
Nah, even a Bass has better sense than to be caught by an ever-loving gizzard eater... šŸ˜

Even WC knows that. Heck he may do a gizzard every once and a while. A man "ought not" go fishing while you have gizzard breath... jmusao
No! No gizzards for me.

Bass report: Warrior-cat 1---Largemouth Bass 0 only one strike/hook today and I landed him. Water was cold again as the weather turned colder after last weekend. Damn you global warming! Going back out tomorrow morning. Still have enough that my wife fileted and put in a brine of sorts for tomorrow's dinner. MIL and BIL coming over and both are vegans for dinner.
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Got the front yard done so it's time for a little lunch. The Mrs. did some running and brought back Chick-fil-A.
Loved them ever since the first one I ever had when I moved to Atlanta. Was blessed to know Truett Cathy (founder) a bit (some thru business but mostly thru church dealings).

One of the things she bought was bread. We have been buying a certain type bread for about 2-3 years. When we first bought it, it was about 1.69. It was 1.79 a couple months ago. Today, at Meijers....2.29. At Krogers it's up to 2.79.......
I just don't get the Chick-Filet-A love. I can take them or leave them. Not a fan.
Vaccination passport requirements are not required down here.

She is at the top of my list. Just a beautiful woman.
She proved that afer the fires in Gatlinburg a few years back.....she was very generous with her of the few celebrities that put their money behind their mouth.........I am still waiting for Goofy Goldberg to move to Canada.........

Morning Legionnaires!

Going out fishing again this morning for a few hours then back to cut the grass. Really could wait for a few days to cut it but, rain in the forecast for the next 10 or so days. It will also give me an excuse to be outside for at least a couple of hours while the MIL is here.

Fell asleep on the couch and had a dream last night that I was attacked, (did not know him) and I got this guy on the ground and was punching him in the head. Woke up and i had my UK back support couch pillow (one with arms) in my hands and was punching one of the arms. About a week ago I was on the couch asleep and was in another altercation where I threw a side kick and I woke up with my leg off of the couch in a side kick position. I have done that a few times while in bed with my wife but luckily, the bed is big enough where I have missed. I have had dreams where she has actually had to wake me up from me yelling at whoever was in my dreams.

Anyone else have these type of dreams?

Morning Legionnaires!

Going out fishing again this morning for a few hours then back to cut the grass. Really could wait for a few days to cut it but, rain in the forecast for the next 10 or so days. It will also give me an excuse to be outside for at least a couple of hours while the MIL is here.

Fell asleep on the couch and had a dream last night that I was attacked, (did not know him) and I got this guy on the ground and was punching him in the head. Woke up and i had my UK couch back support pillow (one with arms) in my hands and was punching one of the arms. About a week ago I was on the couch asleep and was in another altercation where I threw a side kick and I woke up with my leg off of the couch in a side kick position. I have done that a few times while in bed with my wife but luckily, the bed is big enough where I have missed. I have had dreams where she has actually had to wake me up from me yelling at whoever was in my dreams.

Anyone else have these type of dreams?
No but please tell us more......... šŸ˜‰
No! No gizzards for me.

Bass report: Warrior-cat 1---Largemouth Bass 0 only one strike/hook today and I landed him. Water was cold again as the weather turned colder after last weekend. Damn you global warming! Going back out tomorrow morning. Still have enough that my wife fileted and put in a brine of sorts for tomorrow's dinner. MIL and BIL coming over and both are vegans for dinner.
What kind of bait/lure are you using........I have had reasonable good fishing with a #7-#8 model A Bomber Firetiger pattern......early season........I am still waiting on my finger and boat day will come.......
Ah thank God it's Saturday morning. Finally the weekend. But...makes no difference when you're retired. Just was saying that for all you wipper snappers who still do the Monday thru Friday daily grind.

Cool, but not cold in the Buckeye State. Sunny and getting close to 70. The Mrs is doing some running so I think I've got dog sitting duties. So I can tie him up outside and trim the bushes (got a hedge row that I did half last week..need to finish. About 8 foot tall and about 6 wide, so not much fun...but look good when trimmed.)

Everybody have a good, safe, healthy 'not going to work' day.

Morning Legionnaires!

Going out fishing again this morning for a few hours then back to cut the grass. Really could wait for a few days to cut it but, rain in the forecast for the next 10 or so days. It will also give me an excuse to be outside for at least a couple of hours while the MIL is here.

Fell asleep on the couch and had a dream last night that I was attacked, (did not know him) and I got this guy on the ground and was punching him in the head. Woke up and i had my UK back support couch pillow (one with arms) in my hands and was punching one of the arms. About a week ago I was on the couch asleep and was in another altercation where I threw a side kick and I woke up with my leg off of the couch in a side kick position. I have done that a few times while in bed with my wife but luckily, the bed is big enough where I have missed. I have had dreams where she has actually had to wake me up from me yelling at whoever was in my dreams.

Anyone else have these type of dreams?
I dream very little but when I do they're weird to say the least. Kind of prophetic. It's like I'm asleep....but awake. Can't even explain it. Don't really dream or 'see' anything, but have 'feelings' about someone. First one was years ago about my oldest son. Knew something was wrong but had no idea what. Called him and he was OK and ended the conversation with a 'take careful'. Prayed for him every day 'cause I still had this overwhelming sense of doom/danger. About a week later he was in a car wreck. Trooper told his mother (the ex) that in that type of wreck he should/could have been killed.
Same type 'dream' with the Mrs' youngest daughter. She wasn't a bad teenager but very disrespectful to her Mom who was a 'single Mom' working her butt off for her two teen daughters to be able to give them all they could have. I actually wrote her a letter to respect her Mom, that her Mom loved her, etc, etc. Prayed multiple times a day for her due to that 'feeling' again. About a week later she was in an accident. Almost died. Spent about 6-8 weeks in the hospital.
These type dreams have happened a number of times over the years. Really, really strange. Think (maybe) it's God's way of me being an intercessor for somebody? Pray for their protection?
Since I don't talk about them until after something happens (don't know if they're true/accurate or not....why say something if nothing happens)....the Mrs asks me every once in awhile if I've had any 'dreams' lately.
Robert Wadlow, the tallest man who ever lived, visits the Sons of the Pioneers at the 1936 Texas Centennial in Dallas. That's Roy Rogers squatting at bottom right. Wadlow was 18 years old at this time and 8'5" tall. He grew six more inches, to 8'11", before dying at age 22.

Sad story. i remember reading a story in Kentucky Explorer magazine about when he made an appearance in hazard, ky, representing a shoe company. even at the time of his death there was no indication that he had stopped growing.
If you guys go back and read what he wrote, in english this time, then you will see he wasn't talking about Loretta Lynn being autotuned. He was talking about todays talentless hacks that are pretty to look at it and nothing else. Computers are used to "autotune" their voice and re-record it many times until it sounds tolerable at best.
I did not know that.
Morning folks. It was supposed to get down to 39Ā°F but it is 45Ā° instead with bright sun. That is good. Rain is on schedule for Sunday here.

Yard mowed yesterday. Weedwhacking not done as my hip hurt too much.

I dream when I can't sleep well. Normal stuff, but they are in color.

Preakness late afternoon.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 67Ā°F and cloudy. Expecting 86Ā°F for today's high. Rain chances increasing late tonight and early tomorrow morning.

Looks like I'll try more weeding later today. We've got a few between both fences I must pull by hand. If I wait too long after flowering bloom, resulting stickers are terrible. Working additional chores as well.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Good morning! I like chicfila just fine but I've rarely been there. I eat very little fast food and only when I'm very hungry. Can't think of much besides Arby's Rueben sandwich that I would go to as a plan. KFC would be another. Not for Rueben, for chicken.

I smell the coffee cooking. Saturday and Sunday mornings are still the best for me. She makes coffee and breakfast today and she makes coffee and I make breakfast tomorrow.

I just checked my phone for the weather and it says it's 53Ā° and there's a 1% chance of rain at 0900. Man, the NWS is very accurate these days. Accurate may be the wrong word. "Precise" might be better.

I've got about a 1/4th load of wood on my truck that I need to unload today. Got it at a friends house from a huge limb that had fallen and hit his house during a storm a couple of months ago. I fully intend on turning it into charcoal but a lot of work must be done to get it ready to cook. Ugh!

Have a good day and here's a tip for the Preakness...

Don't bet on slow horses!
The weather is starting to warm-up to the point that I can plant tomatoes. Four in containers and three in the ground along with hot peppers and herbs. Doing Arkansas Traveler, Jet Star, Cherokee Purple, Roma and Sun Gold. Looking for a good harvest. If I had enough confidence in my staking ability I'd plant Steakhouse tomatoes just for the hell of it. The biggest of the bigs.

Amazing but... Where's Festus? (I know this may be too early for KC but Ole Festus could flat out sing a song too.)(I know, he will always be Festus to me though he was in many John Wayne Movies too.) OT: John was good friends with James Arness and Ken was right in that mix.
I read that the Festus character was modeled after someone that Ken Curtis had known when Ken Curtis was growing up.
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I dream very little but when I do they're weird to say the least. Kind of prophetic. It's like I'm asleep....but awake. Can't even explain it. Don't really dream or 'see' anything, but have 'feelings' about someone. First one was years ago about my oldest son. Knew something was wrong but had no idea what. Called him and he was OK and ended the conversation with a 'take careful'. Prayed for him every day 'cause I still had this overwhelming sense of doom/danger. About a week later he was in a car wreck. Trooper told his mother (the ex) that in that type of wreck he should/could have been killed.
Same type 'dream' with the Mrs' youngest daughter. She wasn't a bad teenager but very disrespectful to her Mom who was a 'single Mom' working her butt off for her two teen daughters to be able to give them all they could have. I actually wrote her a letter to respect her Mom, that her Mom loved her, etc, etc. Prayed multiple times a day for her due to that 'feeling' again. About a week later she was in an accident. Almost died. Spent about 6-8 weeks in the hospital.
These type dreams have happened a number of times over the years. Really, really strange. Think (maybe) it's God's way of me being an intercessor for somebody? Pray for their protection?
Since I don't talk about them until after something happens (don't know if they're true/accurate or not....why say something if nothing happens)....the Mrs asks me every once in awhile if I've had any 'dreams' lately.
Another name for those types of dreams is nightmares.
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I read that the Festus character was modeled after someone that Ken Curtis had known when Ken Curtis was growing up.
He did a great job evolving that character over the first year or two that he was on the show (he was on the show as Festus a couple times before he became a regular). Some people I would imagine if they saw the 'real' Ken Curtis would have no idea that he was Festus. Sign of a good actor IMO.
Good morning! I like chicfila just fine but I've rarely been there. I eat very little fast food and only when I'm very hungry. Can't think of much besides Arby's Rueben sandwich that I would go to as a plan. KFC would be another. Not for Rueben, for chicken.

I smell the coffee cooking. Saturday and Sunday mornings are still the best for me. She makes coffee and breakfast today and she makes coffee and I make breakfast tomorrow.

I just checked my phone for the weather and it says it's 53Ā° and there's a 1% chance of rain at 0900. Man, the NWS is very accurate these days. Accurate may be the wrong word. "Precise" might be better.

I've got about a 1/4th load of wood on my truck that I need to unload today. Got it at a friends house from a huge limb that had fallen and hit his house during a storm a couple of months ago. I fully intend on turning it into charcoal but a lot of work must be done to get it ready to cook. Ugh!

Have a good day and here's a tip for the Preakness...

Don't bet on slow horses!
You need to bring that wood here and throw it in the pizza oven...........we'll cook up some great pizza......and the beer is always frosty.,...
Peter Graves is James Arness's younger brother......I met Peter Graves at a Dismiss House Derby dinner...........he tried to sneak out a side door...........I was on his autograph.......he talked to my foster father and me for maybe 10 minutes.......I remember he was very nice......
Possibilities but I'd have to listen to a larger sample-size. is this person on the radio now or main stream music now?
Rock-A-Billy music is a bit eclectic. I was surfing for one of my favorites Imelda May about 10 years ago and read "if you like Imelda you might like Paloma Faith". Not as much as my wife and daughter. So here's everything I know. From London, her mother English daddy Spanish. She ran with the Olympic torch in heels as she "doesn't do sneakers well" She's was a magician's assistant who's been cut in half, can sing with emotion and puts on quite a show. Being easy on my old eyes didn't hurt. She sings for a living. I saw "Dove Tattoos" doesn't affect her voice

She makes commercials.

If people put their minds to even the most serious of problems there are solutions.
The hardest part is determining what what you don't know.

Morning Legionnaires!

Going out fishing again this morning for a few hours then back to cut the grass. Really could wait for a few days to cut it but, rain in the forecast for the next 10 or so days. It will also give me an excuse to be outside for at least a couple of hours while the MIL is here.

Fell asleep on the couch and had a dream last night that I was attacked, (did not know him) and I got this guy on the ground and was punching him in the head. Woke up and i had my UK back support couch pillow (one with arms) in my hands and was punching one of the arms. About a week ago I was on the couch asleep and was in another altercation where I threw a side kick and I woke up with my leg off of the couch in a side kick position. I have done that a few times while in bed with my wife but luckily, the bed is big enough where I have missed. I have had dreams where she has actually had to wake me up from me yelling at whoever was in my dreams.

Anyone else have these type of dreams?
Perfect! The subconscious mind never sleeps unless drugged and the psyche a source of knowledge where there are no limitations of reality. Teach yourself to tune in. Its a port to the id.
I dream very little but when I do they're weird to say the least. Kind of prophetic. It's like I'm asleep....but awake. Can't even explain it. Don't really dream or 'see' anything, but have 'feelings' about someone. First one was years ago about my oldest son. Knew something was wrong but had no idea what. Called him and he was OK and ended the conversation with a 'take careful'. Prayed for him every day 'cause I still had this overwhelming sense of doom/danger. About a week later he was in a car wreck. Trooper told his mother (the ex) that in that type of wreck he should/could have been killed.
Same type 'dream' with the Mrs' youngest daughter. She wasn't a bad teenager but very disrespectful to her Mom who was a 'single Mom' working her butt off for her two teen daughters to be able to give them all they could have. I actually wrote her a letter to respect her Mom, that her Mom loved her, etc, etc. Prayed multiple times a day for her due to that 'feeling' again. About a week later she was in an accident. Almost died. Spent about 6-8 weeks in the hospital.
These type dreams have happened a number of times over the years. Really, really strange. Think (maybe) it's God's way of me being an intercessor for somebody? Pray for their protection?
Since I don't talk about them until after something happens (don't know if they're true/accurate or not....why say something if nothing happens)....the Mrs asks me every once in awhile if I've had any 'dreams' lately.
That's why many folks that tune in keep a pad next to their bed to jot down notes . . . really helps.
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You need to bring that wood here and throw it in the pizza oven...........we'll cook up some great pizza......and the beer is always frosty.,...
Don't you live in Louisville?

Had a good talk with Bert earlier. Got off the phone hungry as hell and went straight to the kitchen. Ate 3 moon pies and finished my coffee. I'll do better for lunch.

Gonna trim some bushes today. Do not like that job. I would say a fella deserves a cold brew or 4 after that.

I'll watch the Preakness and throw some dollars at it. Can't have worse luck than Derby Day.

I might be sweaty the next time I talk to you. But not too...
Taking a short beer break from all the activity. Got most of the bushes trimmed but still have to collect everything I've cut and haul it to the back.

A little more trimming and a lot of weed eating to go yet. I can see this may end up being a 12 pack day for sure.
Don't you live in Louisville?

Had a good talk with Bert earlier. Got off the phone hungry as hell and went straight to the kitchen. Ate 3 moon pies and finished my coffee. I'll do better for lunch.

Gonna trim some bushes today. Do not like that job. I would say a fella deserves a cold brew or 4 after that.

I'll watch the Preakness and throw some dollars at it. Can't have worse luck than Derby Day.

I might be sweaty the next time I talk to you. But not too...
Good talk.

We should remind everyone that we did not gossip.

Everyone on the D-League that we ran down really deserved it! :cool:
Good talk.

We should remind everyone that we did not gossip.

Everyone on the D-League that we ran down really deserved it! :cool:
I don't know about you Bert, but I held back.

Taking my next break. That was 2 solid hours of manual labor. A lot of people who aren't going back to work prolly don't put in that much in a full day. Yes I am sweating. But not too much...
What kind of bait/lure are you using........I have had reasonable good fishing with a #7-#8 model A Bomber Firetiger pattern......early season........I am still waiting on my finger and boat day will come.......
Multi-colored stick worms and flukes mostly. Had been doing well last couple of years but, out weather has been unusually cool for spring for here so, I am guessing it has a lot to do with it.

Today's report. Warrior-cat-0 ---Largemouth Bass 0. Not one bite in 4 hours but, I did hook about a 3lb channel cat. Thought I had hooked on to a decent sized bass because it fought so good. Probably won't go out for this next week. Supposed to be raining all week. If it breaks and it looks like I have a few hours to play I might slink down to Lake Ellsworth which is a little over a mile from my house. I can see it from my front yard and if I hook a left out of my drive way I can drive straight down the road into the lake. I have had limited success bass fishing there over the years since I have no boat. May have to give it a shot this week.
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Good morning from ATX. Currently 67Ā°F and cloudy. Expecting 86Ā°F for today's high. Rain chances increasing late tonight and early tomorrow morning.

Looks like I'll try more weeding later today. We've got a few between both fences I must pull by hand. If I wait too long after flowering bloom, resulting stickers are terrible. Working additional chores as well.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Ah yeah baby, national chocolate chip day. Shhhhh! Don't tell my wife. I have some of the dark chocolate ones (bitter sweet) and I have a pound of dark chocolate snow caps I ordered from

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