
Good late morning to you all... I slept in until 8:30. Up now and getting ready to hit Fort Belvoir. (At least the commissary and PX and probably Burger King.)

Oh, May God's love shine on you brighter than any sun known to man. May Heavenly Sunlight shine on all your days today. God Bless you all...
We're having a Taco Salad for lunch (MIL's favorite). It's a little different and had never had it before I met the Mrs...and have never had it quite like this anywhere else.

So here goes...from memory.

Brown ground beef. When brown put in taco seasoning (follow instructions on package as to amount of water, etc).
Dice onions, Shred lettuce.
When hamburger/taco mix is cooking put in can of red kidney beans (or how much you want) just so they can warm up. Don't put in when mix is boiling per instructions on package...don't want them mushy, just warmed up.
Pour hamburger/taco/bean mix in large bowl.
Mix in cheese (we use cheddar...guess you could use others like Mexican, 3 cheese, etc) One 8 oz package I believe.
Mix in salsa (amount to taste...she normally does small jar)
Mix in Western dressing...again to taste....maybe small jar, or bit less (Western is hard to find in some areas of the country)
Mix in onions and lettuce
Add crushed Doritos....again to taste. Sometimes I like mine plain and will add chips myself so they won't get a bit mushy sitting in the large bowl. And sometimes we'll put crushed tortilla chips instead of Doritos, but prefer Doritos.

The Doritos and Western dressing makes it different....and good.
Mrs. M's favorite dressing, get it at Kroger
My wife bought some kind of frozen patties yesterday and I cooked them on the Blackstone but none of us cared for them. They had a weird tasting seasoning to them.
We have bought the 80/20 frozen angus burgers at Sam's Club for "frozen" burger for my money......when it comes to fresh patties we seldom use or rabbit are used most often........
I am sure every D, has fixed this one

1- Large ground round or ground chuck patty
1-large tater
1-green pepper

Pat out hamburger and place it on a large piece of foil
Put your favorite seasoning, BBQ sauce on patty
Slice up the taters, onions put it on the patty
Add your peppers and mushrooms
Fix the foil where you have a tight seal around the meal
Cook on 350 degrees for 1-1 1/2 hours
When done open up one end of the foil and drain the grease out of it and serve!!!
Enjoy- Cord!!!!

Sometimes we have to write our initials on the foil when we have family over so we know who's is who's!!!!
About time... All I can think of is Sushi Gizzards.... Dang I'm sick ...

(May have to go ahead and eat a gizzard to quit thinking about them...)
Well if you were in shouting distance you could join me. It is Father's Day Sunday so my wife will be "air frying" up a mess of chicken gizzards, maybe throw in a few turkey gizzards too.

We have never air fried gizzards so I am anxious to see how they turn out. You can't mess up a gizzard.
Good morning D, really humid out this morning, think I will practice being retired today!!!!

Dishes done, pimento cheese made, may clean house some we'll see.

Going to put a couple recipes on here today if that's ok

I hope the D, has a great day, stay safe, drink plenty and Prayers for the D!!!!!
Keep them coming, Cord. They are great reading and I can't wait to try a few that I have not had before.
I met my brother for lunch down in Brooksville and we had the Shrimp and Grits. I have had shrimp & grits all over the South and everyone seems to have their own recipe. This one is a little different. They use tomato gravy and bacon and make a grit cake.

This is not your typical touristy place to eat. It is down home food that goes back generations. It is off the beaten path.

World Famous 10,000 Island Shrimp & Grits​

Our version, crispy grit cakes with fresh shrimp, sauteed with Granny’s Tomato Gravy & bacon.

Went to Moore OK just southeast of OKC this morning with my friend who is Thai because he needed a ride to his medical appointment. His vehicle is in the shop so...
We stopped off for lunch at a Thai restaurant there and it was the best Thai food I have eaten yet. We usually try Thai restaurants when we are out and about and he knows the better ones. My daughter has gone with us a couple of times and wishes she had went today (still asleep when he ask) because she loves the food. I brought her some back and she will eat it but wants to go next time. On the way back I took a different route through Norman OK and a shorter way back avoiding the major toll roads and getting us back about 5 minutes or so slower than the time it took to get there but, saving about $6.00 on tolls. Had I known what portion of Moore he was going to I would have taken that route there saving $12.00 on tolls. As we took the shorter but slower route he says "Man you white guys sure know how to get around".

Had me laughing on that one.
Went to Moore OK just southeast of OKC this morning with my friend who is Thai because he needed a ride to his medical appointment. His vehicle is in the shop so...
We stopped off for lunch at a Thai restaurant there and it was the best Thai food I have eaten yet. We usually try Thai restaurants when we are out and about and he knows the better ones. My daughter has gone with us a couple of times and wishes she had went today (still asleep when he ask) because she loves the food. I brought her some back and she will eat it but wants to go next time. On the way back I took a different route through Norman OK and a shorter way back avoiding the major toll roads and getting us back about 5 minutes or so slower than the time it took to get there but, saving about $6.00 on tolls. Had I known what portion of Moore he was going to I would have taken that route there saving $12.00 on tolls. As we took the shorter but slower route he says "Man you white guys sure know how to get around".

Had me laughing on that one.
You have to save every penny you can in this economy of Joe Biden. Today I saw something that blew me away. A Marathon station had their signs out and unleaded (87) was being sold for two different prices. 1) cash-$2.96 a gallon and 2) credit $3.96 a gallon. A dollar more for credit. This was the highest price I have seen in years and fortunately none of the other stations approached that. Most were in the $2.25-$2.40 range.

Then we visited a local store that sells solid wood Adirondack lawn chairs. When Trump was President they ran about $225 a chair but now are $375. Same chair. They are made locally and the reason for the increase is the cost of lumber. It was the same for other products. They sell an iron fire pit and it had almost doubled in price. The merchant told me he wouldn't even pay those prices but with the cost of raw materials through the roof he had no choice but to price them like that. I am afraid it is going to get much worse when the inventories of the merchants starts running out. Their new inventory will be out of sight.
You have to save every penny you can in this economy of Joe Biden. Today I saw something that blew me away. A Marathon station had their signs out and unleaded (87) was being sold for two different prices. 1) cash-$2.96 a gallon and 2) credit $3.96 a gallon. A dollar more for credit. This was the highest price I have seen in years and fortunately none of the other stations approached that. Most were in the $2.25-$2.40 range.

Then we visited a local store that sells solid wood Adirondack lawn chairs. When Trump was President they ran about $225 a chair but now are $375. Same chair. They are made locally and the reason for the increase is the cost of lumber. It was the same for other products. They sell an iron fire pit and it had almost doubled in price. The merchant told me he wouldn't even pay those prices but with the cost of raw materials through the roof he had no choice but to price them like that. I am afraid it is going to get much worse when the inventories of the merchants starts running out. Their new inventory will be out of sight.
That's the reason why we're holding off on our kitchen remodel. At least that's the excuse I'm using on my wife.
Ok this is my last one for this week and I have no idea where my MOM came up with the name for this one!!!! Another all in one meal


6 - Potatoes cubed up
1 1/2 lbs. ground chuck or beef- brown and drain
1 - Small onion- cook in beef
1 - Can chili beans
1 - Can tomato soup
1 - Beef cube
1/2 cup water
1/2 cup instant rice

Layer the bottom of a baking dish with the potatoes- spray dish with Pam first
Chop up the onion and layer on potato's- if you don't cook in the beef
Pour chili beans next over potatoes
Dissolve the beef cube in the 1/2 cup of water- save this for a minute
Put hamburger over beans
Dilute the tomato soup with the beef broth
Put the 1/2 cup of rice over the beef
Pour the diluted tomato soup over all of it
Bake at 425 degrees for 45 minutes - I always start checking on it after about 30 minutes

Enjoy- Cord!!
That's the reason why we're holding off on our kitchen remodel. At least that's the excuse I'm using on my wife.
I have one bathroom that needs a total remodel, another bathroom that needs an update in the flooring and a third bathroom that needs new shower doors and commode. I waited one year too long to have it done.

I decided to save money and pay cash and now I have enough cash to have done it all a year ago but now I need to add 20 or 25%. So I put it on a very long hold unless something happens. Do people understand what is going on?
Well if you were in shouting distance you could join me. It is Father's Day Sunday so my wife will be "air frying" up a mess of chicken gizzards, maybe throw in a few turkey gizzards too.

We have never air fried gizzards so I am anxious to see how they turn out. You can't mess up a gizzard.
I do not doubt that for a second Sir.

But, get the brother on here to send you some Groundhog gizzards and call it a day. 🤣 (Heck, they be fresh too...)
Built my Darling a small grape arbor a couple years ago.

We have squatters, I can't kick them out due to the renter's China Virus embargo.

Seems to be a mother and her two eggs. (Can't be sure it is a mother, it may be a father or an "It" of some sort.)( I must caveat my statement so I do not open myself up for a lawsuit of some sort. I know PETA is itching to sue.)

Also, I'm not prejudiced, the bird just happens to look white. It is a black bird, or red bird, or a blue bird, with the identity gender confusion I have to be careful to not miss-identify...

Good Friday morning

Local Weather Report: We have 72° with partly cloudy skies with a 17% chance of rain this afternoon. Our high will be 85°. We have a Tropical Depression forming in the Gulf that has a chance of hitting my brother's place in North Florida. I wish we could change directions and send it my way. 20 or 25 inches would be welcome. But our time will come.

Finished Jeremiah Chapter 14. We have not quite reached draught conditions as the Jews did but we could use some rain. It will come

Now you need a coffee pot like this to go with it:

That's the reason why we're holding off on our kitchen remodel. At least that's the excuse I'm using on my wife.
That's my way of thinking. The Mrs is a total opposite....she says buy/do it now because (especially with Biden) it's not going to get cheaper.
I have one bathroom that needs a total remodel, another bathroom that needs an update in the flooring and a third bathroom that needs new shower doors and commode. I waited one year too long to have it done.

I decided to save money and pay cash and now I have enough cash to have done it all a year ago but now I need to add 20 or 25%. So I put it on a very long hold unless something happens. Do people understand what is going on?
Back in the Fall of '19 we were looking at campers. We liked a few but couldn't agree on which one. She wanted a slide, not so much....something else that could go wrong/leak/etc. Plus I was trying to figure out if I wanted to just go ahead and pay cash for it (we're debt free and will stay that way), or finance it (if some don't know, you can finance a camper for, I think 12 years, so payments are nothing). So I decided to hold off, think about it during the Winter, and get back to it in the Spring. Then Covid hit. Price of campers have gone up from 25-30% to close to double.
So I decided to pass and just stay with what I've got. But, again, the Mrs is right....once the price goes up they're not coming down.
I was throwing away an old pallet I had in my garage and brought it out in my driveway and a dud stopped and offered me $50.00 for it.....I put it on ebay!!!
Years ago I collected a bunch of pallets for woodworking. lumber. Mostly oak.
Have you ever tried to get those suckers apart? I guess it's the kind of nails they use but I would think it would be easier wrestling with a bear. Got a few apart....and gave up.
@AustinTXCat ... not quite in Austin, but coming your way. Haven't ate there for years (none up this way) but when I lived in Georgia I loved their chicken.

Looks like some good 'ol boys just off the ranch are operating them 😊

'Its latest deals feature experienced quick-service operators. Sajib Singha and Asish Baidya of SAT Restaurant Group have partnered on a number of quick-service deals while Khalid Siddiqui of LASH has been a franchisee of Yum Brands and Dairy Queen.'
I met my brother for lunch down in Brooksville and we had the Shrimp and Grits. I have had shrimp & grits all over the South and everyone seems to have their own recipe. This one is a little different. They use tomato gravy and bacon and make a grit cake.

This is not your typical touristy place to eat. It is down home food that goes back generations. It is off the beaten path.

World Famous 10,000 Island Shrimp & Grits​

Our version, crispy grit cakes with fresh shrimp, sauteed with Granny’s Tomato Gravy & bacon.

Dang that looks good.
I have one bathroom that needs a total remodel, another bathroom that needs an update in the flooring and a third bathroom that needs new shower doors and commode. I waited one year too long to have it done.

I decided to save money and pay cash and now I have enough cash to have done it all a year ago but now I need to add 20 or 25%. So I put it on a very long hold unless something happens. Do people understand what is going on?
Having made my living on the railroad in Sales and Marketing and having studied economics at Louisville, North Florida and Johns Hopkins I think I understand economics.

The answer is:

We have the dumbest bastard as President in our history.

He is a retard, pure and simple.
@AustinTXCat ... not quite in Austin, but coming your way. Haven't ate there for years (none up this way) but when I lived in Georgia I loved their chicken.

Looks like some good 'ol boys just off the ranch are operating them 😊

'Its latest deals feature experienced quick-service operators. Sajib Singha and Asish Baidya of SAT Restaurant Group have partnered on a number of quick-service deals while Khalid Siddiqui of LASH has been a franchisee of Yum Brands and Dairy Queen.'
Great news. Thanks. I love Bojangles. Always visit Knoxville location at least once when back home.