
Me too. If you see me you see my cane unless I misplaced it. :)
I'm bone on bone in my left ankle. Also knee issues on the same side. I'm supposed to wear a special brace for the ankle and knee, but it's hot and cumbersome, so I wear a store bought ankle brace and good shoes and just tough it out. If I fail to think what I'm doing, I fall if I get up to quick.
Decent movie about a true story of a kid who joined the Navy at the age of 12 (I believe) in WWII.
Stars Ricky Schroeder and is on Netflix. Can probably find it on other (free) streaming platforms too.

Talking about 16 year old soldiers reminded me of this. The main story is about the Woolridge Monuments, but toward the end it talks about an 18 year old who was shot as a Confederate spy. I'd always heard 16, but the story says 18. A large tree fell on the monuments a few years ago and they had to be repaired.

Good morning, DLeague!

Hope y'all have good week this week. Made a few posts on the football forum so folks can ignorum. Not even gonna look at RR.

Cancelled all my scrips to these sites, and just gonna sit back and watch rome (the ncaa) burn like it's "sunday night at the movies." What a cluster this country has become. Looks more and more like Russia right before the revolution.

Try posting anything about this being like the bolshevik online and watch your media be shut down in a heartbeat. I got my first taste of that over 6 years ago and decided based on responses that it would fall on deaf ears anyway. It was a better experiment than most and some very fine people did a lot to make it that way (some not so fine people as well).

Enjoy yer Monday!
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Good morning D-League. Cool and breezy in the east.

Heading out with a late start for my morning walk. The weekend went by too fast. Work is a mental grind these days. My wife and I talk about retiring every weekend, but it is just talk. We’ll hang in there a few more years if we have the option.

I hope you all can keep your cool in these Dog Days.
Another cool Summer morning in the Buckeye State. Only low 60s of the coolest Summers I can remember. High today in the low 80s with no chance of rain.

Only bad thing about retirement is that you just get older every day (of course who doesn't)....other than that it's great.

Foot is still a bit sore so I think I'll take another day and relax. Find a couple little projects that don't require walking, running, or kneeling down with the foot bent. But I need to get back at it here soon....grass growing doesn't take any time off, big bushes need trimmed again, etc. Plus the Mrs will want the property nicely mowed/trimmed for when her daughter comes in later this week.

Y'all have a good Monday.
Good morning D, read Jeremiah 50 yesterday and 51 this morning. We are starting to read Hosea also this morning.

Bert we got .7" of rain yesterday, did I share any with you?

Tragedy struck our county this week, a young mother died in a boating accident at Lake Malone, her and her husband were fishing a bass tournament, not sure on exactly what happened, just heard they hit something at night. Just say a prayer for this family, two young children, this is going to haunt him for the rest of his life!!!!

I hope the D, has a great day and Prayers for the D!!!!
I could watch this all day from The Last Waltz.

A belated thanks for posting 82. A peak moment from perhaps the greatest rock documentary ever. What a brilliant move to alternate verses with the staple singers sandwiched between Levon Helm and Rick Danko.

I know the Band has a complicated, and ultimately tragic story. But for them to have this high point that'll always stand as their signature effort as a group was really terrific.

If only all the great rock groups of the 60s and 70s had gone out in such a blaze of creative excellence.
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A belated thanks for posting 82. A peak moment from perhaps the greatest rock documentary ever. What a brilliant move to alternate verses with the staple singers sandwiched between Levon Helm and Rick Danko.

I know the Band has a complicated, and ultimately tragic story. But for them to have this high point that'll always stand as their signature effort as a group was really terrific.

If only all the great rock groups of the 60s and 70s had gone out in such a blaze of creative excellence.
It would get my vote as the greatest rock doc. Incredible list of artists. There was definitely some tension between Levon and Robbie. Levon wasn't happy with Scorsese because the film portrayed Robbie as the band leader plus he got a majority of the spotlight. Still a hell of a concert.
It would get my vote as the greatest rock doc. Incredible list of artists. There was definitely some tension between Levon and Robbie. Levon wasn't happy with Scorsese because the film portrayed Robbie as the band leader plus he got a majority of the spotlight. Still a hell of a concert.
82 - Have you watched the documentary "Once Were Brothers?" It's heavily weighted toward Robbie Robertson, who, of course outlived, the other guys except for Garth Hudson, so he gets to influence the history. But if you love the music The Band produced in those years it's still worth a look.
Here's the trailer:
82 - Have you watched the documentary "Once Were Brothers?" It's heavily weighted toward Robbie Robertson, who, of course outlived, the other guys except for Garth Hudson, so he gets to influence the history. But if you love the music The Band produced in those years it's still worth a look.
Here's the trailer:
No I haven't watched it but thanks for the recommendation. Didn't know it existed. I still have a few of their LPs, Music From Big Pink and Stage Fright. I might bring them out this weekend if they're still playable. I always took pretty good care of my albums but these two might be a bit warped/scratched.
No I haven't watched it but thanks for the recommendation. Didn't know it existed. I still have a few of their LPs, Music From Big Pink and Stage Fright. I might bring them out this weekend if they're still playable. I always took pretty good care of my albums but these two might be a bit warped/scratched.
I’m actually watching it again on Amazon Prime right now. I think you’d enjoy it. The Band’s very early days back to when they were teenagers playing for rockabilly band leader Ronnie Hawkins is a fascinating story.
I’m actually watching it again on Amazon Prime right now. I think you’d enjoy it. The Band’s very early days back to when they were teenagers playing for rockabilly band leader Ronnie Hawkins is a fascinating story.
Excellent! We've got Prime so it's now on our "watch list". Thanks again! Love watching the backstage stories from 60's and 70's bands.
My father-in-law was born July 5, 1927. He joined the Navy on July 5, 1944. He made two trips in convoy escort across the Atlantic once to England and once to the USSR. They instantly sent him to the Philippines after the war wound down in Europe.

In action around the Philippines, he met the Kamikaze’s and hated Japanese people the rest of his life.

Because of his short enlistment at the end of the war in the Pacific in September 1945 he stayed in the Philippines until 1947. The Japanese kept shooting at them. Did he hate the Japanese.
My Dad was in the Philippines in WW2. Made it through that and then was killed in an explosion at the Iowa Ordinance Plant in 1952. I have a picture of my Dad guarding prisoners in the Philippines. He was in the Navy.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 73°F and clear with periodic clouds. Yesterday's showers cooled us down. 30% rain chance after lunch time. We may touch 90°F today and we'll definitely take it.

USA landed on the moon 52 years ago today. How our world has changed since.

Still early yet. Plan on hiking to nearby grocery store for a few items, namely butter, either this morning during my walk or this afternoon.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Good morning all. About 63 and heading up to the low, mid 80s today in the Buckeye State.
Remember this day in history well. Only day during that Summer that I was off from my Summer job because so many people wanted to take the day off that they closed the place so everybody could have the day off. Usually they only did that for Christmas.

Two years ago on this date we went to the Neil Armstrong Museum in Wapakoneta, Ohio for the 50th. He was from there, and I think was born on a farm outside of town. Nice museum. Not very big. And for that day/weekend it was free. Crowd was huge and we had to park about a mile away. Very hot day so I decided to wear a pair of sandals that I hardly ever wear. Big mistake with all that walking. Lot of extra exhibits on the outside for the anniversary and probably 8-10 astronauts there for talks, autographs, etc. Didn't know any of them....but 50 years ago everybody in the country knew the names of the original 13, plus Gemini and Apollo.

Foot ache or no foot ache....gotta get some grass mowed today. Company coming in Thursday, so a lot to do.

Y'all have a good day.
Good morning D, finished reading Jeremiah, 52 and read Hosea 2.

Not much going on since Mrs. M has gone back to work, 3 more weeks and she will make another trial run on retirement aka vacation.

I hope the D has a great day and Prayers for the D!

Forgot to mention, Mrs. M made a FRESH Peach Cobbler last night, dang it is good!!!!!!
Good morning D-League. Happy moon landing anniversary day. What a day to be an American that was, even a poor rural 13-year old in Kentucky.

Getting muggy already in the east. We’re looking at 93 today. I hope it’s a good day for everyone.
I was in Turkey when we landed on the moon. There was a mini World's Fair in Izmir. The USA exhibit was an outdoor theater showing the moon landing. When we landed on the moon there was a huge deadly flu outbreak in the Turkish mountains. We were blamed for stirring up something that fell to earth in their mountains causing many people to die.
I was in Turkey when we landed on the moon. There was a mini World's Fair in Izmir. The USA exhibit was an outdoor theater showing the moon landing. When we landed on the moon there was a huge deadly flu outbreak in the Turkish mountains. We were blamed for stirring up something that fell to earth in their mountains causing many people to die.
Hah! Those crazy Turks! If only they knew the whole thing was faked and filmed by Stanley Kubrick in the New Mexico desert.
Morning folks. I just watched the Blue Origin launch. Good stuff. An 82 year old and 18 year old and two others in the 60's goes to space.

52 years ago I watched the moon landing on my fancy 13" GE color tv. I thought I was high tech because it was color and cost me a fortune.

I have a bluray copy of the Last Waltz. I watch it several times a year.

I got my yard mowed yesterday to avoid the rain. Not one drop yet. So I am good until next week.
Hello all,
I hope this day is going well for you.

My Darling and I got to hit the trails late yesterday and came home with these:


That's a good three pounds of Blackberry's... we had a good time. Yep I plan to eat some shortly.

Just got back from the VA in DC for my three month blood-letting. (They take a pint.) I always have a good experience in that facility, even if it wasn't. (Appointments all messed up though I was early but the VA staff worked through them well.)

Oh, Have a great rest of your day and keep God on your mind continually. He is worthy. God Bless you all...

Edit: My Darling just brought me one of these: (Some banana, and ice takes these home...)

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