
Me too, poison!!!

I haven't shut mine down yet though I can see why many do. The 'Saving grace" for me is that I was never on that "friend" trip. I have 39 "friends". most of them are family and a couple people I grew up with and a couple Army buddies who I served with, that's it. I even have several that are marked acquaintances though I have known them for a long long time. they don't need to know my business to any depth.

My children in turn have hundreds, I have a nephew who has thousands of "friends". Yeah, gourd head...

Edit: The funny part is I created my Facebook account when I was with the Recruiting Command. I had to create and manage their Facebook site. My children at the time kept bothering me that I was trying to see women is why I created an account. Fast-forward to now. My darling has a Facebook account and has more friends than I do, not many more, but more. I will get around to accusing her one day. Nah, my Darling is my Darling and I am her husband.

I told my Darling the other day, I don't have time to cheat on her. She asked why. I stated whoever I'd cheat with would have to first give me the 30 plus great years my Darling has already given me. I just won't live that long... If I do, by then I won't be worth it... (I owe my Darling at least that!)
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Morning D, 43, this morning, heat kicked on for a little bit, this global warming is freezing my butt off!!!

We fixed the Brussel sprouts Saturday, over cooked them just a little, but they were still good and Mrs. M liked them. Is it just me or do they have a slight taste of fried squash?

I hope the D, has a good one and Prayers for the D!!!

It seems like we have skipped Spring, I bet when Summer gets here, it gets here with a vengeance!!!
I haven't shut mine down yet though I can see why many do. The 'Saving grace" for me is that I was never on that "friend" trip. I have 39 "friends". most of them are family and a couple people I grew up with and a couple Army buddies who I served with, that's it. I even have several that are marked acquaintances though I have know them for a long long time. they don't need to know my business to any depth.

My children in turn have hundreds, I have a nephew who has thousands of "friends". Yeah, gourd head...
When I shut mine down I had like 18. I have a niece and she had over 2,000, I ask her do you know all these people, she said no, just told her she better stop adding people. This is what gets me, people will go on vacation and start adding pictures of where there are and when they are coming back home. Had a friend who's house was broken into while they were gone, I told her not to post pictures while they were gone, but did anyway. She kept saying that she just had her friends on FB, but I kept telling her or asking her, but who are they friends with that sees her page!!!!! Found out it was someone who saw it from a friend, of a friend of a friend!!!!!
I haven't shut mine down yet though I can see why many do. The 'Saving grace" for me is that I was never on that "friend" trip. I have 39 "friends". most of them are family and a couple people I grew up with and a couple Army buddies who I served with, that's it. I even have several that are marked acquaintances though I have known them for a long long time. they don't need to know my business to any depth.

My children in turn have hundreds, I have a nephew who has thousands of "friends". Yeah, gourd head...

Edit: The funny part is I created my Facebook account when I was with the Recruiting Command. I had to create and manage their Facebook site. My children at the time kept bothering me that I was trying to see women is why I created an account. Fast-forward to now. My darling has a Facebook account and has more friends than I do, not many more, but more. I will get around to accusing her one day. Nah, my Darling is my Darling and I am her husband.

I told my Darling the other day, I don't have time to cheat on her. She asked why. I stated whoever I'd cheat with would have to first give me the 30 plus great years my Darling has already given me. I just won't live that long... If I do, by then I won't be worth it... (I owe my Darling at least that!)
I have a friend that told me one time after he got married, that there was a girl he tried to date, but wouldn't give him the time of day, then after he got married, she started trying to hit on him. He ask her why wouldn't you go out with me before I got married, her answer was, before you were married you wouldn't keep your mouth shut, I figured after you were married you would!!!!! LOL!!!
The only ads we see around here are Help Wanted ads. It seems as if every restaurant and hotel has them on a billboard in front of their place. I am listening to the radio now and the subject is jobs and people who do not want to go back to work because the government is paying more for people not to work in certain jobs. Why take a job at $500 a week when you can make more than that sitting on the couch watching Netflix.

Our governor said if you are not looking for a job, unemployment benefits will be denied. There are 7 million jobs available in America. Time to go to work folks. We do not need anymore stimulus checks.
The problem I'm seeing is people don't want to wear masks while working. If they dropped THAT requirement, I know quite a few people that would be back in their offices/positions immediately if the ridiculous mask mandate was dropped. People wearing masks are still much more likely to contract the virus (or other sickness) than those who don't wear masks according to the data.
We do not have a mask mandate now. The people who live in states that do should put pressure on their governor and elected officials. If you are staying home, why not organize and demonstrate like the left does. They go to the streets if they do not agree with something.

But conservatives stay quiet and go along with the flow. Change that and you can change America. In America you have to have the loudest voice to get anything done. If thousands and thousands of people showed up in Frankfort demanding the mask mandate be ended, it probably would be.
When I shut mine down I had like 18. I have a niece and she had over 2,000, I ask her do you know all these people, she said no, just told her she better stop adding people. This is what gets me, people will go on vacation and start adding pictures of where there are and when they are coming back home. Had a friend who's house was broken into while they were gone, I told her not to post pictures while they were gone, but did anyway. She kept saying that she just had her friends on FB, but I kept telling her or asking her, but who are they friends with that sees her page!!!!! Found out it was someone who saw it from a friend, of a friend of a friend!!!!!
Kind of a similar story but not involving FB....before the days of FB. Had a friend who was building a new house outside Atlanta. All of the workers were Mexican. Imagine all were illegal. Of course they would drop by and see the progress on the house several times a week. Would bring friends once in a about what they were doing, going to do, time they got off work, etc while they walked thru the house. House was finished and they moved in. Less than a month later they came home from work and the house was cleaned out. Everything gone.
Authorities a couple weeks later caught a truck trying to cross the border in Texas....had their stuff in it. Some of the illegals working on their house were part of an organization/gang. Guess some of their buds had backed the truck up to the house when they were at work and cleaned it out.
I haven't shut mine down yet though I can see why many do. The 'Saving grace" for me is that I was never on that "friend" trip. I have 39 "friends". most of them are family and a couple people I grew up with and a couple Army buddies who I served with, that's it. I even have several that are marked acquaintances though I have known them for a long long time. they don't need to know my business to any depth.

My children in turn have hundreds, I have a nephew who has thousands of "friends". Yeah, gourd head...

Edit: The funny part is I created my Facebook account when I was with the Recruiting Command. I had to create and manage their Facebook site. My children at the time kept bothering me that I was trying to see women is why I created an account. Fast-forward to now. My darling has a Facebook account and has more friends than I do, not many more, but more. I will get around to accusing her one day. Nah, my Darling is my Darling and I am her husband.

I told my Darling the other day, I don't have time to cheat on her. She asked why. I stated whoever I'd cheat with would have to first give me the 30 plus great years my Darling has already given me. I just won't live that long... If I do, by then I won't be worth it... (I owe my Darling at least that!)
My children, daughter in law and grandchildren are not on facebook or twitter. No social media. They also requested we do not post pictures of them on the internet and we have honored that. I seldom check or post on facebook. My wife pretty much dropped it a few months ago but has posted a few things of interest to her family.

It is sad that we live in a world that is evil. But we do
We do not have a mask mandate now. The people who live in states that do should put pressure on their governor and elected officials. If you are staying home, why not organize and demonstrate like the left does. They go to the streets if they do not agree with something.

But conservatives stay quiet and go along with the flow. Change that and you can change America. In America you have to have the loudest voice to get anything done. If thousands and thousands of people showed up in Frankfort demanding the mask mandate be ended, it probably would be.
DeWine still has a mask mandate but I'm seeing more and more people out shopping without one. Lot, and I mean a lot of people are just fed up. Everyone I know can't wait...that if he runs for vote against him if he's primaried, or just not vote for him period. Of course the downside being we get a worthless Dem who will be worse.

Heck I went to Cracker Barrel yesterday for a carryout family dinner and they had signs from the state/local health dept that you couldn't sit in the rocking chairs and benches. And this is a state that is supposed to be fairly 'open'.
Stepdaughter came in on a visit 15 or so years ago and set us up a FB page. 'Gotta do it'...'It's so cool'... etc.
We have yet to make the first post. Thought it was worthless then, and even more so now.

Of course FB started with Zuckerburg and the gang wanting to find/pick up girls on campus.
Give me the old Kirwan Tower FB. Tape your phone number on your window and see if some of the girls in Blanding give you a call.
It is a cold 48.6°F and cloud covered. I had to turn the heat back on this morning before showering.

On FaceBook, I have 374 friends. I know most of them. My FaceBook account was started when I was Mayor and it helped me raise over $100,000 for my cemetery project. Some of the 374 friends are in the UK and Spain and date back to a web site that I used to edit years ago.

I know the problems with FaceBook but I really enjoy it and I store my pictures on it that I want to link to other sites.
The problem I'm seeing is people don't want to wear masks while working. If they dropped THAT requirement, I know quite a few people that would be back in their offices/positions immediately if the ridiculous mask mandate was dropped. People wearing masks are still much more likely to contract the virus (or other sickness) than those who don't wear masks according to the data.
It was hard enough finding people to work around here before Covid-19. Most would rather live off government assistance or they can't pass a drug test. Now people are getting double +/- on unemployment than what they would from working, and you have the current situation. So the problem isn't the wearing of a mask, it's getting people to walk further than the mailbox to get a check.
This morning's haul. Life is good.

DeWine still has a mask mandate but I'm seeing more and more people out shopping without one. Lot, and I mean a lot of people are just fed up. Everyone I know can't wait...that if he runs for vote against him if he's primaried, or just not vote for him period. Of course the downside being we get a worthless Dem who will be worse.

Heck I went to Cracker Barrel yesterday for a carryout family dinner and they had signs from the state/local health dept that you couldn't sit in the rocking chairs and benches. And this is a state that is supposed to be fairly 'open'.

Went to Outback Steakhouse yesterday. Was sitting outside on a bench seat. (Did not wear a mask.) Went inside with a mask. Took the mask off once I sat down to drink and eat. Finished the meal, paid, put my mask on, left the building, took my mask off immediately upon exit. How totally STUPID that part of the day was with the mask on.... Yeah I am happy servers wear a mask only because some spray it and don't say it. (Most of the time it is over my food or drink so I can take a mask in that instance.. If they remove it once they turn away, I am good.)
Mornin' D-Leaguers. Back to work for me, and a busy week before I head to KC on Friday morning to see my new grandson.

I hope everyone had a terrific weekend. It was nice here, with a party for my wife and MIL, who was also turning 80 this weekend. I'll catch up later.
Congrats on the grandson!!!
It was hard enough finding people to work around here before Covid-19. Most would rather live off government assistance or they can't pass a drug test. Now people are getting double +/- on unemployment than what they would from working, and you have the current situation. So the problem isn't the wearing of a mask, it's getting people to walk further than the mailbox to get a check.

This morning's haul. Life is good.

Austin works/walks for his money 😉
WOW just WOW. Where is this? They are a week away from $5.00 a gallon if not more.

Found it from Facebook. Amazed it wasn't fact-checked by now but it has not been...

(I cut down a lot of ads due to how I have my account setup. Some still get through but I have ads cut down a lot.)(My guess would be somewhere in California.) Regular here is $2.65 or so at the cheap stations.
Found it from Facebook. Amazed it wasn't fact-checked by now but it has not been...

(I cut down a lot of ads due to how I have my account setup. Some still get through but I have ads cut down a lot.)(My guess would be somewhere in California.) Regular here is $2.65 or so at the cheap stations.
Had a friend who paid 2.99 for unleaded around here last week. Has come down to about 2.79 since.
Found it from Facebook. Amazed it wasn't fact-checked by now but it has not been...

(I cut down a lot of ads due to how I have my account setup. Some still get through but I have ads cut down a lot.)(My guess would be somewhere in California.) Regular here is $2.65 or so at the cheap stations.
These prices are getting out of control. By the way, BBUK is this you with this mama rattler. This one was in a pasture in Chiefland, FL and the cattle got a little spooked. So it had to be dealt with

These prices are getting out of control. By the way, BBUK is this you with this mama rattler. This one was in a pasture in Chiefland, FL and the cattle got a little spooked. So it had to be dealt with


Whoa.....No but, I'd have had pause to get close to that one BUT S&W or Luger would have introduced themselves properly along with a later introduction of Paul Bunyon's Ole blue AX....

Edit: looked closer. I wonder what happened to the rattle? I guess it took the same trip as the head...

Oh and again, a little spooked? Ghost buster ghouls wish they had that much fear associated with them as that varmint.... That was a Cobra's Cobra...
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Paul Bunyan had a blue OX.

I paid $2.67 for about 25 gallons of premium last week. 93 octanes. Pump for mid-grade was overheating and dude said hit the button on the left. Gave it to me at the same price as 87 octane.

Good deal that I've got at that old station several times in the past as well. I go there for all my gas now. They have everything thing from fuel oil to 110 octane race gas. I get no ethanol for my lawn mower there.

After I finished typing that last paragraph the washing machine chime sounded. I went to put it in the dryer and the dryer was full. Literally. Full.

I've tried to explain to her that these things are machines and that machines are stupid. They will work themselves to failure for you if you let them. Told her it was up to us humans to protect the machines.

Towels, wash rags, dish towels, pot holders and various other stuff is all it was, but the dryer was FULL. That means that the washing machine had been filled with way more than I would ever put in it. I thought the load I had just done was big. I didn't even fill up half the dryer.

Guess I'd be happier if I just tend to the grass mowing and leave the laundry to her. We'll just get a new washer and dryer every couple of years.

Are you tired of reading yet? No? Ok then I'll tell you that I went to the golf course this morning to grab a cup of coffee after I had ran a couple of errands I had forgot about. People there were so persuasive that I ended up playing 18. Shot a 76 in a cold wind.
Weather is still unusually cool around here for May. Will have mid to upper 50's for a high tomorrow. 40's at night. Supposed to play 2 softball games in the league tomorrow but, rain in forecast so...

No Facebook, Twitter, or motor car, not a single luxury.
Like Robinson Caruso as primitive as can be

Only social media I have is here.

You lucky dogs.
When I shut mine down I had like 18. I have a niece and she had over 2,000, I ask her do you know all these people, she said no, just told her she better stop adding people. This is what gets me, people will go on vacation and start adding pictures of where there are and when they are coming back home. Had a friend who's house was broken into while they were gone, I told her not to post pictures while they were gone, but did anyway. She kept saying that she just had her friends on FB, but I kept telling her or asking her, but who are they friends with that sees her page!!!!! Found out it was someone who saw it from a friend, of a friend of a friend!!!!!
I had an annual ritual of paring my friends list down to only people I had spoken to the last year.....I belong to pigeon organizations all over.....I get friend request and just OK them.........then purge them anually.....I never opened my page to was handy when my daughter lived in England......when they started to censor people......because.......I don't take censorship lightly.........I don't need FB tracking my every movement.......I sure as hell don't need them putting me in time out when what I stated was true to the word......I will no longer participate in the Facebook experiment on liberal control.........
One of my pigeon buddies has a Chinese Restaurant in Radcliff......he has worked seven days a week for at least a year.......he can't find anyone to work.....I told him today that ole awf can wash dishes and bus tables........
Pidgeon buddy? Chinese restaurant? hmmm...

In Chattanooga, around on the back side, there was a road along the river that had a place with a sign that advertised a Vet and a bbq on the same sign. I suppose the road and river are still there.
Pidgeon buddy? Chinese restaurant? hmmm...

In Chattanooga, around on the back side, there was a road along the river that had a place with a sign that advertised a Vet and a bbq on the same sign. I suppose the road and river are still there.
Years ago when I lived in the Atlanta area there was a Chinese restaurant that we went to a few times. Very good. One of the better Chinese joints I had been to. They got shut down by the county health dept.....found they were serving up cat on the buffet line as chicken.