
Years ago when I lived in the Atlanta area there was a Chinese restaurant that we went to a few times. Very good. One of the better Chinese joints I had been to. They got shut down by the county health dept.....found they were serving up cat on the buffet line as chicken.
One man's cat is another man's protein. - Confusedous
Years ago when I lived in the Atlanta area there was a Chinese restaurant that we went to a few times. Very good. One of the better Chinese joints I had been to. They got shut down by the county health dept.....found they were serving up cat on the buffet line as chicken.

Yeah, you find scum is many places. I knew many that owned restaurants in Radcliff at one time. Probably still know a few.

I am trying to find someone to replace an A elbow and possibly both A elbows on my front gutter at the top. (A four inch gutter) The one elbow has a slightly bent area in it and it looks like someone drove a spike through the middle of that bent area. It clogs and I need the clog cleared and the elbow(s) replaced. The catch is, it is three stories and I do not do that any longer.

I had a couple quotes for over $300.00 and just stood mesmerized while on the phone. The elbows are no more than six to ten bucks each tops (Checked Home depot $4.62 each.). A couple pop-rivets or screws, unclog the downspout and it is completed. I know less than an hours work tops. I keep looking to find a siding person around to where I can offer them $200.00 plus parts but I haven't found them yet out working. I know time is valuable but DARN, that is a chunk for the amount of work. Just irks me.
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Paul Bunyan had a blue OX.

I paid $2.67 for about 25 gallons of premium last week. 93 octanes. Pump for mid-grade was overheating and dude said hit the button on the left. Gave it to me at the same price as 87 octane.

Good deal that I've got at that old station several times in the past as well. I go there for all my gas now. They have everything thing from fuel oil to 110 octane race gas. I get no ethanol for my lawn mower there.

After I finished typing that last paragraph the washing machine chime sounded. I went to put it in the dryer and the dryer was full. Literally. Full.

I've tried to explain to her that these things are machines and that machines are stupid. They will work themselves to failure for you if you let them. Told her it was up to us humans to protect the machines.

Towels, wash rags, dish towels, pot holders and various other stuff is all it was, but the dryer was FULL. That means that the washing machine had been filled with way more than I would ever put in it. I thought the load I had just done was big. I didn't even fill up half the dryer.

Guess I'd be happier if I just tend to the grass mowing and leave the laundry to her. We'll just get a new washer and dryer every couple of years.

Are you tired of reading yet? No? Ok then I'll tell you that I went to the golf course this morning to grab a cup of coffee after I had ran a couple of errands I had forgot about. People there were so persuasive that I ended up playing 18. Shot a 76 in a cold wind.

I would have chopped him with that too! 😅 😅🪓🪓🪓😂🤣 rotflcgu
I was telling this over in the detecting thread, I went down to the tire shop today and the guy that owns it, metal detects too, I ask him if he has been any, then ask me if he had told me about the place over in Ohio Co. that he got permission to hunt, I said no. Then he proceeds to tell me it use to be the old fair grounds there, showed me some pics and video. He has found over 300 silver coins!!!!! He said that this is one of those once in a lifetime places you get to hunt! I guess he don't like me as much as I thought he did!!LOL!!!! I told someone the other day, people who metal detect are worse than deer hunters or fishermen, they just don't give up their secrete places!!!!
Pidgeon buddy? Chinese restaurant? hmmm...

In Chattanooga, around on the back side, there was a road along the river that had a place with a sign that advertised a Vet and a bbq on the same sign. I suppose the road and river are still there.
I met this guy through an ad on Craigslist for turns out the people in this area were really eager to separate this guy from his money........he was new to the hobby......had bunches of money.......speaks English but truthfully doesn't understand it very well.......I went to look at what he had for sale......he asked for my advice as the other pigeon people were A)interested in selling him birds at inflated prices or B) bumming pigeons from one was willing to help the guy with the health problems his birds had........I am a sucker for helping people starting out in the hobby.....the more I sat and talked to him the more I liked him......he is a US citizen....been over here for 20+ years......made a bundle of money with his business.........I took him under my wing so to speak......I told him to kill every bird he had and I would help him establish a loft of racing homers that will come home from many miles......he has followed my advice pretty well....he didn't kill the birds....he started taking them 5-10 miles away......he lost all of them..........I have given him birds that have been kept pure as a family for over 55 yrs.....Most people who have any of this family of racing pigeons won't even sell a bird.......if handled properly these are some of the best of the best.......birds that will come home from distances of 500-1,000 miles...........I could sell these birds if I wanted to.......that is not my game.........I want people who want to enjoy pigeons as I have for over 60 be have the pleasure.........yep Pigeon buddy....who owns a Chinese place........damn good food.....but I never see any cats around his place.....I will have to ask him about that......right now he is teaching me Chinese cuss words........I want to be diverse......
I met this guy through an ad on Craigslist for turns out the people in this area were really eager to separate this guy from his money........he was new to the hobby......had bunches of money.......speaks English but truthfully doesn't understand it very well.......I went to look at what he had for sale......he asked for my advice as the other pigeon people were A)interested in selling him birds at inflated prices or B) bumming pigeons from one was willing to help the guy with the health problems his birds had........I am a sucker for helping people starting out in the hobby.....the more I sat and talked to him the more I liked him......he is a US citizen....been over here for 20+ years......made a bundle of money with his business.........I took him under my wing so to speak......I told him to kill every bird he had and I would help him establish a loft of racing homers that will come home from many miles......he has followed my advice pretty well....he didn't kill the birds....he started taking them 5-10 miles away......he lost all of them..........I have given him birds that have been kept pure as a family for over 55 yrs.....Most people who have any of this family of racing pigeons won't even sell a bird.......if handled properly these are some of the best of the best.......birds that will come home from distances of 500-1,000 miles...........I could sell these birds if I wanted to.......that is not my game.........I want people who want to enjoy pigeons as I have for over 60 be have the pleasure.........yep Pigeon buddy....who owns a Chinese place........damn good food.....but I never see any cats around his place.....I will have to ask him about that......right now he is teaching me Chinese cuss words........I want to be diverse......
Don't get pigeon holed into selling your birds to him or else you might have pigeon under glass one night. ;)
The Far Side was funny today, but you would have to see it to get it, But there was two young deer in the woods, one on one side of a path between some woods, so one has his head stuck thru a plaque and the one on the other side says, Ok Andy don't move, her comes MOM!!!!
Loved old Far Side back during the 80s and 90s. Read often in Stars and Stripes.
The Far Side was funny today, but you would have to see it to get it, But there was two young deer in the woods, one on one side of a path between some woods, so one has his head stuck thru a plaque and the one on the other side says, Ok Andy don't move, her comes MOM!!!!

Sir, is this it?

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Good morning from ATX. Currently 63°F and cloudy. Rain chances increasing around 2 pm. Today's high expected reaching 79°F.

Some Latino guy pulled up in our driveway at 1:30 am this morning and started banging on the door. Wife was up. Dog came unglued. I never heard a thing. According to wife, he spoke Spanish, wanted in and pointed at North Lamar. We've got two locked doors for good reasons. He backed out of driveway and left.

Found out yesterday we're heading back to the office by September 1. We might transfer to previous location, where I worked 2010 - 2018. I can live with that.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Good morning from ATX. Currently 63°F and cloudy. Rain chances increasing around 2 pm. Today's high expected reaching 79°F.

Some Latino guy pulled up in our driveway at 1:30 am this morning and started banging on the door. Wife was up. Dog came unglued. I never heard a thing. According to wife, he spoke Spanish, wanted in and pointed at North Lamar. We've got two locked doors for good reasons. He backed out of driveway and left.

Found out yesterday we're heading back to the office by September 1. We might transfer to previous location, where I worked 2010 - 2018. I can live with that.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Well, I have to get out today anyway. Hostess cupcakes here I come.
Good morning D League

Woke up to a nice morning, 68° and clear skies. Our high is expected to reach 82° and we have a 15% chance of rain. We could use a little rain down here. More than a little.

I trust all have a great day.


Is that a Momma and a Papa?

A relative of one of these?


Oh, I hope this day brings you what you need and desire in Christ. God Bless you all...
Good morning from ATX. Currently 63°F and cloudy. Rain chances increasing around 2 pm. Today's high expected reaching 79°F.

Some Latino guy pulled up in our driveway at 1:30 am this morning and started banging on the door. Wife was up. Dog came unglued. I never heard a thing. According to wife, he spoke Spanish, wanted in and pointed at North Lamar. We've got two locked doors for good reasons. He backed out of driveway and left.

Found out yesterday we're heading back to the office by September 1. We might transfer to previous location, where I worked 2010 - 2018. I can live with that.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

I don't have any Hostess Cup Cakes, can I eat a piece of Pecan Pie with chocolate chips in it a nd call it a Hostess Pecan Pie?!!!
Morning guys! A chilly low 40s here in the Buckeye State...will only top out in the low to mid 50s.
Was going to get the tiller out this afternoon and get to work on the garden. But....of rained last night so with a little rain, plus all the rain the last week or so....I imagine it would be a muddy mess. So the tiller stays where it's at for now. Starting to look like the 'mater plants won't get in God's ground till June 1....who knows?

Nothing else on the agenda...but I could find plenty if I REALLY wanted to.

Everyone have a good, safe, and healthy day.
We did some running yesterday and had lunch at a local burger joint we enjoy. Haven't been there since about this time last year. Always get the same thing (a sandwich they're known for)...what would have cost us $12-15 last year was $20 yesterday. But I'm sure the gov't will tell us there is no inflation.
We did some running yesterday and had lunch at a local burger joint we enjoy. Haven't been there since about this time last year. Always get the same thing (a sandwich they're known for)...what would have cost us $12-15 last year was $20 yesterday. But I'm sure the gov't will tell us there is no inflation.
I have noticed that all the places we haunt have went up as well. I figure it's either trying to make up for lost money during the lockdown or they see it as an opportunity to jack up their prices without much backlash.
Looks like I'll have to mow again tomorrow. I think I'm going to leave the deck all the way down and just scalp the shit out of the yard. I only want to mow it once so I think it will be OK.

I used to cut mine really close and I found that cutting it high actually keeps you from cutting as often. I cut mine at about 3 1/2 inches and it is a lot healthier, looks better, and goes longer between cutting. Plus, it is easier to cut when you do have to mow.
Good morning! Alexa told me it was 39° this morning. I get the feeling sometimes that she doesn't even care.

Tee time @ 1109 today. Hope to equal yesterdays score, or better.

I don't remember Bob Baffert being in trouble before Rick Pitino came to town and started playing horseman. Hmmm...looks like ol Bob has got some Pitino patina on himself.
Good morning D League

Woke up to a nice morning, 68° and clear skies. Our high is expected to reach 82° and we have a 15% chance of rain. We could use a little rain down here. More than a little.

I trust all have a great day.

Hey SawneeCat,
I wish that I could send you some of our excessive rain. I've already recieved well over 50 inches of rain so far since January. Just a ridiculous amount of rain for this point in the year. The only upside I have seen with that is that all my vegetable plants have a good head start to their growing season. Take care and I hope you're doing well down there.
I used to cut mine really close and I found that cutting it high actually keeps you from cutting as often. I cut mine at about 3 1/2 inches and it is a lot healthier, looks better, and goes longer between cutting. Plus, it is easier to cut when you do have to mow.
I was just imitating my wife's logic regarding the washing machine. I mow mine with the deck all the way up. at least 4"
Back in the 90's, a local Chinese restaurant was closed, and the owners were criminally charged, when the health department inspector found cats in their freezer. Luckily, I had never eaten there.

I guess it's just me, dude serves me a cat and he would have me to whip. Then the law could get involved. (Even in my advancing years...)
Hey SawneeCat,
I wish that I could send you some of our excessive rain. I've already recieved well over 50 inches of rain so far since January. Just a ridiculous amount of rain for this point in the year. The only upside I have seen with that is that all my vegetable plants have a good head start to their growing season. Take care and I hope you're doing well down there.
June 1st starts our "hurricane season" which means we will have a little rain in the late afternoon. Usually around 4:00 PM. I am praying for more than our usual amount of tropical storms. We like all of the rain we can get.

On a positive note we were not effected by the pipeline hackers. We get petroleum from a different source so no shortage. Prices are about $2.59 which is up quite a bit since January. I doubt people realize it but inflation is going up and up and up.
June 1st starts our "hurricane season" which means we will have a little rain in the late afternoon. Usually around 4:00 PM. I am praying for more than our usual amount of tropical storms. We like all of the rain we can get.

On a positive note we were not effected by the pipeline hackers. We get petroleum from a different source so no shortage. Prices are about $2.59 which is up quite a bit since January. I doubt people realize it but inflation is going up and up and up.

Not to mention the re-added TAXES. No one ever seems to blame it on those... President Trump removed many of those in many areas. The new administration just ...added them back sight unseen...