I wish I could have found that mug for my 90-year old father for Father's Day. Watching Gunsmoke is his favorite activity.Good Friday morning
Local Weather Report: We have 72° with partly cloudy skies with a 17% chance of rain this afternoon. Our high will be 85°. We have a Tropical Depression forming in the Gulf that has a chance of hitting my brother's place in North Florida. I wish we could change directions and send it my way. 20 or 25 inches would be welcome. But our time will come.
Finished Jeremiah Chapter 14. We have not quite reached draught conditions as the Jews did but we could use some rain. It will come
And who can blame him? Good writing, for the most part. An appealing cast. Terrific guest stars. A setting in an exciting time and place, and a recognizable moral code to everyone's behavior. Odd that has become such a difficult formula for today's television shows to reproduce.