
Having made my living on the railroad in Sales and Marketing and having studied economics at Louisville, North Florida and Johns Hopkins I think I understand economics.

The answer is:

We have the dumbest bastard as President in our history.

He is a retard, pure and simple.
He needs to be in a nursing home, not the White House.
Good Saturday Morning

The weather report for today shows a current temperature of 74° with the Wind South East at 6 mph. Our chance of rain this afternoon will be 17% with a humidity of 86%. We will have plenty of sunshine as we get up to 86°. It looks as if Claudette has missed us and wasn't strong enough to send storms out our way. Maybe next time.

Not much going on today. My brother is in the area visiting my niece and he will drop by on his way back home to pick up a nice Webber grill I am giving to my nephew. The Ole Boy has been a good one over the years but I am down sizing on a daily basis and he can put it to good use. I have cooked every thing imaginable on that grill and always cranked her up during a football game or basketball game. I am glad it is staying in the family.

Y'all have a great day.

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Listening to the radio and Fish and Wildlife will be releasing 20,000 small spotted Seatrout into the Gulf this weekend. They will be about 7-10 inches but get a lot bigger. They are a very good eating fish. One of my favorites.

I always like stories like this because it means the waters are healthy and productive. A few years ago they seeded huge oyster beds and they should be producing in a couple of years. It take about 5 years to get them good and settled and ready to harvest.

A good wet Saturday morning to all from the Buckeye State. Storms everywhere yesterday afternoon/night. Blessed by the Lord that my little 'neck of the woods' was spared any damaging hail, winds, etc. Couple tornadoes around and I saw where one town had hail 2.5 inches in diameter. That will do some damage.

Had a great Father's Day weekend surprise last night that the Mrs has known about for a few weeks. My oldest son popped in from Nashville. On vacation this next week so he's up for a week. So, imagine we'll be busy just running here and there....other than today....lots of rain everywhere including the entire state of Indiana.

Y'all have a good Saturday.
Morning folks. It is a sunny morning here with a temp of 71.8°F and supposed to get to 91 this afternoon. It got really warm yesterday also, but I re-mowed the yard to get it back down to 3.5". We could use some of Ohio Colonels rain.

Arizona company today. I don't know exactly what time but probably this afternoon. Maybe 91° will feel cool for them based on what they are getting.
Happy Saturday D-League. I hope everyone is having a good morning. Took a long hike this morning, taking a break before doing a few chores around the house.

I read Oscar Tschiebwe is in Lexington, completing the team until Davion does or doesn't decide to return. Apparently he had some hair-raising story of getting out of the Congo involving a volcano and other impediments.

Been listening to a lot of early George Jones lately. Here's one for the D-League:
This is a Submarine Watching Tower that was constructed during WWII used to sight and observe Nazi submarines off of the coast. It is the last one still standing in Florida. I believe a total of 1,500 were constructed up and down the Eastern Seaboard but we only have this one still standing down here. It is located near Ormond Beach on the Atlantic side.

I wonder if the WOKE folks will want it torn down.

This is a Submarine Watching Tower that was constructed during WWII used to sight and observe Nazi submarines off of the coast. It is the last one still standing in Florida. I believe a total of 1,500 were constructed up and down the Eastern Seaboard but we only have this one still standing down here. It is located near Ormond Beach on the Atlantic side.

I wonder if the WOKE folks will want it torn down.

Very cool Sawnee. They have those at the stretch of Delaware Beach we vacation at every summer. The U-Boats apparently sank ships close enough off shore there that the locals could see the burning freighters. Must have made it all seem real.
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Good morning from ATX. Currently 75°F. Today's high predicted for around 96°F.

Wife just mentioned breakfast, so I may make a run here in a few. Plan on mowing grass before outside temps get too hot.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

The closest I will come to indulging in that will be eating the olive!!!!!
Good late morning all,
A busy day in the hood. Going to go eat early for fathers day with my eldest paying this time. Ate with my youngest paying last Saturday. I need to drink some coffee though.

Oh, God bless your endeavors today to where you reap the benefit of an everlasting life. God Bless you all.
This is a Submarine Watching Tower that was constructed during WWII used to sight and observe Nazi submarines off of the coast. It is the last one still standing in Florida. I believe a total of 1,500 were constructed up and down the Eastern Seaboard but we only have this one still standing down here. It is located near Ormond Beach on the Atlantic side.

I wonder if the WOKE folks will want it torn down.

We had a bunch of them in Kentucky, but the mountains got in the way of seeing the subs. o_O
Well if you were in shouting distance you could join me. It is Father's Day Sunday so my wife will be "air frying" up a mess of chicken gizzards, maybe throw in a few turkey gizzards too.

We have never air fried gizzards so I am anxious to see how they turn out. You can't mess up a gizzard.
The Director cooks them in a pressure cooker for a few minutes before she fries them..........they are as tender as a MIL's heart........
Went to Moore OK just southeast of OKC this morning with my friend who is Thai because he needed a ride to his medical appointment. His vehicle is in the shop so...
We stopped off for lunch at a Thai restaurant there and it was the best Thai food I have eaten yet. We usually try Thai restaurants when we are out and about and he knows the better ones. My daughter has gone with us a couple of times and wishes she had went today (still asleep when he ask) because she loves the food. I brought her some back and she will eat it but wants to go next time. On the way back I took a different route through Norman OK and a shorter way back avoiding the major toll roads and getting us back about 5 minutes or so slower than the time it took to get there but, saving about $6.00 on tolls. Had I known what portion of Moore he was going to I would have taken that route there saving $12.00 on tolls. As we took the shorter but slower route he says "Man you white guys sure know how to get around".

Had me laughing on that one.

An apparently rare bird - a white guy who doesn't hate on and beat up Asians. I didn't know we were attacking Asians until the MSM recently starting telling us we were doing this.
On the topic of Submarine warfare off the US coast, I have this map framed down in my "satellite office" in the basement (main office is upstairs). And yes, I know it is too small to see anything.

But on the map I could document 14 American and British ships sunk off Delaware in World War 1 - then about 20 in WW 2...It hadn't even occurred to me that there was sub warfare of that intensity off US coasts during the First World War.

This map is pretty cool, by the way. National Geographic documented every shipwreck in the Chesapeake and up the DelMarVa coast back to the Spanish days of the 1500s -- nearly 5,000 in all. That's a lot of human drama.
I know we have some who enjoy Bluegrass Music in the D League. I grew up on it and it never grew old to me. When I lived in Cumming, Georgia about every Friday night we would gather at an old music store on Highway 9 and listen to Frances Mooney and her guests and friends. Some of the all time best dropped by over the years. Tom T Hall, Dixie Hall to name a few. Frances Mooney has been playing music for over 50 years and is in the Country Music Hall of Fame. Back in the 70's she left Georgia and went to Kentucky and was a high profile singer and bass player with The Bluegrass Generation out of Louisville, She was a big part of the Kentucky bluegrass scene in the mid-70s during the early days of Ricky Skaggs and Vince Gill. Both actually contributed to a few of the early Bluegrass Generation album

She is still going strong and I am glad I met her and enjoy her fellowship and especially her music. Some of you may have crossed paths too.

Grass mowed. Hot out there.

Wife and I just watched "Stripes", much of which was filmed in KY. I first viewed the film a little under 40 years ago at the theater on Fort Campbell with buddies in my outfit. Brought back many memories. Great flick.

Hope y'all enjoying your day.
It was a great flick. Only people familiar with the area knew that you can't get to the airport by driving across the bridge to Indiana.
Happy Father's day to you all tomorrow. My Oldest girl took me and my Darling out to supper today but it was about 2pm. (That's a good thing.) My youngest took us out last week. They are keepers (Sometimes, but I love them.)


I cut this Prime Rib first just so you know how it should be cooked... That sauce got removed. Never use the sauce, if you have to use it, chuck the meat... jmuo

That is the Potomac River behind my daughters near DC in Alexandria, VA. We went to the Chart House........


Yeah just a slight, slight drizzle of freshness, that meat was nearly still moving five or so minutes ago...

Darn you brother SC...Sir............ We started talking about darned GIZZARDS while driving to the Asian Supermarket after our early supper. (My daughters drove themselves and left us be...)...My darling stated she liked chicken gizzards........sigh....

Got to the darned market and was just minding my own darned business. Just filled up a deliciously large bag full of Gala Apples (They were huge). I walked over to the steamed bread freezer case to see if there were any deals. (I enjoy steamed bread.)...No deals but I have some in my freezer at home so no biggie... I was minding my "own" darned business when I looked down AND.....................


My Darling told me, "Oh, I didn't know you liked gizzards and after all these years together I thought you hated them. I will make us some fresh ones so you can enjoy them better than those..."

I owe you SC Sir, I owe you..... 😥 😥 😥 😥 😭😭😭🤮🤮🤮😭😭😭
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That's my way of thinking. The Mrs is a total opposite....she says buy/do it now because (especially with Biden) it's not going to get cheaper.

But, again, the Mrs is right....once the price goes up they're not coming down.

With Biden, no. Maybe in 3 yrs though we'll have someone that isn't going to sell us out to foreign interests. Don't know who that might be, but there's that possibility
Years ago I collected a bunch of pallets for woodworking. lumber. Mostly oak.
Have you ever tried to get those suckers apart? I guess it's the kind of nails they use but I would think it would be easier wrestling with a bear. Got a few apart....and gave up.
The nails and the wood. Did the EXACT SAME THING to make some nice planters for someone from a bunch of pallets. Called em and told them to come get the damn things. Got half of 2 halfway apart. Destroyed the wood getting one completely apart. Would've been better off cutting them apart with a circular/recip saw but would still mar the wood in the cutting.
My wife bought some kind of frozen patties yesterday and I cooked them on the Blackstone but none of us cared for them. They had a weird tasting seasoning to them.
Havent had many I disliked, but when I do it's always the pre-seasoned stuff.

Knew a guy that worked at a grocery store tell me they used seasoning on meat they had resurrected and repackaged. So I never bought the pre-seasoned stuff again.

Several years later I saw a dateline or some other "entertainted" news "reveal" how stores were taking expired meat, washing it with a strong saline or chlorine solution (bleaching basically), and putting it back out for a few days to sell it.

I told him about it and he laughed. Said laighed and said they were amateurs because they didn't mark it up with seasoning on it.

I heard a commentary and the woman mentioned fatherless homes in America are approaching 50% and growing each year. The Nuclear Family is fading away.

I lost my dad in 1990 but there is never a day something doesn't remind me of him. It was probably the saddest day of my life until my mother died in 2007. So if you still have him try to make each second a good memory.