

Nuff Said...
That is a Yuengling kind of song... Glad I had one close by... nursing it now. Probably a TWO Yuengling day...


Alright, you stop with the Yuenglings until I have tasted one (looks good) and Austin, my wife is a little ticked off at you and your national food days. I went out and bought an apple pie today. Daughter was excited though, she ate a slice as soon as I put it on the table. ;) 😵
Alright, you stop with the Yuenglings until I have tasted one (looks good) and Austin, my wife is a little ticked off at you and your national food days. I went out and bought an apple pie today. Daughter was excited though, she ate a slice as soon as I put it on the table. ;) 😵
Happy to hear.

Good old D-League suggestive powers. Works great for tasty dishes.
Alright, you stop with the Yuenglings until I have tasted one (looks good) and Austin, my wife is a little ticked off at you and your national food days. I went out and bought an apple pie today. Daughter was excited though, she ate a slice as soon as I put it on the table. ;) 😵

If I could ever get close enough to you I'd ensure you liked Yuengling(s)..(I did drink the second one by the way. Thought about a third as it was early but tomorrows Friday.) I have a serious craving now for apple pie but couldn't make it away from my house today. Made a decision to have one in my house by tomorrow and dent it hard!!! A day late and a dollar short but I don't care. I needs some pie of the apple variety.
I remember watching that on Tv, a little bloop single off Eric Show. The crowd must have gave Pete a 10 minute ovation. I still say Pete and Shoeless Joe deserve to be in the HOF.

Pete Rose and Shoeless Joe should have been in the HOF for what they did before the scandals. The HOBS wants history to remember baseball as perfect and glorious when really it's just a game that reflects the country in which it was played. I ceased caring who was in that place decades ago.

People tall about PC culture and revisionist history, but want to act like it's some sacred shrine. That revisionism and PC stuff was around early enough for the HOBS to snub Rose and others. It was a bad lesson well learned.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 58°F and partly cloudy. Calm with 91% humidity. More rain coming tomorrow through next week. We still need it.

Guy on bail for murder down in Houston got caught with a live Bengal tiger. Video clip shows a cop with gun drawn backing away from the animal. Dude on bail appeared yesterday at court with his attorney, but no one knows where tiger went. Crazy. Only in Houston.

Taking truck in early this morning for service before they come out next week and inspect for the extended warranty.

Happy Friday!

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Good morning from ATX. Currently 58°F and partly cloudy. Calm with 91% humidity. More rain coming tomorrow through next week. We still need it.

Guy on bail for murder down in Houston got caught with a live Bengal tiger. Video clip shows a cop with gun drawn backing away from the animal. Dude on bail appeared yesterday at court with his attorney, but no one knows where tiger went. Crazy. Only in Houston.

Taking truck in early this morning for service before they come out next week and inspect for the extended warranty.

Happy Friday!

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.


Tiger went in his tank... I watched too many commercials as a kid
Rough day yesterday, but today looks promising! Tech is killing me. Trying to backup 2 computers and upgrade the same. After 20 hours the first backup is 66% complete. Neither computer may make it through my day today

Have a great Friday and don't let the man (gates or jobs) keep you down!

Gonna go do the enjoyable ask bustin work while the computer fights the backup better than gates fights antivirus measures!
Good morning from ATX. Currently 58°F and partly cloudy. Calm with 91% humidity. More rain coming tomorrow through next week. We still need it.

Guy on bail for murder down in Houston got caught with a live Bengal tiger. Video clip shows a cop with gun drawn backing away from the animal. Dude on bail appeared yesterday at court with his attorney, but no one knows where tiger went. Crazy. Only in Houston.

Taking truck in early this morning for service before they come out next week and inspect for the extended warranty.

Happy Friday!

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.


I can make me some of those from scratch...AND I am going to!!! Was going to do that tomorrow but I will do it now and take my lunch time a little early! I will take a couple pics...

Oh, May your recipe today include a good helping of obedience to God. He will guide you, ... Let him do that, he is good at it. (The hardest part for a man is to allow anything else to guide or lead you. Trust God in that he will never fail you if you trust him.) God Bless you all...

Edit; They are in the oven!


I added a big hand full of finely shredded sharp cheddar cheese! The rest is buttermilk biscuit basics! My youngest daughter will soon be here from getting off work to pick up my Grandson and take him to pre-school. I thought she may enjoy these. I was going to make some gravy but she can't resist and I don't need it. (I want it, but don't need it. Had a little bacon grease saved too.)
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Good morning D, we are at a balmy 38 this morning!!!! Climate, Global change!!!!

Man, sunshine, fresh air and exercise, sure made this ole (Yeller) fellow sleep good!!! My friend told me I saved them a couple hundred dollars, $959.48 to go!!!

Mowing day for me too, forecast has rain chances all the wat to next Saturday!!!

I hope the D has a great day and Prayers for the D!!!!
Good morning from ATX. Currently 58°F and partly cloudy. Calm with 91% humidity. More rain coming tomorrow through next week. We still need it.

Guy on bail for murder down in Houston got caught with a live Bengal tiger. Video clip shows a cop with gun drawn backing away from the animal. Dude on bail appeared yesterday at court with his attorney, but no one knows where tiger went. Crazy. Only in Houston.

Taking truck in early this morning for service before they come out next week and inspect for the extended warranty.

Happy Friday!

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

There you go again. I have plenty of honey so, those biscuits will do well to stay out of my way.
Good morning to all you civil people and Happy Friday.

I got a hundred dollars smokin' in my billfold
I know I oughta save it, but it's burnin' a hole
Right through my pocket and into my skin
Come Monday morning, I'll be broke again

It's finally Friday
I'm free again
I got my motor running for a wild weekend
It's finally Friday
I'm outta control
Forget the workin' blues
And let the good times roll
  • Good Morning, D-Leagueanites and Lurkers.
  • All posts read and liked. (I was behind a couple of days.)
  • We had 50º in the woods this morning.
  • I need 60ºs badly. I'm pretty tired of cold weather. (7 months now.)
  • 2 mugs of Green Mountain Dark Magic consumed. That's all for me per day.
  • Quit the cokes.
  • #3 will be in sometime in late June. Missing him a lot
  • Committee of Vultures: Thank you.
  • Nothing happening.
  • As you were.
  • Carry on.
  • Condolences to Ben101.
  • Get well soon if you are sickly.
Good morning D League

Our cool temperatures continue with a current temperature of 58°. The weather girl on the radio says we should reach 83° by early afternoon, winds will be NNE at 11 mph and humidity 42%. The skies are clear with lots of sunshine and a UV Index 6 of 10.

When I see biscuits I always think of Kinky Freidman, Get your biscuits in the oven and your buns in the bed. I like mine with pure cane sugar syrup. Ahhh.... Wichita

Good morning! Alexa says it will be 70° today. That's plenty and I don't really need any more than that.

Speaking of not needing any more, how many problems are there that face the world that cannot be traced back directly to greed at some point?

Tee time is around 1100 this morning. I say around because I didn't really make a tee time with the golf course, just the dude I'm going to play with.

I guess I'll find out about the gas situation next week. I shouldn't need any until then. Haven't heard my wife complain about it yet so it can't be too bad here. Trust me on this.

Have a good day and remember this...9 more shopping days until my birthday. I've never been 61 before but I feel like I'll catch on quickly.
Rough day yesterday, but today looks promising! Tech is killing me. Trying to backup 2 computers and upgrade the same. After 20 hours the first backup is 66% complete. Neither computer may make it through my day today

Have a great Friday and don't let the man (gates or jobs) keep you down!

Gonna go do the enjoyable ask bustin work while the computer fights the backup better than gates fights antivirus measures!

My Dad always told me... "Be smarter than what you are working on..." ;)
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Good morning! Alexa says it will be 70° today. That's plenty and I don't really need any more than that.

Speaking of not needing any more, how many problems are there that face the world that cannot be traced back directly to greed at some point?

Tee time is around 1100 this morning. I say around because I didn't really make a tee time with the golf course, just the dude I'm going to play with.

I guess I'll find out about the gas situation next week. I shouldn't need any until then. Haven't heard my wife complain about it yet so it can't be too bad here. Trust me on this.

Have a good day and remember this...9 more shopping days until my birthday. I've never been 61 before but I feel like I'll catch on quickly.

You are a young punk, but still a Sir to me. (What does that make me...) I am 59 pushing 60 way too soon. (early July.)


Too many of them are gone already! (Still experimenting. A little buttermilk topping on the ones to the right before I baked them. The ones to the left got no toppings.) Got to go with buttermilk on top of all...(Use a mason jar lid to cut them to size.)

DARN!!! Still have to get and EAT.. Apple pie today...

Edit: Austin becoming a fat man's poster.
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