
That flood was in 1933. It is the 10th largest flood to hit Louisville. Actually, it's the 10th highest flood stage for the river. The flood wall protects it now. 1997 flooded a lot of the southwest area where the flood wail ends and was 4.5 feet higher than 1933.

That's enough about history...let's talk about the future. A higher flood than 1937 will come some day. It just will.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 71°F and cloudy with a slight drizzle. Expecting more precious, beautiful rain with a high of 79°F. In fact, we should receive rainfall over the next few days. Definitely need a wet spring so our coming summer might not be so brutal.

Not much else going on. Plan on knocking out a few chores here after breakfast.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Alright Austin, I draw the line at eating some Saints Jock.

My wife says it is good though. She is half French. Her grandmother who brought her dad over here from France when he was a boy used to make it for them.
Growing up my grandparents had chickens in the yard and every Saturday grandma would put on big pot to boil and go out in the yard and wring a chicken's neck. I was about 5 years old and I asked her on day if I could wring the neck. I grabbed the chicken and twisted it around a couple of times and the dang chicken just walked away confused. Grandma picked it up and with one snap, it was ready for the pot
I remember as a little kid visiting relatives (especially one Aunt/Uncle) in S. Ky. who lived on farms. Since we were company it was always a big fried chicken dinner...with fresh chicken. All us kids (probably 7-8 total) running around the barnyard trying to catch chickens so my Aunt could do the deadly deed. Was fun, but me and my siblings, being Ohio city kids, weren't too good at it.
Lady Bird Johnson was the first lady and she did the menu preparation for the Army back then. Being from Texas she made sure we had plenty of steaks and beef.
Don't tell me that her menus were better than what Michelle put together for the schools? Can't be.
I was born and raised primarily in Louisville but, my last three years in high school was at West Hardin High outside of E-town in Stephens county. We were on a 52 acre farm and we learned to kill and clean and cook our own chickens since both parents worked (That is if my step father did not pick us up after school to work) We would just chop their heads off and let them flop until dead then, douse them in some hot water to make it easier to pluck the feathers.
That flood was in 1933. It is the 10th largest flood to hit Louisville. Actually, it's the 10th highest flood stage for the river. The flood wall protects it now. 1997 flooded a lot of the southwest area where the flood wail ends and was 4.5 feet higher than 1933.

That's enough about history...let's talk about the future. A higher flood than 1937 will come some day. It just will.
In Cincy, 2nd highest to 1937 flood is 19' above flood stage. They've been measuring for about 150 years, so the range of 0-19' flood heights can pretty well estimate the standard deviation of flood heights by dividing that by 6 or a 3' std. dev.

+/- 3 std. dev. is 99.7% of events, or 0.3% outside that with 0.15% on each side. At Cincy, 1937 is another 3 standard deviations higher, +28' - on one side of the curve. Net, higher than 1937 could be millions of years out.
Is that Louisville during the 37' flood?

That flood was in 1933. It is the 10th largest flood to hit Louisville. Actually, it's the 10th highest flood stage for the river. The flood wall protects it now. 1997 flooded a lot of the southwest area where the flood wail ends and was 4.5 feet higher than 1933.

That's enough about history...let's talk about the future. A higher flood than 1937 will come some day. It just will.
Being a river rat memories of the enduring nature of that life is in my soul. Many spectacular. Some very dark.
I am the same way. I love dark meat and it works out good because my wife likes white meat, the breast and pulley bone. We always get the biggest bucket they sell and put what we don't eat in the refrigerator for snacks the next couple of days.

About four or five times a year I will cook about a dozen turkey legs and snack on them during a football game on TV. Why not?

Speaking of chicken. How many women or men do you know who can cut a chicken up to fry? The women in my family can but I am not sure about the rest of America. Another lost art. Growing up my grandparents had chickens in the yard and every Saturday grandma would put on big pot to boil and go out in the yard and wring a chicken's neck. I was about 5 years old and I asked her on day if I could wring the neck. I grabbed the chicken and twisted it around a couple of times and the dang chicken just walked away confused. Grandma picked it up and with one snap, it was ready for the pot. But that is how you learn. You have to fail a few times to do it right.

At least gizzards don't come in the buckets.

Oh, may God bless you all on this Lord's day. Give thanks in all circumstances...God Bless you all... Again...

Edit: In case you all didn't notice: gizzards have scarred me for life. May have to get used to them ..
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I am the same way. I love dark meat and it works out good because my wife likes white meat, the breast and pulley bone. We always get the biggest bucket they sell and put what we don't eat in the refrigerator for snacks the next couple of days.

About four or five times a year I will cook about a dozen turkey legs and snack on them during a football game on TV. Why not?

Speaking of chicken. How many women or men do you know who can cut a chicken up to fry? The women in my family can but I am not sure about the rest of America. Another lost art. Growing up my grandparents had chickens in the yard and every Saturday grandma would put on big pot to boil and go out in the yard and wring a chicken's neck. I was about 5 years old and I asked her on day if I could wring the neck. I grabbed the chicken and twisted it around a couple of times and the dang chicken just walked away confused. Grandma picked it up and with one snap, it was ready for the pot. But that is how you learn. You have to fail a few times to do it right.
I was raised on the farm and the fried chicken we ate was about 15 minutes away from walking around. I never cut a chicken up, but I know how because I watched dad.

My dad shot them in the head with a .22 short. He did not like to see them flop around. He would throw some corn on the ground and wait until he could not see the grain he was aiming at. The chicken simply fell over. Dad would throw her into a pot of boiling water, wait a minute and pull off the feathers, cut it up and take it to mom.
Alright Austin, I draw the line at eating some Saints Jock.

My wife says it is good though. She is half French. Her grandmother who brought her dad over here from France when he was a boy used to make it for them.

I will go with your interpretation. (I got cockles out of it and then just stopped.) I was concerned to be letting my mind loose on that one... Whew...
I was born and raised primarily in Louisville but, my last three years in high school was at West Hardin High outside of E-town in Stephens county. We were on a 52 acre farm and we learned to kill and clean and cook our own chickens since both parents worked (That is if my step father did not pick us up after school to work) We would just chop their heads off and let them flop until dead then, douse them in some hot water to make it easier to pluck the feathers.
Part of my kid years included lots time spent on a farm where KY222 & WK PKWY intersects.....I guess I have walked most of the property in that area rabbit hunting........
Had MIL and BIL at house yesterday and my wife fried up the fish caught last weekend because they are vegans. I offered them for desert a piece of that apple pie Austin had me buy (suggested, subliminal national whatever day) and both declined because neither one like apple pie and her brother does not like pies at all. I almost said that he should try shepherds pie to see if he liked that one (Heh, heh, heh). But, I decided to be good for once. Which brings me to this morning's breakfast. Apple Pie! Almost added chocolate chips to it to complete my national whatever day.

Sacrilege...ALL Americans MUST like Apple pie.... Just like all must renounce their heritage or they must like non-gender bathrooms or.... Sigh ..
Schmidt, you are getting exercise sleeping from what I've read.
There have been many dreams in the past and it is why my wife insisted to go with me when the VA referred me to a psychologist in OKC. She wanted to make sure I did not forget to tell him my problems. I have a tendency to just say all is good just to get out of doctors offices. Have only seen a psychologist/psychiatrist once before in my life. Army made it mandatory back then that if you requested DI duty (I was DA selected) or you ask for a third year (I did) then you needed to be evaluated.
At least gizzards don't come in the buckets.

Oh, may God bless you all on this Lord's day. Give thanks in all circumstances...God Bless you all... Again...

Edit: In case you all didn't notice: gizzards have scarred me for life. May have to get used to them ..
All gizzards are not equal, Archosaurians and their descendants (reptiles & birds) gizzards are high in proteins, iron, vitamins and low in fat, good stuff. I 'd be suspicious of worm gizzards, or grasshopper gizzards. Worms taste like soil, The large gizzards of the gizzard shad are fabulous catfish bait but when I ate bait and I didn't general eat it's gizzards. Warning. Yankees are known to pickle their gizzards.
A Gizzard Taco.
All gizzards are not equal, Archosaurians and their descendants (reptiles & birds) gizzards are high in proteins, iron, vitamins and low in fat, good stuff. I 'd be suspicious of worm gizzards, or grasshopper gizzards. Worms taste like soil, The large gizzards of the gizzard shad are fabulous catfish bait but when I ate bait and I didn't general eat it's gizzards. Warning. Yankees are known to pickle their gizzards.
A Gizzard Taco.

That flood was in 1933. It is the 10th largest flood to hit Louisville. Actually, it's the 10th highest flood stage for the river. The flood wall protects it now. 1997 flooded a lot of the southwest area where the flood wail ends and was 4.5 feet higher than 1933.

That's enough about history...let's talk about the future. A higher flood than 1937 will come some day. It just will.
How High's The Water Mama
In Cincy, 2nd highest to 1937 flood is 19' above flood stage. They've been measuring for about 150 years, so the range of 0-19' flood heights can pretty well estimate the standard deviation of flood heights by dividing that by 6 or a 3' std. dev.

+/- 3 std. dev. is 99.7% of events, or 0.3% outside that with 0.15% on each side. At Cincy, 1937 is another 3 standard deviations higher, +28' - on one side of the curve. Net, higher than 1937 could be millions of years out.
I was going to write "not in our lifetime" when I said future but I decided future was long enough.

At West Point off Dixie Highway there is a park down by the river that has a pole with placards showing the water level at that point for all the floods that made it up to that park.

The placard for the 37 flood is at least 15 feet over your head. It's amazing to stand there and look up the river at Louisville and imagine how much water there must have been.
Well, we made it back from NC. Funeral trips are always a bummer. Gas was in short supply in NC. About 3 out of every 4 stations had no gas, and the ones that did were lined up, down the street. I filled up in Wytheville, VA and then drove to Cary, NC and then filled up again, back in Wytheville on the return trip. The good thing was that I got a little over 40 mpg on our Malibu. I have a 14.5 gallon tank and it said I had a range of 614 miles. That means that I should be able to go to Orlando next month, and back, on 3 tanks. That seemed pretty accurate. The bad part is that gas keeps going up, thanks to Crazy Joe. It was over $3 in NC, for regular unleaded.
I whipped up some steak seasoning earlier and dosed up a couple of ribeyes. I wanted one for breakfast. Then I wanted one for lunch. I'm having one for dinner. I'm going to light a fire for these. Been doing them in cast iron skillets for the last couple of years.

I cook my wife's steak in the toaster oven until it gets to about 145° then put it on with my raw, room temperature steak. Cook them both the same from that point on.

Now I'm hongry!
Here's a new one from a one I used to like... Clint got some good ones going once upon a time..

I whipped up some steak seasoning earlier and dosed up a couple of ribeyes. I wanted one for breakfast. Then I wanted one for lunch. I'm having one for dinner. I'm going to light a fire for these. Been doing them in cast iron skillets for the last couple of years.

I cook my wife's steak in the toaster oven until it gets to about 145° then put it on with my raw, room temperature steak. Cook them both the same from that point on.

Now I'm hongry!

A little salt (Seasoned salt works well too.), a little garlic, a little black pepper. If you have a tougher variety of steak soak it in a mixture of stout alcohol for an hour or so. My darling uses soju (Cheaper and can buy it in 12 once bottle. That bottle goes a long way. Uses wine once in a while too.) You cannot taste the alcohol, it evaporates fully.

If you want a real good cut of steak a chuck eye cannot be beat for the price and quality combination. My Darling is going to barbecue a couple for us this evening...(Soon)