
Good morning! I like chicfila just fine but I've rarely been there. I eat very little fast food and only when I'm very hungry. Can't think of much besides Arby's Rueben sandwich that I would go to as a plan. KFC would be another. Not for Rueben, for chicken.

I smell the coffee cooking. Saturday and Sunday mornings are still the best for me. She makes coffee and breakfast today and she makes coffee and I make breakfast tomorrow.

I just checked my phone for the weather and it says it's 53° and there's a 1% chance of rain at 0900. Man, the NWS is very accurate these days. Accurate may be the wrong word. "Precise" might be better.

I've got about a 1/4th load of wood on my truck that I need to unload today. Got it at a friends house from a huge limb that had fallen and hit his house during a storm a couple of months ago. I fully intend on turning it into charcoal but a lot of work must be done to get it ready to cook. Ugh!

Have a good day and here's a tip for the Preakness...

Don't bet on slow horses!
KFC is still #1 for me with Popeye's spicy strips second. I love to eat KFC the next day straight out of the refrigerator.
Don't you live in Louisville?

Had a good talk with Bert earlier. Got off the phone hungry as hell and went straight to the kitchen. Ate 3 moon pies and finished my coffee. I'll do better for lunch.

Gonna trim some bushes today. Do not like that job. I would say a fella deserves a cold brew or 4 after that.

I'll watch the Preakness and throw some dollars at it. Can't have worse luck than Derby Day.

I might be sweaty the next time I talk to you. But not too...
Yes sir.....the best city in the world to "be from".........
Front yard is done. Got everything cleaned up and the tools are back in the shed. The back is about 4 times the amount of work as the front so it will have to wait for another day.

A story about today
by Bertfan31

I told my wife this morning that I would be doing yard work today and she said she wanted me to burn some things in the barrel. I told her that the wind was blowing too hard and I didn't want to smoke out the neighbors. Mainly because, like a good neighbor, I'm there.

She made a couple of remarks that basically went something like this, "screw the neighbors".

So any way, I've got this fire going and everything is going well. There was little to no smoke coming out of the chimney and in fact, flame was coming out of a 4 foot chimney.

I go about my business and I smelled something in the front yard. I went around the house to look at the barrel and black smoke was coming out hard. Like it was pulling 100 cars up an 8% grade.

I went back inside and asked her what was in the bags she wanted burned. She had told me, after I specifically asked her, that there was nothing in the bags but paper. Old bills, envelopes, and what not. She says "I think there was an extension cord in there and a timer..."

I told her to just stop, it didn't matter what was in there because it wasn't the paper she told me it was. She said "it should burn up in there shouldn't it?"

I said "yep, it'll burn up", and went back outside to the peace and quiet of back breaking work.
We could get the Louisville folks together for a lunch somewhere, sometime. Of course, if anyone wanted to make a drive from Ashland or Evansville, they would be welcome as well. Hell, let's just open it up to Smith's Grove folks too.
Mike Linnigs is a good place.......they have outdoor and indoor dinning..........I would be up for anywhere........I have such a tight schedule that I am only available.........anytime........
Front yard is done. Got everything cleaned up and the tools are back in the shed. The back is about 4 times the amount of work as the front so it will have to wait for another day.

A story about today
by Bertfan31

I told my wife this morning that I would be doing yard work today and she said she wanted me to burn some things in the barrel. I told her that the wind was blowing too hard and I didn't want to smoke out the neighbors. Mainly because, like a good neighbor, I'm there.

She made a couple of remarks that basically went something like this, "screw the neighbors".

So any way, I've got this fire going and everything is going well. There was little to no smoke coming out of the chimney and in fact, flame was coming out of a 4 foot chimney.

I go about my business and I smelled something in the front yard. I went around the house to look at the barrel and black smoke was coming out hard. Like it was pulling 100 cars up an 8% grade.

I went back inside and asked her what was in the bags she wanted burned. She had told me, after I specifically asked her, that there was nothing in the bags but paper. Old bills, envelopes, and what not. She says "I think there was an extension cord in there and a timer..."

I told her to just stop, it didn't matter what was in there because it wasn't the paper she told me it was. She said "it should burn up in there shouldn't it?"

I said "yep, it'll burn up", and went back outside to the peace and quiet of back breaking work.
Just get a bag of marshmellows and a stick and throw it down out there.........when the FD arrives......tell them you are getting ready to make smores....
Mike Linnigs is a good place.......they have outdoor and indoor dinning..........I would be up for anywhere........I have such a tight schedule that I am only available.........anytime........
Mike's is fine with me. Haven't eaten there in about 3 years.

It's legal for me to have an open fire if I want to. I call the FD first like they say I should but they always show up because someone calls. If I burn a pile in the backyard it's usually fairly big.

edit to add; Monday and Friday are the best days for me.
So any way, I've got this fire going and everything is going well. There was little to no smoke coming out of the chimney and in fact, flame was coming out of a 4 foot chimney.
Great minds think alike. After mowing 1/2 of one of the fields today I burned some brush, etc in the fire pit. But we really don't have any neighbors to fire it up. Every Spring we have a ton of brush, dead stuff from last year, sticks from trees, etc to burn. The Mrs always piles it all up in the fire pit as she's gathering it up...even though I've told her for years and years not to. More work for me...have to pull everything out before I even start. Anyway, all in ashes now other than a few decent size branches/logs.

Tilled about 1/2 of the garden. That wears me out. Got a big rear tine Husqavarna that is big, heavy, etc. And even though it self-propelled, it's still like hanging on to a bronking horse. Then got cleaned up and grilled some ribeyes, so I'm pooped.

Morning Legionnaires!

Going out fishing again this morning for a few hours then back to cut the grass. Really could wait for a few days to cut it but, rain in the forecast for the next 10 or so days. It will also give me an excuse to be outside for at least a couple of hours while the MIL is here.

Fell asleep on the couch and had a dream last night that I was attacked, (did not know him) and I got this guy on the ground and was punching him in the head. Woke up and i had my UK back support couch pillow (one with arms) in my hands and was punching one of the arms. About a week ago I was on the couch asleep and was in another altercation where I threw a side kick and I woke up with my leg off of the couch in a side kick position. I have done that a few times while in bed with my wife but luckily, the bed is big enough where I have missed. I have had dreams where she has actually had to wake me up from me yelling at whoever was in my dreams.

Anyone else have these type of dreams?

Fish for a different variety of fish. Bass are giving you not only fits, but nightmares.

Oh, I pray all's day is well. Been out with my Darling and grandson most of the day. God bless you and may you all know the feeling of a grandchild looking at you with all the love in the world. God bless you all...
Rombauer turns on the jets to come from way back to win the Preakness.
I had 10 bucks on Rombauer. I'm picking by names these days because it seems like the best way. My favorite wine.

Great minds think alike. After mowing 1/2 of one of the fields today I burned some brush, etc in the fire pit. But we really don't have any neighbors to fire it up. Every Spring we have a ton of brush, dead stuff from last year, sticks from trees, etc to burn. The Mrs always piles it all up in the fire pit as she's gathering it up...even though I've told her for years and years not to. More work for me...have to pull everything out before I even start. Anyway, all in ashes now other than a few decent size branches/logs.

Tilled about 1/2 of the garden. That wears me out. Got a big rear tine Husqavarna that is big, heavy, etc. And even though it self-propelled, it's still like hanging on to a bronking horse. Then got cleaned up and grilled some ribeyes, so I'm pooped.
The Director is a firebug......can't keep her out of a fire..........she has just got to poke at it for some reason........I have a Cub Cadet rear tine is much bigger that what my gardens really need.........I can have the tines in reverse while the wheels are pulling forward........I have raised beds that were built out of compost.........think screened potting soil........with a fair amount of rock in it.........(watch out for loads of free dirt),,,,the reason for a large tiller is I just have to back it up and guide it.....I had a Troybuilt Pony tiller that some one done me the favor of stealing.........I called it, "little bucky"......the only thing I have left to plant is my sweet potato maybe the Director and myself can go catch a mess of crappie........
We could get the Louisville folks together for a lunch somewhere, sometime. Of course, if anyone wanted to make a drive from Ashland or Evansville, they would be welcome as well. Hell, let's just open it up to Smith's Grove folks too.

Darn, My Darling and I along with probably my Grandson will be making a trip to Radcliff in probably the next ten days to two weeks. I'd sure buy at least all the drinks if I could crash the party!
Darn, My Darling and I along with probably my Grandson will be making a trip to Radcliff in probably the next ten days to two weeks. I'd sure buy at least all the drinks if I could crash the party!
Safe travels. Good old Radlciff. My cousin, Mary, lived there while her husband was stationed at Fort Knox. Been through a few times. It's changed a bit.
was gonna work on the bushes today but never got to it..mowed yesterday along with plenty of cold beer just left me not wanting to do much today...maybe tomorrow if the rain holds off.

Been to linnigs several times since they opened back up. bout 15 minutes from my house. Cunningham's IMO is just as good, kingfish will not get anymore of my business.

got my garden in the ground, now just need to warmer weather for the ground to warm up...

Not much else shakin this end of town...
was gonna work on the bushes today but never got to it..mowed yesterday along with plenty of cold beer just left me not wanting to do much today...maybe tomorrow if the rain holds off.

Been to linnigs several times since they opened back up. bout 15 minutes from my house. Cunningham's IMO is just as good, kingfish will not get anymore of my business.

got my garden in the ground, now just need to warmer weather for the ground to warm up...

Not much else shakin this end of town...
Years ago I was involved in the Phoenix Place construction project east of the hospital complex downtown......near the end of the project the owner took the foremen to Cunningham's for "lunch" the time I left there I was seeing quadruple.....I tore up a Chevy Van......didn't get hurt......had just enough sense to pull off at Norton Pool......I woke up several hours later laying on my tools in the back......quit drinking for several yrs.........My grandpa has his picture on the wall at Cunningham' traditions....
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Good Lords Day from the Buckeye State. Overcast and cool with a high later on in the 70s...I'll take it. They talked all week of rain today...and now it's nowhere to be seen. That's OK. Me and the Mrs after dinner last night sat on the swing on the porch for awhile and then in the backyard. About the first time we've done it together this year. Beautiful day yesterday. We'll see about this one.

Everybody have a safe, healthy, and productive Sunday.
Fish for a different variety of fish. Bass are giving you not only fits, but nightmares.

Oh, I pray all's day is well. Been out with my Darling and grandson most of the day. God bless you and may you all know the feeling of a grandchild looking at you with all the love in the world. God bless you all...
No, the bass are testing me, tasking me, asking me, Are you Man Enough! I must answer them with a barrage of tempting lures. Besides, it gets me out of the house by myself and some exercise moving around the ponds.
Good morning! Been up for about an hour now. Nothing has changed.

I think I'll cook us up a couple of ribeyes for lunch today. Might even bake a tater.

I have to take my wife to work tomorrow and then take her car to the dealer to be serviced. She gets that free (lol) for the first 3 years or 36,000. It's a nice place and they have a badass coffee machine in the waiting area.

Don't know what I'll do after that but I would assume a piddler mall or two is in my immediate future.

Take it light today. Later...
Darn, My Darling and I along with probably my Grandson will be making a trip to Radcliff in probably the next ten days to two weeks. I'd sure buy at least all the drinks if I could crash the party!
I will probably be in Radcliff in July. Me and my daughter traveled last year about that time frame and she wants to go again this year and has not said when yet. We will determine that off of her plans for the summer after school is out this weekend. Summer camp involved.
Had MIL and BIL at house yesterday and my wife fried up the fish caught last weekend because they are vegans. I offered them for desert a piece of that apple pie Austin had me buy (suggested, subliminal national whatever day) and both declined because neither one like apple pie and her brother does not like pies at all. I almost said that he should try shepherds pie to see if he liked that one (Heh, heh, heh). But, I decided to be good for once. Which brings me to this morning's breakfast. Apple Pie! Almost added chocolate chips to it to complete my national whatever day.
I love KFC. My favored pieces are legs, wings, livers and thighs. The next day is a good as when they are hot, in my book.
I am the same way. I love dark meat and it works out good because my wife likes white meat, the breast and pulley bone. We always get the biggest bucket they sell and put what we don't eat in the refrigerator for snacks the next couple of days.

About four or five times a year I will cook about a dozen turkey legs and snack on them during a football game on TV. Why not?

Speaking of chicken. How many women or men do you know who can cut a chicken up to fry? The women in my family can but I am not sure about the rest of America. Another lost art. Growing up my grandparents had chickens in the yard and every Saturday grandma would put on big pot to boil and go out in the yard and wring a chicken's neck. I was about 5 years old and I asked her on day if I could wring the neck. I grabbed the chicken and twisted it around a couple of times and the dang chicken just walked away confused. Grandma picked it up and with one snap, it was ready for the pot. But that is how you learn. You have to fail a few times to do it right.
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Darn, My Darling and I along with probably my Grandson will be making a trip to Radcliff in probably the next ten days to two weeks. I'd sure buy at least all the drinks if I could crash the party!
Some of my fondest memories are in Radcliff. When I was a DI at Knox i got married and move my wife into an apartment building in Radcliff. There were four nice sized one bedroom apartments in the building and all four units were inhabited with men in my Company. One of the soldiers was a "cooks helper" and he would bring things from the mess hall and we would cook out 3 or 4 times a week. Some beer joint in the next county over sold PBR to soldiers boys for $3.95 a case.

The mess hall would throw out everything they did not cook and we had some choice meat available. Lady Bird Johnson was the first lady and she did the menu preparation for the Army back then. Being from Texas she made sure we had plenty of steaks and beef. I have to say we were very well fed in the Army back in those days.
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Good morning from ATX. Currently 71°F and cloudy with a slight drizzle. Expecting more precious, beautiful rain with a high of 79°F. In fact, we should receive rainfall over the next few days. Definitely need a wet spring so our coming summer might not be so brutal.

Not much else going on. Plan on knocking out a few chores here after breakfast.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.
