Some of my fondest memories are in Radcliff. When I was a DI at Knox i got married and move my wife into an apartment building in Radcliff. There were four nice sized one bedroom apartments in the building and all four units were inhabited with men in my Company. One of the soldiers was a "cooks helper" and he would bring things from the mess hall and we would cook out 3 or 4 times a week. Some beer joint in the next county over sold PBR to soldiers boys for $3.95 a case.Darn, My Darling and I along with probably my Grandson will be making a trip to Radcliff in probably the next ten days to two weeks. I'd sure buy at least all the drinks if I could crash the party!
The mess hall would throw out everything they did not cook and we had some choice meat available. Lady Bird Johnson was the first lady and she did the menu preparation for the Army back then. Being from Texas she made sure we had plenty of steaks and beef. I have to say we were very well fed in the Army back in those days.
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