
Good morning D-League. It's currently 63° and clear. This afternoon will bring sunny skies and a high of 83°.

Everyone stay safe out there today.

I had bad luck with the only HP I had. This Dell has been a great unit. I brought it home with me when I retired and it is about 10 years old. I may buy another just like it. It is pretty high-end with a price of around $1400 for a new one , but I can get a refurbished, with a year warranty, for about $500. This is probably what I do.
During my working years I had a Dell laptop with a docking station and large screen monitor and keyboard. I loved them. They were company issue and we got news ones every couple of years.


After I retied I purchased an HP Envy Series large screen PC. I really like it but when I replace it I am going to get another Dell Laptop with a docking station, with a large screen and wireless keyboard. Below is the HP

Good morning D-League.

How about those Cincinnati Reds? I can't say I live and breathe with the Reds the way I did in the 60s and 70s. But I still check the box scores, go out to the park when they play the Nationals (usually. DIdn't make it this year) and carry a vague hope that some day I'll experience that joy I felt in the 1970s when they won two championships.

How about the 1990 World Championship, some of you baseball experts will say? I never saw one inning of that series, or knew who won until it was over. Too bad, since it was the biggest moment in Reds history in the past 45 years...A story for another day.

Meanwhile, having swept the Brewers, hope is alive for Reds. As that probably won't be true by July 4, I'm enjoying it now.
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During my working years I had a Dell laptop with a docking station and large screen monitor and keyboard. I loved them. They were company issue and we got news ones every couple of years.


After I retied I purchased an HP Envy Series large screen PC. I really like it but when I replace it I am going to get another Dell Laptop with a docking station, with a large screen and wireless keyboard. Below is the HP


Nice Sir,
I keep my workspace simple....

I had bad luck with the only HP I had. This Dell has been a great unit. I brought it home with me when I retired and it is about 10 years old. I may buy another just like it. It is pretty high-end with a price of around $1400 for a new one , but I can get a refurbished, with a year warranty, for about $500. This is probably what I do.
I love Dell. The one I got last year is a "small form factor" desktop and it is fast. It has one solid state hard drive and one regular hard drive. knock on wood; so far it has been trouble free and can gobble up high definition movies like they are nothing.

It was expensive, but I ordered it as a custom deal through their small business department and now I have a specific contact if I need it. But so far I have never had to call back.
Good Thursday morning

We have a pleasant 71° and sunny, the high is forecast to reach 83°. Possible thunderstorms which we welcome.

Are any of you interpreters of dreams? I had a strange one last night. I was out back and was attacked by a very large panther. I managed to get him under me and pinned to the ground but I knew it was a matter of seconds before he would be in command of this scuffle. So in my mind and dream and thought I have to hit him in the nose NOW. So I swung my right fist and busted him in the nose and then I hit him just as hard with my left fist.

But in real life I swung and hit a very hard wooden night stand by my bed and it made such a loud noise that I woke up my wife. Now I have two bruised hands. So what is the message in this dream? Any clues? Old men will dream dreams and young men will have visions or is it the other way around?

He looked like this and he wanted me for supper

In my dreams I go out hunting mountain lions! I am one bad dude. 🤣
Good Thursday morning

We have a pleasant 71° and sunny, the high is forecast to reach 83°. Possible thunderstorms which we welcome.

Are any of you interpreters of dreams? I had a strange one last night. I was out back and was attacked by a very large panther. I managed to get him under me and pinned to the ground but I knew it was a matter of seconds before he would be in command of this scuffle. So in my mind and dream and thought I have to hit him in the nose NOW. So I swung my right fist and busted him in the nose and then I hit him just as hard with my left fist.

But in real life I swung and hit a very hard wooden night stand by my bed and it made such a loud noise that I woke up my wife. Now I have two bruised hands. So what is the message in this dream? Any clues? Old men will dream dreams and young men will have visions or is it the other way around?

He looked like this and he wanted me for supper


My first inquiry would be, what'd you drink before you went to sleep?
Good Thursday morning

We have a pleasant 71° and sunny, the high is forecast to reach 83°. Possible thunderstorms which we welcome.

Are any of you interpreters of dreams? I had a strange one last night. I was out back and was attacked by a very large panther. I managed to get him under me and pinned to the ground but I knew it was a matter of seconds before he would be in command of this scuffle. So in my mind and dream and thought I have to hit him in the nose NOW. So I swung my right fist and busted him in the nose and then I hit him just as hard with my left fist.

But in real life I swung and hit a very hard wooden night stand by my bed and it made such a loud noise that I woke up my wife. Now I have two bruised hands. So what is the message in this dream? Any clues? Old men will dream dreams and young men will have visions or is it the other way around?

He looked like this and he wanted me for supper

Not a Panther, but I was stalked by a Cougar one time!!!!!
You are up there competing with my son.

That is a wonderful setup.

Thank you Sir. It is functional. BUT, my office is not mine alone. My Grandson is a co-tenant (May be the Senior Tenant) If you look to the lower right you will see some packing tape taping down an external 5TB hard drive. (That is my personal computer and it is a horse of a processing computer. (Just internally as advanced as you can have inside of a home BUT again. The tape is to ensure my Grandson doesn't decide to re-arrange. He has his moments. ;)

He was two in April and the booger can unlock the door from the outside. (He knows how to use a key (One of those small screwdrivers.) when I have meetings and he is here I have to prop a chair against the door so I can concentrate.

Note: I wouldn't change it for the WORLD!!!
A funny from a friend:

Three contractors bid to fix a broken fence at the White House. One is from Chicago, another is from Kentucky and the third is from New Orleans. All three go with a White House official to examine the fence.

The New Orleans contractor takes out a tape measure and does some measuring, then works some figures with a pencil.

"Well," he says, "I figure the job will run about $9,000. That's $4,000 for materials, $4,000 for my crew and $1,000 profit for me."

The Kentucky contractor also does some measuring and figuring, then says, "I can do this job for $7,000. That's $3,000 for materials, $3,000 for my crew and $1,000 profit for me."

The Chicago contractor doesn't measure or figure, but leans over to the White House official and whispers, "$27,000."

The official, incredulous, says, "You didn't even measure like the other guys. How did you come up with such a high figure?”

"The Chicago contractor whispers back, "$10,000 for me, $10,000 for you, and we hire the guy from Kentucky to fix the fence."

"Done!" replies the government official.

And that, my friends, is how Government Stimulus Plans work.
Good Thursday morning

We have a pleasant 71° and sunny, the high is forecast to reach 83°. Possible thunderstorms which we welcome.

Are any of you interpreters of dreams? I had a strange one last night. I was out back and was attacked by a very large panther. I managed to get him under me and pinned to the ground but I knew it was a matter of seconds before he would be in command of this scuffle. So in my mind and dream and thought I have to hit him in the nose NOW. So I swung my right fist and busted him in the nose and then I hit him just as hard with my left fist.

But in real life I swung and hit a very hard wooden night stand by my bed and it made such a loud noise that I woke up my wife. Now I have two bruised hands. So what is the message in this dream? Any clues? Old men will dream dreams and young men will have visions or is it the other way around?

He looked like this and he wanted me for supper


Interpretation: You've always secretly hated that nightstand but paid too much money for it to just get rid of it.

But this is merely a guess.
Interpretation: You've always secretly hated that nightstand but paid too much money for it to just get rid of it.

But this is merely a guess.
I like this. I have been trying my best to down size and my wife has a hard time giving things up.

Another part of the dream I forgot to mention (it is very hard for me to put all the pieces of a dream) was that my wife was with me when the panther attacked me. I asked her to help me and she walked away, I cried out help, help and she just walked away. Then I hit the panther in the nose.

I think you have the answer Brother "Daniel" Starchief5
Local News:

Gov DeSantis just announced Florida National Guard and law enforcement will be sent to Arizona and Texas. They will be helping these two states secure the Southern border. Texas and Arizona have helped Florida in our time of need and now we return the favor.

That Border Will Be Secure. Help is on the way Texas and Arizona.
I like this. I have been trying my best to down size and my wife has a hard time giving things up.

Another part of the dream I forgot to mention (it is very hard for me to put all the pieces of a dream) was that my wife was with me when the panther attacked me. I asked her to help me and she walked away, I cried out help, help and she just walked away. Then I hit the panther in the nose.

I think you have the answer Brother "Daniel" Starchief5

I still think mixed "chemicals' but I will give that theorem pause... 😁
89°➢117° HOT!
Any suggestions?
Check Newegg and CDW for suppliers, Personally, I like AMD better than Intel.​

I noticed some other Dell computers running a lot hotter than comparable HP laptops the past couple years.(Hot used to be bad for computers.
That's still true. Exactly why I'll likely be leaving swampy Windoze (starts everything at boot) behind for a Linux distribution (App programs off until you turn them on) as OS for my future home systems.​
89°➢117° HOT!

Check Newegg and CDW for suppliers, Personally, I like AMD better than Intel.​

That's still true. Exactly why I'll likely be leaving swampy Windoze (starts everything at boot) behind for a Linux distribution (App programs off until you turn them on) as OS for my future home systems.​

When I was with the Army I bought tens of thousands of dollars worth of equipment from Newegg. It has been a while just because I have not been in the market for those sort of items.

I bought from them personally too.
Ok decided to put a dessert on to go with the meals, put it on not long ago but going to mark it this time, my favorite other than Mrs. M's orange Juice cake. Going to try and get her to put the Orange juice cake recipe on before long, she has a secret that she has fixing it!!! Literally melts in your mouth good!!!!

Blueberry Dessert

1/3 or 1/2 cups granulated sugar
1- 8oz cream cheese softened
1-8oz cool whip thawed
2-3 bananas
2- 9" graham cracker crusts
1- Can Blueberry pie filling

Mix cream cheese, sugar and cool whip and spoon it in the crusts, put it in the fridge to cool for a bit
After it has cooled some, cut the bananas and place them in a circle covering the mixture
Put the pie filling on the bananas
Place the pies back in the fridge and let the set up, maybe an hour if you can wait that long!

Enjoy- Cord!
I love Dell. The one I got last year is a "small form factor" desktop and it is fast. It has one solid state hard drive and one regular hard drive. knock on wood; so far it has been trouble free and can gobble up high definition movies like they are nothing.

It was expensive, but I ordered it as a custom deal through their small business department and now I have a specific contact if I need it. But so far I have never had to call back.
Same here. Company based in Austin. Back during 90s and early 2000s, wife and I made lots of $ selling surplus Dell parts.

Currently own two newer model Dell laptops. My Dell work laptop is a screamer.
89°➢117° HOT!

Check Newegg and CDW for suppliers, Personally, I like AMD better than Intel.​

That's still true. Exactly why I'll likely be leaving swampy Windoze (starts everything at boot) behind for a Linux distribution (App programs off until you turn them on) as OS for my future home systems.​

You so, so, so ......TECHNICAL...
Any of the D, use frozen hamburger patties? I like fresh ground round or chuck, but yesterday we decided we wanted a burger, didn't have any fresh, so I grilled some from Kroger, Private select Chuck and Brisket, best frozen hamburger I have ever had!!!
We try avoiding frozen hamburger patties whenever possible. Usually grab ground chuck over ground beef.
We try avoiding frozen hamburger patties whenever possible. Usually grab ground chuck over ground beef.

We do that too but, there is good in ground round. The 80% variety and above. It is a lot more tasty. Been craving a good barbecued hamburger using the 92% variety with the garnishes. I am thinking today the wife and I eat out though. My Darling needs a break from cooking. I am off tomorrow and if this "new" holiday takes effect, I will be off Monday too. Been trying to give my Darling some time off when I am off.
89°➢117° HOT!

Check Newegg and CDW for suppliers, Personally, I like AMD better than Intel.​

That's still true. Exactly why I'll likely be leaving swampy Windoze (starts everything at boot) behind for a Linux distribution (App programs off until you turn them on) as OS for my future home systems.​
Not me. Intel all the way. Got badly burned by AMD hardware incompatibilities and off-the-wall errata back during late-90s. Never again.
When I was with the Army I bought tens of thousands of dollars worth of equipment from Newegg. It has been a while just because I have not been in the market for those sort of items.

I bought from them personally too.
When I worked at Conexant and, later, NXP, I probably ordered $25K in hardware from Newegg for our design center. Great company. Visited with Newegg reps at CES back in 2002. Solid reputation.
I like this. I have been trying my best to down size and my wife has a hard time giving things up.

Another part of the dream I forgot to mention (it is very hard for me to put all the pieces of a dream) was that my wife was with me when the panther attacked me. I asked her to help me and she walked away, I cried out help, help and she just walked away. Then I hit the panther in the nose.

I think you have the answer Brother "Daniel" Starchief5

Theretofore and wit-forth call him Joseph.... ;)
Update; My Darling is making potato salad and BBQ'd sloppy Chicken Joe's or something like that. In any event she is using the leftover Costco chicken we had yesterday. My darling never ceases to amaze me. She uses eggs, onions, and several other vegetables and fruits in the potato salad. I will try to remember to take a picture. Just a talented creator of food. I am THANKFUL...
89°➢117° HOT!

Check Newegg and CDW for suppliers, Personally, I like AMD better than Intel.​

That's still true. Exactly why I'll likely be leaving swampy Windoze (starts everything at boot) behind for a Linux distribution (App programs off until you turn them on) as OS for my future home systems.​
My son, a computer engineer for Norton Hospital group in Louisville, swears by Linux.

Of course he is retired Army and you know those guys.