
looks like I am not going to get to go, still raining here in the Berg!!

A fool is born every minute...

Just checked the weather, it said rain well stay in the Berg and no rain for Smith's Grove, Bert's fault!!!!! It is pouring here!!!!! Raining cats and dogs, just stepped in a Poodle!!!!

Wth, Bert! Cut it OUT!
Hours later I have received a whopping .004" of rain. I must start paying the preacher more.
No actually that's the set price from Acoustic Sounds. Not an auction. Outrageous? You bet but some people will buy one just because they can. It's the epitome of the point of diminishing return.
With my poor hearing the sound coming from a computer playing an MPeg3 through a solid state amp is the same as a fine quality tube amp and good vinyl.
With my poor hearing the sound coming from a computer playing an MPeg3 through a solid state amp is the same as a fine quality tube amp and good vinyl.
Sadly I've lost some hearing as well Bert. It's like a cruel joke because audio has been a passion of mine since I was 12 and heard my first really good stereo. I had the "golden ear" but it's faded now. Good quality headphones help. I have 6. The only stereo equipment I buy now is for replacement only. Upgrades would be pointless.
Oh yes, plenty of watermelon trucks around. My county and surrounding counties are agriculture based with plenty of watermelon patches. We still have the very large with seeds watermelons down here. The most common ones are the rattlesnake watermelons. I wonder if due to the reduction of the family size and cost to ship they just don't send that many out of the South. Who knows.



I remember the very first time I brought my wife down to Florida from Kentucky. I told her the minute we hit the Florida line she would see watermelons 10 for $1.00 or ten cents apiece. She told me I was crazy but guess There they were. They were the size of what I use to call an icebox watermelon but 10 for $1.00. nonetheless. Of course this big 250 lb boy might cost you a couple of dollars or three

Looks like a hog painted to look like a watermelon
Good morning D League

And now for today's weather report:

Currently we have 64° with fog but the sun will take care of that soon. We have light winds of 5 mph coming from the SSE. Humidity is 74% and by midafternoon the high will reach 83°. NO RAIN and we need it

Thank you Austin for mentioning your passport. Guess what, mine has expired also. I forgot all about traveling with this COVID scare and hadn't looked at it until I read your comment. I guess it is time to get busy and renew it. And thank you Warrior-Cat for the information on mail renewal. I had no idea

Trust all have a great day. Blue and white evening on the Gulf.

Yeah, Just go on line fill out the renewal request and follow the instructions. You will need new pictures but don't need a birth certificate. The old passport will suffice. You can pay for it on line too.
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Waiting on the rain here in the Buckeye State. Is a nice, comfortable mid-70s now with a high of 80. Rain was supposed to be here around 8 a.m. but now looks like 11...if at all. Front's moving to the North. So it's been one of those mornings debating if it's worth getting outside and starting something. Think I'll just wait it out......because......

like warrior, I'm sore this morning. Did a lot out in the yard yesterday...about all day. Mowed front yard, trimmed an area in back that had grown up some, etc. Cleaned and rearranged the garage....moved an old buck stove from one side of the garage to the other to free up some room. The Mrs. asked how in the world I moved it (she was out running with a friend having fun while I worked) and I told her I just picked it up and carried it...but had to lift it over my head to get it over my table saw... 😉
So it's one of those achy days. The old bones/joints don't get any more limber with age...why is that?
Decided to go out fishing today anyway because Friday is another vet visit I forgot. So, fishing report was Warrior-Cat 1---Largemouth Bass 0. Caught only one and it was about 4lbs. Got stuck in the weeds and I thought that was all I had so, when I pulled it in with a ton of grass around it I did not know until I cleared the grass that it was hooked. No fight, just drag from all of the grass.
Yo Momma jokes...

Yo Momma is so ugly the whole world faked a virus just to have her wear a mask!

Yo momma is so ugly she walked into a haunted house and came out with a job application...
Yo momma so ugly when she was born the doctor slapped her face and said oops then, turn her upside down and slapped the other end.

Yo mamma so ugly when she was born the doctor looked at her face and her rear and said: "conjoined twins!"
You know how you hear people saying "where are all the flying cars" because we're X "years from the Jetsons" and such?

I'm sitting here wondering how no one has figured out how to regrow hair like the ones that grow in your ears and nose as you get older. ? They grow faster and more stealthily than hair on your head, and the ear hairs are a pitch to pluck out.
You know how you hear people saying "where are all the flying cars" because we're X "years from the Jetsons" and such?

I'm sitting here wondering how no one has figured out how to regrow hair like the ones that grow in your ears and nose as you get older. ? They grow faster and more stealthily than hair on your head, and the ear hairs are a pitch to pluck out.

Yeah I wonder that myself as I pluck and pluck all four entrance and exit-ways...
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Good morning from ATX. Currently 74°F and cloudy. Winds out of the south. Expect 89°F for today's high. We'll take it.

Must call around for some bullets and shells. Old lady worried about getting robbed. Plan on driving out to her brother's or sister's places so she can familiarize on a couple firearms. Looking for 12 and 20 ga. buckshot, and 9 mm. Probably go shooting first weekend in June. Also must replace our surveillance camera controller. It shorted out.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Absolutely beautiful out this morning...sunny, mid 50s...heading up to mid 70s. Some heavy rain woke me up last night, but you know how that goes....have no idea what time, how much, how long, just that it was raining.

So, while the grass is a little wet I think I'll put some weed & feed on it this morning.
The Mrs got a carpenter bee trap yesterday. She was so proud of herself until I told her I had seen some videos on YouTube on making them....and had planned on making a couple. But that's OK. Also told her about how Bert had posted a picture of the bag/fake wasp nest at his we'll try that too. We've got a few of those rascals around.

Y'all have a good Thursday.
Hmmm. Ours was considerably lighter and cheaper looking. Guess this one provided better sound
we have a turntable that was supposed to be blue tooth compatible......that is the only component we have.......I don't know squat about stereo equipment......I need to get a good mid range $ equipment to hook it to.....I need everything but the turn table......Oh, and I have albums......stacks of them........
Good Thursday Morning D League

Enjoying a strong cup of coffee and just finished reading Isaiah 50. KJV

The weather is the same as yesterday and the day before that. It is 64° and the high will be in the mid 80's with no rain. I have a feeling once the rain starts it is going to come down in abundance.

Not much going on. I have a very important doctor's visit to go over my recent scans this afternoon. There will be lots of activities around here this weekend and I might squeeze in a trip down to the Florida National Cemetery in Sumter County to watch the Memorial Services. I don't have any family buried there but I do have some old friends of the family.

I trust your day is as full as the moon over Cross Creek

You know how you hear people saying "where are all the flying cars" because we're X "years from the Jetsons" and such?

I'm sitting here wondering how no one has figured out how to regrow hair like the ones that grow in your ears and nose as you get older. ? They grow faster and more stealthily than hair on your head, and the ear hairs are a pitch to pluck out.
you mean those nose hairs that feel like you pull part of your brain out when you pluck it..........
Good morning D, beautiful this morning. Had a cup of coffee out on the deck this morning, extra good!!!

Going to try to mow sometime today, supposed to be storms tonight and tomorrow, yawl must have done the war dance instead of the rain dance by mistake!!! Then get this, high Saturday is supposed to be 61!!! Weather in Kentucky!!!!

Have a great day D and Prayers!!!!
Absolutely beautiful out this morning...sunny, mid 50s...heading up to mid 70s. Some heavy rain woke me up last night, but you know how that goes....have no idea what time, how much, how long, just that it was raining.

So, while the grass is a little wet I think I'll put some weed & feed on it this morning.
The Mrs got a carpenter bee trap yesterday. She was so proud of herself until I told her I had seen some videos on YouTube on making them....and had planned on making a couple. But that's OK. Also told her about how Bert had posted a picture of the bag/fake wasp nest at his we'll try that too. We've got a few of those rascals around.

Y'all have a good Thursday.
A good badminton racket also works!!!!
Listening to the radio and the Sheriff arrested a 21 year sex offender from California. His first offense there was in 2000. He got away with it for over 20 years in California and gets picked up by a little ole country sheriff down here. Sounds a lot like how they got Ted Bundy.

The man was a long way from home but if the locals can pin anything on him he ain't going back to be turned loose. We are not California
Well, so much for the weed & feed. In walking over to one of the sheds I heard on my headphones that it's supposed to rain tonight and tomorrow, so I'll put it off for another day. Grass is wet this morning...perfect time to spread it...but rain within a day or two just washes it off. So I'll have to find something else to do. Shouldn't be hard, I'll just look at my honey-do list she prepared for me .....
Good morning D-League. Beautiful day in the east after a wicked round of thunderstorms. If any of you Reds fans watched the game from Nats park, you saw those freaky black clouds.

Today is the day I'm officially sick of cicadas. Took a long walk today through some close set trees and the damn things were really agitated -- i guess its now or never on the mating front. They were flying into my hair and attaching to my clothes.

Bugs have always freaked me out. I can take snakes, lizards, rodents, even scorpions, which I've encountered quite a bit in my travels. But I'm most creeped out by bugs. I can't say why.

I hope you all have a great, cicada-free day.
Good morning D-League. Beautiful day in the east after a wicked round of thunderstorms. If any of you Reds fans watched the game from Nats park, you saw those freaky black clouds.

Today is the day I'm officially sick of cicadas. Took a long walk today through some close set trees and the damn things were really agitated -- i guess its now or never on the mating front. They were flying into my hair and attaching to my clothes.

Bugs have always freaked me out. I can take snakes, lizards, rodents, even scorpions, which I've encountered quite a bit in my travels. But I'm most creeped out by bugs. I can't say why.

I hope you all have a great, cicada-free day.
I understand some restaurants are serving them as sandwiches and with a full course meal. I am not into that.

I understand some restaurants are serving them as sandwiches and with a full course meal. I am not into that.

I'd rather eat the rancid camel meat we had diced up with a little onion and tomato in a sauce spread over spaghetti like we dined on in Mogadishu during the days before the US military arrived than eat those bugs.