
Sea bass is so gooood! Never ate one but I hear freshwater bass are not good eats. Hard to beat a perch though. Ate a bunch of walleye when I lived in Michigan and liked that too.
Large Mouth Bass needs a little more preparation in the manner of a soaking in some mix like my wife does or just make sure you take the younger ones instead of the older ones. 1-2 pounders preferably.

I made that assumption too and now understand I'm a victim of anglo-saxon toxic masculinity caused anthropocentric speciesism that's made me an inhumane heartless cannibal. A clueless interpretation by folks exhibiting characteristics of serious narcissistic personality disorders with zero comprehension of diet, fire, proteins, or man.
Sea bass is the king of good eating IMO. It's right up there with crab and lobster. Expensive but well worth it.
Caught some off the coast of Denmark back in the mid 80's when I was stationed in northern Germany. We were on a 4 day weekend trip sponsored by the military and the ships crew fileted them for us and we took mess back with us along with sea trout, flounder and a few other species. Good eating.
Bert, why on earth would you be climbing ladders again? You should have said something to me the last time I was there and I would have been happy to ask Austin to do it for you. Think man!
Maybe Austin can give me some relief......I put crown in every room except the laundry and pantry.......the master
bath is the one I need help takes forever to clean the dentil mold......
I just got back from spending the night at my folks house. There's nothing scarier than seeing my Dad's name on caller ID at 2:30 in the morning. Another dizzy spell from vertigo/inner ear. It just lays him out cold. He has medicine for dizziness and nausea but he can only take them when a spell comes on. Problem is that he vomits them out most of the time so they're worthless. My poor mother can barely walk so it's particularly stressful for her. I wish I could do more but sometimes I feel helpless.

A former co-worker of a friend of mine was having issues with extreme vertigo years ago. It was so bad he couldn't do anything, and if my friend hadn't shown up at his house to pick up something he'd borrowed, he didn't know if he'd be with us still. The guy couldn't dial his phone, couldnt eat and had been sleeping by his downstairs bathroom for 2 days. He'd had some trouble with it before but not so severe.

They couldn't tell if it was inner ear or what, but he eventually tried prescription motion sickness pills because a friend had suggested it. They worked! He uses over the counter stuff now that it's under control.

Chiropractic and deep tissue massage of upper back and neck area has helped some friends who've had less extreme but still nauseating bouts with vertigo, after little else had helped. In spite of all medicine does seem to know, there's still tons more they have no clue about.
Maybe Austin can give me some relief......I put crown in every room except the laundry and pantry.......the master
bath is the one I need help takes forever to clean the dentil mold......
I doubt Austin can help you. He doesn't dabble in that Canadian blended stuff. Straight Kentucky bourbon whiskey for him. Or a beer we can't pronounce.
I doubt Austin can help you. He doesn't dabble in that Canadian blended stuff. Straight Kentucky bourbon whiskey for him. Or a beer we can't pronounce.

Sounds like a great marketing idea for some new bourbon distiller out there. Call it "Handymans Special." Once drunk in sufficient quantities can help you clean crown moulding, bathroom tile, eliminate bacon grease, polish off leftovers, ..... People would buy anything these days if the marketing sounds good or they hear it often enough
my picture shows up on the draft but when it post.......just a little square with red x......have my privileges been neutered
A couple factors at play here.

As @Girthang alludes, some sites will not allow backlinks. As @warrior-cat hints, other sites will not display for various reasons, even the picture itself might throw an error. Browser rendering even factors into overall display.

Which site are you attempting to link your pictures?
Once again,

Happy Mother's Day to BEV!!

Good morning D-League. I hope all the wifes and daughters and mothers are having a great Mother's Day. Thought I'd put up a classic Bill Monroe song, covered by Ernest Tubb, in case you want to dance with that special mother in your life.
Understood, married to that one and I ❤ that song. I've a few very precious Maryland great-grandmothers in the tree. Elizabeth Hussey b. 1667 and Charity Middleton b. 1717.
I scrubbed the crown molding in the living area. I climbed that big ladder so many times yesterday (10' ceiling)

You all have a good Mothers Day.
Here's some Mothers Day blues fiddle

Thank you, I was out of control.
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So Medina Spirit has failed the post race drug test. No wonder it took them a week to get the results since they said he had 21 picograms of it in his system. 21 TRILLIONTHS of a gram in his system!

Seriously, the entire industry needed that $1k horse to no longer be big news. Can't have any horse under 500k winning a derby. It's just a bad look
A former co-worker of a friend of mine was having issues with extreme vertigo years ago. It was so bad he couldn't do anything, and if my friend hadn't shown up at his house to pick up something he'd borrowed, he didn't know if he'd be with us still. The guy couldn't dial his phone, couldnt eat and had been sleeping by his downstairs bathroom for 2 days. He'd had some trouble with it before but not so severe.

They couldn't tell if it was inner ear or what, but he eventually tried prescription motion sickness pills because a friend had suggested it. They worked! He uses over the counter stuff now that it's under control.

Chiropractic and deep tissue massage of upper back and neck area has helped some friends who've had less extreme but still nauseating bouts with vertigo, after little else had helped. In spite of all medicine does seem to know, there's still tons more they have no clue about.
Way back I belonged to Valley Masonic Lodge 511......The master of our lodge started to appear like he had problems with alcohol........a couple of us that were close enough spoke to his wife.....she said she had definitely noticed the problems but he had actually been consuming less than his 5-10 beers a month.........nothing you could call heavy went on a couple more weeks and she took him to the first he was diagnosed with vertigo.....then some more test came back.......turns out the guy had cadmium poisoning.....he was a welder by trade......he worked for years at Alumnicraft welding .........aluminum boats.......... the treatment was they injected some form of gold into his blood stream and then would filter it back out.........the treatments were astronomical......after they were completed he was back to normal.......I understand they now have a treatment something like dialysis but a much more complete filtering of the blood.........much like they do for Gillian-Barre disease......
Hello All,
I hope your days are all great this Mother's Day. I've been staying away from my computer to give it a rest. I have read a lot on here from my phone but type as little as possible. (Some may state I should stick with my phone. Yeah, yeah... I resemble that remark!)

Went to church this Lord's day and my Darling got a real nice cup cake. I have a real issue with "registering" to go to church. Just irks the snot out of me but I do it. That is going a little too far... I DO wonder if Ramadanians or whatever their services are called have to register?

Stopped off at Walmart and picked up a few necessities. Yeah I got my 24 pack of Yuengling but the darned stuff went up a dollar!!! Ignorant... Never made my biscuits yesterday and miss them. My Darling decided we were eating a McDonald's sausage egg and cheese McMuffin, we did. I do not remember my Darling ever requesting that so I did it without question.

My darling came through her second vaccine fine. Had a sore arm that evening and part of the next day but reacted better than any of my family did with their vaccine. I am thankful!

My Darling is talking with her sister now, I thought we were going to Kentucky by now as her sister was taken to the hospital in a bad way but she came out of it okay and we will hold off a bit but will make a trip sooner than expected. (Radcliff, Ky.)

My oldest girl made us all reservation's at Outback Steakhouse today at my Darlings request. (Yeah, I will pay, it will set me back a couple I am sure but oh well.

Oh, May God give you a peace beyond understanding and joy unspeakable in remembering Mom on this Mother's Day. I am thankful for my Mom. She left us a decade or so ago but I am thankful for my Mom. God Bless you all...
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A couple factors at play here.

As @Girthang alludes, some sites will not allow backlinks. As @warrior-cat hints, other sites will not display for various reasons, even the picture itself might throw an error. Browser rendering even factors into overall display.

Which site are you attempting to link your pictures?
my e-mail....through Yahoo......I was using FaceBook........but I divorced them a few days ago.........I was posting through here and then it started showing the error.............I even resized it to the smallest format thinking it was too big........

I made that assumption too and now understand I'm a victim of anglo-saxon toxic masculinity caused anthropocentric speciesism that's made me an inhumane heartless cannibal. A clueless interpretation by folks exhibiting characteristics of serious narcissistic personality disorders with zero comprehension of diet, fire, proteins, or man.


Wind here might rip some trees out of the saturated ground like they did in Virginia a couple years ago. Hope it doesnt happen, but sure feels like it might. Stay safe out there people

We are having some pretty hard gust here..........
You guys must be on the Southern side of the front. Low pressure. Just rain in the Buckeye State....and quite a bit of it. Evidently it goes further South....talked to my son in N'ville and he said it's supposed to storm there this afternoon.
Had prostate issues when I was in my twenties. Didn't know about sinus meds possibly contributing. Stopped using them because I found other environmental solutions. Prostate issues stopped about that time, but I never linked the 2 things.
Since I don't take them anymore, I haven't looked, but sinus meds used to have a warning about possibly effecting the prostate printed on the bottle.
If a loved one or anyone you know in the USA has gotten sick or died any time or for any reason since taking the Covid-19 shot, YOU MAY BE ENTITLED TO COMPENSATION. Call 1-800-555-5555.

How long until we see this ad?

Do you really want to know??? There is already one. (It is just about what you mentioned anyway, not legalese but the same difference.)

Try this; :mad:


Think it's a scam? It isn't!...
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my e-mail....through Yahoo......I was using FaceBook........but I divorced them a few days ago.........I was posting through here and then it started showing the error.............I even resized it to the smallest format thinking it was too big........
Here's a test using an image link via Yahoo mail I sent to myself. Renders here on preview.


And renders here. May be a problem with the picture itself. Can you still use your Facebook account for posting pictures to this forum?