
I agree with you. The Mrs she wins. When we first got Prime, which seems like not too many years ago, it was like $60 (maybe a little more). Prime has a lot of movies/shows but most are pretty bad and pretty old (and I prefer the old movies over the PC modern movies). What bothers me is that they don't send you an invoice....the yearly charge just shows up on your Amazon CC (may get an invoice if you don't have their card.)
But agree.....screw Amazon.

But in our household, the Mrs' SIL is pretty high up the corporate ladder out there in that's got a little bit to do with her thoughts to keep Prime. But politically...she doesn't like Amazon either.
The 2-day guaranteed deliver is no more. Will they refund my money? Doubtful.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 60°F and cloudy. We may hit 69°F for our high. Lovely.

Local news is interesting this morning. NASCAR is coming to Circuit of the Americas, located out by our airport, May 21-23. I'm not attending. It appears the city of Llano will become the "barrel racing capital of Texas". Nice to know. Moving right along.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

And the hoarding of gasoline in Eastern Kentucky begins:


This person may have a reason but many are so stupid. Health care workers are now concerned about having gas to go to work. I own two cars and usually keep the tanks near full or full. I guess my daughters can use those if this stupidity goes much further. Glad I bought toilet paper a couple days ago as I guess that is next if it hasn't happened already. I do have to go try and buy milk sometime today... and eggs... and bread, oh I have bread.. may buy another loaf...

Any crisis is good if you gain more control by the crisis. I guess that is the mantra now. Will Dr. fauci weigh in on this or is he a one trick pony?

Oh, May God control your life, it is your choice. May you submit to God's direction and instruction.
This person may have a reason but many are so stupid. Health care workers are now concerned about having gas to go to work. I own two cars and usually keep the tanks near full or full. I guess my daughters can use those if this stupidity goes much further. Glad I bought toilet paper a couple days ago as I guess that is next if it hasn't happened already. I do have to go try and buy milk sometime today... and eggs... and bread, oh I have bread.. may buy another loaf...

Any crisis is good if you gain more control by the crisis. I guess that is the mantra now. Will Dr. fauci weigh in on this or is he a one trick pony?

Oh, May God control your life, it is your choice. May you submit to God's direction and instruction.
Fortunately we get our petroleum from our ports from oil tankers and not through a pipeline. But the Panhandle areas get it from the pipeline and they are feeling the pinch. We shouldn't have any food or other shortages here and since we have been open all along life is pretty normal. Other than prices are rising by the day it seems.

Nothing should be a surprise though because it is by design, Biden campaigned on raising prices on everything and the people are OK with it because they elected him and his HO. So what comes to America is what the majority of America wanted. I don't have time to worry or cry about the problems this nation will be facing. It was what they wanted.
Fortunately we get our petroleum from our ports from oil tankers and not through a pipeline. But the Panhandle areas get it from the pipeline and they are feeling the pinch. We shouldn't have any food or other shortages here and since we have been open all along life is pretty normal. Other than prices are rising by the day it seems.

Nothing should be a surprise though because it is by design, Biden campaigned on raising prices on everything and the people are OK with it because they elected him and his HO. So what comes to America is what the majority of America wanted. I don't have time to worry or cry about the problems this nation will be facing. It was what they wanted.
Colonial used to be a fairly large account of ours back in the day. HQ was on Peachtree as I recall. Now in Alpharetta.

Was just telling the Mrs a little while ago...and some may disagree and that's OK...but the Bible says that if you do His will... His hand of protection is over you. Look at what all has/is happened in only a few months with Biden...who is not governing by Biblical principles. It's like....not only has He lifted His hand of protection, He's giving this country a backhanded slap in the face as well.
Morning folks. It is a sunny 51.3°F here on our way to 65°. It looks like some roundup will be applied to some weeds in the mulch beds. It has been a long time since we did not have rain or wind.

I filled up my yard mowing gas cans and top off the car yesterday at a decent price of $2.54 per gallon. Of course last year at this time it was around $1.70. In this area we get our petroleum products via pipeline and barge. Most people don't understand just how well "plumbed" we are. The Biden act of shutting down the pipeline from Canada was just pure stupidity. I hope we can outlast his administration.
This person may have a reason but many are so stupid. Health care workers are now concerned about having gas to go to work. I own two cars and usually keep the tanks near full or full.
I hate stopping for gas so I run my tank down. Last night it told me I had 13 miles left. Put a quarter of a tank in. I mean who wants to die with a tank full of gas?
Same here with the gas prices; right around 2.60; there's so much going on the world with the inflation (and maybe food shortages coming this summer), Jerusalem on fire, rumors of wars, etc.....much of the world seems clueless abou it. Interesting times for sure

When Ole Joe got elected, our gas prices were around $1.50. Today, they are $2.79. Everything else is going up, too. I love the Democrats.
It is a warm 12.778°C with a high expected of 19.444°.

I mowed yesterday. This time of year I mow every three to four days just so I will not have such windrows of hay. I mow at 3.5" so that if rain delays me for a couple days I can go to 4" for a mowing and then drop down to 3.75" the next time and then back to 3.5". I gotter figured out! :cool:

It is a warm 55.0°F with a high expected of 67°.

I have been mowing at 3.5" too. If I get behind, I bought a lawn sweeper to take care of the hay. Got a tee time for 1:08. Guess I'm going to try the back out.
I forgot to snap a picture of my breakfast this morning. This is a vegetable pancake with mainly squash chopped finely. Todays nearly perfectly fit the plate and it was topped with Mozzarella cheese. Just tremendously delicious... It is gone... I am thankful...(I was the one who "goned" it.)

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You misunderstood. I wasn't talking about people that don't have jobs. I was simply making a point that people I know who have jobs aren't going back to the office until they don't have to wear a mask. Most of them said if they wouldn't wear a mask for 38-60 an hour, there's no way they'd do it in a kitchen for 12-15 an hour, especially when they're getting money to stay home.

Fcol, TEACHERS are refusing to go to work all over the country. If masks and shots worked, why are any schools still closed? Same reason other people won't go to work. They get paid anyway, and don't have to do the work they used to do.

You want to get people to work, shut off the internet

This is the problem. They should NOT BE PAID. My daughter is a teacher and she works every day.
Best pork skins I ever had, were at a flea market in Paintsville. They would make them fresh for you. I would grab 4-5 bags before leaving every time I went.

I've been to that flea market. I saw them frying those bad boys, but I didn't partake. They make some good ones at a restaurant in Ashland, called Bombshells.
My wife called the phone company to schedule a service call for asap. Utility couldn't make it out until today. So we scheduled accordingly and I moved another appt to yesterday.

They showed up yesterday wanting to know where we were. .... ..... yeah

So we rescheduled again and they told us today from 10-12pm. Never showed up.

Show of hands for those who aren't surprised by this....?
My wife called the phone company to schedule a service call for asap. Utility couldn't make it out until today. So we scheduled accordingly and I moved another appt to yesterday.

They showed up yesterday wanting to know where we were. .... ..... yeah

So we rescheduled again and they told us today from 10-12pm. Never showed up.

Show of hands for those who aren't surprised by this....?
Sounds like Windstream to me. Told us they would be on a Thursday, so my in-laws stayed at our house waiting for them. They hadn't shown up when my wife and me got home from work, so we waited until 5 before calling. Told us they would be out the next day. I said make it after 4pm, since I wasn't asking the in-laws to stay again. They didn't show until Saturday, and they didn't even bring the modem.
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What's weird is that several people I know have said there won't be a shortage and that there are 5 days of reserves for just such an "emergency." So is everyone just gouging to gouge and there's no one with a brain between them in the Biden badministration to shut it down?
Paducah swampbillie Colonel Wilkes knows alot about dark kentucky stuff being a carny artist and all.
I want to be diverse......

I was just imitating my wife's logic regarding the washing machine. I mow mine with the deck all the way up. at least 4"
I've got a decent strip of Bermuda grass 60 years old I keep active and short. Tortoise/toy wolf habitat.

I guess it's just me, dude serves me a cat and he would have me to whip. Then the law could get involved. (Even in my advancing years...)
I've eaten BBQ cougar and wasn't impressed. Snake was better but neither can touch grain eating bird gizzards or mast foraging squirrel brain. Like artichoke hearts. When done right, downright heavenly
I thought a couple of you guys might be interested in the below plaque. In the months before the Desert Storm air war I spent a few weeks on the USS Saratoga in the Red Sea, writing mostly about the pilots. Unbelieveable young men, a couple of whom were about to become KIA and POW while striking Baghdad.

They gave me the below certificate after 'busting my cherry' by landing on a carrier the first time. It was a bit of a gentle joke. If being strapped in white with anxiety, teeth gritted and eyes closed and expecting any second to be consumed in a fireball makes you an "Honorary Naval Aviator" then I am one. But I did get to see what it takes for the real Naval Aviators to succeed, and they are incredible pilots and really heroic.
Curious, you related to the Revolutionary War veteran Joseph E. Hedges husband of Sarah Biggs m. 1770.
12 count flock of Turkey Vultures
A "committee" of vultures Linky

No One, I repeat No One, has an agenda in this thread!!!

I'd eat it.
Damn honkey!
18th & Hill Streets in '69 would be "Hey Honkey, you want a big bunch of me.
How does anyone not know at this point? 4 years ago that cat was let out of the bag. Personally I know someone that used to work in cybersecurity for a large company.
Who need Far Side this is the "D". Transporting cats in burlap bags is the most humane way possible, hiding gives them false security calming them. Having to be tossed out if you've anything to do.
Curious, you related to the Revolutionary War veteran Joseph E. Hedges husband of Sarah Biggs m. 1770.
Rooster - Funny you should ask. The answer is yes. The reason I know that? One day at random I typed in my grandfather Joseph Roy Hedges and grandmother Maude McKibben into Google, and it turned out a cousin of mine -- son of my grandfather's brother -- had researched the entire family and put the result of his genealogy search on the internet. You can find it there still on the off chance anyone cares, with my grandparents in Generation 8 -- the last one recorded here. I guess that makes me Generation 10.
Here's the link:

Here's a bit of what it says for that generation of Joseph and Sara Biggs you asked about:
JOSEPH5 HEDGES (CHARLES4, JOSEPH3, WILLIAM2, SAMUEL1) was born January 07, 1742/43 in Frederick County, Maryland, and died 1805 in Paris, Bourbon County, Kentucky.He married SARA BIGGS 1770 in Annapolis, MD., daughter of JOHN BIGGS and MARY STILLE.
Book: "Forebears of the Four Dunbars"By Carl & Lorene Dunbar
Also, this rendering is found in "History of Kentucky and Kentuckians" by E. Polk Johnson.
Among the men who peopled the frontier, contributed to the development of the middle west, furnished its social background was Joseph Hedges of Bourbon County, Kentucky, farmer, Revolutionary soldier, and pioneer.He was born in 1743 in Frederick county, Maryland and was the son of Charles Hedges, Sr. and Mary Stille.In 1770 he married Sarah Biggs of the same county and engaged in farming at "Standing Stone"in Maryland, on a tract of four hundred and thirty four acres owned jointly with his brother Absalom.During the steady prgression from discontent of a colony to the freedom and independency of a nation, with splendid patriotism he renounced his allegiance to George III and served his country from September, 1777 to December 1789 in the companies of Captains Ward and Comb Regiment on Foot.Continental Troops commanded by Coloner Oliver Spencer.After the Revolutionary, in common with many of the settlers on the Atlantic coast he determined to emigrate to the wilderness of Kentucky, obtaining patents September 1, 1791 for Hedges' Silence, Hedges' range, Shintaler Gut, and resurveys on Fleming's Purchase and Pilgrims Harbor for the purpose of conveying thesefarms to the purchasers.Early in 1792 he started on the long journey, accompanied by his family and slaves, his brothre Shadrach and sister, also several Maryland families - the Trotmans and others all traveling in Conestoga wagons.Almost twelve miles above Wheeling they visited Mr. Hedges' brother Charles who settled at Beech Bottom Fort in Ohio County, Virginia in 1776.While so journeying here they constructed flat boats to complete their journey down the Ohio river, taking their wagons apart to carry them.Upon reaching Wheeling, Shadrach Hedges, having been wounded by an Indian, abandoned the trip and his sister returned to Maryland with him.They drifted down to Limestone (now Maysville), Kentucky, three hundred and nine miles from Wheeling with no special incident to mark thir transit other than the falling overboard of Mr. Hedges little daughter Jemina and her rescue by her small brother James who cought her by her floating skirts and pulled her into the boat.
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I went over there and I came back more ignorant than when I clicked on.

I don't know why I pay the price.

K retiring and the Banchero dude going G-League. there was something else but I forget

edit; Oh yeah, the recruit that had duke u. as a landing spot chose Milwaukee. For get his name but he is a highly rated recruit.
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