
Truth is never popular. Wisdom is feared. Corrupt politicians for a generally corrupt country.

We can't have as President what the majority don't aspire to as citizens.

My caveats are the truth and wisdom remarks above and the corrupt remark is negatively enhanced by the media to where no normal person unlearned to the deception can make decisions based on the true situation(s) at nearly any time. Functional illiteracy in that area of our governed leadership must be changed or it's hopeless.

Good/decent or normally decent people are captivated by their lives and have to be made or forced to believe the corruption is as bad as it is and has been.

I meet generally nice people that do not have a clue that what they believe is grounded in lies and deception. They cannot conceive or fathom they are wrong... nor could they be/ or would willingly admit they could and have been "tricked" that easily.
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My wife said last week that she sees humanity going extinct in 50 years. I told her, well, at least both of us will be gone by then. FYI...she and I are POLAR OPPOSITES politically.
Mankind has not changed. Christianity and it's churches brought about family stability enabling humans to realize the blessings of creative innovation in the freer civilization. If one man invented a net, everyone got more fish then the unemployed used their increased freedom to create and enrich society. People could and would adapt as civilization progressed at a faster paste.
Truth is never popular. Wisdom is feared. Corrupt politicians for a generally corrupt country.
Truth is denied as often as not. The unknown is feared. Wisdom is what works. The people will chose Barabbas. This is not something we don't know. Complacent, caught with our pants down, again. It is the truth that solves the stupidity. Decisions based on falsehoods have always had major ramifications as they fail.
My caveats are the truth and wisdom remarks above and the corrupt remark is negatively enhanced by the media to where no normal person unlearned to the deception can make decisions based on the true situation(s) at nearly any time. Functional illiteracy in that area of our governed leadership must be changed or it's hopeless.

Good/decent or normally decent people are captivated by their lives and have to be made or forced to believe the corruption is as bad as it is and has been.

I meet generally nice people that do not have a clue that what they believe is grounded in lies and deception. They cannot conceive or fathom they are wrong... not could they be/ or would willingly admit they could and have been "tricked" that easily.
Same ole problems of people and time. Haven't figured out how long it takes to grow a grove of trees with 250 year old tree community components. It's not because their mean, as much as wrong, then butthurt because they can't make it up. The word dumb comes to mind. A community without grandfathers has no wisdom because they don't know what happened.
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Good morning from ATX. Currently 60°F and cloudy. Today's high looking like 74°F. Nice. Possibility for much more rain beginning this weekend.

It appears TyTy Washington plans on playing for our Cats. Good news.

The Go Go's have been inducted into Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Kathy Valentine, band member who lives here in Austin, on TV discussing the honor now. She's also a student at St. Edward's University. Cool stuff.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.


Morning Legionnaires!

Coffee maker went belly up this morning just after making enough. God is good.
Have to go out and buy another today.

Wife saying "don't pay too much for it". Not going cheap, just does not turn out good when you do. Not reliable.

Weather still cool in the mornings and only going to be around 70° today for a high which is unusual for this area. Loving it. Tomorrow a little warmer but, perfect for all day fishing. MIL and BIL coming over on Saturday so, wife will fry up what was caught this past weekend and I will try to get more.

You guys be good today and be safe out there.
Bright sun and 39 in the Buckeye State heading to the mid-60s. Other than one day in the low 60s the long range forecast is all high 60s and mid/high 70s. Maybe Spring has Sprung and this cool to cold stuff is behind us.
Time to hit the garden next week?
My wife called the phone company to schedule a service call for asap. Utility couldn't make it out until today. So we scheduled accordingly and I moved another appt to yesterday.

They showed up yesterday wanting to know where we were. .... ..... yeah

So we rescheduled again and they told us today from 10-12pm. Never showed up.

Show of hands for those who aren't surprised by this....?
We had a Windstream tech come by last Friday. Unlike you, we had a good experience (a rarity I know). Great guy, called before he came (as he was supposed to) and arrived right on time. Did his work (upgrade to higher internet speed...that we really didn't need) and then spent about 30 minutes talking to me and the Mrs about life and politics. Of course maybe it helps when about everyone around knows who we are.
You still have a land-line phone????


I do with one of these.
Living in a 1850s house the Mrs is into 'country' decor (Amish pictures on the wall, collection of late 1800s/early 1900s canning jars, etc). So she decided she wanted an old rotary dial phone in the living room. We've got an old wall/crank model, but of course it doesn't work and there's no way to update it to work. So she looked everywhere for a rotary that worked...couldn't find one....her daughter found one out in Seattle, and shipped it to us. Took it apart...did a little rewiring, etc...and it works fine. But when the phone rings...the ringer/bell in it is loud. Too loud.
So yeah, land line....just because. So don't use cell much at home unless someone calls me (or her) on them....and bundle package with phone
Going to see your friend? If so, prayers for him.

Thanks. OC, but he was improving, off the ventilator, had been moved to the step-down unit, and was doing some physical therapy to strengthen for his bypass surgery, when he had another heart attack. He passed at 3:30 am this past Sunday. We are going to the funeral.
Bright sun and 39 in the Buckeye State heading to the mid-60s. Other than one day in the low 60s the long range forecast is all high 60s and mid/high 70s. Maybe Spring has Sprung and this cool to cold stuff is behind us.
Time to hit the garden next week?

We had a Windstream tech come by last Friday. Unlike you, we had a good experience (a rarity I know). Great guy, called before he came (as he was supposed to) and arrived right on time. Did his work (upgrade to higher internet speed...that we really didn't need) and then spent about 30 minutes talking to me and the Mrs about life and politics. Of course maybe it helps when about everyone around knows who we are.

Living in a 1850s house the Mrs is into 'country' decor (Amish pictures on the wall, collection of late 1800s/early 1900s canning jars, etc). So she decided she wanted an old rotary dial phone in the living room. We've got an old wall/crank model, but of course it doesn't work and there's no way to update it to work. So she looked everywhere for a rotary that worked...couldn't find one....her daughter found one out in Seattle, and shipped it to us. Took it apart...did a little rewiring, etc...and it works fine. But when the phone rings...the ringer/bell in it is loud. Too loud.
So yeah, land line....just because. So don't use cell much at home unless someone calls me (or her) on them....and bundle package with phone
Would love to metal detect around that old house!!!
This morning's haul. Note the British One Pound Coin located middle near the bottom. Found on the busy Lamar Blvd. Scratched up, but worth $1.40 at present exchange rates. More car wash tokens. Must locate a car wash which accepts such tokens. Modern problems.

Life is good. Happy Thursday.

What kind of coins are those on the left? Canadian on bottom?
Good morning D-League. Hope all is well.

Trying to get everything done today so I can blow off work tomorrow ahead of my weekend trip to Kansas City to see grandson Charlie.

Was very pleased with Ty Ty Washington coming aboard for Cal. He feels like a classic Cal guard, with a little Knight, a little Quickley in his game. When you add the recruiting class of Collins, Hopkins and Washington to the Transfer class of Tschiebwe, Grady, Fredericks and maybe Wheeler, that's a lot of talent headed to Lexington. Of course a lot is needed.

Two wild cards still in the deck -- Hardy and Jackson. Man, would I like to see Cal grab one or both of those.
Thanks. OC, but he was improving, off the ventilator, had been moved to the step-down unit, and was doing some physical therapy to strengthen for his bypass surgery, when he had another heart attack. He passed at 3:30 am this past Sunday. We are going to the funeral.
Sorry to hear about your friend Mr. Ben, lifting up Prayers!!!
To each his own... A land line phone, how quaint as Scotty used to state. May the force be with you.. ;)
I still have a land line and in all probability will have a land line when I die. My land line phones are far easier to talk on and the speakers are far better than our I-phones speakers. The only problem is that I have to remember the land line number and the two cell phone numbers.
I still have a land line and in all probability will have a land line when I die. My land line phones are far easier to talk on and the speakers are far better than our I-phones speakers. The only problem is that I have to remember the land line number and the two cell phone numbers.
I can remember our land line and my cell....but I can never get the Mrs' cell right. There's a couple 1s and 4s and 6s and I get them all mixed up. Fortunately in my cell and land line 'phonebook'....push a button and voila.
I still have a land line and in all probability will have a land line when I die. My land line phones are far easier to talk on and the speakers are far better than our I-phones speakers. The only problem is that I have to remember the land line number and the two cell phone numbers.

We still have one. First, we just switched from our internet service about a year ago, and it was through the phone company. Now, Spectrum gives it to us pretty cheap, along with our internet service. The second reason is that 911 can find you a lot quicker through a landline. You don't have to give them directions, they know where you are located.
NO YOU DIDN'T forget!!!

Oh, may ALL your days today be a day that will allow you to proclaim "It's a great day!". Be great and give praise to him that can bestow on you glory. God Bless you all...
Bright sun and 39 in the Buckeye State heading to the mid-60s. Other than one day in the low 60s the long range forecast is all high 60s and mid/high 70s. Maybe Spring has Sprung and this cool to cold stuff is behind us.
Time to hit the garden next week?

We had a Windstream tech come by last Friday. Unlike you, we had a good experience (a rarity I know). Great guy, called before he came (as he was supposed to) and arrived right on time. Did his work (upgrade to higher internet speed...that we really didn't need) and then spent about 30 minutes talking to me and the Mrs about life and politics. Of course maybe it helps when about everyone around knows who we are.

Living in a 1850s house the Mrs is into 'country' decor (Amish pictures on the wall, collection of late 1800s/early 1900s canning jars, etc). So she decided she wanted an old rotary dial phone in the living room. We've got an old wall/crank model, but of course it doesn't work and there's no way to update it to work. So she looked everywhere for a rotary that worked...couldn't find one....her daughter found one out in Seattle, and shipped it to us. Took it apart...did a little rewiring, etc...and it works fine. But when the phone rings...the ringer/bell in it is loud. Too loud.
So yeah, land line....just because. So don't use cell much at home unless someone calls me (or her) on them....and bundle package with phone

I know exactly what you mean about that ringer. We had one that we had in a barn at a house we had years and years ago. For some reason it always rang before the house phone and would scare the nuts off a squirrel from inside the barn and over 200 ft away. Thought it was wired to a bell on the outside of the barn so we disconnected the bell. Rang as I put away the ladder in the barn and my heart jumped 19 ft high.

Someone tested the ringer from inside the house (self dial) and had a great laugh at my expense.

They knew it wasn't the exterior bell. They took the phone off the wall before I did anything and someone else had already disconnected it.


I've had good windstream experiences and bad. It's almost always to do with the dispatch people wherever they are
We still have one. First, we just switched from our internet service about a year ago, and it was through the phone company. Now, Spectrum gives it to us pretty cheap, along with our internet service. The second reason is that 911 can find you a lot quicker through a landline. You don't have to give them directions, they know where you are located.
ditto, ditto & ditto
. . . . and one more thing, if you call our electric company when the lights are out they will not accept a cell phone call to report an outage. A land line is connected to a specific location and it helps them accurately determine where the outage is.

I love Spectrum. They are expensive but also very responsive to any problem.
Yep. I like the news but until they take the floor, it doesn't mean diddly doo.
I haven't been over at the crazy place ( RR ) much for a while.....I am guessing that they are starting to build up the expectations for this team.......they will get themselves worked up like a mob does.......then If.......and I say if the team doesn't perform the way they expect.......all hell will break lose.......a loss is a personal affront to some of those folks for sure........I call it the, "no life syndrome".........I much prefer the civility and dare I say.....fellowship feel of the D League.......