
I still have a land line and in all probability will have a land line when I die. My land line phones are far easier to talk on and the speakers are far better than our I-phones speakers. The only problem is that I have to remember the land line number and the two cell phone numbers.
I can remember our land line and my cell....but I can never get the Mrs' cell right. There's a couple 1s and 4s and 6s and I get them all mixed up. Fortunately in my cell and land line 'phonebook'....push a button and voila.
Thanks. OC, but he was improving, off the ventilator, had been moved to the step-down unit, and was doing some physical therapy to strengthen for his bypass surgery, when he had another heart attack. He passed at 3:30 am this past Sunday. We are going to the funeral.
I still have a land line and in all probability will have a land line when I die. My land line phones are far easier to talk on and the speakers are far better than our I-phones speakers. The only problem is that I have to remember the land line number and the two cell phone numbers.

We still have one. First, we just switched from our internet service about a year ago, and it was through the phone company. Now, Spectrum gives it to us pretty cheap, along with our internet service. The second reason is that 911 can find you a lot quicker through a landline. You don't have to give them directions, they know where you are located.
NO YOU DIDN'T forget!!!

Oh, may ALL your days today be a day that will allow you to proclaim "It's a great day!". Be great and give praise to him that can bestow on you glory. God Bless you all...
Bright sun and 39 in the Buckeye State heading to the mid-60s. Other than one day in the low 60s the long range forecast is all high 60s and mid/high 70s. Maybe Spring has Sprung and this cool to cold stuff is behind us.
Time to hit the garden next week?

We had a Windstream tech come by last Friday. Unlike you, we had a good experience (a rarity I know). Great guy, called before he came (as he was supposed to) and arrived right on time. Did his work (upgrade to higher internet speed...that we really didn't need) and then spent about 30 minutes talking to me and the Mrs about life and politics. Of course maybe it helps when about everyone around knows who we are.

Living in a 1850s house the Mrs is into 'country' decor (Amish pictures on the wall, collection of late 1800s/early 1900s canning jars, etc). So she decided she wanted an old rotary dial phone in the living room. We've got an old wall/crank model, but of course it doesn't work and there's no way to update it to work. So she looked everywhere for a rotary that worked...couldn't find one....her daughter found one out in Seattle, and shipped it to us. Took it apart...did a little rewiring, etc...and it works fine. But when the phone rings...the ringer/bell in it is loud. Too loud.
So yeah, land line....just because. So don't use cell much at home unless someone calls me (or her) on them....and bundle package with phone

I know exactly what you mean about that ringer. We had one that we had in a barn at a house we had years and years ago. For some reason it always rang before the house phone and would scare the nuts off a squirrel from inside the barn and over 200 ft away. Thought it was wired to a bell on the outside of the barn so we disconnected the bell. Rang as I put away the ladder in the barn and my heart jumped 19 ft high.

Someone tested the ringer from inside the house (self dial) and had a great laugh at my expense.

They knew it wasn't the exterior bell. They took the phone off the wall before I did anything and someone else had already disconnected it.


I've had good windstream experiences and bad. It's almost always to do with the dispatch people wherever they are
We still have one. First, we just switched from our internet service about a year ago, and it was through the phone company. Now, Spectrum gives it to us pretty cheap, along with our internet service. The second reason is that 911 can find you a lot quicker through a landline. You don't have to give them directions, they know where you are located.
ditto, ditto & ditto
. . . . and one more thing, if you call our electric company when the lights are out they will not accept a cell phone call to report an outage. A land line is connected to a specific location and it helps them accurately determine where the outage is.

I love Spectrum. They are expensive but also very responsive to any problem.
Yep. I like the news but until they take the floor, it doesn't mean diddly doo.
I haven't been over at the crazy place ( RR ) much for a while.....I am guessing that they are starting to build up the expectations for this team.......they will get themselves worked up like a mob does.......then If.......and I say if the team doesn't perform the way they expect.......all hell will break lose.......a loss is a personal affront to some of those folks for sure........I call it the, "no life syndrome".........I much prefer the civility and dare I say.....fellowship feel of the D League.......
I haven't been over at the crazy place ( RR ) much for a while.....I am guessing that they are starting to build up the expectations for this team.......they will get themselves worked up like a mob does.......then If.......and I say if the team doesn't perform the way they expect.......all hell will break lose.......a loss is a personal affront to some of those folks for sure........I call it the, "no life syndrome".........I much prefer the civility and dare I say.....fellowship feel of the D League.......
I go over there occasionally and mostly read. Rarely post anymore.

Unlike others, I can't get excited no matter who we sign or who comes back. I'm afraid Calipari and his SJW and the way he treated/talked to fans this past year has ruined Kentucky basketball for me. Thought I'd never think it...let alone say it.
I go over there occasionally and mostly read. Rarely post anymore.

Unlike others, I can't get excited no matter who we sign or who comes back. I'm afraid Calipari and his SJW and the way he treated/talked to fans this past year has ruined Kentucky basketball for me. Thought I'd never think it...let alone say it.

Just about with you Sir. Just about with you... I never thought it would be hard to get excited about UK. I am trying way too hard...
Didn't even know there was a Hank III. Met Jr. a couple times....nice guy.

Sorry, but that's terrible.
Oh, I agree, definitely hillbilly Halloween. A big time rockabilly fan. The psychobilly edge of evil doesn't always work although on that rare occasion hits that cowboy edge better than anyone else. I like music that takes me somewhere else. This definitely does just that. Sparky's voice is unbelievable. Seems a rather trashy fellow.
Oh, I agree, definitely hillbilly Halloween. A big time rockabilly fan. The psychobilly edge of evil doesn't always work although on that rare occasion hits that cowboy edge better than anyone else. I like music that takes me somewhere else. This definitely does just that. Sparky's voice is unbelievable. Seems a rather trashy fellow.
That was a good song. It is not my type of music but I liked it.
Not for everybody for sure. Halloween comes to mind. As an adult without virgin ears I'm generally good with all three. When I'm entertained but insulted . . . "CLICK".
Really like that Hank III song Rooster. And I dig Straight to Hell, especially where he starts off with the wonderful Louvin Brothers harmonizing on 'Satan is Real' ...But yeah, not for everybody...
Oh, I agree, definitely hillbilly Halloween. A big time rockabilly fan. The psychobilly edge of evil doesn't always work although on that rare occasion hits that cowboy edge better than anyone else. I like music that takes me somewhere else. This definitely does just that. Sparky's voice is unbelievable. Seems a rather trashy fellow.
Good stuff. I like a man's song. Johnny did it about as good as anybody. Especially with Luther Perkins on the lead guitar. Delia's Gone, one more round.

More on Delia's Gone

On Christmas Eve 1900, Cooney Houston shot and killed Delia Green. If that isn’t tragic enough, they were both 14 years old. Their sad story would have been long forgotten, even in Yamacraw – the black neighborhood in the western end of Savannah, Georgia, where the killing took place – if it hadn’t been for a song. The ballad of Delia’s murder traveled from Georgia to the Bahamas, then back to the States during the folk boom of the 1950s. Though the facts have been altered along the way, Delia’s story has been sung by generations of folk singers, and has been recorded by musical icons such as Bob Dylan and Johnny Cash.

How about this memory...

I remember watching that on Tv, a little bloop single off Eric Show. The crowd must have gave Pete a 10 minute ovation. I still say Pete and Shoeless Joe deserve to be in the HOF.
Rooster - Funny you should ask. The answer is yes. The reason I know that? One day at random I typed in my grandfather Joseph Roy Hedges and grandmother Maude McKibben into Google, and it turned out a cousin of mine -- son of my grandfather's brother -- had researched the entire family and put the result of his genealogy search on the internet. You can find it there still on the off chance anyone cares, with my grandparents in Generation 8 -- the last one recorded here. I guess that makes me Generation 10.
Here's the link:

Here's a bit of what it says for that generation of Joseph and Sara Biggs you asked about:
JOSEPH5 HEDGES (CHARLES4, JOSEPH3, WILLIAM2, SAMUEL1) was born January 07, 1742/43 in Frederick County, Maryland, and died 1805 in Paris, Bourbon County, Kentucky.He married SARA BIGGS 1770 in Annapolis, MD., daughter of JOHN BIGGS and MARY STILLE.
Book: "Forebears of the Four Dunbars" By Carl & Lorene Dunbar
Also, this rendering is found in "History of Kentucky and Kentuckians" by E. Polk Johnson.
Among the men who peopled the frontier, contributed to the development of the middle west, furnished its social background was Joseph Hedges of Bourbon County, Kentucky, farmer, Revolutionary soldier, and pioneer.He was born in 1743 in Frederick county, Maryland and was the son of Charles Hedges, Sr. and Mary Stille.In 1770 he married Sarah Biggs of the same county and engaged in farming at "Standing Stone"in Maryland, on a tract of four hundred and thirty four acres owned jointly with his brother Absalom. During the steady prgression from discontent of a colony to the freedom and independency of a nation, with splendid patriotism he renounced his allegiance to George III and served his country from September, 1777 to December 1789 in the companies of Captains Ward and Comb Regiment on Foot. Continental Troops commanded by Colonel Oliver Spencer.After the Revolutionary, in common with many of the settlers on the Atlantic coast he determined to emigrate to the wilderness of Kentucky, obtaining patents September 1, 1791 for Hedges' Silence, Hedges' range, Shintaler Gut, and resurveys on Fleming's Purchase and Pilgrims Harbor for the purpose of conveying these farms to the purchasers. Early in 1792 he started on the long journey, accompanied by his family and slaves, his brother Shadrach and sister, also several Maryland families - the Trotman's and others all traveling in Conestoga wagons. Almost twelve miles above Wheeling they visited Mr. Hedges' brother Charles who settled at Beech Bottom Fort in Ohio County, Virginia in 1776. While so journeying here they constructed flat boats to complete their journey down the Ohio river, taking their wagons apart to carry them. Upon reaching Wheeling, Shadrach Hedges, having been wounded by an Indian, abandoned the trip and his sister returned to Maryland with him. They drifted down to Limestone (now Maysville), Kentucky, three hundred and nine miles from Wheeling with no special incident to mark thir transit other than the falling overboard of Mr. Hedges little daughter Jemina and her rescue by her small brother James who cought her by her floating skirts and pulled her into the boat.
Nice transparentcy. Stmbled across the Hedges family stuff via the fold3 Revolutionary War records building my own. Good stuff.
Well, I got a call this morning from a friend of mine asking me if I could find a plastic gas line for them because the gas company WOULD NOT come out and find it for them so they could run a new water line. It has to do with that community getting free gas for letting them cross their property some 30 years ago. I told him detectors don't pick up plastic, but he said that the line has a wire tracer on it. I knew I wouldn't find it but I went anyway to get out of the house. I was wrong, I ran the line from the gas transition place to where they needed to cross for the water line going in. The first place I dug we found the line about 18" in the ground, second one was about 12" down, the found the telephone lines. All in all, I would say I had a pretty good day!!!! Never thought I would find it!!!!!!
Nice transparentcy. Stmbled across the Hedges family stuff via the fold3 Revolutionary War records building my own. Good stuff.
That's really interesting Rooster. Thanks for calling that to my attention. There's a real irony in all this. My immediate family wasn't into researching our family history, but I did hear vague stories growing up about them having a role in founding Limestone (Maysville) back in the 1770s, then moving to Bourbon County and a few other things.

But it was after I was living in Maryland that I stumbled across that detailed history online traced from my grandfather all the way back into the 1600s -- and found that more than 300 years ago the family lived in the part of Maryland that I had coincidentally returned to.

Also, I used to drive up into the Shenandoah Valley in what is now WVA, and noted there was a small town called Hedgesville - but only after finding those records did I realize that was also a stop on my family's way to Kentucky - from Maryland, to Western Virginia to Kentucky.
That's really interesting Rooster. Thanks for calling that to my attention. There's a real irony in all this. My immediate family wasn't into researching our family history, but I did hear vague stories growing up about them having a role in founding Limestone (Maysville) back in the 1770s, then moving to Bourbon County and a few other things.

But it was after I was living in Maryland that I stumbled across that detailed history online traced from my grandfather all the way back into the 1600s -- and found that more than 300 years ago the family lived in the part of Maryland that I had coincidentally returned to.

Also, I used to drive up into the Shenandoah Valley in what is now WVA, and noted there was a small town called Hedgesville - but only after finding those records did I realize that was also a stop on my family's way to Kentucky - from Maryland, to Western Virginia to Kentucky.
Limestone (iron free water key for making & Bourbon) tells a story.
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I haven't been over at the crazy place ( RR ) much for a while.....I am guessing that they are starting to build up the expectations for this team.......they will get themselves worked up like a mob does.......then If.......and I say if the team doesn't perform the way they expect.......all hell will break lose.......a loss is a personal affront to some of those folks for sure........I call it the, "no life syndrome".........I much prefer the civility and dare I say.....fellowship feel of the D League.......
I don't even have half a clue who is on the team for this up coming year. Will wait to see how Big Blue Madness pans out before getting interested. If they start with the SJW crap right off of the bat, I'm done for this year.