sure, I could fix you a drink, or, I could teach you to make your own and allow you to be self sufficient.


Fix a man a drink and you've provided him a drink for a day. Teach a man how to build his own moonshine still, where to properly hide it, how to purchase the ingredients without drawing suspicion, and the process of properly converting those ingredients safely into alcohol and you've provided him drinks for a lifetime.

Something to think about.
Good morning D League

It is 6:00 AM at my house and I am waiting for the sun to rise. We have 72° and clear and our high should reach 87°. It will be full sun all afternoon. It will be a nice day to go fishing or to the beach

In reading the posts this morning I realized I have not had pizza rolls. Am I missing something? I have a case of Vienna Sausage coming from UPS today which the doctor tells me to eat a lot of because I need the protein. Once I get those finished up I will try to find some pizza rolls around here.

I trust all are well and have a nice day.

My dad had a friend that was a trucker......he gave my father a case of Vienna sausage.......we worked together at that time and every day we at those sausage with crackers.......we were doing a job on the river and was sitting on the dock getting ready to eat sausage.......we simultaneously tossed them in the river.......I think we at them every day for about four weeks.....I haven't eaten one since and I guess that was 40 yrs ago
Morning D, read this morning, I got a couple extra hours of sleep last night, instead of 11 I was up at 1 this morning!!! When I wake up I just have to get up to get some relief!!!

There is one thing I really hate about not being able to do anything is, I have to depend on my sister to mow our yard, but I help her out so I guess it cancels out, but still hate to depend on someone to help!!!

I hope the D has a great day and Prayers for the D!!!!
I have been having to ice down my hip and we made some home made ice packs. We put 1 cup of alcohol and 2 cups water in a freezer bag, this makes the best ice pack I have ever used!!!! It doesn't freeze sloid so you can mold it around what ever you need. A word of warning, DO NOT out it directly on your skin, it will burn it!!!! Word of experience!!!
For the last four days I've been tackling various projects around the house and yard. I'm talking manual labor. I feel pretty good. Perhaps I had come to be too sedentary? Other than golf I don't really do anything that taxes my muscles to the point I have to give that little bit extra to accomplish my goal.

I was pulling vines out of trees that had to be 40 feet long and my body was at about a 60° angle while I pulled hand over hand. I have several different types of gloves that would be perfect for the work I was doing. I call them work gloves. I haven't worn any yet, but I've considered it.

Someday, in the not too distant future, I won't be able to do what I've been doing. At this point I can hit it hard for about an hour straight and then take a break. I've found 23 hours to be the optimum recovery time.

Word of the day - Ibuprofen
First thing I do in the morning is take 600 mg of ibuprofen and about 45 mins later I take 400 more........I also use some homeopathic remedies.........Oh.......and don't forget the occasional shot of alcohol for break through pain.......I am supposed to be on Celibrex.......when I quit taking it it was running me $475 a month.
First thing I do in the morning is take 600 mg of ibuprofen and about 45 mins later I take 400 more........I also use some homeopathic remedies.........Oh.......and don't forget the occasional shot of alcohol for break through pain.......I am supposed to be on Celibrex.......when I quit taking it it was running me $475 a month.
That's what I was on at one time, my best friend who is a pharmacist wanted me off of it, I take Meloxicam now. Cost me less than $20 for a 3 month supply.
Fix a man a drink and you've provided him a drink for a day. Teach a man how to build his own moonshine still, where to properly hide it, how to purchase the ingredients without drawing suspicion, and the process of properly converting those ingredients safely into alcohol and you've provided him drinks for a lifetime.

Something to think about.
I have thought about trying to build a small still.......number one to see if I can do it and have a snort or two of good moonshine around........
That's what I was on at one time, my best friend who is a pharmacist wanted me off of it, I take Meloxicam now. Cost me less than $20 for a 3 month supply.
I haven't even looked into the cost of the medication since I have been on long as it is bearable........I was diagnosed with chronic arthritis in my mid 40's.....they said I had the spine of a 75 yr old man.......It hasn't gotten any better...........
I haven't even looked into the cost of the medication since I have been on long as it is bearable........I was diagnosed with chronic arthritis in my mid 40's.....they said I had the spine of a 75 yr old man.......It hasn't gotten any better...........
awf, I don't know where you get your meds, I wanted to stay with my friends drug store, but wallyworld made the price where I didn't have a choice. I have 4 prescription that I pay less than $40 for all of them every three months! It also helps that my wife's nephew is a specialist in Medicare, every year he calls us and moves mine to whatever is best and cheapest!!!
Doctor prescribed 800mg Ibuprofen for my back Friday. Helped enough that I went to the golf course yesterday and hit a few few pretty much pain free. Medication vs spinal fusion, I’ll take the medication.
Good choice but if you ever reach a point in your life where you must have spine surgery make sure you get the best you can find. I hit the internet and did some research. Last year (during covid) I had major spinal surgery and most of my spine was fused and the doc built me a new pelvis. Even at my age I would do it again a hundred times. The relief from pain was immediate but I did have to learn to walk again.

I had reached a point where I could not walk and my future was a wheelchair and unbearable pain. Two neurosurgeons told me they could not help me as it was too complicated and they were not sure of the results. They said they knew of two doctors who might attempt helping me but one was in New York City and the other in Tampa. I told them no way I go to New York for surgery in the middle of Covid-19 so I would try my luck with the doc in Tampa. He agreed to see me and told me it would be rough and was I up for it? I told him I would sharpen his knife, just cut me and relieve the pain. Surgery was about 10 hours and within a few days I was in rehab and on my way. Now I can walk without any kind of aid and have a normal lifestyle. At age 78 I am thankful.

I will share a few x-rays. The first is before surgery. This is an absolute train wreck with nerves and my spine all twisted together.


After surgery. Notice the spacing and the nerves are not pinched by bone

A side view. Again the doctor cleaned it up and minimized the stenosis. And I got back two inches of height I had lost. Now I am back to 6'2" the same as I was in the Army.

But as I said going through this is not a piece of cake and prayers from friends and family helped me push that extra step in rehab. But it was worth every effort.

Thanks Sawanee. Doctor said he suggested to hold off for now so I’m good with that. Would require taken out the problem disk and putting a spacer in, then go into back to insert screws. Right now it’s not so bad with medication.
Good news, sounds like you have a good physician. That is important when you are messing with your spine. God bless you and good health wishes
Just to let you fellers know...OEC is still functioning at a fairly medium level. Glad to see everyone else is also.
Went to the U P this summer, caught some beer, drank some fish. It was nice.
I'll be back.
Good to see you OEC, was wondering if I was going to have to put an ABP out on you and come looking for you!!!

I used to be a maintenance mechanic for several years in a factory (made the Subway buns). They brought in a factory manager who was a know-it-all engineer (aren't they all?). He would insist we do things his way rather than how we knew how to do it. When his way didn't work, he would say, "Hmm, that shouldn't do that."
I used to be a maintenance mechanic for several years in a factory (made the Subway buns). They brought in a factory manager who was a know-it-all engineer (aren't they all?). He would insist we do things his way rather than how we knew how to do it. When his way didn't work, he would say, "Hmm, that shouldn't do that."
Kind of sounds like what happened to us at Dyno Nobel making det cord, he comes in and says why don't we try doing it this way! Well because it won't work like that, this is explosives we are working with here! Well when do you want to try doing it your way? Next week, ok go ahead, I taking vacation next week!!!!
Good choice but if you ever reach a point in your life where you must have spine surgery make sure you get the best you can find. I hit the internet and did some research. Last year (during covid) I had major spinal surgery and most of my spine was fused and the doc built me a new pelvis. Even at my age I would do it again a hundred times. The relief from pain was immediate but I did have to learn to walk again.

I had reached a point where I could not walk and my future was a wheelchair and unbearable pain. Two neurosurgeons told me they could not help me as it was too complicated and they were not sure of the results. They said they knew of two doctors who might attempt helping me but one was in New York City and the other in Tampa. I told them no way I go to New York for surgery in the middle of Covid-19 so I would try my luck with the doc in Tampa. He agreed to see me and told me it would be rough and was I up for it? I told him I would sharpen his knife, just cut me and relieve the pain. Surgery was about 10 hours and within a few days I was in rehab and on my way. Now I can walk without any kind of aid and have a normal lifestyle. At age 78 I am thankful.

I will share a few x-rays. The first is before surgery. This is an absolute train wreck with nerves and my spine all twisted together.


After surgery. Notice the spacing and the nerves are not pinched by bone

A side view. Again the doctor cleaned it up and minimized the stenosis. And I got back two inches of height I had lost. Now I am back to 6'2" the same as I was in the Army.

But as I said going through this is not a piece of cake and prayers from friends and family helped me push that extra step in rehab. But it was worth every effort.

The orthapedic surgeon that I was seeing has designed many you devices for surgery like the halo for neck of the top surgeons in the country.........he was reccomended by my doctor friend and my uncle who was a doctor...........he told me that there was nothing he could do for my spondylosis or the spinal stenosis....I have lost 13/4" height since I signed up for the Navy in 1972...........
Yellowstone burned down. Oh it was such a tragedy for Karens everywhere. Then the next year it came back better than ever. There's probably a lesson to be learned there.

Reminds me of something I read once about starting the country over but with the capital just a little farther west

Fix a man a drink and you've provided him a drink for a day. Teach a man how to build his own moonshine still, where to properly hide it, how to purchase the ingredients without drawing suspicion, and the process of properly converting those ingredients safely into alcohol and you've provided him drinks for a lifetime.

Something to think about.

Where do I find such lessons? Been wanting to make my own for 10 yrs
It is a warm 74.1°F on our way to 86°, but a 20% chance of rain. They are replacing my upstairs air conditioner/heater/heatpump today (the backup heat is natural gas which is a lot cheaper most of the time than electricity). They started at 8:00 am and it was already 80° upstairs. Those boys are going to get hot.

I have never watched a full episode of Yellowstone. I watched about 30 minutes of the first one and it did not float my boat. A lot of folks like it. Maybe one day I will get into it. I sure loved Longmire, enough to watch it four times.

You all have a good day and if you are near Evansville wake OldEvansCat up and tell him to get back on. Plus we need Rooster more than one day a week.
What about Longmire?
Good choice but if you ever reach a point in your life where you must have spine surgery make sure you get the best you can find. I hit the internet and did some research. Last year (during covid) I had major spinal surgery and most of my spine was fused and the doc built me a new pelvis. Even at my age I would do it again a hundred times. The relief from pain was immediate but I did have to learn to walk again.

I had reached a point where I could not walk and my future was a wheelchair and unbearable pain. Two neurosurgeons told me they could not help me as it was too complicated and they were not sure of the results. They said they knew of two doctors who might attempt helping me but one was in New York City and the other in Tampa. I told them no way I go to New York for surgery in the middle of Covid-19 so I would try my luck with the doc in Tampa. He agreed to see me and told me it would be rough and was I up for it? I told him I would sharpen his knife, just cut me and relieve the pain. Surgery was about 10 hours and within a few days I was in rehab and on my way. Now I can walk without any kind of aid and have a normal lifestyle. At age 78 I am thankful.

I will share a few x-rays. The first is before surgery. This is an absolute train wreck with nerves and my spine all twisted together.


After surgery. Notice the spacing and the nerves are not pinched by bone

A side view. Again the doctor cleaned it up and minimized the stenosis. And I got back two inches of height I had lost. Now I am back to 6'2" the same as I was in the Army.

But as I said going through this is not a piece of cake and prayers from friends and family helped me push that extra step in rehab. But it was worth every effort.

Swanee is just trying to outdo my metal! :)