
Some events in life you never forget. This is one of them for me. I was headed to work when i heard the news on the radio. I thought it was a joke because we were always joking that some day it would happen. Ships were always hitting the supports and notice no bumpers surrounded them. My coworker was an eye witness. He was on the bridge headed North from Bradenton when the Southbound span came crashing down. Just in time to see the Greyhound bus go over into the Gulf.

I just got back from spending the night at my folks house. There's nothing scarier than seeing my Dad's name on caller ID at 2:30 in the morning. Another dizzy spell from vertigo/inner ear. It just lays him out cold. He has medicine for dizziness and nausea but he can only take them when a spell comes on. Problem is that he vomits them out most of the time so they're worthless. My poor mother can barely walk so it's particularly stressful for her. I wish I could do more but sometimes I feel helpless.
Not trying to be nosy, but has he been diagnosed? When Meniere's was bad enough that I'd pass out, I'd wake up and vomit steadily for about 8 hours. They gave me a suppository to use in those cases.
I'm back baby! Decided to go fishing today even though the wind is gusting heavy. This morning not so bad. After struggling the first 6 times I went this year yielding only 3 total bass, this morning was a good change. After hooking 3 and not landing any of them I checked the lure and the hook. The spur on the hook was gone (broken off) so it was easy to spit out. I changed the hook but missed the 4th one too. But, the new hook proved useful as I proceeded to hook and land the next three. Missed the next one but landed another two after that. Missed the next then, landed my biggest one of the day. Score today Warrior-cat 6 - Large Mouth Bass 6. Brought a few (5) home, wife wanted some fresh fish to filet. Pictured below are the ones brought home.

Well.....I'm done for the day. Spent the afternoon mowing the back yard and half of one of the fields. Grass was getting tall but that's OK. I normally let it all grow fairly long this time of year (when it rains a lot Mother Nature does it for me 'cause you can't mow). Grass seeds...cut it...there, free grass seed every year. The fields 25 years ago were total weed patches. All kinds, types and sizes. Hardly a blade of grass to be found. After mowing at a fairly high setting (mow more often I guess) with the grass seeding itself like today...the fields look better than many people's front yards. Still has a lot of weeds but hard to see now with all the grass.

So, the Mrs is concocting some type of chicken casserole, get cleaned up, and maybe have an adult beverage ( hard stuff) and ...... relax.
I'm back baby! Decided to go fishing today even though the wind is gusting heavy. This morning not so bad. After struggling the first 6 times I went this year yielding only 3 total bass, this morning was a good change. After hooking 3 and not landing any of them I checked the lure and the hook. The spur on the hook was gone (broken off) so it was easy to spit out. I changed the hook but missed the 4th one too. But, the new hook proved useful as I proceeded to hook and land the next three. Missed the next one but landed another two after that. Missed the next then, landed my biggest one of the day. Score today Warrior-cat 6 - Large Mouth Bass 6. Brought a few (5) home, wife wanted some fresh fish to filet. Pictured below are the ones brought home.

I've had sea bass but don't think I've ever had large, or small mouth bass. How is in comparison to some others....perch, walleye, cod, etc?
I've had sea bass but don't think I've ever had large, or small mouth bass. How is in comparison to some others....perch, walleye, cod, etc?
Some don't like it as much but, my wife has a mix she soaks it in that helps take away the fishy taste and smell. Not sure what is in it except lemon and baking soda.
Oh my! I am full! Brisket didn't happen like I planned but I snuck around behind it and overtook it in the end. I fiddled around and let the egg creep up to 300° and couldn't get it to come down below that without snuffing the fire. No worries, 5 hours later Mr. Brisket was at 203° so I took it off and wrapped it up good for a 2 hour rest.

I've seen where people have cooked them at 400° with good results. I think, from experience, that the higher the temperature you cook it at, the longer the rest period needs to be. Give the collagen time to convert to gelatin. Temperature alone doesn't get it done.
pretty thick

I thought it was a joke because we were always joking that some day it would happen.
I made that assumption too and now understand I'm a victim of anglo-saxon toxic masculinity caused anthropocentric speciesism that's made me an inhumane heartless cannibal. A clueless interpretation by folks exhibiting characteristics of serious narcissistic personality disorders with zero comprehension of diet, fire, proteins, or man.
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Not trying to be nosy, but has he been diagnosed? When Meniere's was bad enough that I'd pass out, I'd wake up and vomit steadily for about 8 hours. They gave me a suppository to use in those cases.
You're not nosy at all. I appreciate the advice. Dad's been diagnosed on several occasions with both vertigo and inner ear problems. The doctor found a lot of drainage during his last visit too which compounds the situation. He's frustrated. His greatest fear is having an attack while driving. Scares me too so I've been his stand-in chauffeur whenever necessary.
You're not nosy at all. I appreciate the advice. Dad's been diagnosed on several occasions with both vertigo and inner ear problems. The doctor found a lot of drainage during his last visit too which compounds the situation. He's frustrated. His greatest fear is having an attack while driving. Scares me too so I've been his stand-in chauffeur whenever necessary.
If he hasn't seen an ENT Dr, then I'd suggest that. I went a couple of years with heart doctors and neurosurgeons before seeing an ENT and finally finding out why I was dizzy and or passing out. Diet and plenty of water has been fantastic for me. General practicioners aren't always very familiar with his problem. Over the years, I've learned what to look for and can take meclizine or other motion sickness pills before it gets bad.
If he hasn't seen an ENT Dr, then I'd suggest that. I went a couple of years with heart doctors and neurosurgeons before seeing an ENT and finally finding out why I was dizzy and or passing out. Diet and plenty of water has been fantastic for me. General practicioners aren't always very familiar with his problem. Over the years, I've learned what to look for and can take meclizine or other motion sickness pills before it gets bad.
Thanks! He's been to an ENT several times. In fact he has an appointment this week. His list of doctors is impressive to say the least. Combine that with my Mom's and they're funding some rich kids college education.
Thanks! He's been to an ENT several times. In fact he has an appointment this week. His list of doctors is impressive to say the least. Combine that with my Mom's and they're funding some rich kids college education.
If you are seeing an ENT, you probably don't need this info, but fwiw I'll pass it on as it had an effect on me. They kept me taking stuff like Claritin D to avoid sinus infections as the infection could get in the ear. I haven't looked lately, but at the time sinus meds all had negative impact on the prostate and now I have an enlarged prostate. All the sinus meds say take with water. I figured out the water was doing as much good as the meds, so I quit taking the meds. My ENT gave me a list of things to eat and what to avoid and I'm pretty strict in following it. The list looks a lot like one a heart dr would give you.
@Ben101er hate to hear that about your golf. I know how much it means to me and I don't want to think of the day I quit. My grandfather played for over 50 years and started shooting his age when he was in his 60's. He changed his swing for a while after suffering with back issues and then just said he was done.

Well, you will have to come down and play in my farewell tour. :)
If you are seeing an ENT, you probably don't need this info, but fwiw I'll pass it on as it had an effect on me. They kept me taking stuff like Claritin D to avoid sinus infections as the infection could get in the ear. I haven't looked lately, but at the time sinus meds all had negative impact on the prostate and now I have an enlarged prostate. All the sinus meds say take with water. I figured out the water was doing as much good as the meds, so I quit taking the meds. My ENT gave me a list of things to eat and what to avoid and I'm pretty strict in following it. The list looks a lot like one a heart dr would give you.
Thanks. I'll pass on the info since I'll be seeing the old man tomorrow for Mother's Day.
If you are seeing an ENT, you probably don't need this info, but fwiw I'll pass it on as it had an effect on me. They kept me taking stuff like Claritin D to avoid sinus infections as the infection could get in the ear. I haven't looked lately, but at the time sinus meds all had negative impact on the prostate and now I have an enlarged prostate. All the sinus meds say take with water. I figured out the water was doing as much good as the meds, so I quit taking the meds. My ENT gave me a list of things to eat and what to avoid and I'm pretty strict in following it. The list looks a lot like one a heart dr would give you.
FWIW, at your advanced age, prostate likely enlarged w/o the sinus meds.
Happy Mother's Day to all who are mothers.

This should be a beautiful day weather wise. Lots of sunshine. One of my cousins pastors a church in Indian Rocks and we are heading down to visit and enjoy fellowship with friends and family.

We lost my mother in 2007 at age 95 but her memory will remain for an eternity. She was a good woman, excellent wife and mother. So I consider I was blessed. I trust all have a great day

Morning D, wind is howling here in the Berg!!!!! Storms moving in!!!

Happy Mother's Day to BEV!! I use to be called Mr. Mom, raised 3 youngins for 12 years by myself, it was a struggle!!! Full custody!!!!

I hope the D, has a great day and Prayers for the D!!!!!
Oh, by the way, Mrs. M made a Pecan Pie yesterday, we had no sugar in the house, don't ever remember that, but she used honey, plus she threw in some chocolate chips, better this morning than last night!!!!
The May Monsoon continues as the rains come down. High of only 45...May?

Happy Mothers Day to all the D wives who are mothers and to all of D league's mothers.

We lost my mother in 2007 at age 95 but her memory will remain for an eternity. She was a good woman, excellent wife and mother. So I consider I was blessed.
As was I. Lost my Mom 5 years ago at the age of 93. I believe God gave her a gift of passing on her 93rd birthday.
Great Mom (as was Dad). Solid christians, conservative, taught us kids to work kind and considerate to generous in our giving...and so much more.
Morning D-Leaguers. It is a windy, cloudy 66.9°F. My dad would say it is blowing up a storm.

I scrubbed the crown molding in the living area. I climbed that big ladder so many times yesterday (10' ceiling) that my hips hurts like crazy today, but the molding is good and white again. I may have to hire it done the next time.

You all have a good Mothers Day.
Morning D-Leaguers. It is a windy, cloudy 66.9°F. My dad would say it is blowing up a storm.

I scrubbed the crown molding in the living area. I climbed that big ladder so many times yesterday (10' ceiling) that my hips hurts like crazy today, but the molding is good and white again. I may have to hire it done the next time.

You all have a good Mothers Day.
Bert, why on earth would you be climbing ladders again? You should have said something to me the last time I was there and I would have been happy to ask Austin to do it for you. Think man!
Bert, why on earth would you be climbing ladders again? You should have said something to me the last time I was there and I would have been happy to ask Austin to do it for you. Think man!
🤣 It would really have been easy for Austin to do it; hell he never sat down anyway!

I can't just stop doing things. Plus I held on really tight.