
My son, a computer engineer for Norton Hospital group in Louisville, swears by Linux.
I agree and also swear by Linux for "heavy lifting" and server operating systems. We extensively utilized the operating system at my former workplace for number crunching. Rock solid. I maintained racks and racks of Sun hardware running Red Hat linux. I also administered Linux-based mail servers between 2001 to mid-2005. Very reliable. One of my servers once went 3 years without a reboot.

But for consumer use? Nope, Graphical User Interface (GUI) is simply not there yet. Hence Apple and Microsoft rule this space.
In my dreams I go out hunting mountain lions! I am one bad dude. 🤣
You can do that here and I hope you're dreaming about dogs too or it's going to be a long hunt because you won't likely see one otherwise. A .357 is perfect for this. Pistol or carbine.


Then again there's this as they lose their fear of people. Now they live along golf courses because it's easy living. They're the largest Feline I've heard purr (awesome sound) and more closely related to your house cat than the Jaguar.


As subsidized predators their endangered preferred prey is threatened by the high numbers not subject to natural habitat limiting factors. True carnivores that rarely scavenge when there are other meat sources.

Trying to protect these guys along the southwest border is already a difficult challenge without the flipping societal chaos.
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Are any of you interpreters of dreams? I had a strange one last night. I was out back and was attacked by a very large panther.

No I can't interpret it. But it reminded me of Hemingway's "Old Man and the Sea:"
"He no longer dreamed of storms, nor of women, nor of great occurrences, nor of great fish, nor fights, nor contests of strength, nor of his wife. He only dreamed of places now and of the lions on the beach."

As I recall, Hemingway used the recurring image of lions on the beach as a way to symbolize Santiago the Fisherman searching in his dreams to find his lost youth, feelings of happiness and strength and of hope...

But the fisherman was not crazy enough to wrestle them...
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I agree and also swear by Linux for "heavy lifting" and server operating systems. We extensively utilized the operating system at my former workplace for number crunching. Rock solid. I maintained racks and racks of Sun hardware running Red Hat linux. I also administered Linux-based mail servers between 2001 to mid-2005. Very reliable. One of my servers once went 3 years without a reboot.

But for consumer use? Nope, Graphical User Interface (GUI) is simply not there yet. Hence Apple and Microsoft rule this space.
Austin, I would love to see you and my son discuss crap like this. I would set back and try to start fights! 😁

I use a computer, I sure as hell do not understand a darned thing about them.

Also, I have intellectual property involving a computer program; however, I don't know how they work. My Copyright and Trademark is only on what the program does. A smart guy wrote the program.

My son and my good friend Austin do understand how computers work: I am lost in the tall weeds.
You can do that here and I hope you're dreaming about dogs too or it's going to be a long hunt because you won't likely see one otherwise. A .357 is perfect for this. Pistol or carbine.


Then again there's this as they lose their fear of people. Now they live along golf courses because it's easy living.T hey're the largest Feline I've heard purr (awesome sound) and more closely related to your house cat than the Jaguar.


As subsidized predators their endangered preferred prey is threatened by the high numbers not subject to natural habitat limiting factors. True carnivores that rarely scavenge when there are other meat sources.

Trying to protect these guys along the southwest border is already a difficult challenge without the flipping societal chaos.
. . . . . . . and then they introduce the ultimate predator BERT.

He could wipe them out in no time. :cool:

Arthritis is no problem.
I can move at a fantastic speed of .005 miles an hour.
I can jump 3 inches of the ground.
What I lack in speed I can make up for with the length of my walking cane.
I can climb a set of stairs in an unbelievable 2 minutes.
A tree is nothing for me to scale with a hydraulic lift.

I am the primary predator.
No I can't interpret it. But it reminded me of Hemingway's "Old Man and the Sea:"
"He no longer dreamed of storms, nor of women, nor of great occurrences, nor of great fish, nor fights, nor contests of strength, nor of his wife. He only dreamed of places now and of the lions on the beach."

As I recall, Hemingway used the recurring image of lions on the beach as a way to symbolize Santiago the Fisherman searching in his dreams to find his lost youth, feelings of happiness and strength and of hope...

But the fisherman was not crazy enough to wrestle them...
Fantastic post.

I used to read Hemingway. I did not understand him until I got old.

But in my mind I am still a lion, just an old lion.
Old Man and The sea! remember watching as a kid!!! Spencer Tracy? Is this in the discussion? Or am I out there somewhere?
No, Cord, you are correct. Spencer Tracy played the part in the movie, based on Ernest Hemingway's last successful novel. I believe (haven't seen the movie for many years) there is a voice over about the lions on the beach in the movie as well...
Not me. Intel all the way. Got badly burned by AMD hardware incompatibilities and off-the-wall errata back during late-90s. Never again.
I agree with everything you said in your post. I've utilized some Ubuntu and Fedora distros and both seemed stable and flexible on an old obsolete systems. I'll add the caveat the systems were design to upgrade rather than replace. I'd load it onto this system I've got now but it has popped a few caps and not worth repairing so I'll build a newer one. Whatever hardware I chose, will with specific intent, support both OS because I enjoy the ability to change my mind if I feel the need. All my systems are built that way. I loved the mobile functionalities of the MS surface laptop for remote access while being a fed. I felt that it was fantastic solution. My home system server has different purpose and I liked the simplicity of simply plugging into my home hard-wired network. As always, your long ears are welcomed.
You can do that here and I hope you're dreaming about dogs too or it's going to be a long hunt because you won't likely see one otherwise. A .357 is perfect for this. Pistol or carbine.


Then again there's this as they lose their fear of people. Now they live along golf courses because it's easy living. They're the largest Feline I've heard purr (awesome sound) and more closely related to your house cat than the Jaguar.


As subsidized predators their endangered preferred prey is threatened by the high numbers not subject to natural habitat limiting factors. True carnivores that rarely scavenge when there are other meat sources.

Trying to protect these guys along the southwest border is already a difficult challenge without the flipping societal chaos.
Yep, I have been chased by a few bitches too!
One of my railroad friends, Russ Hamilton of Hamilton, ONT played bagpipes for the "Queens Brigade". He used to bring them on his trips to the U.S. but they got really picky about the ivory in them so he had to stop.

He could entertain anyone within a half mile of him.

Did they expect him to resurrect the original owner of the ivory and give it back?
I agree with everything you said in your post. I've utilized some Ubuntu and Fedora distros and both seemed stable and flexible on an old obsolete systems. I'll add the caveat the systems were design to upgrade rather than replace. I'd load it onto this system I've got now but it has popped a few caps and not worth repairing so I'll build a newer one. Whatever hardware I chose, will with specific intent, support both OS because I enjoy the ability to change my mind if I feel the need. All my systems are built that way. I loved the mobile functionalities of the MS surface laptop for remote access while being a fed. I felt that it was fantastic solution. My home system server has different purpose and I liked the simplicity of simply plugging into my home hard-wired network. As always, your long ears are welcomed.

It was the dearndest thing....

(Reference that one and you know your stuff. No Google...)
Hope everyone has a good day and stays dry. My computer went down a few days ago and it looks like the motherboard is the culprit. So, I will probably have to purchase another laptop and I’ll not post much. This is from my phone, and I hate it.

Hear ya. Phone is why I'm not posting much lately. No time to get in front of a regulat computer right now.
I agree with everything you said in your post. I've utilized some Ubuntu and Fedora distros and both seemed stable and flexible on an old obsolete systems. I'll add the caveat the systems were design to upgrade rather than replace. I'd load it onto this system I've got now but it has popped a few caps and not worth repairing so I'll build a newer one. Whatever hardware I chose, will with specific intent, support both OS because I enjoy the ability to change my mind if I feel the need. All my systems are built that way. I loved the mobile functionalities of the MS surface laptop for remote access while being a fed. I felt that it was fantastic solution. My home system server has different purpose and I liked the simplicity of simply plugging into my home hard-wired network. As always, your long ears are welcomed.
Couple points..........

Various debates relevant to PC hardware always materialize. AMD vs Intel. AMD (formerly ATI) GPUs vs Nvidia GPUs. Apple vs Windows. Linux vs Apple vs Windows. Etc, etc, etc.

Simple answer is usually what works best for individuals and organizations.

Another example. Apple operates a plant here in ATX producing Mac Pro high-end desktops. At one time, Apple utilized Windows servers for assembly because no existing Apple operating system is capable of such tasks. One would think Apple might say "screw this", load up machines with linux and break away from WinTel. Nope. Out of the box, Windows still offers the best deal with least amount customization. Hopefully things changed since photo taken 7 years ago.


Personally speaking, I'm happy AMD exists. Competition = good. Imagine a world without alternatives. Opteron CPUs finally captured 10% market share in the server CPU market. Some predictions indicate 25% AMD server CPU market share represents a realistic goal.

At any rate, I "go with what I know". Except for a few AMD CPUs as test units when wife and I operated our hardware business way back when, I've used Intel CPUs and Intel-based systems for nearly 40 years. It's all about trust.