
There was a discussion about bug protection for the garden.......I wanted to share this with the other gardeners......I planted some Seychelles pole beans on 5-18......I could go back and pick three or four handfuls off of two 18' rows of beans.........six weeks isn't bad......last year I planted some Blue Lake pole beans and it was 93 days before they started blooming......they put on lots of beans.....but this new variety is the quickest I have ever seen to produce......and they don't have a whole lot of vine......almost like a corn field bean......I also started some California Giant bell peppers from seed the last of March.......I picked a bell pepper yesterday that was almost 8" long.......those rabbits are for something besides eating.......
One of my favorite things in fried crooked neck yellow squash. Cut them up and fry them with onions and butter. Nothing better in the summertime with a big ole ear of Silver Queen corn. Oh don't forget the green peas to add some color.
hold those peas and slice up some fresh tomato and cuccumber......and cut that corn off the cob and fry it in a black iron skillet.......maybe fry up some of those fresh new taters that are just starting to come in........I eat like this two or three times a week when the squash is plentiful and garden is producing.......also.....DON'T for get a pan of baked corn bread.......
I had some yesterday. You left out the butter, just a touch of butter.
Sorry Bert yes I did!!!!! I also put a splash of smoke!!!! Bert I was told by my family doctor that this is one of the best dishes to eat that lowers your triglycerides, this and a baked potato eating the skin! I know it does, because my triglycerides one time was over 1,000, doc nearly had a stroke for me, he was fussing at me so much!!!! The next checkup it was under 400, now it stays in check!!!!
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I looked outside and the black clouds are gone and the skies are clear. Our little afternoon shower cooled things off and moved on. It is going to be a bright sun shinny day, so says the Georgia girl, Miss Brenda

Brenda Lee was one of my all-time favorites. I carried a picture of her in my wallet when I was a teenager. But, alas, I never got the chance to meet her and sell myself to her. Give a listen to this song she cut in 1973 on a really great album she cut but I doubt that many ever heard.

Brenda Lee was one of my all-time favorites. I carried a picture of her in my wallet when I was a teenager. But, alas, I never got the chance to meet her and sell myself to her. Give a listen to this song she cut in 1973 on a really great album she cut but I doubt that many ever heard.

I am also a huge Brenda Lee fan. Thanks for that link, love the song.

I had an opportunity to meet her and talk awhile with her. I played in the UK Marching Band and we performed at the Vanderbilt game in Nashville. She was singing in a club in Printers Alley. After the game a couple of us went down there and walked the streets. We saw her name on a marquee so we stopped in to listen. When she took a break she came down to the table and we had a good time talking to her and music. She was a tiny thing.

It puts me in the mood for "Johnny One Time"

Another great recipe, Squash and onions, this is long so bear with me!!!

Cut up squash, about 6 medium
Cut up onion, 1 large
Put it in a pot add small amount of water and cook till tender!!!!

My wife makes something similar except she adds a couple cloves of garlic and sometimes slices and dices up some steak type meat into it too. If you make enough for one or two servings you can also get it boiling and add a raw egg. Good stuff.... As Uncle Jed used to say.... Edible...

Your way is delicious too!!!

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We topped out at 84°F. Currently raining. Nice.

Hope no or little rain during my visit in SE KY and Claiborne Co., TN next week.

Be safe brother, I plan on heading to Michigan the 10th of July or so to be at my brothers 70th birthday. The last time I was in Michigan was when my Darling and I came back from Korea in 2015. Landed at Metro Airport. My brother, his wife (My sister), and their son and his wife came to visit us for a couple minutes.

My Brother and his wife came to visit us in South Carolina for a few days but that's been back in 2016. We talk about weekly but it has been a long separation. I am thankful! (I have an unspoken prayer request that I hope can happen before we make our trip. If it comes to fruition, I will post it here.) God Bless you all...
Be safe brother, I plan on heading to Michigan the 10th of July or so to be at my brothers 70th birthday. The last time I was in Michigan was when my Darling and I came back from Korea in 2015. Landed at Metro Airport. My brother, his wife (My sister), and their son and his wife came to visit us for a couple minutes.

My Brother and his wife came to visit us in South Carolina for a few days but that's been back in 2016. We talk about weekly but it has been a long separation. I am thankful! (I have an unspoken prayer request that I hope can happen before we make our trip. If it comes to fruition, I will post it here.) God Bless you all...
Enjoy. Safe travels.
A cloudy, wet, stormy morning in the Buckeye State. I see another batch of storms coming in as well. It's a muggy low 70s now with the high projected to only get to the low 80s. As Austin says....I'll take it. Last few days with the heat has been brutal. Heat index up to about 100. Still got some outside work done....started really early and would knock off about noon.
We need the rain. The good thing with the heat and lack of rain....the grass growing has slowed down, which means less work (mowing) for me.

Y'all have a good day.
Good morning D, read Jeremiah 30, with coffee and a good Gala apple with peanut butter!!! Just kidding, coffee was good!!!

Not a very good weather forecaster. We were on the deck watching the clouds build up, so I came in to see where the plane was and look at the radar to see if we were going to get some rain. I go back out and tell Mrs. M it looks like it going around us! Then we proceed to get .7" of rain in about 45 minutes, then she says, boy you got that wrong!!!!! Temps went from 102 down to 71 this morning!!!

Well D, I joined an elite club today, I turned 70 today!!!! Another great American is 70 today, Tubby!!

Thanks again for your Prayers for the safety of the plane bringing her home and Prayers for the D!!!!
Good morning D, read Jeremiah 30, with coffee and a good Gala apple with peanut butter!!! Just kidding, coffee was good!!!

Not a very good weather forecaster. We were on the deck watching the clouds build up, so I came in to see where the plane was and look at the radar to see if we were going to get some rain. I go back out and tell Mrs. M it looks like it going around us! Then we proceed to get .7" of rain in about 45 minutes, then she says, boy you got that wrong!!!!! Temps went from 102 down to 71 this morning!!!

Well D, I joined an elite club today, I turned 70 today!!!! Another great American is 70 today, Tubby!!

Thanks again for your Prayers for the safety of the plane bringing her home and Prayers for the D!!!!
Happy Birthday cord. You seem like a good, good man.
Good morning D-League. Happy birthday Cord.

And happy birthday to Tubby.

I hope the D-League won't mind a short recollection about Tubby. I never got to spend that much time around the Kentucky basketball teams, but I did manage to use a White House pass I had back in the day to attend all three ceremonies when the Cats won championships in 96, 98 and 12 and came to meet the president. Usually, the coach and players hustle away after brief remarks by the president and the coach, and the gift of a team jersey and so forth. But in 1998, Tubby and the players lingered to see some of the White House, and I got a chance to chat with him. He really impressed me. Just a terrific guy. I told him my father was a big fan and he asked me what my dad did. I remember Tubby had brought his mother and father up to be with him at the ceremony. What a proud day that must have been for them. I'm glad the man had that moment.
Good morning D League

We are expecting a little rain this afternoon, 80% chance. We had a good one last night as we went to bed. Our temperature at this moment is 72° with Winds East at 6 mph. Our high will hit 83° as the rains roll in this afternoon. Winds are expected to pick up which keeps things nice and cool.

They are giving a local economic report on the radio and most of the counties in the area did better during the pandemic than normal. I guess a lot of Northerners came down because their states were locked down. The increase was done without visitors from Europe since they couldn't travel either.

Send a boy from Perry to clear your land and you get this. Photo below.

I read Jeremiah 30 with my coffee and I wish all a great day.

Good morning D League

We are expecting a little rain this afternoon, 80% chance. We had a good one last night as we went to bed. Our temperature at this moment is 72° with Winds East at 6 mph. Our high will hit 83° as the rains roll in this afternoon. Winds are expected to pick up which keeps things nice and cool.

They are giving a local economic report on the radio and most of the counties in the area did better during the pandemic than normal. I guess a lot of Northerners came down because their states were locked down. The increase was done without visitors from Europe since they couldn't travel either.

Send a boy from Perry to clear your land and you get this. Photo below.

I read Jeremiah 30 with my coffee and I wish all a great day.

Man I bet that's a jar when you come down! My back aches just thinking about it.
Reminds daughter and her husband have three Jeeps...all new. They go to the Jeep Fest in Pickens County (N. Georgia where they live) every Labor Day weekend that the sheriff's department sponsors.
In addition to the grounds in the photo where they do the obstacle course type thing like the dozer....they also have Jeep 'runs' up and through the mountains on little one lane paths, through streams, etc.
You would have thought that old Dad would have taught her better than to take a brand new Jeep and do that. Told her that someday I'm going to open a car wash in Jasper and have the grand opening on Labor Day weekend.
Good morning D, read Jeremiah 30, with coffee and a good Gala apple with peanut butter!!! Just kidding, coffee was good!!!

Not a very good weather forecaster. We were on the deck watching the clouds build up, so I came in to see where the plane was and look at the radar to see if we were going to get some rain. I go back out and tell Mrs. M it looks like it going around us! Then we proceed to get .7" of rain in about 45 minutes, then she says, boy you got that wrong!!!!! Temps went from 102 down to 71 this morning!!!

Well D, I joined an elite club today, I turned 70 today!!!! Another great American is 70 today, Tubby!!

Thanks again for your Prayers for the safety of the plane bringing her home and Prayers for the D!!!!

Much happiness on your Birthday Sir...
Man I bet that's a jar when you come down! My back aches just thinking about it.
Reminds daughter and her husband have three Jeeps...all new. They go to the Jeep Fest in Pickens County (N. Georgia where they live) every Labor Day weekend that the sheriff's department sponsors.
In addition to the grounds in the photo where they do the obstacle course type thing like the dozer....they also have Jeep 'runs' up and through the mountains on little one lane paths, through streams, etc.
You would have thought that old Dad would have taught her better than to take a brand new Jeep and do that. Told her that someday I'm going to open a car wash in Jasper and have the grand opening on Labor Day weekend.
I love it. Have them drive down to Perry, Florida and check out the Iron Horse Mud Ranch.

Good morning D, read Jeremiah 30, with coffee and a good Gala apple with peanut butter!!! Just kidding, coffee was good!!!

Not a very good weather forecaster. We were on the deck watching the clouds build up, so I came in to see where the plane was and look at the radar to see if we were going to get some rain. I go back out and tell Mrs. M it looks like it going around us! Then we proceed to get .7" of rain in about 45 minutes, then she says, boy you got that wrong!!!!! Temps went from 102 down to 71 this morning!!!

Well D, I joined an elite club today, I turned 70 today!!!! Another great American is 70 today, Tubby!!

Thanks again for your Prayers for the safety of the plane bringing her home and Prayers for the D!!!!
Happy Birthday. Here is a verse of Scripture to give you encouragement, lol.

"Each of us lives for 70 years— or even 80 if we are in good health. But the best of them bring trouble and misery. Indeed, they are soon gone, and we fly away." Ps 90:10