
Happy Birthday. Here is a verse of Scripture to give you encouragement, lol.

"Each of us lives for 70 years— or even 80 if we are in good health. But the best of them bring trouble and misery. Indeed, they are soon gone, and we fly away." Ps 90:10
Or maybe this one....

Then the LORD said, “My Spirit shall not strive with man forever, because he also is flesh; nevertheless his days shall be one hundred and twenty years.” (NASB) Genesis 6:3

But, would you really want to live to 120?
Happy Birthday. Here is a verse of Scripture to give you encouragement, lol.

"Each of us lives for 70 years— or even 80 if we are in good health. But the best of them bring trouble and misery. Indeed, they are soon gone, and we fly away." Ps 90:10
Well Chief, I may be in trouble!!! I got myself in trouble by cutting me a slice of that cake and now I am miserable. If yawl don't hear from me again, well!
Or maybe this one....

Then the LORD said, “My Spirit shall not strive with man forever, because he also is flesh; nevertheless his days shall be one hundred and twenty years.” (NASB) Genesis 6:3

But, would you really want to live to 120?
NO!!!! At our age, I lose more friends than make new ones. The way the world is now, double NO!!
Or maybe this one....

Then the LORD said, “My Spirit shall not strive with man forever, because he also is flesh; nevertheless his days shall be one hundred and twenty years.” (NASB) Genesis 6:3

But, would you really want to live to 120?
Not the way today's America is going and it is only going to get worse. So no I would prefer to be with my Lord
Good morning D, read Jeremiah 30, with coffee and a good Gala apple with peanut butter!!! Just kidding, coffee was good!!!

Not a very good weather forecaster. We were on the deck watching the clouds build up, so I came in to see where the plane was and look at the radar to see if we were going to get some rain. I go back out and tell Mrs. M it looks like it going around us! Then we proceed to get .7" of rain in about 45 minutes, then she says, boy you got that wrong!!!!! Temps went from 102 down to 71 this morning!!!

Well D, I joined an elite club today, I turned 70 today!!!! Another great American is 70 today, Tubby!!

Thanks again for your Prayers for the safety of the plane bringing her home and Prayers for the D!!!!
Happy Birthday, Cord. Yes, I got back from Walt Disney World and Mickey Mouse is alive and well. They really teed me off, but what are you going to do? My computer finally was finished yesterday and picked it up. Lot of catching up to do.
Happy birthday, cordmaker!

Welcome back from the depths, Ben!

It's 90° and hoomid here, so I'm going to go outside to bake in it, or age like a fine cigar in a humidor.... not sure just yet about that last part. Too much to do and not enough time or energy.

Why does it not surprise me that mister nevada is a man? I'll be honest. I thought cali would be the first to open that packaged worm, but I think nevada- ne-vada -means no vajayjay in some language. IOW it was just a matter of time.
RIP Donald Rumsfeld.

As I got to know him a bit covering the Pentagon as a journalist I'll stick to what I knew of him as a man, not his policies: incredibly smart, energetic, patriotic and funny. I remember once on a long, grinding DOD trip, which I went along on as a pool reporter, after spending a grueling 18 hour day traveling from Turkmenistan to Kazahkstan to Kabul, he decided to push on to the Afghan city of Herat for a meeting with a Big Warlord -- and he flew the C-130 we were on the final leg! He would have been pushing 70 at the time. I was in my 40s and exhausted. Impressive.
Good morning D, read Jeremiah 30, with coffee and a good Gala apple with peanut butter!!! Just kidding, coffee was good!!!

Not a very good weather forecaster. We were on the deck watching the clouds build up, so I came in to see where the plane was and look at the radar to see if we were going to get some rain. I go back out and tell Mrs. M it looks like it going around us! Then we proceed to get .7" of rain in about 45 minutes, then she says, boy you got that wrong!!!!! Temps went from 102 down to 71 this morning!!!

Well D, I joined an elite club today, I turned 70 today!!!! Another great American is 70 today, Tubby!!

Thanks again for your Prayers for the safety of the plane bringing her home and Prayers for the D!!!!
Good morning D, read Jeremiah 30, with coffee and a good Gala apple with peanut butter!!! Just kidding, coffee was good!!!

Not a very good weather forecaster. We were on the deck watching the clouds build up, so I came in to see where the plane was and look at the radar to see if we were going to get some rain. I go back out and tell Mrs. M it looks like it going around us! Then we proceed to get .7" of rain in about 45 minutes, then she says, boy you got that wrong!!!!! Temps went from 102 down to 71 this morning!!!

Well D, I joined an elite club today, I turned 70 today!!!! Another great American is 70 today, Tubby!!

Thanks again for your Prayers for the safety of the plane bringing her home and Prayers for the D!!!!
I just saw this Cord.....Happy Belated Birthday Sir!
It's a rainy night in the Buckeye State....that had more rhyme to it when I lived in Georgia.
Raining out with a high today of about 80. We got a few more things in the garden Monday, just before the rains that was good timing.
So, with the rain, not much on the docket for today. May pick up a few things at Menards, but when I was there last week I noticed that the prices just keep going up and up.

Plan on leaving about 2 am CST on Saturday morning.
Sounds like you travel like me and my brother. Get up. Get on the road. Get out there before the traffic. Get out there before the heat.
On the other hand....some are like my other brother was/is....sleep in late. Get on the road about noon. Etc.
I'd rather get going....and get to where I'm going ASAP.

Y'all have a good day.
Good morning D-League. It's currently 73° and raining here in Eastern Kentucky. This afternoon will bring more rain, possibly heavy at times and a high of 73°.

I arrive at work this morning to find out that the power is off. Hopefully this doesn't cause us to work Saturday.

Everyone stay safe out there today.

Good morning from ATX. Currently 74°F and partly cloudy. Today's high may reach around 93°F.

Must pack today for the trip back east. Driving straight to Middlesboro area this time. Plan on leaving about 2 am CST on Saturday morning.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.


Oh, Snap!

Good morning D

Read Jeremiah 31 with my black cup of strong coffee. This is a very special chapter in the Old Testament.

At long last the rains and thunderstorms are here. Life is good. Our current temperature is 71° and Winds East at 7 mph. We have an 80% chance of rain this afternoon as the temperature climbs to 83°.

Cord's birthday reminded me how time flies by. This picture was taken over 50 years ago. My first child, my first son and my first and only wife in front of our first house. It is like yesterday. You turn around and yesterday is gone. To be honest I am glad those yellow plaid shorts are gone. Can you believe they made them and I bought them.

Make every day special and cherish the moment. Trust all are well.


Morning Legionnaires!

More rain on tap for today and through Saturday. My grass is going to be up my blankity blank before too long. With all of this rain and Austin's Ginger Snaps reference I have been hearing the Gilligan's Island theme running through my head.

"Just sit right back and you'll hear a tell, a tale of a fateful trip"...
Good morning D

Read Jeremiah 31 with my black cup of strong coffee. This is a very special chapter in the Old Testament.

At long last the rains and thunderstorms are here. Life is good. Our current temperature is 71° and Winds East at 7 mph. We have an 80% chance of rain this afternoon as the temperature climbs to 83°.

Cord's birthday reminded me how time flies by. This picture was taken over 50 years ago. My first child, my first son and my first and only wife in front of our first house. It is like yesterday. You turn around and yesterday is gone. To be honest I am glad those yellow plaid shorts are gone. Can you believe they made them and I bought them.

Make every day special and cherish the moment. Trust all are well.

Well, you could at least go into the woods during hunting season without fear unless the hunters were hunting for people who wore ugly shorts.
Good morning D-League. I hope all is well. Still steamy in the east.

Thanks for sharing that photo Sawnee. Great looking young family and I'm sure the same, minus the word young, can be said today.

You know how you'll wake up sometimes and a fragment of a poem or a song lyric or even a commercial will be running on a loop in your brain? For me this morning it was, "the scaffold is high and eternity is near..." I hope it isn't as bad as all that. But I do love the old Lefty Frizzell song, since covered by many others:
They are discussing on my little radio station that drag racing will be returning locally. Lead Foot City will be setting it up and it should be a lot of fun.

Back in the 50's a boy would work on his car all night, take it to the drag strip and blow out the engine then start all over. We didn't have time for drugs or gangs when you had to get your flat head V-8 ready to roll.

Good morning D-League. I hope all is well. Still steamy in the east.

Thanks for sharing that photo Sawnee. Great looking young family and I'm sure the same, minus the word young, can be said today.

You know how you'll wake up sometimes and a fragment of a poem or a song lyric or even a commercial will be running on a loop in your brain? For me this morning it was, "the scaffold is high and eternity is near..." I hope it isn't as bad as all that. But I do love the old Lefty Frizzell song, since covered by many others:
Thanks and I enjoyed ole Lefty. He really was a great one and this is one of his best recordings. In fact it was one of the greatest country tunes ever recorded and he did it better than all of the rest.
Good morning D-League. I hope all is well. Still steamy in the east.

Thanks for sharing that photo Sawnee. Great looking young family and I'm sure the same, minus the word young, can be said today.

You know how you'll wake up sometimes and a fragment of a poem or a song lyric or even a commercial will be running on a loop in your brain? For me this morning it was, "the scaffold is high and eternity is near..." I hope it isn't as bad as all that. But I do love the old Lefty Frizzell song, since covered by many others:

I must be simple-minded.... all that runs through my mind most days is.....

Grandpa Shark....with my grandson pointing at rhythm I might add...
Thanks and I enjoyed ole Lefty. He really was a great one and this is one of his best recordings. In fact it was one of the greatest country tunes ever recorded and he did it better than all of the rest.

I beg to differ Sir... (In my best Doc Holiday reaction.) We all know the greatest country song was recorded by; David Allen Coe..(According to him and I have it on record)

In my Best John Wayne reaction; "Not Hardly"...


I know it was completely sacrilegious posting John Wayne and David Allen Coe in the same post... just horrible...
Good morning D-League. It's currently 73° and raining here in Eastern Kentucky. This afternoon will bring more rain, possibly heavy at times and a high of 73°.

I arrive at work this morning to find out that the power is off. Hopefully this doesn't cause us to work Saturday.

Everyone stay safe out there today.

Those "sails" are ~8" tiles of various shades of white/cream. I know since I went up & ran my hands over some.
Here you go... the start... Let's see where this leads.... It may be the straw...

It is California and nothing will come of it. Californians gave up freedom decades ago and taxing gun owners will be accepted like everything else is accepted in California. That is why we are seeing many California tags around here.

I see no hope whatsoever for the State of California. They voted for this. If I were a Californian I would have left a long time ago
Back in the 50's a boy would work on his car all night, take it to the drag strip and blow out the engine then start all over. We didn't have time for drugs or gangs when you had to get your flat head V-8 ready to roll.
My oldest son did that as little as 22 years ago (more or less) in Cherokee County (Georgia).
He had a Honda that he 'souped up' with a nitrous oxide kit. They would go out on lonely country, N. Georgia roads.
Stupid. At least he, or any of his friends, didn't get killed.

But, as you said, it kept him out of trouble (since he never got caught).
It is California and nothing will come of it. Californians gave up freedom decades ago and taxing gun owners will be accepted like everything else is accepted in California. That is why we are seeing many California tags around here.

I see no hope whatsoever for the State of California. They voted for this. If I were a Californian I would have left a long time ago

The issue being the scabs trying to use convoluted case law. Communists are well versed in using "case" law to implement agenda's..... It is the fight that matters as the willing will go forward as if it's settled. It very well may become the straw...
My oldest son did that as little as 22 years ago (more or less) in Cherokee County (Georgia).
He had a Honda that he 'souped up' with a nitrous oxide kit. They would go out on lonely country, N. Georgia roads.
Stupid. At least he, or any of his friends, didn't get killed.

But, as you said, it kept him out of trouble (since he never got caught).
The North Georgia mountains were made for a 5 speed manual transmission. When we lived in Cumming my wife would run those roads like Bill Elliot must have back in the day.
Morning folks. It is a cloudy, humid 78.3°F. 78 is to be the high. Hopefully we will get some rain.

Happy Belated Birthday Cordmaker.

I had North Carolina company Tuesday and Wednesday. He is a wonderful fellow native to Jordan. He was Eastern Orthodox and basically his family was coerced to leave as 95% of Jordan is Muslim and they don't treat others well. He had very few options in his homeland. He now has a Ph.D.. His brother also has a Ph.D. and teaches at UNC Chapel Hill. These stupid countries run off the brains.
Here you go... the start... Let's see where this leads.... It may be the straw...

This is a great idea because now they'll know which criminals have guns and how many. I'm sure the illegal gun owners will pay their fair share. They'll probably get a big group of formerly 2 gendered people to go door to door in LA counting guns and collecting taxes.

I can see this being a great new show. They'll call it "CROPS"


"Bad 'roids bad 'roids, whatcha gonna do... when they point illegal guns at you!?"

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