
I use this for my biscuits but...

Sometimes I like my buttermilk straight! It is one of those days!


For the record, every buttermilk on the shelves of stores I've seen states "low fat"... Weird....
I use this for my biscuits but...

Sometimes I like my buttermilk straight! It is one of those days!


For the record, every buttermilk on the shelves of stores I've seen states "low fat"... Weird....
I have buttermilk in the fridge almost all the time. Good buttermilk is not easy to find out West and many stores do not even carry buttermilk on their shelves.
I have buttermilk in the fridge almost all the time. Good buttermilk is not easy to find out West and many stores do not even carry buttermilk on their shelves.

It is good stuff in so many ways but yes, it is there sometimes and sometimes not in many stores... (That lowfat stuff is crazy too.)

I used to drink diet pepsi and diet coke, I very rarely even drink regular coke or pepsi due to their stances in some areas but the diet stuff is a farce and way worse for you than the real stuff. Just control thyself....
I use this for my biscuits but...

Sometimes I like my buttermilk straight! It is one of those days!


For the record, every buttermilk on the shelves of stores I've seen states "low fat"... Weird....
Lowfat buttermilk sux. big time.
Whole milk buttermilk is true buttermilk.
Kroger brand whole is excellent, been drinking it and using it in recipes for many years. can’t beat it. $1.79 half gallon forever, then two weeks ago jumps to $2.99. thanks cho.
Buttermilk is the only kind if milk i’ve ever drank since i’ve been old enough to hold a cup. weird i guess. one of my favorite morning snacks is leftover cold pizza with cold buttermilk straight from the jug—no biggy since nobody drinks it but me.

This is very good too but about twice the price.

At my american legion post we have a guy who is both a ww2 and korean war vet, still comes in regularly with his 92 yo ww2 vet buddy who he helps now that he’s on a walker. i think they’re the only ww2 vets left in my post.
Born in 27/28 & in WWII. Yowza! Just a kid.

Uncle was born in 27, graduated in May 45, in Marines in June 45 for Japanese early 46 invasion, but thankfully that never happened. But then he turns around and gets killed in car accident before he's 21 & becomes my namesake when I'm born 3 months later.
Update on ww2 vet’s age—guy on a walker actually just turned 95 in april—his buddy, ww2/korean vet, just turned 96 around the same time. older guy drives him around and doesn’t look his age. 🇺🇸
Lowfat buttermilk sux. big time.
Whole milk buttermilk is true buttermilk.
Kroger brand whole is excellent, been drinking it and using it in recipes for many years. can’t beat it. $1.79 half gallon forever, then two weeks ago jumps to $2.99. thanks cho.

Yeah, no Krogers near here. Checked Walmart, Aldi, Lidl, and another store or two including the Commissary of Fort Belvoir.....

I wouldn't touch this buttermilk if I had my druthers.

Yeah, the inflation happening now is draining decent people. Just criminal what is happening.
Buttermilk is the only kind if milk i’ve ever drank since i’ve been old enough to hold a cup. weird i guess. one of my favorite morning snacks is leftover cold pizza with cold buttermilk straight from the jug—no biggy since nobody drinks it but me.

This is very good too but about twice the price.

Throw it away!!! It's way out of date!!!!!
So far this has not been a great year for my tomatoes. The romas are a complete bust due to blossom end rot even though I'm adding plenty of calcium to the soil. I only grow them for salsas and sauces because on their own they're kind of bland. The other plants are just so-so. I'm wondering if the cicadas have anything to do with the problem. We were inundated by those bastards and I had to pick off several each day. From my understanding, veggies and herbs shouldn't have been a concern BUT...
So far this has not been a great year for my tomatoes. The romas are a complete bust due to blossom end rot even though I'm adding plenty of calcium to the soil. I only grow them for salsas and sauces because on their own they're kind of bland. The other plants are just so-so. I'm wondering if the cicadas have anything to do with the problem. We were inundated by those bastards and I had to pick off several each day. From my understanding, veggies and herbs shouldn't have been a concern BUT...
Our garden is doing good. But we had no, nada, zero maybe that has something to do with it. Tomato plants are so big and bushy it's hard to see if we have any ripening yet. Don't think so. We got about 2 bushels of squash, zuchini, and cukes yesterday (she made 4 loaves of zuchini bread today). Corn is tall and green with no blight, etc. Potatoes look good. Got a few onions.

Full disclosure....the Mrs has done most of the work. Once all the flowers in the flower gardens/borders start to bloom the veggie garden is her 'go to'. Me....I do the with the planting....and that's about it. Mowing/trimming is a full time job.
Lowfat buttermilk sux. big time.
Whole milk buttermilk is true buttermilk.
Kroger brand whole is excellent, been drinking it and using it in recipes for many years. can’t beat it. $1.79 half gallon forever, then two weeks ago jumps to $2.99. thanks cho.

There is a dairy in my area that has the best milk around, including their buttermilk (the brand is Shamrock). I was complaining about them not carrying Shamrock buttermilk and the manager of our Kroger (called Fryes out here - there are no Kroger stores out here) told me that their branded buttermilk is Shamrock buttermilk in a Fryes' container. I tried it and found that it was true. I'm fairly sure that it is this way many places so there is probably no uniformity to a Kroger brand. Depends on where you are.
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Our garden is doing good. But we had no, nada, zero maybe that has something to do with it. Tomato plants are so big and bushy it's hard to see if we have any ripening yet. Don't think so. We got about 2 bushels of squash, zuchini, and cukes yesterday (she made 4 loaves of zuchini bread today). Corn is tall and green with no blight, etc. Potatoes look good. Got a few onions.

Full disclosure....the Mrs has done most of the work. Once all the flowers in the flower gardens/borders start to bloom the veggie garden is her 'go to'. Me....I do the with the planting....and that's about it. Mowing/trimming is a full time job.
Our peppers, hot and bell, are thriving and the herbs are growing like gangbusters. Maybe this is just a down year, kind of like last season's UK basketball. So glad though that you've got a prosperous garden. Enjoy the bounty!
My Dad loved buttermilk. Being born on a farm, etc. thanks.
But I will take it in some recipes. Soaking chicken pieces in buttermilk for fried chicken is the only way to do it.
My dad did as well. He would mix cornbread and buttermilk and eat it. Another one of his favorite things was lettuce and onions with hot grease.
Good morning folks. Hazy and muggy in the east.

The air was so thick this morning that the sun rose up like a glowing basketball instead of diffusing its rays like a typical sunrise. This photo snapped with my iPhone doesn't do it justice, but it was more like a moon rise.

Hope everyone has a good day, and stays cool.
My dad did as well. He would mix cornbread and buttermilk and eat it. Another one of his favorite things was lettuce and onions with hot grease.
Wilted lettuce salad is still popular with some folks. i had it many times at my grandma’s. fresh leaf lettuce and chopped green onions out of her garden with hot grease from fried salt bacon. pretty damned good. some people add a little vinegar to the grease. i’ve made it, like forty years ago, minus the bacon, using hot peanut or canola oil. i haven’t had a slice of bacon or any red meat in 22 years.
Whoops! I corrected my type-o. Manson women not Mason. That could have ticked off a lot of good people.
Those were crazy days to be in LA.

For want of much else on TV right now I'm watching the series Aquarius, the fictional account of a detective in LA (David Duchovny) during the days when the Manson Family is on the rise...It's not great. The writers strain themselves to make sure we all get that blacks, Hispanics, women and Gays are all treated terribly, thus justifying all the whining and marching around since. So I'm not recommending it.

But there are some parts that aren't bad. The guy playing Manson does a decent job of almost making you feel he's a human broken by his terrible upbringing, just before he does something like viciously punching out his mother and turning her over to a biker gang as a toy.
Our peppers, hot and bell, are thriving and the herbs are growing like gangbusters. Maybe this is just a down year, kind of like last season's UK basketball. So glad though that you've got a prosperous garden. Enjoy the bounty!
Our garden is going gang busters......I planted potatoes on 4-27, the garden got planted on 5-18 and the sweet potatoes were planted on 5-27......we have canned green beans and made a few quarts of pickles.....I plan on digging the potatoes and can most of them....I planted a row of Yukon Gold potatoes and so far we are getting about 3-5 lbs per hill.......most of the seed potatoes were cut into quarters so.....each potato planted is coming up with about 15-20 pounds..........the only bug repellent I have used is the agricultural lime the "G" man recommended twice and no chemical fertilizers........
My dad did as well. He would mix cornbread and buttermilk and eat it. Another one of his favorite things was lettuce and onions with hot grease.
When the Director and myself first got married her mother would come up from NC two to three times a year......the Director's brother would drive her up.......before she left home she would cook up enough cornbread to last the FIL while she was gone.......the only damn thing the man would eat the whole time she was gone was cornbread and buttermilk they made on the farm......I can't get past the first bite.......he told me he liked it better than ice cream and cake.....
Good morning folks. Hazy and muggy in the east.

The air was so thick this morning that the sun rose up like a glowing basketball instead of diffusing its rays like a typical sunrise. This photo snapped with my iPhone doesn't do it justice, but it was more like a moon rise.

Hope everyone has a good day, and stays cool.
They say it is from the fires out west. Those states are the "green" states but they don't manage their forest or scrub land at all and cause all the problems for the rest of the nation. I drove to Thompkinsville, KY. The haze was the worst that I have seen in 20 years. We rednecks in Kentucky don't appreciate those tree hugger out west messing with our clean air.
Morning folks. It is a sunny 74.3°F on our way to 88°.

Buttermilk and cornbread were a staple for mom and dad, especially for dad right before he would go to bed. I don't like it but they did.

Giving away my stash of lumber today to a friend who will use it. It is mainly cherry, walnut and eastern cedar with some oak.

You all have a good day.
They say it is from the fires out west. Those states are the "green" states but they don't manage their forest or scrub land at all and cause all the problems for the rest of the nation. I drove to Thompkinsville, KY. The haze was the worst that I have seen in 20 years. We rednecks in Kentucky don't appreciate those tree hugger out west messing with our clean air.
I drove close to Thompkinsville on July 13 to visit my cousin in TN. Traveled 249 out of Glasgow. Got behind a couple tractors. Driving 14-17 MPH for 11 miles on those twisting roads really gets on a person's nerves.