
Good morning D-League. It's currently 66°, with 92% humidity. This afternoon will bring a chance of thunderstorms and a high of 86°.

Today is my 21st wedding anniversary. Doesn't seem like it's been that long.

Everyone stay safe out there today.

Good morning from ATX. Currently 74°F and raining. Just a brief shower. Humid. Clouds clearing later with possible additional pop-up showers. Today's high may reach 90°F. We hit 90°F yesterday.

News discussing passports. Mine expired. Must renew.

Happy Hump Day!

Lunar eclipse starts soon. If only these clouds clear out.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

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I have to change that to just Friday. Very stiff and sore this morning. Played 2 games (softball league) last night and did more running than I have for a while. We won the first game by 8, and lost the second one by 1. Had the chance to win because we had the last at bats but, all 3 popped out. Took a bad hop to the chest in that game but, still got the runner out as the ball dropped into my glove. Runner just quit running because it was hard hit and got to me in a less than a second (pitcher). He knew I could just lob it to the first baseman and still beat him out. Have a big red spot below my chest bone but, it does not hurt. It is just the rest of me that is sore because I took some extra bases yesterday on a few throwing errors from the other team. My team was laughing at me getting the extra bases because they said the old man was turning on the afterburners (sarcasm).
Good morning from ATX. Currently 74°F and raining. Just a brief shower. Humid. Clouds clearing later with possible additional pop-up showers. Today's high may reach 90°F. We hit 90°F yesterday.

News discussing passports. Mine expired. Must renew.

Happy Hump Day!

Lunar eclipse starts soon. If only these clouds clear out.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

You can do it by mail. Also, you can request that they send the old one back (they will put two holes in it) and you can use it later as an extra ID in case some place required 2 or more.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 74°F and raining. Just a brief shower. Humid. Clouds clearing later with possible additional pop-up showers. Today's high may reach 90°F. We hit 90°F yesterday.

News discussing passports. Mine expired. Must renew.

Happy Hump Day!

Lunar eclipse starts soon. If only these clouds clear out.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Woke up at 4 so I could watch the eclipse, looked at the window and could see it clearly, went and made the coffee, got a cup, went out on the deck, no where to be seen!!!!! Cloudy!!!!
Good morning D, cloudy and cool this morning!!!!

Read Isaiah 49 this morning.

May go metal detecting today, my friend called me yesterday, said he was going to the farm today if I wanted to go. He told me where two old wells were and where the old house was, been in the family since 1860's. Directions are go out 431 somewhere , turn left on another road, then go 5.6 miles out to nowhere!!!

Hope the D has a great day! I always have the D in my Prayers!!!!
Good morning D League

And now for today's weather report:

Currently we have 64° with fog but the sun will take care of that soon. We have light winds of 5 mph coming from the SSE. Humidity is 74% and by midafternoon the high will reach 83°. NO RAIN and we need it

Thank you Austin for mentioning your passport. Guess what, mine has expired also. I forgot all about traveling with this COVID scare and hadn't looked at it until I read your comment. I guess it is time to get busy and renew it. And thank you Warrior-Cat for the information on mail renewal. I had no idea

Trust all have a great day. Blue and white evening on the Gulf.

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Good morning D-League. It's currently 66°, with 92% humidity. This afternoon will bring a chance of thunderstorms and a high of 86°.

Today is my 21st wedding anniversary. Doesn't seem like it's been that long.

Everyone stay safe out there today.

Sorry I missed it. Happy 21st anniversary.
Good morning D-League. It's currently 66°, with 92% humidity. This afternoon will bring a chance of thunderstorms and a high of 86°.

Today is my 21st wedding anniversary. Doesn't seem like it's been that long.

Everyone stay safe out there today.


A happy anniversary to you and your better half. (It must be that way but you already know it.)

Oh, and may God bless all of you to have more days of love and togetherness with your families. Time is what God gives you, use it wisely. God Bless you all...
Four Norwegian vegans, ages 26-28.

I thought I read that ABBA's tour bus got hijacked during the Mogadishu Tour...I guess it gets tough to find gigs after a few years out of the spotlight.

I hope all is well with the D-League. Busy times at work for me. And my wife is back on the 6am shift at the hospital so by late morning it feels like it has already been a long day. I hope it is a good one for everybody.
This cartridge is on sale for $20,000. Kind of makes you want to bring that old Technics out of storage.

Speaking of things for sale, got an email yesterday from Rush Limbaugh's site where they are/were selling some of his private things .... golf clubs. Why they sent it out I don't know because it looked like all the clubs were already sold. Club was mounted in a display case that you could hang on the wall (at least that's what it looked like). Looked like they went for 3-5K apiece. Thought they could have gotten more.
Waiting on the rain here in the Buckeye State. Is a nice, comfortable mid-70s now with a high of 80. Rain was supposed to be here around 8 a.m. but now looks like 11...if at all. Front's moving to the North. So it's been one of those mornings debating if it's worth getting outside and starting something. Think I'll just wait it out......because......

like warrior, I'm sore this morning. Did a lot out in the yard yesterday...about all day. Mowed front yard, trimmed an area in back that had grown up some, etc. Cleaned and rearranged the garage....moved an old buck stove from one side of the garage to the other to free up some room. The Mrs. asked how in the world I moved it (she was out running with a friend having fun while I worked) and I told her I just picked it up and carried it...but had to lift it over my head to get it over my table saw... 😉
So it's one of those achy days. The old bones/joints don't get any more limber with age...why is that?
Speaking of things for sale, got an email yesterday from Rush Limbaugh's site where they are/were selling some of his private things .... golf clubs. Why they sent it out I don't know because it looked like all the clubs were already sold. Club was mounted in a display case that you could hang on the wall (at least that's what it looked like). Looked like they went for 3-5K apiece. Thought they could have gotten more.
I recently sold a Rush Limbaugh "Vast Right Wing Conspiracy" mug for $99.00 on Ebay. I had it in a closet since 1998. I got it for free when I subscribed to the "Limbaugh Letter"

I never renewed mine after I quit work as I never plan on leaving the U.S. on my own.
Same here. If I do go overseas (have no urge to do so) it would be to Israel (not now though...duh) or France, Germany. I could care less about the tourist sights of Europe....but I've always wanted to follow the route of my Dad's unit in WWII. France, Luxembourg, Germany. Found a private tour that followed the 3rd Army route, but then Covid hit.
Same here. If I do go overseas (have no urge to do so) it would be to Israel (not now though...duh) or France, Germany. I could care less about the tourist sights of Europe....but I've always wanted to follow the route of my Dad's unit in WWII. France, Luxembourg, Germany. Found a private tour that followed the 3rd Army route, but then Covid hit.
Lord willing I want to make one more extensive trip overseas and that would be to my ancestral home of Northern Ireland and Scotland. I have a friend over there and he has provided me with a wealth of information on my heritage dating back to 900 AD. That is when my family name began.

This is the spot I want to stand on.

A sure sign summer is on the way. I like mine cold with a salt shaker nearby

The Mrs bought our first one of the year the other day. A little early...wasn't great, but wasn't bad. Think it was 3.99...was (I think) 6.99 a week or so ago. Loved it when I first moved to Atlanta and there would be trucks on the side of the road selling them for a dollar. Imagine they still do down your way.....but not for a buck anymore.

Watermelon question. Whatever happened to the large/seeded ones. Almost all now are the small/seedless ones. Easier to grow? More melons per acre? I like the large ones better but up here you don't see them much anymore.