
I really like Oscar too. Great attitude. I'm curious to see if Jalen Duren reclassifies. Not getting my hopes up but the addition of that kid would be enormous. Hell of a front court. The back court is already loaded especially if Mintz returns.
Duren could put this bunch on a different level.

But the front court seems already promising to me, perhaps deceptively so.

Along with Oscar:
* There are reports that Toppin, who really seemed to be coming into his own at the end of the year, is nearly 6'10'' and has radically improved his shot.
* If you could put Keion Brooks back on the trajectory he was on at the end of his freshman year -- before he was hurt -- everyone would be excited about his potential.
* Collins strikes me as a guy who can be a real disruptor right from the beginning -- put him in the game, pressure guards out on the interior, and if anyone gets beat, he's there to erase the mistake.
* Hopkins looked poised and skilled in the Iverson game.
* And Ware is at a minimum a big, athletic body.

I'm not sure how many teams have a front court that deep and talented. There probably are some but I can't think of them.
Have a great morning and stellar afternoon, D-L!

Gonna see if I can see some things while I'm doing the things, and avoiding the things on the way to everything, cause some things need finishing and other things need starting, before it's too late to get everything done.

It's mild in the wild right now, but will be hotter than jalapenos soon enough. Stay cool and safe and hope to see you back here later
Good afternoon all. Been quite a while since I’ve been here, but unfortunately, it’s been unavoidable. Dealing with family health issues and trying to farm in the spring has me about worn out, but I’ve caught up somewhat, and just browsed this last page. Good to see familiar names still here, along with a few different ones. I’ll just say quickly that mashed taters and peas are great, providing you are out of green peas. And who doesn’t love gizzards? They give gravel a purpose other than eating up your tires. Thinking differently is unique, especially if you’re not normal. Y’all take care.😋
Good to see you back Backer cutter. I was close to your area two weeks ago. You should have felt uncomfortable as I was the guy driving!
So glad to see that name pop up again, Backer cutter. A hard working man if there ever was one and valuable member of the D League. Please post often.
Same here.
Glad to see you back Cutter.
Me too.
Have a great morning and stellar afternoon, D-L!

Gonna see if I can see some things while I'm doing the things, and avoiding the things on the way to everything, cause some things need finishing and other things need starting, before it's too late to get everything done.

It's mild in the wild right now, but will be hotter than jalapenos soon enough. Stay cool and safe and hope to see you back here later

Since there's no other place around the place, I reckon this must be the place I reckon...

Btw, gonna see if I can get a youngin with a full glass in their watch (fitbit) hand to tell me what time it is today...
I just "spilt" my coffee..

I have a fitbit, a hand-me-down from my daughter that I bought for my son and she stole, bought him another one, and then gave it to me as a present. I use it to monitor my sleep. I like that function. The steps I guess... It will do... I got used to it. I also add the food I eat calories to keep myself honest. It is a pretty good tracker for caloric intake.
On the first day, God created the dog and said, "Sit all day by the door of
your house and bark at anyone who comes in or walks past. For this, I will
give you a life span of twenty years."
The dog said, "That's a long time to be barking. How about only ten years
and I'll give you back the other ten?"
And God saw it was good.

On the second day, God created the monkey and said, "Entertain people, do
tricks, and make them laugh. For this, I'll give you a twenty-year life
The monkey said, "Monkey tricks for twenty years? That's a pretty long time
to perform. How about I give you back ten like the dog did?"
And God, again saw it was good.

On the third day, God created the cow and said, "You must go into the field
with the farmer all day long and suffer under the sun, have calves and give
milk to support the farmer's family. For this, I will give you a life span
of sixty years."
The cow said, "That's kind of a tough life you want me to live for sixty
years. How about twenty and I'll give back the other forty?"
And God agreed it was good.

On the fourth day, God created humans and said, "Eat, sleep, play, marry
and enjoy your life. For this, I'll give you twenty years."
But the human said, "Only twenty years? Could you possibly give me my
twenty, the forty the cow gave back, the ten the monkey gave back, and the
ten the dog gave back; that makes eighty, okay?"

"Okay," said God, "You asked for it."

So that is why for our first twenty years, we eat, sleep, play and enjoy
ourselves. For the next forty years, we slave in the sun to support our
family. For the next ten years, we do monkey tricks to entertain thegrandchildren. And for the last ten years, we sit on the front porch and
bark at everyone.

Life has now been explained to you. There is no need to thank me for this
valuable information. I'm doing it as a public service.

If you are looking for me, I will be on the front porch.
Good Tuesday Morning

A typical June weather day is in store. We have 71° and Winds are from the East at 5 mph, We have a 60% chance of rain this afternoon as temperatures rise to 85° and winds pick up a little. I see all of these 100° temperatures nationwide and realize I have never experienced 100° in Florida. I suppose the water keeps the temperature down.

Prayers to Cord and a safe flight for his friend. I read Jeremiah 28, I see California has banned all state funded travel to Florida. which I see as a good thing. The less Californians around here the better. The reason given is California does not like the way LQGTBUSA#1 is handled around here. So they banned us.

I trust all have a nice day. The magnolias are plentiful this year.

SC, I also read 29, failed to post it to
SC, I also read 29, failed to post it to
A fast moving lightning storm drove me out of the pool so I came to my office and read 29. I am on track for tomorrow.

93 degrees. It is hot.
We are currently at 72° and it appears our high today will be 81° that we had at noon. At present we have a very cool thunderstorm going through the yard with strong winds and a cool, very cool breeze. It is pleasant and refreshing.

I love my rain because in an hour at most it will be gone and the skies will clear. We should have another brilliant sunset tonight. Most of the sky remained blue while the black clouds passed through producing the rain showers.
2000 years old Pantheon dome in Rome is most remarkable structure I've seen. Unbelievable they could create such a large dome that long ago & it's still perfect and gorgeous inside.

Others that top my list are the Coliseum (Thought I was in Cincy's old Riverfront Stadium.); Pont de Gard bridge/aqueduct in France, cave paintings around Lascaux (The painters used irregularities in the cave walls to create 3D images of some animals. Unbelievable for 10K years ago.), the Roman hot baths at Bath, England (FIL's army unit sleep around the sides of them waiting for Normandy Invasion.).
The Octagon Lantern Tower in Ely Cathedral is the most amazing structure I have ever is huge and just to see it hanging up there...........and to think the first version was made completely out of stone makes it even more improbable.......I put some of the mineral water from the Roman bath on my shoulder.......didn't do anything but get me the stink eye from a worker.......
There was a discussion about bug protection for the garden.......I wanted to share this with the other gardeners......I planted some Seychelles pole beans on 5-18......I could go back and pick three or four handfuls off of two 18' rows of beans.........six weeks isn't bad......last year I planted some Blue Lake pole beans and it was 93 days before they started blooming......they put on lots of beans.....but this new variety is the quickest I have ever seen to produce......and they don't have a whole lot of vine......almost like a corn field bean......I also started some California Giant bell peppers from seed the last of March.......I picked a bell pepper yesterday that was almost 8" long.......those rabbits are for something besides eating.......
One of my favorite things in fried crooked neck yellow squash. Cut them up and fry them with onions and butter. Nothing better in the summertime with a big ole ear of Silver Queen corn. Oh don't forget the green peas to add some color.
hold those peas and slice up some fresh tomato and cuccumber......and cut that corn off the cob and fry it in a black iron skillet.......maybe fry up some of those fresh new taters that are just starting to come in........I eat like this two or three times a week when the squash is plentiful and garden is producing.......also.....DON'T for get a pan of baked corn bread.......
I had some yesterday. You left out the butter, just a touch of butter.
Sorry Bert yes I did!!!!! I also put a splash of smoke!!!! Bert I was told by my family doctor that this is one of the best dishes to eat that lowers your triglycerides, this and a baked potato eating the skin! I know it does, because my triglycerides one time was over 1,000, doc nearly had a stroke for me, he was fussing at me so much!!!! The next checkup it was under 400, now it stays in check!!!!
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I looked outside and the black clouds are gone and the skies are clear. Our little afternoon shower cooled things off and moved on. It is going to be a bright sun shinny day, so says the Georgia girl, Miss Brenda

Brenda Lee was one of my all-time favorites. I carried a picture of her in my wallet when I was a teenager. But, alas, I never got the chance to meet her and sell myself to her. Give a listen to this song she cut in 1973 on a really great album she cut but I doubt that many ever heard.

Brenda Lee was one of my all-time favorites. I carried a picture of her in my wallet when I was a teenager. But, alas, I never got the chance to meet her and sell myself to her. Give a listen to this song she cut in 1973 on a really great album she cut but I doubt that many ever heard.

I am also a huge Brenda Lee fan. Thanks for that link, love the song.

I had an opportunity to meet her and talk awhile with her. I played in the UK Marching Band and we performed at the Vanderbilt game in Nashville. She was singing in a club in Printers Alley. After the game a couple of us went down there and walked the streets. We saw her name on a marquee so we stopped in to listen. When she took a break she came down to the table and we had a good time talking to her and music. She was a tiny thing.

It puts me in the mood for "Johnny One Time"

Another great recipe, Squash and onions, this is long so bear with me!!!

Cut up squash, about 6 medium
Cut up onion, 1 large
Put it in a pot add small amount of water and cook till tender!!!!

My wife makes something similar except she adds a couple cloves of garlic and sometimes slices and dices up some steak type meat into it too. If you make enough for one or two servings you can also get it boiling and add a raw egg. Good stuff.... As Uncle Jed used to say.... Edible...

Your way is delicious too!!!

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We topped out at 84°F. Currently raining. Nice.

Hope no or little rain during my visit in SE KY and Claiborne Co., TN next week.

Be safe brother, I plan on heading to Michigan the 10th of July or so to be at my brothers 70th birthday. The last time I was in Michigan was when my Darling and I came back from Korea in 2015. Landed at Metro Airport. My brother, his wife (My sister), and their son and his wife came to visit us for a couple minutes.

My Brother and his wife came to visit us in South Carolina for a few days but that's been back in 2016. We talk about weekly but it has been a long separation. I am thankful! (I have an unspoken prayer request that I hope can happen before we make our trip. If it comes to fruition, I will post it here.) God Bless you all...
Be safe brother, I plan on heading to Michigan the 10th of July or so to be at my brothers 70th birthday. The last time I was in Michigan was when my Darling and I came back from Korea in 2015. Landed at Metro Airport. My brother, his wife (My sister), and their son and his wife came to visit us for a couple minutes.

My Brother and his wife came to visit us in South Carolina for a few days but that's been back in 2016. We talk about weekly but it has been a long separation. I am thankful! (I have an unspoken prayer request that I hope can happen before we make our trip. If it comes to fruition, I will post it here.) God Bless you all...
Enjoy. Safe travels.