
I always try and say "Thank you for your service" when I see a veteran. I very rarely see a WW2 Veteran...Great Generation!

Most veterans I see now are Vietnam Veterans and I always tell them thank you for your service and putting up with the stuff you had to deal with in VN but here in the US as well.
At my american legion post we have a guy who is both a ww2 and korean war vet, still comes in regularly with his 92 yo ww2 vet buddy who he helps now that he’s on a walker. i think they’re the only ww2 vets left in my post.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 78°F and mostly cloudy. Clearing later with a projected high of 95°F. Rain forecast for middle of next week.

It's great to be back. Worked a couple tickets yesterday. Co-workers happy I've returned.

Got a walk and couple chores planned for later.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

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Good morning D-League. It's currently 75° and cloudy here in Eastern Kentucky. This afternoon will bring more of the same, thunderstorms and a high of 78°. Starting to feel like we live in a rain forest.

Everyone have a great Saturday and stay safe out there today.

Don't know where that is, but it's the definition of the southern 1/2 of UT to me - or maybe edge of GC.
At my american legion post we have a guy who is both a ww2 and korean war vet, still comes in regularly with his 92 yo ww2 vet buddy who he helps now that he’s on a walker. i think they’re the only ww2 vets left in my post.
Born in 27/28 & in WWII. Yowza! Just a kid.

Uncle was born in 27, graduated in May 45, in Marines in June 45 for Japanese early 46 invasion, but thankfully that never happened. But then he turns around and gets killed in car accident before he's 21 & becomes my namesake when I'm born 3 months later.
Born in 27/28 & in WWII. Yowza! Just a kid.

Uncle was born in 27, graduated in May 45, in Marines in June 45 for Japanese early 46 invasion, but thankfully that never happened. But then he turns around and gets killed in car accident before he's 21 & becomes my namesake when I'm born 3 months later.
My father-in-law was born July 5, 1927. He joined the Navy on July 5, 1944. He made two trips in convoy escort across the Atlantic once to England and once to the USSR. They instantly sent him to the Philippines after the war wound down in Europe.

In action around the Philippines, he met the Kamikaze’s and hated Japanese people the rest of his life.

Because of his short enlistment at the end of the war in the Pacific in September 1945 he stayed in the Philippines until 1947. The Japanese kept shooting at them. Did he hate the Japanese.
I won't go political but will post this comparison of reporting I found just today....

Yahoo's version:

Other versions:

This one is 43 minutes or so but you can listen to the 2 to 3 minute mark for a few minutes.

Just amazing the disparity... That is the point. Why....
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This is one of the reasons I still keep my facebook account.

You can watch full episodes of some classics. This one is about Ernest T. Bass try to marry Charlene darling after she already married to dud Walsh... A good episode...

Here's the Camaro I rented for the trip. In my opinion, those cars are overrated. While sporty looking and achieving good gas mileage (30 mpg on highway at 80 mph), Camaros are difficult to enter and exit even for someone my comparatively small size (5'9"). I'll take a Dodge Challenger any day over the Chevy. Photo below taken at my cuz's place on Nolin Lake.

Here's the Camaro I rented for the trip. In my opinion, those cars are overrated. While sporty looking and achieving good gas mileage (30 mpg on highway at 80 mph), Camaros are difficult to enter and exit even for someone my comparatively small size (5'9"). I'll take a Dodge Challenger any day over the Chevy. Photo below taken at my cuz's place on Nolin Lake.
Ease of getting in/out is why I went to a smaller SUV (Mazda CX-30) on recent purchase. Had always driven sedan before.
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Welp, plans for family vacationing on PR's Vieques Island week b4 Xmas are firmed up. Anyone been there? We haven't. Hear it's pretty "rustic". But low 80's & no rain & no vax testing needed. Grandkids off school. House rental rates about half of the nearby Virgin Islands.

Do know Navy used to bomb the hell out of eastern end of island till about 1980 when PO-ed PRicans got them to stop.
Damani Bryant Felder... 1:45 He may be a good one...

When I 'clicked' on this earlier, the first video underneath his was EMIC. Kenneth Copeland's church in Ft. Worth.
I usually (used to) watch them live every Sunday morn on their Victory Channel. On the 4th (July 4th) for some reason I had it on one of the big screens and also on their Facebook page. Had never watched in on FB. Don't know why I did that morning. Anyway, they started off the service singing the National Anthem. 5 or 6 singers on stage and congregation standing. At the end, a black woman (who's a regular praise singer) walked out on stage and joined the singers. Thought it was odd and of course thought the obvious. Several posters on the live FB noticed it and made comments...none bad, just wondering why, disappointed, etc. The comments were all deleted by the FB moderator(s). So on Monday I sent the church an email asking why she had done that. Was it a protest on her part? Late for the start of service and didn't want to walk out during the middle of the Anthem? Wanted to know because over the years I have given a fair amount of money to KCM and a rather large donation back in the Winter when they had a lot of freeze/storm damage to their facilities....told them that any future giving may hinge on what and why it happened. Did the church condone it, etc? Crickets. No response.

Hate to make a judgement of an entire organization on the actions of one individual...and I'm probably wrong in doing so.
Welp, plans for family vacationing on PR's Vieques Island week b4 Xmas are firmed up. Anyone been there? We haven't. Hear it's pretty "rustic". But low 80's & no rain & no vax testing needed. Grandkids off school. House rental rates about half of the nearby Virgin Islands.

Do know Navy used to bomb the hell out of eastern end of island till about 1980 when PO-ed PRicans got them to stop.
Yes. Visited Vieques Island May, 1982 as part of Ocean Venture '82 while assigned to 101st ABN. Sparsely populated, but includes various gouchos running around from time-to-time. Watch your gear. Local police run them off. Stunning ocean views, as I recall. Really picturesque scenery. Some hilly terrain.

At my american legion post we have a guy who is both a ww2 and korean war vet, still comes in regularly with his 92 yo ww2 vet buddy who he helps now that he’s on a walker. i think they’re the only ww2 vets left in my post.
Wow. Maybe my math is wrong, but the 92 yr old must've signed up at 16 or younger. Wouldn't see that with this generation
Yes. Visited Vieques Island May, 1982 as part of Ocean Venture '82 while assigned to 101st ABN. Sparsely populated, but includes various gouchos running around from time-to-time. Watch your gear. Local police run them off. Stunning ocean views, as I recall. Really picturesque scenery. Some hilly terrain.

Sounds like you had a "fun" trip. Thanks.

Pain in the neck getting onto V from main PR. Have cheap ferry service but everything we read is that it's unreliable. So, paid $80 RT per head for 10 minutes flights. Oh well, you only die once.
Good morning D-League. It’s a beautiful, cool, clear and breezy morning in the east. Big storm last night has taken all the humidity out of the air. Perfect walking weather.

As I was watching the sun rise in a patch of woods this morning I noted that a huge number of big trees, maple, oak, birch, have dead, brown leaves at the tips of their branches. Some trees that should be deep green this time of year are a complete patchwork.

Anyone else seeing this? I’m wondering if it’s because we had a very heavy cicada invasion and the little nuisances killed the ends of the branches during their egg laying cycle.

Anyway, I hope it’s a good Sunday for everyone.
Good morning D-League. It’s a beautiful, cool, clear and breezy morning in the east. Big storm last night has taken all the humidity out of the air. Perfect walking weather.

As I was watching the sun rise in a patch of woods this morning I noted that a huge number of big trees, maple, oak, birch, have dead, brown leaves at the tips of their branches. Some trees that should be deep green this time of year are a complete patchwork.

Anyone else seeing this? I’m wondering if it’s because we had a very heavy cicada invasion and the little nuisances killed the ends of the branches during their egg laying cycle.

Anyway, I hope it’s a good Sunday for everyone.
The is damage from the cicadas in all probability. It is usually only on the end of the branches.
Good morning all. Beautiful morning in the Buckeye State. Mid 60s and like the D.C. area the humidity is lower. Getting up to the low 80s later on.

Nothing on the docket. Might go to the store for a few things, but mostly I'll be on the couch resting the old foot watching The Open. Still swollen but feels much better.

Y'all have a good, safe, and healthy Lord's Day.
Morning folks. It is a cloudy 72.5°F here with a 50 percent chance of rain topping out at 83°. We got a little sprinkle of rain yesterday but not enough to measure. I will take a little rain today if @cordmaker will send some.

My kids are here this weekend so I am one busy dude. You all have a great Sunday.
The is damage from the cicadas in all probability. It is usually only on the end of the branches.
That’s my guess. The damage is cross-species and very widespread. It’s at the very tips of branches. And we had an extremely heavy cicada infestation. It’s really weird looking. Whole patches of forest look like green and brown camouflage.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 75°F and sunny. Expecting 94°F for today's high. More rain expected next week. We'll take it.

Wife is a big Devin Booker fan. Guess Suns lost last night. Bucks lead series 3-2 now. Milwaukee may win the title.

Today's agenda: Plan on knocking out a couple chores followed by grocery shopping and lunch. Get a little rest.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Sounds like you had a "fun" trip. Thanks.

Pain in the neck getting onto V from main PR. Have cheap ferry service but everything we read is that it's unreliable. So, paid $80 RT per head for 10 minutes flights. Oh well, you only die once.
We rode a UH-60 Blackhawk from PR to Vieques and back. From our vantage point near Puerto Diablo, one could clearly see USVI in the distance.

First time I saw an AC-130 gunship fire was at Vieques.
We rode a UH-60 Blackhawk from PR to Vieques and back. From our vantage point near Puerto Diablo, one could clearly see USVI in the distance.

First time I saw an AC-130 gunship fire was at Vieques.
There's another PR Island that folks visit named Culebra north of V. Much closer to V than St. Thomas - Like 5 miles vs. St. T being 15 miles. Sure you could see it too.
Wow. Maybe my math is wrong, but the 92 yr old must've signed up at 16 or younger. Wouldn't see that with this generation
My grandpa was 16 yrs old when he went into the Navy.......he lied about his age......he had been in for almost 20 months before they found out otherwise......they let him stay in............1917 was the year......can't get most 16 yr old kids out of bed today........much less sign up for the war......